Right Here by FirstDaysofSummer
Summary: A night at the Burrow could change everything. A moment of time, standing still, just him and her together. Not thinking about what could or will happen with Voldemort, but just being there with each other.
Categories: Harry/Ginny Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 1090 Read: 2139 Published: 12/03/05 Updated: 12/03/05
Right Here by FirstDaysofSummer
Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter.

Hot dreams of passion and crying and warm summer days. Faraway nights doing homework or listening to the fire crackle or laying by the lake. Two figures, a redheaded girl and a messy dark-haired boy. First Lily and James, but then him… and her.

Harry threw his covers off and instantly sat up, running a hand through his hair. He closed his eyes against more images of her, flashing over and over, faster the more he tried to push them away. He never was good at Occulemency.

What would happen to him now? Ever since Godric’s Hollow, he had been looking through his scrapbook of Lily and James constantly, seeing himself as James… and her, as Lily.

What was she doing now? Sleeping peacefully, or maybe lying in bed, thinking about him too?
Harry honestly tried to resist the temptation. He really did. But somehow his legs swung over the side of his bed in his room at the Burrow, and amazingly carried his body down the hall. Harry paused for a moment at her door, wondering what would happen if someone woke up and spotted him standing there.

This thought left him as he pushed the door open slightly. Her bed was empty, but she was standing by her window with her back towards him.

Harry took a small step forward, his heart pounding and he began to doubt his idea. But the glow of the moon falling onto her did strange things to his mind and he took another step. He was in her room.

“You shouldn’t be here, you know,” she said quietly, but with a hint of amusement. She was still turned around.

Harry didn’t say anything, only wondered how she had heard him come in. He closed her door softly and walked several more steps. He knew he was being unfair to her, but then he was right behind her and couldn’t think any more about it.

Slowly she turned around and Harry stood still, patiently waiting. Her eyes were full; full of something Harry couldn’t imagine and didn’t ponder for long. She was standing right in front of him, and a full moon glowed and a sky of stars flashed behind her. Thoughts of Remus and werewolves didn’t cross Harry’s mind.

Red hair softly curled, and glints of moonlight giving an unnatural gleam. Full brown eyes, a sprinkling of freckles, loose pajamas, and a shining face. It was all right there in front of Harry. Ginny.

Harry reached to touch her hair and Ginny blinked, but tilted her head to fit against his hand. She closed her eyes and Harry took that as permission to step forward. His arms carefully wrapped around her, and he drew her to himself, resting his head on the top of her head.

The warmth of her body joined his and the summer air seemed to swirl around them. Harry breathed in deeply, clutching her gently and closing his eyes. He had to remember this moment, because he wasn’t sure if there would ever be another one quite like it.

The stars and moon shone down, and time left them alone for a little while. Harry looked beyond her, at the Weasleys’ yard, the few clouds, the moon, the stars, the endless sky, and then her. It all seemed to be in reach. His hand left Ginny’s hair as he put his hand on the window frame, and it immediately missed her.

Suddenly he had stepped back and his hand was on her jaw. Ginny looked up at him with another glint in her eye, a different one than he hadn’t seen before that night. Harry loved it, whatever it was. He loved the feeling of being with her, just them like this, and when all of the thoughts almost burst from his head, he turned his head and his face was even with hers.

And then Harry’s lips were on hers again, after waiting for them for what seemed like several long lifetimes. Ginny. He couldn’t get enough of her, and brought her closer and her knees touched his. Her arms wrapped around his neck, but she appeared different than ever before; not as bold, it seemed.

Then she drew back, her breathing somewhat harsh and opened her mouth to say something. Ginny closed it again without saying anything and her careful, trusting hand held his as she led him from her room.

They silently walked to the first floor, and then outside onto the Weasley’s front porch. Harry had a little smile on his face as he sat down in a rocking chair, while Ginny stood up and leaned on the railing in front of him.

“What are you going to do?” She tucked her hair behind her ears, folding her arms and resting them on the siding.

What did she mean? She had to mean with her, right? Or was she just wondering about Voldemort? But why think of Voldemort now? Ginny had to know that he certainly didn’t want to talk about it now. Unless she was talking about with her.

She turned her head to see Harry, and he got up and stood next to her, resting his elbows on the railing next to her. He stared straight out in front of them, but was fully conscious of her presence when she shifted and tilted her head towards his.

Her small hand wrapped around his again, and Harry held it firmly. He turned his head slightly and saw that she was smiling a bit, but still looking ahead to the Weasley’s heavily shadowed yard. He also smiled and turned back, squeezing her hand slightly.

“I don’t know,” Harry said honestly, remembering her question from before.

She glanced at him and then moved closer. “Okay,” she whispered simply before moving her head and kissing him lightly on the lips.

“It’s okay?” he confirmed anxiously.

“Yeah. I’m not going anywhere. It’s going to be okay, someday. We’ll make sure of it,” she assured him, with that grin of hers.

Harry realized that he was relieved. He grinned a little and bent his head down to kiss her, holding her shoulders. She smiled into his lips, and together they lost themselves in the kiss and the night and the dawning of what would come. But for then, then they could be together. Right there, in that moment.
This story archived at http://www.mugglenetfanfiction.com/viewstory.php?sid=38540