MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
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The Lion Within - A Sirius Black Story by the nutty imp

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: He was raised to be a proper heir to the 'Most Ancient and Noble House of Black'. An unexpected turn of events sent him to an unfamiliar territory. Family foundations shaken, he will have to look within himself to figure out who Sirius Black truly is.

The Warmth of Courage by Avenger_of_Dumbldore

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Summary: It was the night that held the fate of the wizarding world. From the view of Harry Potter, it was a nightmare. From the view of Peter Pettigrew, it was a turning point in his life. What was going through Peter’s mind the night he helped to bring back the Dark Lord? What was he thinking when he cut off his own hand to repay his debt? Was it worth all the pain and suffering?

Thanks to my amazing two BETA’s- My dad and Little_Kitty.

The Beginning of it All by Romione

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: One-shot. Ever wonder how James and Lily first began their relationship? Read this story to discover what happened on their first date. Read and Review, please please please! =]

The Best Thing I Ever Did by Minisinoo

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Two years after Cedric's death, when the Ministry of Magic has finally admitted Voldemort is back, a bitter Amos Diggory reflects. And is met with a surprise. Sometimes the people we think we know can still surprise us.

Two Empty Shells by Avian

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: That was all there was left of her. The memories of his mother had become a knife that was ripping through him mercilessly. His torn heart dangled in shreds from the crucifix of his own mind!

“Stop it, stop it.” Draco whispered to the little stuffed bear, “I have lost myself.”

Still nothing. (few spoilers and mild language) Please read and review!

The Late-Night Alteration by grape_2010

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Lily Evans is woken one night to find James Potter bloody and battered. While fixing him up, she finds her thoughts running deeper into places she never thought they'd go. Plot based on my previous one-shot 'Suddenly.'
Second chapter's up and this story is done! Please Review! :)

The Mudblood and the Dark Lord by Just Tink

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Myrtle Sawyer is best known around school as 'Moaning Myrtle.' But when she develops a crush on a handsome prefect her life takes a turn for the worse...

The Marauders' RAP by PadfootBaby

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Just a little thing I started in my spare time, but it turned out pretty good. A poem/rap about the history of the Marauders, their legacy, and the answers all us Potterheads are waiting for! Hope you like it!

Through The Fire by hPluVr77

Summary: It's the summer after the trio's fifth year at Hogwarts, and Ron is departing from the Burrow to visit Hermione. Harry, for some reason which Dumbledore will not divulge, must stay at the Dursley's in order to keep the three apart. Things begin to unravel fast when Ron finds out Hermione had a sort of "beau" in the muggle world--but could he be something more? The struggle between good and evil continues as Through The Fire follows the Gryffindors into dangerous territory.

Two Lattes from Hell, Please by Eilime

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: Post-Hogwarts

Hermione sighed in relaxation. She was sitting in her favourite café, the cafe latte steaming cheerily on the small, round table as she immersed herself in the news of The Times. As she flipped a page, the newspaper folded annoyingly backwards and revealed the scenery beyond.

Hermione let out a piercing scream.

4th story in a series of Hermione/Draco one-shot (Check out my author page for more information)

Important announcement in my profile

The Mistletoe by HarryHermioneFan123

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: A mistetoe could change every thing between Harry and Hermione.See how

To Love Once More by chocomaniac

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Hermione has been hiding from her past for the past five years. What will happen when an old crush finds his way into her life? A Hermione/Weasley Twin fic.

Two friends by HPsuperfeak

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: This is a small poem I wrote on my free time at home. This is how I think Harry would feel when Ron and Hermione get together and started to forget about him. Please review.I'm going to make this only one chapter longbecause I can't come up with anything else.But thanks to all who reviewed! thanks for taking the time to read, too!!

Take My Hand by Niamara

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: "Take my hand and I promise I will protect you." Lily receives terrible news from back home. James gives her comfort in a dark, lonely corridor. [Oneshot]

The Necromancer's Curse by Garden Gnome

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: For the first time in centuries, a necromancer - a practician death magic - has applied for and been accepted to Hogwarts. His decision is not popular and bad things begin happening... Some Chapters rated 'R' for nudity and sexual content FINAL CHAPTER SUBMITTED

The Power The Dark Lord Knows Not by ringbearer44

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: [ONE SHOT] After Returning to Privet Frive alone, Harry falls into dark thoughts of death and love. Please R&R!

The Trials and Tribulations of James Potter's Love Life by morticia b

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: James Potter and Lily Evans don't get along. Not from James' lack of trying thought. This story follows the two throughout their fifth year at Hogwarts and examines their love/hate relationship a little closer.

Thousands Say Farewell by megan_lupin

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: “In the past few years, ever since the strength of darkness grew to a power few have ever seen, families have mourned lost loved ones in great quantities. Yesterday was no exception as thousands gathered to pay their own respects to a departed soul.”

A young girl discovers an old mahogany chest filled with an assortment of objects, one of which is an old copy of the Daily Prophet. Intrigued, she begins to read the article, and discovers that the content hits closer to her heart than she originally thought it would.

Written for the "One-Shot Daily Prophet Challenge" by megan_lupin of Gryffindor.

Edit: Received Third Place!

The Love Of His Life by joanna

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Sirius wants to find his soul mate and asks James's permission to date Lily.

Time Marches On by Snotori

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione all fought and won the war. Voldemort was gone and now they have to move on with their lives. Can they live normal unaffected lives? Will Death Eaters interrupt everything they have worked so hard to achieve? This story was written before HBP. Chapter 7 in Queue and 8 is on the way. This is my first fan fic so please be honest and keep reviewing. I love the feedback, positive or negative.