MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
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The Story of Jenny Stewart by Sneaky_Rhae

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Who is the Grey Lady of Ravenclaw house? What caused her to remain among the living after her death?

The Upside of Being Down by Kimberley

Rated: Professors •
Summary: *COMPLETED!*What happens when you put a hopelessly "romantic" man-hussy and a girl with a soft spot for bedtime activities (not THOSE activities, silly!) together in a dark bedroom? Well, I don't happen to know either, so I suppose we'll find out together, won't we? Come with me, Tia C. Spencer, on a lovely ride through the countryside... er, lakeside... okay, so we won't actually be riding NEXT to anything, but it will be lovely, I promise you that. How can it not be, with me as your illustrious (and quite possibly mad) companion?

And no, contrary to beliefs very likely impressed upon you by this summary, I'm not a gormless prat.

Well... not entirely.

The hidden legacy by Blackquill

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: 6th year is over and Harry has to face his predicted task. The safest place to stay while looking for the spare horcruxes is n. 12, Grimmauld place, “the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black”*. The last one of them is not there anymore, but he may have left something important for his godson… It’s a one-shot, my first fic! (2562 words)

The Virtue of Being Prepared by the nutty imp

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: The 422nd Quidditch World Cup requires a great deal of preparation. (Winner of the One-Shot Daily Prophet Challenge)

The Taste of Gone by iliveinaworldofcandy

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: A (very) short one-shot on Remus as he tries to come to terms with Sirius' death. Not really romantic, but that is the genre it fit best in, it is quite dark.

The Stag and The Flower by Avenger_of_Dumbldore

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: The Dark Lord is at the peak of his power, and the dark times have become darker. In the midst of it all, the Order of the Phoenix have been the freedom fighters of the Wizard community. But what happens when James Potter learns that his son may be the key to the end of all the darkness. Is Lily really pregnant, or will Frank Longbottom’s unborn child be the one to fulfill the prophecy? A fanfiction story by avenger_of_dumbldore of Gryffindor house for challenge number one on the Valentines challenges. A huge thanks to my BETA, Ravensgryff!

To Fall in Love Again by Madame Marauder

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Bellatrix Lestrange has always held a secret, burning passion for the Dark Lord Voldemort. Bellatrix is willing to give up everything she has for this man. But, Voldemort simply has no interest in his 'most faithful servant'. However, he finds a way to turn the tables to his advantage and gives Bellatrix an offer of a lifetime. In her infatuation Bellatrix accpets, and has forgotten something. She is already married to Rodolphus. Will Rodolphus punish his wife for her infidelity?

Written for Challenge Five by Madame Marauder of Gryffindor House.

The Ties That Bind by bch035

Rated: Professors •
Summary: In Harry's day, Voldemort has risen a second time, but what happened the first time? Join Severus Snape, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Lily Evans, and others as they walk through the first dark days. They will discover friendship, hatred, love, and pain as they find how the ties bind them all.

The Woes of Helga Hufflepuff by Cinderella Angelina

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: When Salazar and Godric had their Great Schism, it hurt Helga more than she liked to admit, but she had to release her sorrows somehow. Luckily, there was a magical artifact to confide in. An Extra-Credit entry to the 2006 Valentines Romance Challenge.

The Curse of the Toad by Vindictus Viridian

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: "If you judge people, you have no time to love them." --Mother Teresa.

To love James, Lily needs to discover his better side. To earn Lily's love, James needs to fight his own prejudices -- and learn to cope with battle-scarred tomcats, toads, and the sneakier side of his own nature. This was a Ravenclaw entry for February's Challenges -- and it won, by the way.

The SSP warning is because I simply cannot resist sticking Peter and Sirius together at all possible opportunities, even in the background of other higher pursuits. Mild profanity will also occur, a natural side effect of putting James and Severus within shouting distance of each other.

The Ribbon by Monster Book of Monsters

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: This could have actually taken place within the story - 5th and 6th year. A sweet story about Hermione, Ron, and a special ribbon.

The Potions Master of Azkaban. by Magical Maeve

Rated: 1st-2nd Years • Past Featured Story
Summary: Severus Snape finds himself a resident of Azkaban for his deeds and misdeeds during Voldemort's reign. A broken man, he is struggling merely to stay alive when one of the guards takes an interest in him. This is an interest that could get her into serious trouble as she tries to save the life of a man who may not want to be saved.

And I must credit the wonderful Poultrygeist for the title and Anne for her sterling beta work! Thank 'ee. :-)

The Christmas Rose by Subversa

Rated: Professors •
Summary: Their first Christmas as a married couple find Severus and Hermione with many projects. The Christmas Rose Potion, a litter of increasingly alarming kittens, and the long-awaited wedding of Ronald Weasley and Luna Lovegood are only the beginning. Rating for later chapters. This story is a sequel to Master of Enchantment.

Two-a-Side Quidditch by cwarbeck

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: A game of Quidditch at the Burrow gets slightly out of hand, especially for Harry and Ginny.

The Moment of Realization by RockAphrodite

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Hermione has an odd dream that makes her think twice...and then the truth becomes crystal clear. One-shot.

The Life-Changing Letter by Cinderella Angelina

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Viktor Krum is getting ready for his Quidditch game the next day when he receives an urgent owl from Hermione. He drops everything to go to her, but was it worth it?
Written for the Valentine Challenge, February 2006

The Last Day by Blossomlily

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: It's the last day of school for the Marauders, Lily and Izzy.The Graduation ceremony has taken place. One-shot.

The Snake and the Eagle by Alessandra_C

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: It's Harry Potter’s sixth school year and the world is under the impending menace of Lord Voldemort and his pitiless Death Eaters. A new teacher arrives to Hogwarts. Will it be another candidate for the DADA post? New friendships and love affairs sprang up under Albus Dumbledore’s benevolent gaze. A private Yule Ball. More bloody writing on the wall and a Muggle-born involved. Snape’s life is in great danger. The Second War begins. Who will be the winner?

Ship: Snape/OC

Teach Me to Drive by Shannon

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Hermione Granger has never known love before. She has also never known vanity. But when her only contact outside of Hogwarts, Sarah, makes Hermione over during the holidays, Hermione becomes more aware of her appearences. However, this is not your usual "Hermione gets a makeover" story. She learns a lot during her sixth year at Hogwarts, including true love, loss, and the fact that many people will love her for who she is. This is AU because it was written before HBP came out, so it takes place during Hermione's sixth year. However, at the end you might see a few HBP references; hence, the HBP spoiler warning. ;) **Chapter 2 is in queue**

The Secret Diary of Pugnatious Weasley by Sarakiel

Rated: 1st-2nd Years • Past Featured Story
Summary: "Good Morrow dear reader. If you are reading this, you have found the diary of Pugnatious Aramor Weasley. As to how you found this diary I have no idea as I’ve decided to toss the ruddy thing as soon as I become famous for fear that this incriminates me in any fashion. Unless I haven’t become famous in which cause that ruddy well blows doesn’t it?"

Initially written for the The One-Shot Monologue Challenge.

Don't have time to continue this story currently. So consider it a one-shot. If someone else wants to use the character, please feel free :)