MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Deathly Hallows Release Policies

by Elysa @ 06/27/07 21:18  

Hello everyone! Well, I'm sure you lot don't need reminding, so as we all very well know, the final installment of the Harry Potter series comes out July 21. *Allows pause for site-wide squee'ing* Naturally, we here at MNFF are hard at work preparing for said release, and we've recently decided precisely how we'll be handling it. Please read carefully, as we cannot stress enough how fundamentally crucial this information is to both authors and readers alike.

  1. MuggleNet Fan Fiction will be closed from July 19 thru July 23. To be clear: this means that the queue will be closed and we will not be accepting any submissions, nor will we be readily available to assist users in any capacity, from 12:00 midnight the morning of July 19th thru 11:59 p.m. the night of the 23rd. Therefore, the queue will reopen at midnight, July 24th. Please note that stories already validated and posted on the site will be available to read during this time. Only the queue is closing.
  2. When MNFF reopens the queue for submissions on July 24, it will be with a strict NO SPOILERS policy. This means that expressing and/or writing about anything that transpires in Deathly Hallows will not be permitted in the stories themselves, in author profiles, summaries, banners, "clever" e-mail addresses, or graphics/expressions of any kind. Spoilers include plot twists, characters' deaths, romantic developments-- anything and everything. A user discovered to have posted any spoiler in any part of his/her profile or story will have their account deleted and banned on both MNFF and the main site, MuggleNet.com. Do not even allude to a spoiler, as we will count this as directly stating one. For example: If one part of your profile says "I ship Luna/Neville!" and another part says "My ship finally sailed!" That is a spoiler. We cannot express how seriously we are taking this. ANY breach of this policy and your ability to so much as view any part of MuggleNet will be permanently withdrawn.
  3. Starting on August 1, and no sooner, we will begin to allow spoilers in STORIES ONLY. Expressing a Deathly Hallows spoiler in a banner, profile, story title, or summary will still be prohibitied and punished with a permanent ban. August 1 only means that authors can begin working the events of DH into their stories, and/or writing new fan fictions based off the events of DH. However-- stories that contain any sort of DH spoiler must wear a Deathly Hallows Spoiler Warning. (This warning will become available for use under the "warnings" category beginning August 1, so it will not be viewable/available before then.)
  4. We will alert everyone, via news post, when it is okay to begin expressing spoilers freely: i.e., in profiles, summaries, banners, etc. However, this will not be for a while. Do NOT take it upon yourself to decide when enough time has passed, or you will be subject to a permanent ban. Our enforcement of the above policies will be just as strict and unforgiving a month after the release as a week after the release.

    A separate but very similar policy for our Beta Forums is still being ironed out, but we feel confident in saying that the forums will remain open (even when the queue is closed between the 19th and 23rd) in some capacity. We'll be reporting the full details on that very shortly, so stay tuned.

    In closing, we urge everyone to exercise caution and compassion throughout and following the upcoming release of Deathly Hallows; not just here at MuggleNet, but wherever you might go, on-line or otherwise. We enjoy a good laugh as much as the next person, but please realize that spoiling the end of a long-lived series such as Harry Potter for fans who've spent years waiting for the end is anything but funny. It is only rude, hurtful, and a terribly pitiful display of immaturity. For those who would not even consider spoiling the book for someone else (because we know the great majority of you never would): we beg that you pay extra close attention in all your communications on MNFF so that you do not unintentionally let a secret slip. Furthermore, while we will do everything in our power to keep the secrets of the last book safe and off our site, it is perfectly possible that something might slip through the cracks before we catch it. As such, we advise that anyone who has not finished the book and is truly worried about being spoiled, simply not visit ours or any other Harry Potter related site until you have, indeed, finished it.

    As always, thank you all for taking the time to read this extensive post. Please do not hesitate to contact one of us with any questions, comments, or concerns you might have. Happy writing!

Ron x Hermione written on 06/28/07 8:08

Oh, that's SO good that the moderators are enforcing these rules. Nearly all of the books have been ruined for me so far, and after my fandom of HP has been so great after being on this site, I would have to murder someone if they spoiled it for me. I think I'll just have to hurry up and read the book, though, because I can't stay away from the forums for more than a day, or this site. :) Thanks for being so strict; that's good, in my eyes.

~Lindsey :)

harrysgurl240 written on 06/28/07 8:30

OMGGGG the end of HP sooo sad. i can't believe it's finally heere. :(

Euphrates written on 06/28/07 9:22

*exhales happily* Thank Godric for this policy. I think someone asked if it was really needed - it is. There was an article in the papaer about spoilers that got out for the last two books - major spoilers, too. Thanks a ton, mods, for the policy.

Crows written on 06/28/07 10:04

RIghty-o! *salutes* Whatever you say!

I so want 2 b magic written on 06/28/07 10:10

I have to say i think that this is a great idea. well done to who ever thought of it i agree with echo123, i think i'm in denial too :D
Merlin, just think that this is the end........

AurorGirl101 written on 06/28/07 10:17

Thanks for the rules! It's a really good thing. Kudos Mods! *squeeeeeeeeee*

written on 06/28/07 11:33

moony101 - We understand that most fans intend to read through the final book the first weekend, but there are people who don't read as quickly as others, those who have to share copies of the book with family members and fans in other countries who might not be finished with the book that opening weekend. We are trying to protect those people who are not going to be able to read the book. We all know that people don't always use correct warnings, and the mods do make mistakes and validate fics that might not have the proper warnings. It would be horrible if something like that happened on a fic and a reader who had not finished DH for whatever reason had the ending or a huge plot point spoiled for them. We are protecting all our authors and readers. We understand that you may not feel it necessary, but we do.

Phoenix 86 written on 06/28/07 12:10

even though this doesn't apply to me since i'm planning to finish the book within 24 hours of its release, i like these rules. if it takes anyone a while to get their hands on the book, and they still want to read a few fan fics while waiting to read, at least they won't have to suffer through any spoilers.

Kathyhermy123 written on 06/28/07 12:18

Ugh! I'll be at camp so I'm missing the midnight opening! *sobs heart out* I've never been and I'll never be!

Great rules - I won't really have a chance to give spoilers and I hope no-one breaks them! I'm getting the books sent to camp via amazon.com - gotta love it - and can't wait. I will finish the book in pretty short order, but I understand perfectly that not everyone will. Thanks, mods! *hands out cookies*

Just wondering - if we send in a chappie a day or two before the queue closes, will it get accepted/refused before, during, or after the two-week period.

Oh, yes, and will our stories have to be DH complient? Because mine really isn't - I can tell already.


Phoenix5225 written on 06/28/07 13:59

Personally, I'll be holed up in my house attached to the book - I won't be modding chapters in the queue. If a mod gets bored, they have the option of modding the queue, but I wouldn't plan on it. We're just as obsessed as the rest of the authors, if not more!

Also, the need for spoiler warnings will remain in effect for awhile, because not all of our members are native English speakers. If they can't access the book in English, it will be longer before they will even have read it.

We know *most* of our authors have common sense and good judgment, but all it takes in cases like this is one bad apple... Thus, the policy.

coudle written on 06/28/07 14:41

Wow....I really respect and understand this precautions. I´ll not be online until I´ve finished the book, but for those who will read here I´m glad...I think it´s really remarkable. There´s a lot work for the staff and I think it would be very unpolite to even try to publish a spoiler.

But I think most of the authors common sense....

Luna_Lovegood11 written on 06/28/07 15:29

I am REALLY glad that this website will remain spoiler free, as I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan! I will abide by these laws entirely!!!! Thank you for helping, MNFF!

AprilPotter written on 06/28/07 16:00

I'm glad no one will be allowed to spoil the book for others. The book is being released at different times in different countries, so it would be unfair to many others.

immortal_evil written on 06/28/07 16:17

Amen, mods! I am going to have a hard time finding Dealthy Hallows in English over the summer, so if any writer ruins it for me, I will find your IP address and... *ahem*

crazyabouthermione95 written on 06/28/07 16:34

I think it's great how the MNFF Staff make sure no one spoils the ending for others. I know I speak for a lot of people when finding out any ending to any story is devastating, especially for the Harry Potter series. I salute you MNFF Staff. NO SPOILERS!!!

Angela_Prongs written on 06/28/07 17:05

This is an excellent rule! I was really hoping there would be fiercely strict rules about spoilers. This is a big deal, and I'm really glad that it's being taken seriously. (Call me a dork, but it is something to be serious about!) *claps for MNFF staff*

MaiaMadness written on 06/28/07 17:14

I'm rather happy I'll be stuck in a cabin in the woods in Finland to read this book. No Internet = no spoilers, as I probably read faster than most of the friends I have there...

Great set of rules! I'm only glad I'm no longer in school with that git who spoiled the ending of Matrix Revolutions for me.

Finally, am I the only one who sees DH and thinks Draco/Harry? :P


Ronsgrl95 written on 06/28/07 19:37

wow. i'm scared. i guess i won't be writing any stories based on DH untill Aug. 1. No offence and I do see the point in these rules, but i think there should just be a warning that says "DH Warning" instead of not being able to post ANY stories about DH in those few days. i think if the person wants to be spoiled, they should go on a read it. i am glad they have a author bio spoiler warning though. that is just my opinion, but i am glad that they are doing something for DH.

slytherins_queen2 written on 06/28/07 22:36

I have been waiting 7 years, to see how Harry Potter ends. And I'm so glad that there are rules on MNFF to stop spoilers. I really, really don't want to be spoilt- Though I'm sure I'll read the book quite quickly, its a comfort to know these fansites will be a safe haven for me-and I'm sure many other fans.

bondman007 written on 06/29/07 7:33

Excellent idea guys!! Check your email