MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Update in Submissions Policy

by Roxy Black @ 03/31/08 18:14  
Hello all,
Thank you for all of your kind words and support over the past few weeks. We’re very glad to say that the update has gone exceedingly well and we’re well on our way to ironing out our problems and glitches and getting the site running smoothly again. However a further problem needs to be addressed.
After much deliberation, the moderators of MNFF have decided that we will need to charge our authors for each mistake they make in their fictions to make the site financially viable. Our site is always expanding and unfortunately cyber-space is money. We have talked long and hard about the best way to go about this and have devised a little price list which we believe to be both fair and reasonable.
Obviously, MNFF is a site which values the promotion of good writing, and so we decided that it would be errors in fictions that we would charge, rather than the fictions themselves. This makes our lives as moderators easier and I hope you’ll agree that the prices we’ve come up with are equivalent to each error.
Please see below for our list of prices:

$1 for each spelling or punctuation mistake
$2 per canon error
$3 for every multiple category submission
$5 for each tiresome cliché
$10 for every incorrect title or poor summary
$20 for characterisation problems
$50 flat rate for dialogue errors

We will flag up the cost of each mistake in the rejection letters you receive with information on how and where you can pay.
Thank you,
~ The MNFF Moderators.
magic_child written on 03/31/08 19:22

Ohh, you guys are good! Happy April Fool's Day!! (Oh, and you're cheaters...IT'S NOT EVEN APRIL 1ST YET!!)

Bookwormy written on 03/31/08 19:23

Oh NO! What is poor Bookwormy going to do now :D

Honestly. I'd expected better pranks..

Gmariam written on 03/31/08 19:27

Good idea - great prices! And what will you do with the extra money once the site - and the mods - have been paid for ten times over? ;-)

Harry_Potter_Mom written on 03/31/08 19:31

Great! This comes up just as my story should be going up for validation in the next day or so! Hmm... guess I better adjust the monthly budget. Shall I remove money from the children's lunch money or the money I give to the church... Perhaps you take VISA? {giggles as I run to steal hubby's wallet} :-)

anath written on 03/31/08 19:38

Really poor timing - you should have done this long ago. By now, this site would have gone rich by my rejected (and even accepted!) stories. I suppose I should feel sorry for you, but being the selfish person that I am, I am disgustingly happy, because every single thing that keeps my salary intact makes me happy. What a horrible person I am.*sad face* * grin*. WHAT? Grin? No, sad face again because of my greed.

songbook99 written on 03/31/08 19:48

butter_beer_drinker, try a different skin, such as Zenlike, and the comments do not run together.

Bookwormy, I hope you still think it's a prank when you get your next rejection/validation letter.

Gmariam, anything over and above the maintenance of the site will be donated to charity.

Harry_Potter_Mom, you'll receive additional instructions about payment in your rejection/validation letter.

For any of you who are worried about how much it's going to cost, you may want to invest in good beta services to limit how much you'll be charged.

Lyra Lestrange written on 03/31/08 19:50

And to think I've been saving all my money to buy a laptop so I can spend more time writing fanfiction!

Will you charge $20 for characterization problems with OCs?

Gin_PotterGirl written on 03/31/08 19:56

So, even if I have one little dialouge error, I have to pay 50$? Also, how can a title be "incorrect?"

I just want to say that some people might stop posting stories for fear in having to pay money. =)

~Michelle :)

LilyGinnyWrites92 written on 03/31/08 20:24

I'm not sure this is a great idea...wouldn't it be a better idea to have a subscriber fee, like 5 or 10 bucks a month to join the site and the forums? Because you'll probably have a decrease in submissions, due to a lack of people willing to pay for errors.


sayiansirius written on 03/31/08 20:27

I seriously thought this was a joke at first. But now I don't think so. I just recieved a rejection letter for the next chapter of my fic, The Return...and along with it was a $12 bill. 10 for poor summary and 2 for two punctuation mistakes!!! But I don't think this is quite fair mods, I don't use summaries. I just simply write thanks to the beta who looked over my fic. Must we write summaries now? And also...how good do they have to be?

And how long do we have to pay the bill?

Please respond ASAP as I would like to get my fic published!


twirlergirl583 written on 03/31/08 20:35

I seriously believed you. lol. April 1st is tomorrow for me...lol. I was FREAKING OUT! I'm not a perfect writer...lol...I was going to go find another FanFiction site...because I have literally no money at the moment.

Thank God this is an April Fool's Day joke.

Heather25x written on 03/31/08 20:35

I didn't fall for it this year! Yay! lol. Happy April Fools. And i love the banner, it's hilarious :)

Parchment and Quill written on 03/31/08 20:36

Ah, lovely. You'll really be rolling in the cash now! Should the authorities be warned about this? Nah....

Happy April Fool's Day :)

Oh, Happy Birthday George. (And to the dearly departed Fred as well!)

songbook99 written on 03/31/08 20:37

Lyra Lestrange, you may want to contact your category mod about that before you submit. I don't usually see too many OCs in the categories I normally deal with.

LilyGinnyWrites92, we had considered a subscriber fee, but we decided against it because we don't want to charge users who are only here to read and review.

sayiansirius, it seems we still have some ironing out to do in the adjusted rejection letters. Please email me the information and I'll be able to give you specifics.

fawkeshermione221 written on 03/31/08 20:42

25$ a box? Forget it. I'm sticking with my Honey Bunches of Oats.

anath written on 03/31/08 20:52

On the contrary, songbook99. When I borrow a book from the library, I've already paid my fee for the whole year and I can't think of a reason why anybody should have the pleasure to read and enjoy stories for free, while the person who created this story should be charged for every little mistake.

liveforthedream written on 03/31/08 20:52

Guys, they're not kidding. I just got my chapter e-mail back. I seems I now owe a reputedly 'free site' money or they will be contacting me with their lawyers...
Perhaps it didn't occur to some people that lawyers probably cost more than the site's maintenance anyway? Sellouts.
I'm canceling my account. This is ridiculous, not to mention a waste of my time. I'm disappointed in the management. If you needed more funding, there were better ways to go about doing it...

TheSilverDoe written on 03/31/08 20:53

i must say that is not good. and slightly stupid...

written on 03/31/08 20:55

um ... wouldn't charging people to write fiction that doesn't technically belong to you cuont as breaking the law? just saying. *points to bottom of page*. and what happened to "non-profit" organization?

sayiansirius written on 03/31/08 21:01

*sigh* fg_weasley, I asked them that when I sent my angry e-mail response upon recieving a fine. I asked the same question and apparently, they are still "non-profit" because they are "not charging for you to publish" our fiction. They just charge when "it doesn't fit the submissions policy". Yes, that is direct quotation from the e-mail. I am incredibly disappointed. I have been a part of this site for FOUR YEARS and to think that this would happen....I'll just pay my $12 and get it over with and leave.