MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!


The Chosen One by BJ Auth

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: A one shot about an important day in the life of Remus Lupin, and how his destiny was shaped the day he set foot within the grounds of Hogwarts. A happy ending for Remus Lupin at last.

Harry Potter and the Other Member by biggerstaff15

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Harry Potter is going into his sixth year at Hogwarts. He is still greiving over the loss of his godfather. He really wishes he had someone in his family still, other than his aunt and uncle....but wait..maybe he does?

Maeve's Birthday. by Magical Maeve

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: A companion piece to Snape's Birthday and a little off-shoot of Harry Potter and the Daughter of Light. It helps if you have read Daughter of Light but it's also a stand alone piece if you fancy a bit of spring magic.

Broken by sqwali

Summary: Three events happen to Draco Malfoy the summer after his fifth year. The result is a broken, but enlightened, boy.

Harry Potter and the War At Hand by fourcorners

Summary: The six year will soon begin for Harry Potter, and so much is on his mind. With Sirius' death etched in his memory, and the oncoming war right at his door, he has to do defend himself, as well as the ones he loves.

Harry Potter and the Department of Mysteries (All Grown Up) by horseluver689

Summary: This story takes place four years after Harry graduates from Hogwarts. It tells about what he is doing in life, where he is working, his love life and the lives of the people around him.

The Shadow by Shadow Godness

Summary: A story of a boy, a student in Hogwarts, how he becomes popular, goes through many adventures to be the best. He makes his way from the bottom to the top. A long and hard way…

Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon by Lana

Summary: Everyone has a limit..... one must always be careful of stepping over the thin line that divides too much and too little. Don’t want to give anything away:) Join the Trio through their 6th year. AS dark things begin to happen not only outside the castle walls, but inside the Gryfindor common room as well. Please review...I'm interested in constructive criticisms.

A Thin Line Between Love and Hate by RowenaMcKinnon

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: Ginny Weasley is ready to start her 6th year at Hogwarts and things seem to be finally peaceful and falling into place after all the pain and suffering over the last 6 years. However, things are not what they seem and Ginny will have to face her deepest, darkest fear before it's too late.
This story is completed.

The Ghost of Godric Gryffindor by GoG

Summary: At the start of Harry’s sixth year, the wizarding world is falling further under Voldemort’s evil control. Fudge has declared a draconian State of Emergency, but he is little more than Lucius Malfoy’s corrupt puppet. But when Malfoy seeks to impose Voldemort’s racist Pureblood ideology upon Hogwarts - the last bastion of the Light - the students rise up in revolt.

The spirits of the great Witches and Wizards of the Light, fearful for the future of the Wizarding world, send Harry and his friends a powerful ally, to help them in the desperate struggle to save Hogwarts and the wizarding world from impending darkness.

An epic struggle of Good against political corruption, racism, elitist ideology ... and Ultimate Evil. The roller-coaster plot twists and turns into the past and future – and Nightmare Realities, where the terrible consequences of failing to stop Voldemort are chillingly revealed.

A story to fascinate the intelligent reader ... philosophy, politics, time-travel, romance, humour ... and a few very cunning ideas.

A Friendship Reforged by michelle_31a

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: A missing moment from OotP, Ginny reflects on her relationship with Luna Lovegood.

Staccato in Silver, Copper, and Gold by Seren

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: The darkness, a blackness apart from the night, began to creep back into their world. And they fought, and bled, but what kept the sickness of fear and doubt at arm's length was "Caribbean Blue" and "Habanera", glowing and forcing itself into the very foundations of Hogwarts. Veins of silver, copper and gold raced through the very heart of their world as they played and played into the late night. A Trio fic, f. The Bloody Baron.

Being Brave by School owl

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: In the final battle, Harry Potter's friends are showing him what it means to be brave. But will they too learn what it means to be brave themselves? One-shot.

Proud by School owl

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Lauren Walker is a Hufflepuff stuck in the middle of the final battle. She finds herself questioning her house and her own power. What does it mean to be a Hufflepuff? Does it mean that you're not brave or smart? One-shot.

The Letter by Elana

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Anne knows there's no such thing as magic. Then one day her eleven-year-old daughter receives a thick yellow envelope in the mail...

Harry's Sixth Year by GringottsVault711

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Harry's sixth year; the burden of the prophecy, the grief over the loss of Sirius, the wizarding war, blossoming romances, the new Quidditch Captain, Weasley family drama - and that's just part of it.

So Does by Seren

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: "What's that supposed to mean?" asked Hermione crossly.

"It means that you may be very logical," mused Luna, turning over to face the sun, "and I may be a bit eccentric, but if you like crunchy peanut butter, then you're okay with me."

A Hermione/Luna friendship fiction.

Agape by CLY

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Just how powerful is love? Can Harry use it to defeat Voldemort? This has a little romance particularly at the end, and is kind of long for a one-shot. Please read though.

Innocent! by School owl

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: The final war is over and now death eaters are being captured. What happens when Snape is one of them?

Resurrection by Seren

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Harry is standing on the edge of Battle, waiting for Voldemort. Memories flood him. And both Harry and Voldemort find that Harry is not as alone as he thinks; Luna comes with others in order to fulfill a promise she made to him. Tomorrow is a day for tears. But today is a Resurrection.