MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Update in Submissions Policy

by Roxy Black @ 03/31/08 18:14  
Hello all,
Thank you for all of your kind words and support over the past few weeks. We’re very glad to say that the update has gone exceedingly well and we’re well on our way to ironing out our problems and glitches and getting the site running smoothly again. However a further problem needs to be addressed.
After much deliberation, the moderators of MNFF have decided that we will need to charge our authors for each mistake they make in their fictions to make the site financially viable. Our site is always expanding and unfortunately cyber-space is money. We have talked long and hard about the best way to go about this and have devised a little price list which we believe to be both fair and reasonable.
Obviously, MNFF is a site which values the promotion of good writing, and so we decided that it would be errors in fictions that we would charge, rather than the fictions themselves. This makes our lives as moderators easier and I hope you’ll agree that the prices we’ve come up with are equivalent to each error.
Please see below for our list of prices:

$1 for each spelling or punctuation mistake
$2 per canon error
$3 for every multiple category submission
$5 for each tiresome cliché
$10 for every incorrect title or poor summary
$20 for characterisation problems
$50 flat rate for dialogue errors

We will flag up the cost of each mistake in the rejection letters you receive with information on how and where you can pay.
Thank you,
~ The MNFF Moderators.
written on 03/31/08 21:05

I think thats extremely stupid, and if they are going to do they, then they shouldn't call themselves non-profit, because technically, they are making cash. Sorry mods, but I really don't think this is a good idea, considering all the wonderful authors you'll lose like KC. Thats if you're serious, because I'm still holding out for the big April Fools! I know I probably sound rude, and I'm sorry, but thats what I honestly think.

justin ferguson written on 03/31/08 21:09

I agree, I really don't think this is a good idea. I am disappointed. I'm probably going to end up canceling my account as well.

barry_trotter written on 03/31/08 21:12

$1 for each spelling or punctuation mistake
type up inword first and spell check!

$2 per canon error
Story's dont necessarily run by Canon do they

$3 for every multiple category submission - Just stick it in General!

$5 for each tiresome cliché - HP runs by cliché's all the time it is only fitting that Fanfics do as well.

$10 for every incorrect title or poor summary - How can a summary be poor, it is up to a author how they summarise their story

$20 for characterisation problems - Harry's a hormone driven teenager, Ron's a load mouth who doesn't think before he talks adn Hermione's a Know-It-All problem solved!

$50 flat rate for dialogue errors - stick speech marks in and hey preston no dialogue errors!

PS i'll mod the entire site for free it seems only fitting rather than charge people for it. I had one bad run-in with a fanfic site today i don't need another. for those who are interested it's harrypotterfanfiction.com that has made me riled. its become hpshippersunite.com and focuses only on storys with Harry/Cho (come on PUR-LEASE) and Sirius/Lily (again, come on PUR-LEASE) END OF RANT!

Marauder by Midnight written on 03/31/08 21:14

For years, our site has been untouched by ads or fees, despite Mugglenet's reputation for pop-up master. And for years we've resisted the change. However, we're now using a considerably large part of Mugglenet's allocated cyberspace area and are now asked to contribute in this method. The money isn't being used to line our own pockets. It's being used to fund the space used to provide you with a place to submit your stories. And I actually don't recall us saying anywhere that we were non-profit, even though we are. Without adequate funds, I'm afraid Mugglenet main site might shut us down or at least dramatically cut down the size, and therefore the number of stories, we can have.

written on 03/31/08 21:16

What about former mods? Are we subject to the new policy as well, given the circumstances that lead to our stories being submitted? *wink*

griffen_house written on 03/31/08 21:16

i was all sent to submit my new poem i wrote but now im not so sure i have horrible spelling and there's really no point in getting a beta for something less then 200 words long, and what about summeries the way i see it there is no way to avoid fees unless you spend two munths looking it over and how do you have an incorrect title?????

Marauder by Midnight written on 03/31/08 21:19

Hogwartsduchess - Fees do not apply to former moderators as there is no practical method of keeping an eye on errors made in automatically validated stories.

griffen_house - An incorrect title would include misspellings, incorrect capitalization, and fancy schmancy stuff like "~*~*"

barry_trotter written on 03/31/08 21:19

another point i have to make, why don't you line the site with loads of ad's come on, its seems only fitting rather than charging ridiculous prices for errors and such. and besides i'm british i don't work will $'s so XP

Marauder by Midnight written on 03/31/08 21:23

barry_trotter - Oh, would you really prefer loads of ads slowing down your computer and surreptitiously downloading spyware onto your computer? And keep in mind these prices came down from the admins of MN.

sayiansirius written on 03/31/08 21:24

Marauder by Midnight: Can't you guys ask MN to cut down on THEIR space? I mean...hello? There aren't any more books coming out and the site is huge. They can cut down on some thigns. This is fanfiction we're talking about! You can't just charge us...everybody makes mistakes...even betas. :[

barry_trotter written on 03/31/08 21:26

yes i would rather than being charged for errors. and secondly ad's can be screened you know they can be given from trusted companies and why not ask companies such as myspace and facebook etc they'd probably love the exposure!

xohplovr94xo written on 03/31/08 21:26

I can't believe this, i just wrote a fanfic and now i don't even think its good enough or that i will submit it, b/c i don't have the money to pay if it has any mistakes. I seriously can't believe this.

Marauder by Midnight written on 03/31/08 21:29

barry_trotter - You are reacting as if we have control over the ads we show here. The ads that'll be here will be the same annoying and virus-ridden ads that are on main site.

sayiansirius - You have no idea how long we've been fighting this.

xohplovr94xo written on 03/31/08 21:35

But i seriously think this is unfair and they shouldn't call this site non-profit, most of us authors on this site, are young and don't have jobs and we are writing just for fun, not to make someone money. Thats why we do this and i really agree with KC and Barry_Trotter, and Marauder by Midnight! There are other things that MN can do instead of charging us.

barry_trotter written on 03/31/08 21:40

xohplovr94xo - i for one totally agree with you, i think it should be re-considered, if they say they have been fighting this decision then they didn't fight hard enough in my eyes, it takes more than a majority decision to decide this. this really sickens me, i think it should be scrapped asap, MN will crash and burn if they let this carry on!!!

mgle_teacher written on 03/31/08 21:40

I seriously hope this is a joke.

justin ferguson written on 03/31/08 21:40

I'm really upset about this. I don't have money to pay for mistakes and I just started my first story before the updates, and then I had to wait for the upgrades to finish and then I was excited about posting again and now I don't think I will!

written on 03/31/08 21:43

You know, the costs of running this site have been growing larger and larger and it has been a fight for at least a year...I think the mods did a heck of a job fighting for all of us. It isn't their fault. Get a good beta reader and be done with it.

Marauder by Midnight written on 03/31/08 21:45

barry_trotter - Wow what an insult. Maybe you should try seeing this from another perspective. That's really all I have to say to you.

anath written on 03/31/08 21:51

Well, let alone the matter about the site being non-profit or not. I m not sure that the moderators who run this site are the most qualified people to measure the quality of the fics. After all, we all know how the professionals rejected Rowling herself at the beginning, showing not quite adequate valuation. Really, charging for a canon error? I wonder why you bother keeping absolutely non-canon categories – let’s say Hermione/Snape! – then! Charging an author for every multiple category submission – very smart that, given the fact that half of the time I’ve been having problems opening one or another of the categories and I submit to another, then delete and so on. And no, the problem is not in my computer, because with each other site it works flawlessly. Great, charge the authors for the problems within the site. The charge for dialogue formatting is so ridiculous that it’s not worthy being discussed. I don’t know what you were thinking when you came up with it, but in the world that I live in this is almost equal to my daily pay, so as soon as I finish writing this, I’ll delete my last two chapters. I have no desire to lose money on something that is supposed to be fun. Well, it will be fun – for the people who read our stories for free! The stories for which you want to charge US! You know, I’ve never seen books being given for free in the bookshops after the author had been charged for every little mistake.
And one last thing: the part about characterization problems and tiresome clichés almost made me laugh. Who do you think you are to decide that you are the ones who know best what is a poor characterization and what is a ‘tiresome cliché’? This is as biased as anything I can imagine. Get down on earth, people, and remember what happened last year. I mean Lassman’s experiment with Jane Austen’s works, if you don’t know. Chapters of her most famous novels were sent, only with changed names of the characters, to 18 publishing houses and agents under a false name and all those people sent them back with refusals! They just did not recognize them. Really, do you honestly believe you are the best authorities who can charge authors just because of something that you think a ‘tiresome cliché’ or a characterization problem?