MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
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The Trouble with Mistletoe by Crystallic Rain

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Lily decides to invite James along to one of Slughorn's Christmas parties, immediately deciding it was a huge mistake. Everything seems to go wrong, especially when Lily is caught off guard by the thing she hates most: mistletoe.

The Truth Comes Out by smart_one

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: This is another one-shot. After Dumbledore's funeral, a lot of choices are left open for Harry, Ron and Hermione. Things must be done, places must be discovered and action must be taken. But when Harry finds Ron and Hermione in deep, private and important conversation of their own, Harry realizes his plans might just be altered a bit. My second fan-fiction!

The Yule Ball Argument by Hermione Weasley_Ginny Potter

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: A short, one-shot ficlet, basically my own version of the Yule Ball argument between Ron and Hermione, with a little extra touch in the end, which I know you’ll all love ;). Please Read and Review!

The Chamber of Clocks by snarkyroxy

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: None of them would be any use if one wanted to tell the time. The passing of the hours meant nothing in this room.

The River by snarkyroxy

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: She couldn't see his face, but there was something forlorn about the lone boy, almost the same age as she, who sat on the opposite bank with his head in his hands.

Thank You! by Midnight Tragedy

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Have you ever wondered what would happen to Hogwarts and the entire magical world if Muggles found out about magic? The Wizards have only one thing to say to their non-magical bretheren. Poetry is not really my forte, but when I had the idea for this, I knew I had to write it in this form. Enjoy, and please review!

To Be This Lost Inside Ourselves by hpmaniac666

Rated: Professors •
Summary: All Hermione wanted was a cup of coffee. Now she has wet hair, a see-through t-shirt, and a whole lot of unhappy memories. How have the years changed Ron. Now he’s 24 and a successful business man/mechanic. It’s a lot to get her head round. To make things worse, feelings she used to keep locked away are proving harder to hide. She can’t forget about Harry. And she can’t forget her fiancé. Post-war fic

The Riddle / The Raven by mcclure_512

Summary: This poem is based on Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven. Harry hasn't been feeling his best lately, so what happens when Voldemort shows up for a nightime visit in order to taunt Harry's shattered dispression? Well, I don't think you'll find the answer in the summary... so read away and watch out for the abundant HBP Spoilers throughout the poem.

The Phoenix Speaks by Slian Martreb

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Fawkes reflects.

The Acromantula and its Ability to Consume the Most Repulsive Beasts on This Earth by Mind_Over_Matter

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Intelligent, attractive, witty and classy first year, Draco Malfoy, has found himself stuck with the task of writing an essay for an incompetent, and frankly stupid teacher, Professor Quirrel.

Tragedies, Tears and Black Velvet Boxes by Oppungo

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: It's nearly six months after the war, and when Molly Weasley reads the days' newspaper, in it is an article that forces her to reminisce over the events of the war, the effects of it on her life and the lives of those close to her. Meanwhile, Ron has news of his own…

There's Always Hope by ravenclawslion17

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: She had given up hope. He had lost everything. But what happens when two people who both thought that love was just a distant dream start to see each other in a different light?

This fic is on hiatus until further notice.
I'm sorry to any readers who are waiting for an update.

They Died for Love by AnnaDeBoullans

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy have been together for years: as classmates, as enemies, and, finally, as lovers. But when they are betrayed for a petty grudge, they find themselves in the presence of Lord Voldemort when all they have is a ring, a song, and each other.

"They Died for Love" has WON second place at the Dramione Awards in the Tearjerker category!!! Thank you so much to all who voted for me and for the nomination! Much love~~ Anna de Boullans

The Last Marauder by iliveinaworldofcandy

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: This will be a collection of poems about Remus Lupin, the last marauder. In the first poem he is remembering Sirius, and though he fears he will forget some things about him, he knows there is one thing that will stay with him forever. The SSP warning is there only as a precaution, names are not mentioned so the poem can be interpreted differently if you wish. The second chapter, I Weep for the Living is up. The SSP warning doesn't apply, it is not connected to the first chapter. Dumbledore is watching Lupin at the funeral of Lily, James and Peter. And he weeps... for the living.

The Girl Behind the Bookworm by Hermione Weasley_Ginny Potter

Summary: Hermione Granger is not the person everyone thinks… sure, she regards the rules more than most people and tries her best to keep her grades perfect, but a real teenage girl resides. This story is Hermione’s diary, and if you read it, you will read about the girl that is hidden by the bookworm, and we will explore Hermione’s real thoughts. Rated PG-13 for language. Author’s Note: This fic was written BEFORE the publication of HBP, so it will follow through OotP cannon. And, I promise that the story is better than the summary! ;) Chapter Five accepted!! The story is finished now... you know you wanna review!

Taste of Revenge by Queen of Serpents

Rated: Professors •

Bad boy James must be taught a lesson. The game of vengeance begins with Lily's plan to seduce & then dump him and James retaliating when he finds out. But the taste of Revenge is sweet as well as addicting and neither are willing to admit defeat.

Chapter 6 is 40% complete

The Levitated Corpus of Newton Carter by Vindictus Viridian

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: For a nonverbal spell to be known all over school requires a special event. To become immune to that spell requires a second one. This is a spinoff story for the OC Newton Carter, who is introduced in In The Eyes Of Others.
As a Slytherin, he knew sooner or later his name would be on the pranking list of some or all of The Gryffindor Four. And sooner or later, he could count on being dangled upside-down by the ankle in a corridor, probably one where the whole school would be passing in a few minutes to critique his legs, his weight, and his choice of pants.

The Way It's Supposed To Be by JessicaH

Summary: Hermione's world is shattered when Ron dies. Feeling alone and abandoned as Harry and Ginny find support in each other, she finds the comfort she needs from an unlikely source.

The End by Ella Darcy

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: It's all come down to this: The Boy Who Lived and The Dark Lord, battling for the fate of the Wizarding World. A Horcrux!Harry fic, without Harry dying.

The Lost Diary of a Muggle by Blossomlily

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Coralie Roberts is a nineyear old Muggle. She is a witness to
the horrific scenes in the camp during the Quidditch World Cup. This is
her lost diary. Set during GoF. Oneshot