MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Update in Submissions Policy

by Roxy Black @ 03/31/08 18:14  
Hello all,
Thank you for all of your kind words and support over the past few weeks. We’re very glad to say that the update has gone exceedingly well and we’re well on our way to ironing out our problems and glitches and getting the site running smoothly again. However a further problem needs to be addressed.
After much deliberation, the moderators of MNFF have decided that we will need to charge our authors for each mistake they make in their fictions to make the site financially viable. Our site is always expanding and unfortunately cyber-space is money. We have talked long and hard about the best way to go about this and have devised a little price list which we believe to be both fair and reasonable.
Obviously, MNFF is a site which values the promotion of good writing, and so we decided that it would be errors in fictions that we would charge, rather than the fictions themselves. This makes our lives as moderators easier and I hope you’ll agree that the prices we’ve come up with are equivalent to each error.
Please see below for our list of prices:

$1 for each spelling or punctuation mistake
$2 per canon error
$3 for every multiple category submission
$5 for each tiresome cliché
$10 for every incorrect title or poor summary
$20 for characterisation problems
$50 flat rate for dialogue errors

We will flag up the cost of each mistake in the rejection letters you receive with information on how and where you can pay.
Thank you,
~ The MNFF Moderators.
charma10 written on 04/01/08 2:34

LOL! Too bad it was so obvious! Nice try.

Cachet written on 04/01/08 2:45

please say this is april fools

mugglefan22 written on 04/01/08 2:55

Err...April Fools day? I'm so bad at spelling and i don't think my folks would appreciate the bill also i'm not American so i couldn't pay in $!

lilyevans489 written on 04/01/08 3:00

Funny... if it is a joke. Otherwise admission rates would go down the toilet.

99% sure that this appearing just before april fools is not a coincidence...

lilyevans489 written on 04/01/08 3:20

Just read over all the comments, and come one, people. When this mostly likely comes out as a joke, do you think your ranting will be justified? And even if it's not, you are still being a bit harsh.

Happy Birthday Fred and George!

And do you ship owl-o's to Australia?

mugglefan22 written on 04/01/08 3:23

I've just thought about it anyway surely it would be a breach of copwright considering your making money from Harry Potter, which belongs to JK! It has to be a joke....right?

Nivnami written on 04/01/08 4:10

Have any of you realized that THERE ARE SOME OF US WHO DO NOT LIVE IN THE US?????????

In India,
$1 = Rs. 45

So if i get a bill of $10, do you expect me to pay Rs. 450???

Would YOU pay $450???

I think this a cheap, stupid way of exploiting writers.

written on 04/01/08 4:43

anath As a former mod, my opinion runs along the lines of hogwartsduchess. The Mods do an extraordinary amount of work (upgrades, queue work) and the server space issues are real - someone has to foot the bill for the space.

harrypotterfangirl21 written on 04/01/08 5:01

Uhm. *is deliberating whether to laugh or break open her piggy bank*<p><p>

 . . . I'm thinking that this is for April Fools. I REFUSE TO BE TAKEN IN! <p><p>

(Love the new banner, by the way. Owl-Os = Priceless.)<p><p>

 - Katie *tries to help the posts from running together* *fails*

witch6 written on 04/01/08 6:08


Please tell me this is a joke, please!

tear_away written on 04/01/08 6:12

I always look forward to April Fools Day to see what you guys think up next. Once again its been a good one and much better that what they have done at HPFF (which is just stupid and lacks the imagination shown here).

tear_away written on 04/01/08 6:15

I ordered my Owl-os when should I expect them to come. Wouldn't mind some Cruci-os either come to think of it. (Go Hufflepuff)

rita_skeeter written on 04/01/08 6:23

barry_trotter: I'm not American. And we as the mods think that your comment about Americans not being able to spell is unnecessarily rude. It's not our fault that this has to happen. We're just doing what we've been told to do.

Nivnami: You might want to set yourself up a PayPal account.

h_vic written on 04/01/08 6:32

You haven't mentioned gaping plot-holes or hideous, historical anachronisms. Do we get those for free?


babyfaycetm written on 04/01/08 7:14

That's ridiculous.

Misdemeanor1331 written on 04/01/08 7:32

Lol, that'll teach us to proofread!! ;)

x_lily_evans_x written on 04/01/08 7:40

Is this a joke? At first I thought it was, but then all you mods sounded seriously scary and had the "don't-mess-with-me" thing going, so I changed my mind. And then I decided that the whole idea was quite expensive (even if we were to pay, isn't $50 a little too much?), and then I wondered if they were joking. And I really can't decide.

If it's really a joke, then well done, mods! You really did take most of us in.

If it's not, then all I have to say that I'm totally not sending any chapters into the queue till I'm really sure there isn't a single fault with it. Which is probably never.

PS. I think it's a joke. Kinda sorta.

PPS. Lighten up, all you other people. (:

Insecurity written on 04/01/08 8:00

I was wondering if, for the sake of fairness, dedicated but not entirely perfect writers could read through the mods' stories and pick out any errors they might find that match your criteria. For every error found they are reimbursed any fines that they pay out. This way poverty stricken students could use their know-it-all personalities to save themselves from debt!

GinnyPotter808 written on 04/01/08 8:21

Hah! I know that I don't owe you guys anything! Unless..... do these rules apply to rejected fics? Because, if I does *shudder*. Does anyone have 1,000 dollars I can borrow? Great joke guys, but I must say, last year's was better. You would have gotten me this year, but I was on the Mugglenet main page, and I saw their ludicrous post. Happy April Fools Day!!!!

pheonix_song_719 written on 04/01/08 8:45

If this were true that they were charging, I dont think that they would charge for rejected letters. I would be in debt even more than I am now. I think Im going to start charging for my beta services, like $10.00's a story. and $0.50 a chapter.....hehehehe