MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Last Words

by Elysa @ 07/17/07 19:18  
Deathly Hallows is a few short days away, as is the (temporary) closing of our queue. Therefore, and in light of this being such an intensely emotional time for devout HP fans, we here at MuggleNet Fan Fiction feel rather compelled to say something wise and profound for your comfort. As such, we leave you to embark on this one final ride with Harry armed with the most significant words we, or anyone, could ever utter:

Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!

And may Merlin, like our thoughts and condolences, be with you.


Albus Dumbledore
The MNFF Staff
GreyLady written on 07/17/07 22:28

*gets teary eyed*

I cannot put into words how much this site and HP have given me. *squishes the entirety of MNFF*

pheonix_song_719 written on 07/17/07 23:46

I sound stupid but I dont think its the last book forever atleast.....

Tweak written on 07/18/07 5:30

Tweak! Tweak! lol. You too, guys!

lady magician written on 07/18/07 6:27

*tries not to cry*....*starts crying*...dammit get me a kleene!! *cries all over MNFF*

harry_victoria written on 07/18/07 7:14

:( Oh no... ok guys, hold on. It's only two more days until DH, but *gets teary eyed* I cant explain how much Harry and this site means to me and how sad its going to be, reading Harry's last adventures. This is going to be like losing a brother, more than losing a pet, more than losing my soul, because Harry is my soul :(

cyt_potter written on 07/18/07 7:59

My heart is heavy with the realization that in just a few days, I will be reading the last book of Harry, by JK. I am excited yes but... All I can say is that this site MNFF means so much to me, and I know I will be coming here for a long time to come to read the wonderfull stories that are contained in this wonderfull place. LONG LIVE HARRY POTTER!!!!!! *tears start to fall*

SnowyHedwig112 written on 07/18/07 8:39

Wise words...Wise words....


Wow, I'm so excited, I'm going to a midnight party at the local Borders...and the next day I'm flying off to Michigan...so I'll read it on the plane :D

Silver Whisper written on 07/18/07 8:49

aww..thanks mff.

same to you, happy reading!

i hope i dont cry to much...

Horatiosgirl14 written on 07/18/07 8:56

its all over!!!!! *cries* *sobs* *wails*
i utter the words to you too!

HeRmIoNeWeAsLeY31919 written on 07/18/07 9:39

Awwww! that was soooo cute! i am about to cry. I can't wait though! i was running up the stairs this morning and all the sudden had this urge to do the happy dance, then give someone (anyone) a big hug becase i was so excited. I siriusly (that's how i spell sirius in honor of Sirius, don't cry!) was about to cry when the said "Love, Albus Dumbledore & the MNFF staff" It was so sad!

I so want 2 b magic written on 07/18/07 9:45

Great satement, thanks professor and MNFF staff. i seriously cant wait, happy reading!

LaneTechFreshie written on 07/18/07 9:51

*sniffle* Such profound words.... I shall ponder them for all these next days. *sigh*

ForbiddenLove written on 07/18/07 10:21

All I can say is that after I've finished reading Book 7, I will cling on to MNFF like a particularly warm and fluffy pillow. Because I really can't face the fact that Harry Potter will be over. But because of you, MuggleNet fanfiction, our favorite characters still live... as does our penchant for reading and writing. As an aspirirng journalist, this site has done so much for my creativity and writing-skill. I may be still young, but over the years I want to expand my ability with MNFF right here beside me.

That aside, I would like to say: PLEASE DON'T LET BELLA DIE! I know a lot of you fans proabably don't like Bellatrix that much, but I am absolutely attached. I don't know what I'll do if she dies. No more Bella, just like that... *sobs*

Enjoy Book 7 everyone! And may God bless Jo Rowling and the MNFF staff. You are wonderful!

BeachBabe written on 07/18/07 14:06

Holy Crap! Your right! The series is coming to an end! I'm going to cry!

Hermione_Rocks written on 07/18/07 14:25

*sniffles* Thank you, MNFF! *huggles all and goes off to cry*

rebelangel110192 written on 07/18/07 14:32

Omg, I'm going to cry so much when I'm done with the book. *sob*


But we still have the movies!

rebelangel110192 written on 07/18/07 14:55

Omg, I'm going to cry so much when I'm done with the book. *sob*


But we still have the movies!

rebelangel110192 written on 07/18/07 14:56

Omg, I'm going to cry so much when I'm done with the book. *sob*


But we still have the movies!

madam_rosmerta written on 07/18/07 15:03

Thanks so much for the words of comfort. I am glad to know that at least after DH, we will have something to cling on. I need to have a good cry now *breaks into hysterical sobs* i will miss this so much, the hype of waiting for a book, the joy of having it in your hands, i just don't know what i'll do after HP *wails*, i have made friends, learnt to write better than my english teacher, learnt to understand and appreciate the views of others...its just going to be so hard to let go...*tears*, but i know that regardless of what happens POTTER WILL LIVE FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS! LONG LIVE HARRY! Going to lock myself in bathroom now, and ponder on the fate of the characters, cry in general.*runs of wailing like winky*

coudle written on 07/18/07 16:14

I´ve said before that I agree with you...
Thanks for this very wise words...;)
I think I´m going to cry,too....but It´ll be fun to write about the futures I think....see you all soon here....after reading deathly hallows...;)