MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

MNFF Cleaning

by Anasuya @ 01/10/08 15:17  
As you've noticed recently, there have been quite a few glitches with stories, emails etc. Some were due to the hacker attack, yet others are due to the sheer size of MNFF. We're outgrowing our database. To help relieve some pressure, we're going to be purging old usernames and inactive accounts.

Please read the following VERY CAREFULLY

ONLY accounts that have had no activity for the past 6 months will be deleted. Activity can be generally defined by logging in. So if you've logged into MNFF in the past 6 months, your account will NOT be deleted. This includes the Remember Me feature. If MNFF remembers you and you've been online in the past 6 months, your account is safe.

As long as you have a story on MNFF, your account will NOT be deleted. Only accounts without stories and without activity will be purged.

If you're in doubt about your account or would like to keep it, simply log in. That will keep it safe.

This will be happening sometime within the next week or two. I will make another post right before it happens.

Also, in order to relieve some more stress on the database, we will be doing an abandoned story purge in the near future (within the next month). However, if you know of a story that you will not be completing, we would be very grateful if you took the liberty of deleting it yourself. It will save us all some time and our servers will thank you for it.

Again, I can't stress how wonderful and patient you've all been. We're working hard to correct everything and you all are making it much easier on us by understanding. Thank you.
bondman007 written on 01/12/08 1:59

Again, both of the people who have posted above me-YOU ARE SAFE!!

phoenix_song_719: Did the rejection emails state a reason for rejection? Because if they said anything about spelling or grammar, I can make your stories sparkle like the heavens on a sunny day!!

pheonix_song_719 written on 01/12/08 6:57

hahaha. Not speling. It just seemed like my story wasnt good enough :(. I still love mugglenet anyway.

Marauder by Midnight written on 01/12/08 9:19

Please let me remind everyone to read this news post very carefully. As for the deletion of incomplete stories, we do NOT delete stories without informing users. If you do not want your story deleted, simply respond to the email we will send you. All these details will come later.

HogwartsGirly124 written on 01/12/08 10:14

Hope everything gets in good shape soon! MNFF forever! lol :)


poisonapple written on 01/12/08 11:29

Thank you, mods, for the incredible amount of work you've been doing to get this site up and running again. I hope everything gets worked out fine!

voldy_mort written on 01/12/08 13:40

Whoopee! It's back again. Oh, now I don't have any excuse for not fixing my story to be. Great job mods!

saneasluna written on 01/12/08 15:33

I have a question. Of course, with my horrible luck, I registered the night before the hacker attack, and didn't submit anything in yet. I still go on semi-regularly (is that a word?), will my account still be deleted?

shewolf2000 written on 01/12/08 15:41

This doesn't really affect me, but just out of curiosity, when you delete the old, unused accounts, will it delete the reviews those users have posted? I know none of mine will be deleted because my story is only one month old and my reviewers would therefore have had to have logged in in the last month, but I can imagine some older stories would have a lot less reviews if reviews were deleted with accounts. I really hope this is not the case, because I'm sure some old users have left lovely reviews in the past and I would hate to see those reviews taken from the older authors. Is there any way reviews can stay even if the accounts are gone?

Nevilles Girl written on 01/12/08 15:49

I'm confused. Has the problem been fixed for everyone besides me? That's what I gather from the comments on here.

Marauder by Midnight written on 01/12/08 16:45

saneasluna - Once again, since you logged in at least once within the last six months your account will not be deleted.

shewolf2000 - Their reviews will not be deleted. There would simply not be a link to the reviewer's profile.

Nevilles Girl - If the problem you are referring to is your inability to place a story in queue, you can find a way around that. When you've put in all the necessary information, ignore the alert box that comes up telling you the category is locked. Instead of hitting "submit" right away, press "preview" (which people should be doing anyway as a good rule of thumb to make sure your formatting is correct). Then from the preview page, after making sure everything is in order, press "submit."

A H written on 01/12/08 17:09

Hi there. My "Manage Stories" link still says that my story is in the queue, but I'm wondering if it is... I dunno if the Queue problems have been fixed and I don't want to enter it again, if it is infact still there.

Marauder by Midnight written on 01/12/08 17:54

A H - I do believe I saw your story earlier in queue. However, it's not there anymore.

Nevilles Girl written on 01/12/08 19:16

Maurader at Midnight, I did that but forgot to specify which Winter Tales prompt my story was for and cannot edit it into the specific prompt. I accidentally submitted it to "Winter Tales". (I feel like a moron.)

bondman007 written on 01/12/08 19:30

I know this is TOTALLY random, but I want to know this in case I decide to work it into one of my fics: Who killed Lupin and Tonks in the final battle, according to the JK Rowling interview that said so? I didn't catch said interview, I know that there was one (thanks to the writer of "A Little More Time") and I have no idea where to look for it. Thanks!!

shewolf2000 written on 01/12/08 19:38

Marauder by Midnight- That's good to hear. Thank you!

bondman007- Dolohov killed Remus. Bellatrix killed Tonks. *grumbles angrily about the murders of two of her favorite characters*

Marauder by Midnight written on 01/12/08 20:08

Nevilles Girl - If that is the only problem, you can delete your own story and simply resubmit again.

bondman007 - This is not the place to ask canon details. For questions like that, either refer to the Harry Potter Lexicon (they have information about all characters, even information taken from interviews) or ask at the MNFF Beta forums.

MissBellaBunny written on 01/12/08 20:27

Is it a problem that my story is not validating or is that just because its been six days since I submitted it and I need a tad more patients =)?

Marauder by Midnight written on 01/12/08 20:47

MissBellaBunny - You submitted your story four days ago, so yes, you'll need to be a little more patient.

On a related note, there are some stories that have been in the queue for ten days. I apologise profusely for this, but the glitch is a top priority. I will try to go through as many stories as I can that are seven or more days old, but again, we ask for your patience and cooperation.

Dragontamer1 written on 01/12/08 20:56

I don't usually post comments on news, but I had to here. I'm as bummed out as evryone else about this. The mods seem to be trying their hardest to work it out. thank you. I know I would be really exaperated trying to deal with all this. I hope the problems are over soon.

moonymaniac written on 01/12/08 23:13

Actually, I'd like to clarify that the adding and deleting of the chapters in my story was because of the glitch in the queue. The chapter wasn't posting properly and I discussed the problem with Potterphile12. Just so no one thinks I was up to no good! ;) Sorry for cluttering your mailbox, babekitty_92. :*)