MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!


The final fates by daddyslittleangel181

Summary: THIS STORY HAS BEEN STOPPED DUE TO LACK OF IDEA'S AND INTEREST IN PEOPLE. lOOK FOR OTHER STORIES BY ME. SORRY ABOUT THE INCONVINENCE! It is the last month of school some are craking with NEWTS inthe air. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are trying to finish Hiogwarts, bu the only thing is that, Ron still is rying to get accepted in Auror school, Hermione is craking under the pressure, and Harry in nrevous about exiting Hogwarts Knowing that Voldemort is still loose. Will they Graduate or will otherforces stop them?

The Quidditch Captain by Weasel King Fan

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Harry is back at Hogwarts for his sixth year and is the new captain of Gryffindor's Quidditch team. But, in his first season as captain, things don't exactly go according to plan...

Scar by Lishkish

Summary: Sequel to Mirror

Harry is seventeen years old, and left unprotected now that Petunia is in Azkaban. The war has really begun, and The order will do whatever it takes to get as many magical races on their side that they can. Follow Harry through his last year at Hogwarts as he meets the new DADA Teacher, the new Quidditch Captain, Goes on a mission for The Order, and much, much more that I won't tell you about, so that while your reading the story you can fall off your chairs in shock. Let's just say this fic is packed with action, and you don't wanna miss it! PLEASE READ AND REVEIW!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!COMPLETED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Hidden Grove by Hope Pearlson

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: One-shot. A small talk between enemies can lead to strange things. Can this glen stay hidden, or will someone expected slide his way inside her private hideaway? Part One of The Secrets Trilogy

Memories and Tears: A Christmas Tale by annie

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: A one-shot Christmas treat for you all...a grown-up Hermione Granger wakes up on Christmas day to find her husband at work again. Left alone, the wound in her heart is freshly opened as past memories catch up with her... (some Ron/Hermione in the background for the shippers)

Snapshots of an Unremembered Life by Seren

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Partially AU. Eleven year old Harry Potter is in Flourish and Blotts, looking for his Potions text, when he meets ten year old Hermione Granger. They become instant friends, and join the Weasley twins and Lee in a series of adventures at Hogwarts. Based off the books, most canon events take place, but are altered to fit a world where there is no Trio. And no, Ron's not a jerk, he's just not important. Minute OOCness - Hermione is still a bookworm and bright, just slightly more fun loving, and Harry's a bit more bookish. Some canon scenes cut, and new scenes added. Eventual H/Hr.

The Horizon by Koroth

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: “I know… But was it wise for not telling Harry of what may lie beyond him when he reaches Horizon? A new threat lingers among us, so tell the prophecy. Who knows if it has associates running around in Horizon, unnoticeable to the human eye?” asked Luna.
I may have abandoned this story, but I am working on rewriting it into a better story. So please moderators, do not delete this one because of the reviews I received and I want this to stay so I can look back on it and smile :) (And I also wanted this to be kept because of my friend... [look in the a/n in this first chapter])

A New Investment by Lumpin

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Katie Bell, Harry, Ron, Ginny, and the rest of the Gryffindor quidditch team gear up for their first match against Hufflepuff in their six year.

Watching by Mary

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Someone watches Harry and his friends. Short, one part POV

Harry Potter and the Book of the Dead by HPKatie

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Harry's sixth year is wrought with grief, fear, a little romance, some new friends, and a strangely mysterious book. Can he survive it all, when their may be a traitor in the castle?

Luna's Christmas by michelle_31a

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: While spending the holidays at the Burrow, Hermione gets an unexpected insight into the spirit of Christmas from none other than Luna Lovegood...

Enough For An Angel by Seren

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: "Even when I was little, I was slow. I started walking months later than I was supposed to, and I spent the first three years of my life babbling nonsense that no one but I could understand. It was a well known fact - Gregory Goyle was stupid. " Goyle has always known he was stupid - until someone told him there was a different name for it. Written for the Special Needs, Special Love Project @ Project Aparecium. Not a shippy fic.

A Time for Family by Loki MM

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Some part of both Sirius and Regulus Black both knew that Sirius's seventh year might be the last holiday season they actually ended up spending together. Regulus really wanted to make it one they spent together, but he wasn't quite sure how to get it. Sirius was.

Quiet Courage by Seren

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Neville Longbottom is a shy, bumbling child, teased by his classmates and bullied by his grandmother. So why does he even try? Courage doesn't always roar.

Chasing Dragons by Seren

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Two days after the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, Ginny Weasley sits at the banks of the Great Lake, remembering a game she once played with Ron, and contemplating who she is, what she was, and her decision to reclaim her innocence.

The Other Side of the Veil by Weasley Mom

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: We know how Sirius' death affected Harry, but how did it affect Sirius himself. What and who would he face on the other side of the veil? PREQUEL TO A PUSH IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION

Knowledge by Seren

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: When she dances, the world stops for a moment to let her breathe. She knows she's not alone. Not by a long shot. There's life everywhere. If only people know where to look for it, then things would be so much better. A Ravenclaw should know better, but she doesn't. A Luna fic.

The Worthy by Seren

Summary: The Last Battle has begun, and the Last Stand is pitched in the Ministry of Magic. After Remus Lupin is felled, Harry and his closest friends defeat Voldemort, and Prophecy is fulfilled. But it is not the end; the Veil stands as Judge, Jury, and Executioner, and only the worthy may survive. Not a Sirius returns from the Veil fiction.

Harry as Dumbledore: An Explanation in Action by 14hf

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: At the end of the seventh year, Voldemort and Dumbledore have killed eachother after an epic final battle. The trio discuss how this could have happened when Dumbledore wasn't part of the prophecy. The aim of the story is to argue whether Dumbledore could be Harry, using the characters to try and make the idea more real. Hopefully, by reading this, you'll be able to make your own decision as to whether the theory is possible.

And In Your Loving Memory by Seren

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Memories of those gone are slowly fading into the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Lives that were given for others are pushed aside and forgotten by the world at large. A few students decide that it's time to honour the fallen, so that no one may forget the sacrifices made by the ones who came before them.