MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Open Applications Closed

by deanine @ 12/17/06 9:58  
It's time for your friendly moderators to shut ourselves in to caucus and read the amazing variety of applications you have all sent us. There will be a news post as soon as our new moderators have been selected.

Thanks everyone for your interest and the part you do to make MNFF an awesome place to share fiction.

joybelle423 written on 12/17/06 22:28

Okay, I read that you look at our writing as well as the application and references. But what if we haven't submitted any (or very many) stories? Will that count against us? Or is there another way we can give you a sample of our writing?

Will you select a group of finalists before making a decision? You know, like call-backs or a second interview.

smilesallaround written on 12/17/06 22:59

when you say hiring is it like a real job? You know the money and hours and other recomendations? (i dont mean to sound odd but i wanted to know if you where obligated or how much commitment you need)

Marauder by Midnight written on 12/17/06 23:01

We've never done call-backs before. And writing is a pretty big portion of what we look at. Otherwise, we don't know if you have a good grasp for what we're looking for (grammar and HP knowledge etc). If there is a sample, you might want to attach it just in case.

We're a group of volunteers. However, the experience itself can be very rewarding =]

xMBx written on 12/17/06 23:48

*does huge happy dance* YAH!!!!!!! I want to be a mod soooooo badly!!! when are the apps due?

pattilarr written on 12/18/06 5:17

I just wondered, what if, say, you had an app. from a late 20s/early 30s stay at home mom w/ a great grasp of grammar/spelling and writing, limited British experience, and a ton of free time whilst the kid was in school? No references except job experiences between college and now.

xginny_weasleyx written on 12/18/06 12:08

Oh this is sooooo exciting! I'm just worried now because I haven't got any stories on this site. But I do Beta and have a good few references coming through for me so this should be good! *grins madly*

Lipington written on 12/18/06 13:38

How big of a portion are the references?

Vindictus Viridian written on 12/18/06 14:21

Moms are fine, older is fine, but we do like some MNFF references from people who have left you great reviews or people who are happy with things you've done around the forums. I'm not sure we'll be mathematical enough to say what portion those will be of the application, but getting a couple is good. The two biggest questions are "Can you write pretty well?" and "Can you tell other people how to do it too?" with perhaps a little more emphasis on the latter. If you beta-read for someone and they learned a ton, that's probably your best source for a reference.

Lemonman written on 12/18/06 15:04

Are you reveiwing the applications and considering them as you go along or are you waiting until the end? Also, is there a rough estimate of when the new mods will be chosen?

Chickenman written on 12/18/06 16:12

Will the new mods be able to help out on the forums if they wish?

Zacko Borni written on 12/18/06 16:22

Just out of curiosity, if the applicant has an account on the forums will you check out their forum posts?

sayiansirius written on 12/18/06 17:10

I have a question. I've already sent in my application but I didn't include any fics of mine with it. Will you check the user's stories to see how well they write since that is a big portion? I wasn't aware that that must be included but I did include the link to my author's page.

Marauder by Midnight written on 12/18/06 17:39

Applications are read, and people are considered as we go along, but obviously we'll have to wait until the very end to choose the five or so most suitable.

New mods will be chosen perhaps early January.

New mods can help out in the forums after their trial period; however their duties are first and foremost to the queue.

The forums are a helpful way for us to get to know you better. If the applicant has a forum account, we may look at it. However, it won't harm an applicant who's not active on the forums.

I'm guessing an author's page is sufficient enough.

MJ_Padfoot written on 12/18/06 19:03

I have a question. I would love to try out, but what if I don't want to read certain fictions and ratings. What would happen?

Other than that I cannot wait to see the new staff!

GringottsVault711 written on 12/18/06 21:14

No moderator is required to read all categories, and you will generally have a selection of categories to work in [a Sweeper Mod, as mentioned above, will work in General, Dark/Angsty & Humour, and help clear fics in smaller cats that are more than seven days old]. So, you can pick a category and hack away at it. However, you cannot pick and choose fics in their individual cats. It's all or nothing - we mod in order of submission. Sometimes out of conflict of interest, or discomfort with the rating, you may opt to leave it to someone else. However, as a mod, you should be prepared to deal with all fictions, all kinds of pairings, storylines, characters and content. [For instance, you can't not read a fic because it has Harry/Hermione and you dislike the pairing; also, an author may submit a Professors rated fic, but not mark it as such, and you will find yourself coming across that sort of content without expecting it.]

I hope that all made sense. :)

harry_kissed_ginny written on 12/18/06 21:38

thank you sooooo much. about the whole "pairing thing" metioned by gringots, i read a draco/ginny fic once, and almost threw up (sorry to all d/g shippers, i just ship h/g) can we avoid those if possible?

DobbyElf written on 12/18/06 22:09

I would love to become a mod, I am an english major who knows no one on MNFF. If becoming a beta-reader would help my chances with a refrence, how would I go about doing that?

joybelle423 written on 12/18/06 22:16

If we (or our references) have a different Username in the forums than here on MNFF, which should we use when we apply? I'm assuming you want our Penname from this site ...

Lurid written on 12/19/06 6:06

Can we use this position as a Moderator as a rec or as an actual "job" if we were to apply for a real life job? As you can understand, some qualities and skills learnt as a moderator would be valuable in the workplace, and I'm just wondering whether or not it would be appropriate to list the formal position of a Moderator at MNFF on a job referrence. I understand it's not a paying job, and that we reap benefits elsewhere, but I was also wondering (as MNFF and Mugglenet are both JKR recognised sites) whether it "counts" in RL.

written on 12/19/06 8:24

Steph, you would certainly learn RL skills if you were to brave the waters of MNFF modding. Whether or not it would be appropriate on a resume, really depends on what you're applying for and who is seeing the resume. Mostly it's not something that would be taken very seriously as, how could they know what sort of skills you've acquired modding when they wouldn't have anything to relate the job to, but in some instances you may find that being involved with such a large, well-known site, on any level, is beneficial. But go for it anyway! MNFF could use a few more cheery dispositions. *eyes the stern and dour mods warily*