The Ties That Bind by Magical Maeve
Summary: A short poem about the Grey Lady of Ravenclaw.
Categories: Poetry Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 128 Read: 1578 Published: 04/20/06 Updated: 04/20/06
The Ties That Bind by Magical Maeve
The half-life and the half-light combine to blur my insensible sight
Leaving me, a sorry creature, failing at the end of my deathless life.
With transience before me, enticing with its inglorious light.
The meanwhile slices my nomadic soul with an indecisive knife.
How can I, so certain and so impatient, find myself held
Bound by invisible ties of a sentient, many-scented world.
How can I contrive to have my unseen sentinels felled
Leaving me liberated, with my proud flag of death unfurled.

I loved too much, and much too well
I drift within a self-made cell.
For while he lives and walks the halls
I’m destined to haunt these enchanted walls.
But one day death will him ensnare
And then he’ll find me waiting there.
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