MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
Warnings: None


Haunt my dreams no more by lady magician

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Harry Potter was once again having a sleepless night. He dreamt about her again. She would always be there, in his dreams haunting him so he couldn’t sleep. He decided to try and write down how he felt. And he finally realizes what he'll do to make sure she’ll haunt his dreams no more. POST HBP and of course he's writing about Ginny.

Draco's Trick-or-Treat by Schmerg_The_Impaler

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Three-year-old Draco goes trick-or-treating for the first time. His mother takes the opportunity to teach him some lessons and Malfoy family values that she believes will be important to her son later in life. This depiction of Draco is VASTLY different from the version of him that I write in "The Dark Lord's Blog."

Ridiculously short one-shot.

Ghost Town by Rita Writer

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: This story was written for a secret Santa story swap, and my challenge was to write a "slightly philosophical" story about "a lonely ghost". The ghost in this story is named Milo, and in an attempt to cure his loneliness, he travels to a town where only ghosts live. However, what he finds isn't what he was looking for.

A Mother's Love by LariLee

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: She would come again tonight; he could feel it in his bones. He wondered if she would cry again as she beseeched him for his assistance, implored him for the life of her son, begged as if it were in his power to give.

Broken Pieces by abstractpotter

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: It’s been six years since the Great War and Lord Voldemort’s demise. Six years since her best friend had disappeared to become and Auror abroad and six awful years since Hermione Grangers fiancé had been ruthlessly murdered. Now she’s nearly picked up all the pieces of her life but there’s something missing. She’s realizing that losing herself in her work doesn’t help, so what it is she needs? When an opportunity to drop her responsibilities and travel arises, will she take the chance? Will she find what she’s been missing for all this time?


Mr Lovegood by kaammini_the_kreacher

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Always mentioned yet never featured. Mr Lovegood, the father of Luna Lovegood, is a happy man. Usually. Since we have never met him personally, I have created a character that will hopefully let you all get to know a little more about the Lovegoods. I hope everyone enjoys this story, Please review so that I can build up an ego and then have it humbled ;) Thanks

Prewett'd : Gucky and the Fork Tree by Mind_Over_Matter

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: August 12, 1956

Everything’s running as per usual in the Prewett household, until young Fabian finds something – or, perhaps, someone – who proves to be the instrument of change.
This WON the ‘One-Shot Challenge: Muggle Artifacts’ *Is so proud* I can't believe it!

Name: Mind_Over_Matter
House: Ravenclaw
Artifact: Aerosol Can (insecticide)

The Man in the Box by the_evenstar

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: What happens when Ron gets a midnight visit from a strange man in a glowing box?

One of five finalists in The One-Shot Challenge – Muggle Artifacts.

Beeping Boxes by Wand_Waver2006

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Ron, kicked out of the Leaky Cauldron for the day, goes in search of a thing Neville calls a "micawave". Is looking at Muggle-made objects really as interesting as his dad makes it out to be?

The One-Shot challenge--Muggle Artifacts by Wand_Waver2006 of Ravenclaw House.

Worst Valentines Day Ever by Nundu

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: The challenge was Valentine’s Gone Wrong. I got to thinking that we already had a wonderful story of a Valentines Day that went as wrong as it could. But what was happening while Harry was blindly pursuing Cho?

Fuzzy Bunnies by LoneWolfLoverGirl

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: What to do about your best friend's strange phobias? Remus, Sirius and Peter's method was perhaps not the best, but it had some rather pleasant side-effects...

I Don't Do Snogging by Connor Landon

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Remus is sick of the rumours.
Lupin's a fairy.
He's so quiet!
I hear that he and Sirius Black are 'together'...

He tries to sort out his thoughts, with the help of an unexpected visitor.

Shattered by thesmilethatsaddens

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •

She never thought she could feel this much pain.
He has felt that kind of pain before.
A lake was
Thought as the savior.
The real savior was him.
Even through pain,
Real love can be born.
Everyone gets a second chance.
Damage can be repaired.

The Magic Drawing Box by Gonz

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Second Place in The One-Shot Challenge – Muggle Artifacts for Hufflepuff House.

The Marauders stumble across a mysterious Muggle object.

When You Say You Love Me by Pianochic1703

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley were destined to be together, but what happens when Harry, who has been mysteriously away for three years suddenly shows up?

Taken by Amelia Bedelia

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Lily felt her heart jump into her throat. In fact, all she heard was her heart beating steadily throughout her body. ...Any minute, James Potter is going to walk through that door and sit down. At my table. By me...

The Taste of Champagne by Gemma Hawk

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Susan Bones has not had a feeling of warmth spread through her body since she tasted her mother’s champagne at age nine. Now Susan is fourteen, and her life is falling apart. Nothing seems to be going her way, and to make it all worse, she can’t sleep. While taking a walk, Susan collides with Draco Malfoy. Can he make her warm again? Susan/Draco.

To Brew a Potion by shimotsuki

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: To qualify for Auror training requires N.E.W.T.s in several subjects – and one of them is Potions. If Tonks thinks it through, she might realize that she can do a very important favour for someone she cares a great deal about.

Arthur Weasley and the CP Layer by ChrissyOfGryffindor

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: A strange object arrives at the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts office. What is it, where did it come from, and how do they get the bloody thing to stop making noise?

Entry for the One-Shot Challenge – Muggle Artifacts by ChrissyOfGryffindor of Ravenclaw house.

To Whom It May Concern by poo_tah

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: “She was holding a quill on her hand; trying to do what she unsuccessfully attempted every night: write. She wanted to let it all out, her fears, her thoughts, her feelings, everything; on an untrustworthy piece of parchment. Tonight it seemed she wasn’t getting anywhere. She couldn’t sleep, even if she did; she’d dream of the face she couldn’t forgive nor forget.”

Ginny stays up one night after her fifth year trying to face what she dreads the most....