MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
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The Herm-Own-Ninny Manouevre by the nutty imp

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: In love and in Quidditch, being the first to catch the Snitch does matter. Yet it does not necessarily mean a win.
Pairing: Hermione/Viktor

The Problem With Polyjuice by Duck the Duck

Summary: Sirius Black thinks he’s got the perfect plan to get his best friend James Potter together with Lily Evans. But when the plan doesn’t go accordingly, chaos, confusion and mixed messages reign the halls of Hogwarts. Has Sirius ruined James’ chances with the girl of his dreams?

There Goes Another Girl by Satrina

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs join old Moony at the Hospital Wing the morning after the last full moon. Sirius plays the Grim; Remus loses another girlfriend because of his problem, and the four friends stay together when rejection comes their way. This is my first HP fanfic.

Take What I Give. by xo nic

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: A poem and vignette that depict the struggles that Remus and Sirius experience while attempting to commence a romantic partnership. *Covert Cupid poem for Tree.

The Knights of Gryffindor by Regulus Arcturus Caesar

Rated: Professors •
Summary: With the death of Albus Dumbledore, the protection around Harry Potter crumbled simultaneously and Harry was forced into a confrontation with Voldemort upon the very doorstep in which the majority of his childhood was spent. Having survived the encounter, Harry, Ron and Hermione set out on their perilous quest, facing inummerable Dark wizards and creatures and curses in an attempt to destroy Tom Riddle's Horcrux collection and expose his greatest weakness: fear of death. Along the way, Ron and Hermione struggle to come to terms with their fragmented relationship, trying valiantly to fit what they have into the context of a war, while Harry fights a never-ending battle with himself and with Ginny to keep her out of the quest and out of his heart.

The Story of Lily and James by Lily Aurora

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Hogwarts was Cupid's battlefield. Seventh years James Potter and Lily Evans, having just settled their differences, plan to contend against Cupid's mischief and sort out the students' tangled love lives. Yet what may seem like foolproof, thoroughly-analyzed and wily schemes may not be so when their plans are set in motion.

The Headmaster’s Love by joanna

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: ‘Everything went smoothly thanks to Hermione’, he reflected, after finishing his dinner. He knew she was the perfect choice, but wasn’t sure he could work with her efficiently enough. They were very different after all, and then there was their past. Sometimes he meant to know what Hermione was thinking of him and sometimes he meant to see that question in her eyes when he caught her secretly observing him. ‘Yes, everything is perfect,’ he admitted...

The shadow of Rome by uber_angelus

Rated: Professors •
Summary: One-shot Monologue challenge entry for Gryffindor. Set in ancient Rome, this story follows the exploits of The first emperor of Rome, Augustus, and the events that rocked the Roman world just after the death of Julius Caesar.

The Beast and The War by Dragontamer1

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: "A little story to whom it may concern- which is probably very few people, but it is an interesting (though exhausting to tell) story, indeed. I'll go against my better judgment and tell you about it anyways. This story is about The Sphinx Science War. (I hope you’ve heard of it, supposing they still teach a history of magic at Hogwarts) It is about how my immature little brother started the Sphinx Science War and how yours truly put an end to it." This is for The One-Shot Monologue Challenge for Ravenclaw House

Thomas and the Dragon by Air Elemental

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Hi, I'm Thomas Diggory, and this is the tale of what happened when a great big dragon landed on my house. After I get that apple on top of the tree, of course!

The Empire under the Sun by coppercurls

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: An ancestor of Mad-eye Moody becomes embroiled in the aftermath of the Sepoy Rebellion in India and gives his opinions. One-shot Monologue challenge, Coppercurls of Hufflepuff house.

The Importance of Being Single by erikthephantom

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Fourteen months after leaving Hogwarts, Sirius takes it upon himself as a seasoned veteran of love to educate a "naïve" Remus on the dark, inner workings of the female mind when the former receives a letter from a girlfriend demanding his time. Pointless, yes, but Erik enjoys procrastinating.

Tasks by Blakeney Green

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Set during PS/SS, with implications for HBP, this story explores the question of why Snape saved Harry. Was it a simple life debt, or were darker, more sinister forces at work? One-shot, complete.

Threads by Seren

Summary: Yet another 'How Vicky met Herm-own-ninny' story. Viktor/Hermione.

The Long Way Home by Seren

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: There have been lovers, and dreams, and plans that were made, but nothing will come of those particular ashes. Blaise waits at a train station. Blaise/Hermione

The Heirs of Hogwarts by muggleforever

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: At the beginning of 6th year, Hermione Granger stumbles upon an ancient prophecy concerning the Four Founders of Hogwarts. Now, four of the students find that they have a destiny laid before them that can not be turned away from. They are the Four Heirs of Hogwarts and their fate is to rid the world of evil forever.

Twilight Of Gold by rita_skeeter

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •

Some love lasts a lifetime. True love lasts forever.

The most beautiful tale of love with the most tragic ending...a love so strong that it would sacrifice itself for another's life...a thorn so sharp that it could draw blood from the toughest skin... This is the story of the twilight of Lily and James Potter.

The Tale of Amelia Weasley, Quidditch Extraodinaire by stareyed_in_LA

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: I always wanted to play proffessional Quidditch, but with Decree #815 in the way, I cannot do so. What's a woman to do when her brother falls ill and cannot play at the Quidditch World Cup of 1868? *one-shot*

Written for the One Shot Monologue Challenge

stareyed_in_LA for Gryffindor

The story of a innocent. by darkwritterchild

Summary: A poem about innocence. (and Death Eaters, =D)

The Magical Menagerie by Quigley

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Forget about Harry, Hermione and Ron. Here come the new team against Voldy! Crookshanks, Hedwig, Trevor and Fawkes! Eventually, they'll probably do something to foil Lord Voldemort's evil plan. But I haven't decided yet.