MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Update in Submissions Policy

by Roxy Black @ 03/31/08 18:14  
Hello all,
Thank you for all of your kind words and support over the past few weeks. We’re very glad to say that the update has gone exceedingly well and we’re well on our way to ironing out our problems and glitches and getting the site running smoothly again. However a further problem needs to be addressed.
After much deliberation, the moderators of MNFF have decided that we will need to charge our authors for each mistake they make in their fictions to make the site financially viable. Our site is always expanding and unfortunately cyber-space is money. We have talked long and hard about the best way to go about this and have devised a little price list which we believe to be both fair and reasonable.
Obviously, MNFF is a site which values the promotion of good writing, and so we decided that it would be errors in fictions that we would charge, rather than the fictions themselves. This makes our lives as moderators easier and I hope you’ll agree that the prices we’ve come up with are equivalent to each error.
Please see below for our list of prices:

$1 for each spelling or punctuation mistake
$2 per canon error
$3 for every multiple category submission
$5 for each tiresome cliché
$10 for every incorrect title or poor summary
$20 for characterisation problems
$50 flat rate for dialogue errors

We will flag up the cost of each mistake in the rejection letters you receive with information on how and where you can pay.
Thank you,
~ The MNFF Moderators.
lostinside1 written on 04/01/08 12:21

okaaaayyyyyyyyyy this is getting ridiculous (?) now I'm not the worlds best writer. I make hundreds of mistakes mostly grammatical, and words grammar checker isn't always right!!

by the way how much is $50 in £ I think its a huge amount even though I'm not sur ehow much it is.

canon errors? hello you have a whole section devoted to non canon fiction. duh. everyone should just pot there or in general. oh no! we will get charged for that next.
$100 charge for submitting a story in the wrong section.

happy april fools. (yes, it's true. I really don't like this day)

Love_is_4ever written on 04/01/08 12:24


For the first time in months I'm glad I haven't had the muse to write anything in months. I'm sure this is an April Fool's joke, btu if I had a story in the queue I would've been a bit nervous. But, honestly, guys, I think you're taking this a bit too seriously.

Should we betas charge now? Maybe we should make new policies, each beta saying if they take or not responisibility if your story is not accepted and you're billed.

~ Samarie

potterfan226 written on 04/01/08 12:26

Dang. I'm going to be broke.

Roxy Black written on 04/01/08 12:46

Non-canon fictions obviously will not be charged for canon errors. We simply wish to cut down the levels of canon errors within canon fictions.

anath written on 04/01/08 12:49

I just wonder where a certain post regarding a certain message from Mugglenet went. Really, you're going too far with this. It is good enough for a joke and even better as something that would make the members start thinking that moderators and betas deserve something for all their efforts, but many people seem to believe you. You're going too far, guys. This starts to get cruel.
Now, I'm going to leave you, because it's time for me to stop finding excuses not to start my writing - the writing for which I am being paid, not the one that wants me to pay for the right to write. And the writing for which the readers are going to pay, once the book is published. Surprised? Yeah, astonishing as that may dound, that is the mormal practice.

dracoslamis written on 04/01/08 13:05

hehe, april fools. i love it.

a rather good one, i must say.


written on 04/01/08 13:12

Let's just be happy they aren't charging for the errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling in our comments. XP

mgle_teacher written on 04/01/08 13:28

Some people are a bunch of hotheads -- Chill out, drink a butterbeer, and become a better writer.
Problem fixed! XD

Colores written on 04/01/08 13:50

If your beta is inadequate, send them to my beta class. If I beta for you and you get billed, I'll split the cost.

Anath, perhaps that beta isn't that good. Not all betas are amazing, you know. Just because you have a beta doesn't mean the beta is good. Quality betas avoid getting their authors' stories rejected.

clumsywerewolf2438 written on 04/01/08 13:52

This is seriously the most brilliant April Fool's Day prank ever. ~Remora

Fifth Fountain written on 04/01/08 13:56

How do we pay, you don't know our credit card details

Fifth Fountain written on 04/01/08 14:03

You do realise that people just won't pay?

Hermione Clone written on 04/01/08 14:04

I know this is an April Fools day joke, right?
I mean, it wouldn't make sense if it wasn't. Even if you have ten people read your story, there can still be errors. Granted, not as many as if only one person read it, but there could still be errors.
Happy April Fools Day!!!

TCole written on 04/01/08 14:07

Alright... I've read through probably not even half of the comments.

I don't agree with this at all. It's not fair that we have to pay for it when there are people who have their stories AUTOMATICALLY validated, and they don't have to pay. If you're going to make some people pay, then you should make ALL of them pay.

There are so many people that aren't going to be posting any stories at all because they don't have the cash to pay for it. It's not fair. And I agree with all the people that said that the main MN site should just cut down on what they're doing.. seeing as how there aren't any other books coming out. The only thing that they can possibly put on the main site now is about the movies, and you can seriously find out about the movies ANYWHERE.

This is really stupid... I do hope it's a joke. Even though you guys keep saying it's not... It's really not fair. And if we really do have to pay, then I'm going to be even more ticked off then what I already am. It would be funny if this isn't a joke, and someone goes to a lawyer about it. And there probably will be someone like that because a lot of people take fanfiction seriously. I do, but I wouldn't do something like that.. but still...

This isn't fair. Like I said before, if you're going to make us pay for it, make EVERYONE pay for it. INCLUDING former mods and such.. Hence the word "former". They're not modding anymore, so what makes them so special?

Sorry this was so long.. and basically repetitive, and all that. And I didn't mean to be rude (if that's how this came out).

Potter_Malfoy written on 04/01/08 14:09

I have 1 question. What are you going to do about the people who can't pay?

It's like I join one site and they change everything...HPFF Changed it where you can't have any pairing but the ones in the book.....what's going on?

Ellie4Harry written on 04/01/08 14:18

Oh gosh, I think I just had a heart attack! My parents would kill me if I started charging them for my fanfic errors!

Andromeda_Tonks written on 04/01/08 14:22

I would like to point something out to people:
I have never seen these mods introduce a new rule, then make people who broke the rule before it was made pay, whether in having privileges removed or house points on the forums or whatever. People who had submitted their stories before this "rule" have been sent messages saying that they owed money. What does that suggest to you?

AstoriaMalfoy written on 04/01/08 14:35

Oh wow! I read this last night before April 1st and totally got caught up and decided it had been the worst idea to join MNFF and was going to find some other place to submit my fics. Then when I came back today and saw the OWL-Os ad, I realised: "something is not right..." hahaha good one!

The Scribbler written on 04/01/08 14:44

How can authors know if their story is TOO cliche or their summary TOO poor? What if miss characterization is intentional (like for a parody)? What do "dialogue errors" even apply to?

Sorry, Mods, but I can't believe this one. I like the joke, though. Happy April Fools!

mugglefan22 written on 04/01/08 14:57

Lol just reading over everyones post this is a really good joke and much more convincing then the one of the MN main page **ducks from angry H/Hr shippers**! But i think it's time for you to put and end to it cause your rilling a few people!