MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!


A Week With A Werewolf: A Tale of Wagga Wagga by bookaholic_au

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Veasna Bon-Fortuné is an Armenian Warlock. Learn what really happened to the Wagga Wagga Werewolf. This story is now completed, thanks to everyone who reviewed!

A 6th Year at Hogwarts by SomberBallad

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: It's Harry, Ron, and Hermione's 6th year at Hogwarts. With a little romance, a little bit of Voldemort, a lot of the Mauraders, and the best DADA teacher since Lupin(and he's in it too). There are a lot of changes and a lot of trouble. Harry discovers his increasing doubt in his talent, Hermione remains overworked and ever loyal, while Ron struggles to find out what he really means in the story.

(This is an AU!Sixth Year Fic)

Clouds and Steel by PicklesMcCue

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: After a childhood full of tragedies that would rival those of the young Dave Pelzer it is no wonder that Harry Potter is tired of feeling.

The Love of a Sister by Seren

Summary: He touched him... he touched him there, and he doesn't know what to do, and the Devil will come and steal his eyes for it, because he reacted. He reacted, and he has been shamed, and now he is light-forsaken, doomed to return back to that room and let the demon touch him, hurt him, bleed him. Graham Pritchard is being abused, and he doesn't know what to do- but he finds salvation in the most unlikely of people.

The Love of a Brother by Seren

Summary: Make no deals with the Devil, child, and the Devil will have no power over you. Susan Bones knows that someone in her House is abusing a student in another. How does she react?

The Importance of Remaining Steadfast When the World is Falling Down by Seren

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: As she watches the pale morning sky- still more black-eyed blue than gold- filter through Tom Riddle's corpse, Hermione realises that she no purpose in life anymore.

But Has All Hope Failed? by smart_one

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: This is a one-shot based upon the scene where Dumbledore must drink that horrid potion in order to reach the horcrux at the bottom of the potion's basin. But this time, it is told from Dumbledore's point of view. Why does he plea for his life? What is it that he sees? You'll just have to read to find out.

"Dumbledore didn’t realize how much he was shaking. His head was nodding convulsively, as if his disapproval could do something to help Harry. And as if his arm was no longer connected to the rest of his body, his arm swung into a diving motion as he filled his goblet yet again, and downed it in one sip. His arm continued to move in a quick motion, to fill the goblet again. But the effects of the potion were blinding his concentration. Harry lay on the ground in front of Dumbledore’s eyes once again. He was still bloody, his face still pale and pleading. Fear showed throughout his entire body. Hope was all gone from him, and he was crying…"

[EDIT]Over 300 reads? That's incredible!! Thank you!! I would really appreciate feedback as well. Read on! This is my first fanfic so I would appreciate your comments/concerns/praise.

Split in Two by Saphira

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: It has been widely acknowledged that the “talented” Professor of Divination, Sybill Trelawney was unknown to Harry Potter prior to his rather…..eventful Third Year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizradry. But she was there, even if Harry never met her. In fact, she was there from the beginning of his hectic school career. Harry Potter’s First Year at Hogwarts surprised all, amazed many and shocked a few. Sybill Trelawney was shocked too, even though she really shouldn’t have been………. Please, please read and review!! I've had nearly eighty reads...surely, please there is a REVIEW coming! PLEASE get into the Christmas Spirit people and REVIEW.....Thanks and Merry Christmas

Discovering the Mystery of the Golden Egg by Amelia Weasley

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Everyone knows how Harry found out what the message in the egg meant; but ever wonder about the other three Champions and how they discovered the message? This is a one shot exploring the minds of the three deserving, real champions of the Triwizard tournament. Allow yourself to sit back, relax, and plummet into the worlds of Viktor Krum, Fleur Delacour, and Cedric Diggory.

Absent Friends by Trust_Me

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Note: While this contains no outright HBP spoilers, it was written with them in mind. So if I were you and hadn't read book six yet, I wouldn't read this. ~~ It was inspired by the Veil from OotP and the ending of HBP, which completely shocked me and begged for proper closure. This is my feeble attempt at doing that, in bringing the Veil, Fawkes, and Harry together. It doesn't have much plot, because it's about one specific point in time and is very character driven. Please r&r, but please don't devastate me. Thanks for reading.

Oblivious by Pallas

Summary: What if there were more to Remus Lupin's bite than a badly timed stroll in the woods? The arrival of a feral invokes secrets of the past and terror for the present...

The Lost Ones by Seren

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: In the year 2003, the war against Voldemort rages on. In the midst of warfare, a closely-guarded secret has been revealed: the existence of the Degarés, the Lost Ones- Muggleborn children who never recieve their acceptance letter to magical schools for various ones- has been revealed to the Death Eaters, who make it a goal to hunt down and destroy them. Going against the Ministry's wishes, the Headmistress of Hogwarts commands the Order of the Phoenix to hunt down and bring all the Degarés to safety. Ten of the Lost Ones are brought to Hogwarts, where one Ronald Weasley is Head of Security. In the midst of war and confusion, he befriends a girl, a Lost One, and begins the adventure of a lifetime. Eventual mild Ron/OC.

Cat's Eye by Violet Phoenix

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: We all know the scene where Dumbledore arrives at Privet Drive to find a cat waiting for him. But what we do not know is what that cat, Minerva McGonagall, was thinking as she watched the Dursleys... One-shot, pre-Philosopher's Stone.

What Hagrid Heard by XxstarrlightxX

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: [one-shot] Post HBP: Harry finds a hint from Hagrid about why Dumbledore died. So just what did Hagrid hear?

The Spaces Between: Sketches Inspired by Book 6 by lunafish

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Stepping into the minds and hearts of a few members of Hogwarts faculty during the moments leading up to and following HBP's heart wrenching climax. Stories of love and hate, longing and loss. Posted prior to DH.

Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned by Melindaleo

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Seventh year sequel to Power of Emotion. Harry is recovering from his captivity, but he’s hiding how much it’s effecting him. With his powers increasing, and Voldemort now aware of the prophecy, can Harry find the secret to destroying him before Voldemort learns of the existence of these ancient texts? Would this be HP fanfiction if it were that easy?

The Pain of a Muggle with Magic Friends by Amelia Weasley

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •

“Colin,” Jessica said, “I haven’t spoken with you since I was 10. I haven’t spoken with Dennis in three years either. You two used to be my best friends. What kind of school do you two go to that it is so important to completely abduct you from this world?”

Colin smiled and looked round the corner to make sure her parents were occupied. “Does your room still have a working lock?” he asked.

“You perverted little…” Jessica yelled hitting his arm several times.

“No,” Colin hushed her. “It’s a secret. I need to make sure your parents can’t overhear what I’m about to tell you. So…?”

I wouldn't mind if you could put down a review. Also, I have an idea for a sequel, and I'd like to know if anyone would be interested in one. Thanks!

Rufus' Siege by Magical Maeve

Summary: Meet Rufus Norton, a sixth year Slytherin who finds himself in a bit of a fix.

This was written in response to a challenge from Seren. I had to write a siege at Hogwarts from the first person POV of a Slytherin boy. A main character had to die, Ron and Neville had to be in the story and the Slytherin had to feel some admiration for them. I had a hard time getting the 'voice' of my Slytherin until I saw Rufus Wainwright perform at Glastonbury and there he was! So thank you, Rufus, for the inspiration! LOL

Butterfly Kisses by GryffinGal

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Based on the song "Butterfly Kisses" by Bob Carlisle. It's years after Voldemort's defeat. Harry and Ginny are married, and they have three sons and a daughter. Harry and his daughter Meredith are very close. One-shot songfic.

Death Be Not Proud... by Magical Maeve

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Okay, this is a strange one. I finished Daughter Of Light yesterday and decided to start my big edit of the whole fic. As I was working on chapter three this scene popped into my head. It is Maeve and Severus' death. I had to write it, just because the idea wouldn't leave me alone, so here it is. It's what could happen in a hundred years or so... so don't get too traumatised. :-)