MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
Rating: Professors


Love is Where You Find It by lostunicorn

Rated: Professors •
Summary: Hermione is tired of waiting around for Ron. Ginny isn't too happy with boys herself. It's time for a girls' day out in Hogsmeade, and what the two find there isn't just butterbeer. Seamus and Dean suggested also.

The Return of The Great Snapini by Vocalion

Rated: Professors •
Summary: This story may be read separately, or as a companion piece and/or missing scenes from my other fic, HIGHLY IMPROBABLE. It was written in response to a challenge. I have assigned this an R rating, but it is very tame and contains much more silliness than sex. SUMMARY: What is the one thing that will generally persuade a man to do something that he really doesn't want to do? Severus Snape may be an extremely powerful wizard, but he is still a man!

The Long Wait by ancientgirl

Rated: Professors •
Summary: This story has been posted on several sites dedicated to the pairing of Hermione and Severus Snape. She is 22 in this story, and there was no relationship between the two while she was a student. If this pairing bothers you, please don't read.

Fireworks by Teh Kiwi

Rated: Professors •
Summary: It's the end of the war, and they're sitting on a rooftop together... Blaise/Theodore

You're My Reason by hammy

Rated: Professors •
Summary: One-shot song fic.. Draco/OC. A twist in Draco and Harry's personalities. One wrong move..Could someone close to Draco pay the price? Rated R for brutality. Please R&R

Ebony Lust by Queen of Serpents

Rated: Professors •
Summary: He was on her mind constantly. A vampire sucking on her sanity. She was still drawn to him, so drawn that she couldn't think of anything else but him. Thus when he asks her a question, asks for her consent, she can't refuse... and must succumb to her... Dracula.

SSxHG -- one shot--Pre-HBP

Rapture: L'Esprits Tortueux by Dana Marie

Rated: Professors •
Summary: On the eve of his Dementor's Kiss, Patrick Essex wrote a letter to his captor: “Your wife will bear you a child – a girl with hair the color of butter, skin the color of milk. A girl whose veins pulse with an unbridled passion. I will leave this place, and I will slaughter her. She will die a death so gruesome that Satan himself will pity her, Gabriel Lee. Of this, you may be certain.” But I refuse to die.

Indefinite Imprisonment by Botti_C

Rated: Professors •
Summary: Ginny is the victim of a stupid joke, and when Draco tries to save her, they end up stuck together. Even after they're released, for some reason Ginny still feels imprisoned.

The Archer by innocence_wasted

Rated: Professors •
Summary: A day at a Muggle medieval festival turns into mass murder. Ten victims and one phantom killer. Can any survive to face their hunter? (one-shot...very graphic)

I Love Her... Don't I? by Veritas

Rated: Professors •
Summary: Ron and Hermione have gotten together during the summer before the trio's 6th year, much to the dismay of Harry and Luna. And with everyone staying at the Burrow, the results will be interesting.

Serpentine Romeo by Black Rapture

Rated: Professors •
Summary: She never really thought about love until it snuck up behind her and ripped her world in half. More proof that Cupid has a dark sense of humor. A/N: As one of my older and therefore bad works, I declare this story condemned. Read at your own peril.

Cold & Lost by GracieAnne

Rated: Professors •
Summary: Draco pushed away the only girl that he loved, and who would love him back. Through the three dark chapters, Draco's pain, and his lost flame's also, is brought to attention.

Descent by Seren

Rated: Professors •
Summary: His happiness nourishes me. He surrounds me, swallows me, tears me apart and puts me back together, and makes me feel more alive. He is my fire. I am his, to the last breath. Nothing exists without her. She is my infatuation, my fetish, my fixation, and my drive. I cannot let anyone else have her. Harry and Hermione slowly descend.

The Row by SAS33

Rated: Professors •
Summary: *A compete short story* Harry finds Ginny with another man, and looses his temper ...

Anything for Harry by adndus

Rated: Professors •
Summary: *PLEASE REVIEW* Hermione goes through drastic measures to ensure she gets pregnant.

The Misfortune by Sunfish McCaul

Rated: Professors •
Summary: A dark, disturbing spiral into insanity. Fred Weasley has experienced a great personal loss and is now institutionalized at St. Mungo's where he undergoes a haphazard self-exorcism that ends with his unwavering belief that there is one thing he can't-but must-destroy.

From Across the Great Divide by Ashwinder

Rated: Professors •
Summary: A post-Hogwarts H/G fic. Strange circumstances draw Harry and Ginny closer together. But are they in danger? Romance, adventure, Monty Python, and tartan boxer shorts abound. Written pre-OOP.

Bloody Valentine by innocence_wasted

Rated: Professors •
Summary: His memories brought him back to the letter and her sobbing frame as it crumpled in his arms… “You don’t deserve her,” he whispered and then let fly the blade. *songfic*. One-shot.

Faith [In the Hands of a Child] by Seren

Rated: Professors •
Summary: "Regardless of what God, or Gods, they worship, or even if they don't," whispered Luna dreamily, "everyone prays." Ginny Weasley lies broken and bleeding by her own hand. But her friends and family love her, and they will lead her home. Not a death fic. Rated for graphic self-mutilation... but for a very good cause.

The Talk(s) by smokeline

Rated: Professors •
Summary: After walking in on a snog-session between Ron and Hermione, the Weasley family takes it upon themselves to inform them about the birds and the bees. One-shot.