MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Update in Submissions Policy

by Roxy Black @ 03/31/08 18:14  
Hello all,
Thank you for all of your kind words and support over the past few weeks. We’re very glad to say that the update has gone exceedingly well and we’re well on our way to ironing out our problems and glitches and getting the site running smoothly again. However a further problem needs to be addressed.
After much deliberation, the moderators of MNFF have decided that we will need to charge our authors for each mistake they make in their fictions to make the site financially viable. Our site is always expanding and unfortunately cyber-space is money. We have talked long and hard about the best way to go about this and have devised a little price list which we believe to be both fair and reasonable.
Obviously, MNFF is a site which values the promotion of good writing, and so we decided that it would be errors in fictions that we would charge, rather than the fictions themselves. This makes our lives as moderators easier and I hope you’ll agree that the prices we’ve come up with are equivalent to each error.
Please see below for our list of prices:

$1 for each spelling or punctuation mistake
$2 per canon error
$3 for every multiple category submission
$5 for each tiresome cliché
$10 for every incorrect title or poor summary
$20 for characterisation problems
$50 flat rate for dialogue errors

We will flag up the cost of each mistake in the rejection letters you receive with information on how and where you can pay.
Thank you,
~ The MNFF Moderators.
anath written on 04/01/08 19:06

Bertiebott12, the joke was gorgeous. In the beginning. Then, when people started complaining about actually receiving letters, it was not so funny anymore. And when the mods started repeating that all was real, they practically asked for hurtful comments from those who believed them.
For myself, I know that had I received one of these letters, when I was 14, I would have believed it. I was amazingly naive as a teenager. And given the fact that a 100-dollar charge (because dialogue mistakes seemed to be my favorite sort of mistakes)amounts to my mother's 15-days payment, I would certainly be terrified. Yeah, great joke it is. Only... a bunch of naives may spend a whole day in fear, but honestly, who cares? The only thing that matters is to have fun!

Marauder by Midnight written on 04/01/08 19:08

anath, if you're unhappy with us and would like to leave this site forever, we will be glad to delete your account if you request it.

rita_skeeter written on 04/01/08 19:08

Anath: I'd quite like to speak up for 14-year-olds here and say that that would not be true of all of us.

Marauder by Midnight written on 04/01/08 19:12

anath, you mean you didn't even get a letter? Then you obviously have no idea what the word "sarcasm" means. The standard thing to do is wait until you see something for yourself before getting yourself riled up.

BertieBotsBeans741 written on 04/01/08 19:14

I would have to agree with you rita_skeeter. *knows because she is 14, also* Anyways, just dropping in, come on guys, chill =) Happy birthday to our favorite twins!

bertiebott12 written on 04/01/08 19:16

Anath: Not to push the issue farther, but I'm also 14, and I didn't fall for it. O.o.

Is the letter not obvious? That's the purpose of a joke. O____O

anath written on 04/01/08 19:20

Marauder by Midnight, I have no doubts that you will be glad to delete my account. I assure you, when I start feeling unhappy with you, I will request it. For now, I am only agitated. Meanwhile, you can look through my comments, I am sure you can find something that you can interprete as a disrespect (although it was not meant this way) and delete my account anyway.

Rita_skeeter, I am sure that most of the 14-year-old would not believe such a letter. As I said, I was surprisingly naive. I never said it was a good thing. And yet, there are people who believed the letters - some of them posted here yesterday, or earlier today (I was never good with time zones). In my book, when someone believes a nasty joke, it's not so funny anymore, but again, that's only me.

Gin_PotterGirl written on 04/01/08 19:21


I fell for it...


*sneaks out*

~Michelle :)

Chappe written on 04/01/08 19:22

Give it a rest, HPFF's doing something similar. Mugglenet's joke is just classier

Irith written on 04/01/08 19:27

Ha, ha.
I believed this for about half a second.
Honestly, $50 for a dialouge error? Give me a break. If the prices were reasonable (say under $1) then I'd fall for it. But really, without requiring people to set up a credit card with their account, how can you enforce payment? I mean, sure, delete their account, but you still don't get your money at the end of the day.
And really, no one, ever, is going to shell out $100 for a rejected fiction. Sure, the site might be expensive to run, but not THAT expensive. You'd have enough to run it for a year in about a week.
A very happy April Fool's Day to you, too!

Potterphile12 written on 04/01/08 19:32

Ok, enough.

I know that some people seem to be enjoying this and realizing that this is just a joke but some people are taking this way too far and are insulting members and moderators alike and I will not stand for this.

No more insults, no more flames, no more derogatory comments in this post or else I will take some action and the consequences will not be good. Stop the immaturity right now or find yourself unable to submit fics. And I assure you, that is not a joke.

dulcet_tones written on 04/01/08 19:40

I have to admit that I've been terrified for about half the day thinking 'Oh my gosh, my husband is going to kill me for having a huge bill from this!' I'm still somewhat skeptical - but I'm also very very naive when it comes to jokes. o_O I'll believe just about anything. :-p

However, I also feel that our modlies are doing an awesome job and I'm somewhat perturbed that some of the folks are attacking them. They've done so much for the site since I've been a member and I completely thank them for that. Besides as numerous of them have pointed out (even if this is true) it is not their decision to charges us for the mistakes, but handed down from higher authority.

Just my two knuts! o_o

~Stacy~ *the naive*

P.S. Happy April Fool's Day everyone!

P.S.S. Happy Birthday Gred and Forge.. err... Fred and George. o.O

sayiansirius written on 04/01/08 20:14

Seriously, guys, would the mods REALLY charge for a mistake? I mean..honestly...just sit for a moment and think about it?

Even JKR makes mistakes herself! I can spot many in DH...the dating of things being wrong...etc.

But come on. To insult the moderators who took their precious time to get rid of the hacker attack AND upgrade the website? I mean...they don't have to do ANY of this. You can honestly just go to another website where they accept '"OMGODRIC," Hermione said to Harry.'

Why would they charge for simple mistakes. They are here to help. Don't you think they'd find a way around this even if they had to do it?


And a joke is a joke. But when people start attacking others, it's just...*sigh*.

Mods, you do a wonderful job! This was a very classy April Fool's joke - the best I've seen come around MNFF and the MN main site so far. I'm simply disappointed that some feelings had to get hurt in the process.

Anyway, Happy April Fool's everyone.

~KC :]

Vindictus Viridian written on 04/01/08 20:27

And a happy Gred and Forge Day to you, too! By the way -- the reason "dialogue errors" was so much higher than regular punctuation errors was that there is almost no such thing as one dialogue error. You know how to punctuate dialogue or you don't. The $50 flat fee would actually have saved a lot of people enough money to avoid becoming my own personal fanslave in my new home addition, the alchemy lab. (What, you thought these fees were ALL going for server maintainance?) Enjoy your Owl-Os!

Looking at the queue, I can tell just how many of you were truly frightened.

LoopyLoonyLuna written on 04/01/08 20:45

this better be an april fools day joke. or i will scream very, very loudly.

LoopyLoonyLuna written on 04/01/08 20:53

oh i almost forgot! happy birthday to fred and george! *blows out some candles and whishes fred was still alive*

--Casey (:

ginnygirl16 written on 04/01/08 21:11

Well, i only read and review. I agree that it is not a bad idea to try and make little bit of money to keep the site running but i think there could be a much easier way then this. Plus, dont you think that you will loose alot of great story's and authors this way?
I just hope you dont start charging me to read and review!

Indigoenigma written on 04/01/08 21:13

Man...what a great way to empty out the queue! I think that this was a very convincing joke, so kudos to those who thought of it. And a very happy April Fool's to all!

justin ferguson written on 04/01/08 21:28

OK, I guess I was a little hard on the mods. Sorry! But the more comments I read, the more I believe this is an April Fool's joke. I REALLY hope it is, but until I'm sure I'm just not going to post anything. If it is, then great joke! But if it isn't, I'm probably just going to post my stories on different sights.

harrypotterfangirl21 written on 04/01/08 21:33

Very good joke, modlies. I almost fell for it.


On another note, I can't wait for my Owl-O's! =]

 - Katie