MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Update in Submissions Policy

by Roxy Black @ 03/31/08 18:14  
Hello all,
Thank you for all of your kind words and support over the past few weeks. We’re very glad to say that the update has gone exceedingly well and we’re well on our way to ironing out our problems and glitches and getting the site running smoothly again. However a further problem needs to be addressed.
After much deliberation, the moderators of MNFF have decided that we will need to charge our authors for each mistake they make in their fictions to make the site financially viable. Our site is always expanding and unfortunately cyber-space is money. We have talked long and hard about the best way to go about this and have devised a little price list which we believe to be both fair and reasonable.
Obviously, MNFF is a site which values the promotion of good writing, and so we decided that it would be errors in fictions that we would charge, rather than the fictions themselves. This makes our lives as moderators easier and I hope you’ll agree that the prices we’ve come up with are equivalent to each error.
Please see below for our list of prices:

$1 for each spelling or punctuation mistake
$2 per canon error
$3 for every multiple category submission
$5 for each tiresome cliché
$10 for every incorrect title or poor summary
$20 for characterisation problems
$50 flat rate for dialogue errors

We will flag up the cost of each mistake in the rejection letters you receive with information on how and where you can pay.
Thank you,
~ The MNFF Moderators.
saneasluna written on 04/01/08 21:33

Happy april fool's day! I fell for it for about a day until i analyzed the OWL-O page. and adding on to that long lasting thing about 14 year olds falling for it *cough*i did for half a day and i'm 14 *cough*. I'm not that naive though- it just caught me off guard. Anyway, happy birthday to Fred and George! *sings offkey "happy birthday" and gets crucio'd by neighbors*.

anath written on 04/01/08 21:46

Hey, I am glad to see that 14 years old are more realistic that I was that age. The problem that I addressed was not about age, though. The fact is that people who are naive are just this way. I was awfully naive as a teenager, now I am still naive, but not so awfully guileless. What matters is that at least I can pay my own bills now. Imagine what wouldan easy meat (that's me) think, if she receives an enormous bill that her parents must pay, because she is a minor who doesn't make money yet.
Again, I appreciate the originality of the joke. I have my reservations for the further comments though, because I've witnessed how much distress jokes like that have caused people who does not deserve to be upset - it's not their fault that they are naive.

MJ_Padfoot written on 04/01/08 21:56

This has got to be a April Fool's joke. If it's not then there goes my fanfic career. I'm a poor high school student with zero money to go to any dances (yet I barely mangaed to scrap up enough money for this upcoming one...lol). Fanfic is the only thing I turn to to uplift my sorrowful soul from having no money (and Potter Puppet Pals...hehehe). ~MJ =)

Bethywoo written on 04/01/08 22:05

Well, there goes my retirement. Wait...I don't have a retirement fund. Never mind. I'm just broke.

mkmwrite written on 04/01/08 22:08

Hey, I'll insult the mods here as much as I feel like doing that!!!!! You do know that freedom of speech is two-sided. You can say what you want, but people are allowed to scream the opposing arguement from the rooftops.

I seriously think the mods are being kind of bossy, to be perfectly honest. It's like, you have your own unique writing style, or you write dialogue a different way, and BAM! REJECTED!!!!!!! How is that fair? It's like they're trying to turn us into cookie-cutter writers who are all the same! That's hardly what I call fair.

And you all whine "The mods didn't have to put up with the hacker attack and upgrade and blah blah blah!!!" Part of me wishes they hadn't. This place desn't really seem worth savign anyway.

I'm still leaving Mugglenet, even if it is a joke. You have my permission to delete me, ban me from Mugglenet for eternity!!!! I'd love that very much!!!!!

Sincerely yours,

PS: Goodbye everyone! I WON'T miss you!!!

Vindictus Viridian written on 04/01/08 22:15

Okay, that actually deserves a serious rebuttal.
1. The U.S. right to free speech applies if this site's address ends in .gov.
2. We ask for correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation because it facilitates readability. If your experiment is essential to meaning, I for one will probably accept it. For instance, if you're trying on the style of Faulkner (please don't) just put in a note saying that's what you're doing. Heaven protect me from "cookie cutter writers!" However, if it's just wrong because you can't be bothered to fix it, there are plenty of places to submit unreadable fanfic. This is not one of them. Signing up here is an agreement to abide by the posted set of standards.
3. We ask for canon accuracy because that's how the game is played. Otherwise, why call it fanfic?

Pendraegona written on 04/01/08 22:28

It was a good joke, and venting against the actual proposal was fun for a bit, but mkmwrite took it too far. The mods are fantastic, really, and even though getting rejected is frustrating, I know it's not for malicious or conformist reasons. It's to set high standards and encourage all of us to become better writers. I'd rather post here than anywhere else.

Colores written on 04/01/08 22:36

mkmwrite, I think you're being seriously unfair. I agree with VV all the way. These standards are set to encourage quality writing. Look at the work on fanfiction.net and tell me that it's quality - ludicrous! Basic spelling, grammar, and punctuation are not a lot to ask.

Eskimo1990 written on 04/01/08 22:36

Okay, I'm still hoping this is a joke since today I submitted my fanfiction. I'm not going to attack any of the mods either. I understand your jobs are extremely stressful. If the site really costs that much much set up a donation on a PayPal account. People will donate more then they will pay the bill on mistakes. If this isn't an April Fool's joke, well my short time on this site has been fun, and I enjoyed reading all the amazing fics. But I need my money to save for an apartment and college. So hopefully this is an April Fool's joke.

LilykinsLove written on 04/01/08 23:11

This has become ridiculous - those without common sense have turned an amazing April Fools into a mass of chaos and beating of anyone who seems vulnerable. Really, lets think through this. One of the TOP HP websites out there is running SO LOW ON FUNDS that they have to CHARGE THEIR AUTHORS for mistakes. Yeah. I suggest you all saunter off for the night with whatever dignity you have left - and lets see what comes of tomorrow.

Arial Felchem written on 04/01/08 23:13

Ok, so I've read through every comment and I think it's just an April Fools joke, but I'm still not 100%. Any chance of a posting saying that it is?
And for the record, if it's not a joke and you have a serious problem with it, then, people, just quietly delete your account and go elsewhere, there's no need to get nasty.
But I'm really thinking it's just a joke, Mugglenet always likes their little April Fools fun.

lullaby BANG written on 04/01/08 23:28

Wow, some people really can't take a hint, can they?

There's a reason MNFF has such a high standard because they look for high quality stories where authors actually understand how to write, and who figures this out? The moderators, and while their jobs maybe subjective, so are publishers, and you will not find a better fanfic site with such high quality stories. So what if MNFF rejects you for dialouge error? It only encourages you to become a better writer- what MNFF is wanting writers to pursue as Colores and VV have mentioned. Honestly, these are probably the most common errors the moderators have to experience and cause them a headache so why not poke fun at it and reinforce good writing? It's a shame to know that this joke also gave them a headache.

Really, it's pathetic that people still have to fight their point even when it's a joke. Learn to grow some backbone because reality is a lot harsher.

Mods, this was a great joke; ha, too bad I never fell for it, but I'm sorry that it's caused such a headache. Best of luck in the queue to you.

Celestial Melody written on 04/01/08 23:36

Well, really... does one necessarily *have* to pay the bill when one receives it? For instance, say I write a story and its main character is a Mary Sue. I, unfortunately, am too silly to know what a Mary Sue is, so I go ahead and submit: When I get my bill, I am flabbergasted:

"Oh! Well! *flounces* I just won't pay it!"

I'll be in bad standing; I'll not be allowed to submit stories ever again, but I won't have to pay money. Is that it?

Oh... I don't know. It's interesting to me how the Harry Potter fanbase works. First Rowling pitches a fit about the (amazing) people at the HP Lexicon and now MuggleNet is charging money. How very sad... We all used to be so generous! It shocks and saddens me that we will be losing such wonderful people as KC, et al.

But, of course, as people have pointed out, this could be a practical joke. But I don't think so. It's too cruel to be a joke. Maybe I'll come back and talk later. I don't know. For now I'll just ... suffer. *grins*

written on 04/02/08 0:05

Um, in case anyone is still in doubt (though I honestly can't see why they should be, seeing as its rather obvious, but whatver) it IS a joke. Beth has even said so herself, or alluded to it, at least. Obviously MNFF could not charge because it would turn into the Lexicon fiasco all over again--and I don't think MNFF would ever seriously try and infringe on JKRs rights. I can see why peopel that fell for it would think its a bit cruel. However, if you really think about it, its actually pretty funny, especially when you read some of the outrageous comments. I congradualte the mods on a fantastic prank, and I would also like to thank them for all they do here. While they may not be perfect, they are giving up their free time and energy for this site, and I think we should keep that in mind next time we decide to get a bit melodramatic.

pheonix_song_719 written on 04/02/08 0:13

oi...people are too uptight. Have a pint of firewhiskey and relax! By the way I was joking about making my "story clients" pay. I would never do that. Writing isnt something that you should have to pay for. But any ways, I wouldnt mind a treacle tart sent to me once in a while or on holidays. My punctuation in this post is horrid. Thats because Im to lazy to do anything right I just got off a 14 hour shift, Im exhausted. Butter beer for me! Happy april fools guys

anath written on 04/02/08 0:39

Thanks to everyone who wrote comments. I don't know for the others, but the brawls here did me good: when I felt like falling asleep, I just needed to throw a look here, and I instantly became fully awake. And writing each one of my own comments helped me overcome my need of sleep for at least half an hour. Sorry if it looked too harsh. I meant every word of it, maybe just not the way it sounded.
I am glad that 1st April is over. My reason is simple: I spent the last 27 hours working and today I'm getting paid! Now, I'm happy again. The only problem is that you stopped posting here and I stay awake for 4 more hours... I'm going to make myself some cups of coffee, because if I fall asleep now, I'll never wake in time and I'll miss my salary.
Happy 2nd April to everyone - I expect that my own will be certainly happier than the day before that.

harrietamidala written on 04/02/08 1:03

I don't know what to say about the matter, but how are we going to pay? Send money over the internet? That's discouraging me from writing from this site. I am not willing to waste dough for having a few mistakes. Posting your announcement the day before April Fools is pretty bad timing. I thought it was a joke too, until I saw the date of your post. Oops, almost forgot the "a" between "was" and "joke." Saved me a buck. Would mistakes on comments also be accounted for?

harrietamidala written on 04/02/08 1:07

I can understand the prices for 1, 2, 3, and maybe 5 bucks, but 10, 20, 50 bucks!? Be reasonable here. We don't want our parents to get suspicious where our money is going to. Some of us can't afford to spend that much on a website. Now I am really hoping that this is a joke, because I fell for Harry/ Hermione scandal earlier, and I happen to be a person who takes things literally (literally!).

harrietamidala written on 04/02/08 1:10

if they say that this is a joke, I will breathe with relief. I am getting tensed up over nothing. Having a mod taking it seriously just scares me.

harrietamidala written on 04/02/08 1:13

now that I have been thinking over this, it has to be a joke. No doubt about it.