MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Update in Submissions Policy

by Roxy Black @ 03/31/08 18:14  
Hello all,
Thank you for all of your kind words and support over the past few weeks. We’re very glad to say that the update has gone exceedingly well and we’re well on our way to ironing out our problems and glitches and getting the site running smoothly again. However a further problem needs to be addressed.
After much deliberation, the moderators of MNFF have decided that we will need to charge our authors for each mistake they make in their fictions to make the site financially viable. Our site is always expanding and unfortunately cyber-space is money. We have talked long and hard about the best way to go about this and have devised a little price list which we believe to be both fair and reasonable.
Obviously, MNFF is a site which values the promotion of good writing, and so we decided that it would be errors in fictions that we would charge, rather than the fictions themselves. This makes our lives as moderators easier and I hope you’ll agree that the prices we’ve come up with are equivalent to each error.
Please see below for our list of prices:

$1 for each spelling or punctuation mistake
$2 per canon error
$3 for every multiple category submission
$5 for each tiresome cliché
$10 for every incorrect title or poor summary
$20 for characterisation problems
$50 flat rate for dialogue errors

We will flag up the cost of each mistake in the rejection letters you receive with information on how and where you can pay.
Thank you,
~ The MNFF Moderators.
NikkiSue written on 03/31/08 22:32

Oh for Merlin's sake, people, sit down. Does everyone feel better after their venting? Good. Now, if you are all finished complaining, I suggest you join me over here in the corner for a butterbeer and enjoy this nice (massive) common room, complete with fluffy pillows and maybe even a few fluffy fanfics . . . for a fee. ;-)

barry_trotter written on 03/31/08 22:36

diabolical absolutely diabolical, its outrageous its discrimination. i happen to know there are people who pose fanfics in english when there first language is not even english. for example they post a story with 1000 words, 600 of those words are mispelt due to tranlation there is $600 worth of fee's already. i know the majority of people who work for MN and MNFF are american no offense intended but come on you guys don't spell proper english. there will be an uproar there will be no need to enforce these charges as people will stop submitting and the only who visit will be those who read the fan fics how long will it last a couple of months if that. is it a coincidence that the queue is currently over 300 stories and if each story has on average 5 spelling mistakes there is $1500 made for mnff there, i can guarentee that there will be canon errors in some mods eyes so lets say 50 on average = $100, next 100 will have multiple catergories another $300, leave out cliché's
100 incorrect summaries or titles = $1000, 50 characterisation problems = $1000, and 100 dialogue errors $5000. lets afdd that together then 1500+100+300+1000+1000+5000= $8900 made from 300 submits. that is more than enough to fund a site like this for a few months if not a year if my calculations! DIABOLICAL!

pheonix_song_719 written on 03/31/08 22:38

Okay I am a beta reader, and we don't get paid to read peoples stories and fix them up and make them all pretty so that MNFF will accept the story. Why don't you see if more people will mod for you? I have offered my services several times only to be turned down for one reason or an other. And this is one person WHO WOULD MOD FOR FREE! ***JUMPS UP AND DOWN**** HELLO IM HERE!. But i will just be looked over again and again and again. So wonderful whatever day it is. And happy birthday, F & G.

dragonwings written on 03/31/08 22:39

Wow... Forget the charge for the stories! You could just charge people $20 for every vent! This might work better than therapy!

I'm not going to say whether I believe this or not. All I'm going to say that this is a non-profit site... ;)

Marauder by Midnight written on 03/31/08 22:41

dragonwings - Not a bad idea.

All negative posts past this comment will be charged a cent each character.

How do you like that for tyranny? -_-

Yes, unfortunately, I am just kidding

Stubbornly_appeared written on 03/31/08 22:42


Oh, come on. I'm so broke I won't be able to submit now! I'll have to get a really good beta....


pheonix_song_719 written on 03/31/08 22:42

What is funny is that some of you people posting have been on here as long as I have IF NOT LONGER and half of them still don't pay attention. CONSTANT VIGILANCE PEOPLE!

pheonix_song_719 written on 03/31/08 22:44

*throws a pillow at Marauder by midnight!****

bluexroses written on 03/31/08 22:57

*blinks* *rereads* *prays that this is a [really good] April Fool's joke*

I just won't submit anything until I know for sure though =]

Pendraegona written on 03/31/08 23:12

Has anyone ever cut and pasted a story in from Word and had errors that weren't in the original document? And the best fanfictions have errors--there are even gaps in canon. I've had some really fantastic betas who still missed a few things. No rudeness or venting intended, because I love and am ridiculously loyal to this site, but this won't cut out "bad" or "substandard" stories (that's the job of the wonderful moderators, a lovely bunch of people unique to this site)...only stories whose authors don't have the money to pay for inevitable mistakes. That was a run-on sentence, and I'm an English major.

It's not a matter of "won't pay." It's a matter of "can't." I'll chip in a couple of bucks gladly, but not fifty, and not because I have dialogue errors in one story. On top of it all, I'm rather insecure about my work; I don't have any stories up or in queue that I feel good enough about to pay for. All right, enough said. Happy birthday to the Weasley twins! Now I've got to go write a philosophy paper.

Angela_Prongs written on 03/31/08 23:13

Thank goodness I got me a beta! Phew!

Well, I have money to spare for a couple of boxes of Owl-Os...-pulls out wallet- How much are those?


pheonix_song_719 written on 03/31/08 23:21

Alright not that I think that the mods are serious, but I wouldnt mind sending a donation. But its all I have. I couldnt afford all that money all the time, I suck. But any way. I will help out as much as I can if it is that you guys do need.

Hatusu written on 03/31/08 23:36

YES! Surefire annihilation of every dialogue error that has ever existed on MNFF! I'm totally with you on this one, mods. Great idea. :D *LMAO*

solemnlyswear_x written on 03/31/08 23:43

Wow, thank goodness I just got a job! $10 for a poor summary? Geez. *snickers*


CrystalM written on 03/31/08 23:50

LOL, this is a harsh joke mods! A good way to get everyone riled up for April 1st!

C_A_Campbell written on 03/31/08 23:52

You're right, guys. With all the horrible stuff you have to put up with, you deserve the money. I better go get myself a part-time job. ~Chanté P.S. Do you think betas could start charging the same rates? God knows, we deserve it.

OliveOil_Med written on 04/01/08 0:00

$50 for dialogue errors?!?! Can't I just promise you guys my first born like I did when I had to pay for Catholic school? What, suddenly you're better than the Vatican?

The Salt Lake Queen written on 04/01/08 0:53

Goodness gracious...for a minute there I thought you were serious. Charging people for NOT getting their work published on the site...now there's a notion. XD

nesit721 written on 04/01/08 0:55

I belong to another fan site for a different series of books too, and I think that this site could do what they do. (It's a forum, but still, MN could do basically the same thing) Everyone has access to the main part of it, but to get to a few selected special features, you have to pay. Or people are just allowed to donate some money if they want. But people aren't forced to pay just for the little stuff.

I'm going to contact MN about this later, but if anyone want to see what i'm talking about, just seach "Young Wizards Forum" and click on the third link.

jenny b written on 04/01/08 1:35

Good point, Nikki! Someone should inform Jo ... :] I'm really hoping this is a joke, guys, or else you're going to lose a lot of good writers.