MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Name: sirius_s_child (Signed) · Date: 06/29/06 5:33 · For: Forever on the Closed Ward
aww thats so sad! it's really good too! you made me think that brian was dumbledore's son at first, but then when you said he was a potter i almost cried!

Name: sunshine (Signed) · Date: 06/28/06 11:28 · For: Forever on the Closed Ward
This is so sad...I actually had tears in my eyes. It is very well-written. You are an extremely talented writer!! : )

Name: JC_Cainstone (Signed) · Date: 06/28/06 1:20 · For: Forever on the Closed Ward
That was absolutely beautiful. I am actually really sad, almost crying, it takes a wonderful fic to do that to me! That last line betraying who Brian really was could pull anyone's heartstrings. I could read that a million times and not get bored of it!

Name: aintcrazy4you (Signed) · Date: 06/27/06 16:45 · For: Forever on the Closed Ward
How sad!*feels tears welling up in eyes* Oh, dang it! Now look what you making do.*wipes eyes* This story was beautiful in a sad way. The way you written it made feel how sad the moment was for Brian.You need to write more. Well, I better go before I start tearing up again.*eyes tear up* Dang it!

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