Confessions of a Teenage... Well, Dudley by DracoLuva4684
Summary: Watch through Dudley's eyes as our favourite couple takes advantage of the last few hours they have left staying at Privet Drive.

Beware of some HBP spoilers!
Categories: Ron/Hermione Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 1054 Read: 3036 Published: 11/08/06 Updated: 11/21/06
The Conversing of Weirdoes by DracoLuva4684
Author's Notes:
Hello everyone! I hope you all like this story! I really enjoyed writing it in Dudley's perspective, so I hope you'll love reading it! Special thanks to my AWESOME beta, Schmerg_The_Impaler. You were a huge help!

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter! If I did, why in the world would I be writing fanfics? No, these brillient little puppets were created by the one and only Jo Rowling! She just lent them to us freaky fans while she busies herself with writing the actual story! Enjoy!
“Damn,” Dudley thought to himself, “Now I’m trapped here!”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Dudley had been out drinking again with his buddies and hadn’t been keeping track of the time. He had looked at his watch at one point, only to find that it was half past eleven. His mother would be very worried. He bid goodbye to the guys and staggered home. He had had a plan--he would climb over the wall in the backyard, sneak in through the glass door, and just pretend he had been home all along.

As his three years of boxing and one year of dieting had… somewhat… paid off, Dudley was now only tremendously overweight instead of the size of a whale. This, however, hadn’t stopped Dudley from losing his balance on top of the wall and falling right off, into the bushes below.

Dudley had started to stand up, brushing himself off, when he noticed the young man walking slowly out of the house, into the backyard. Terrified, Dudley had sat back down. And this was where he stood now.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

He peered out at the young man standing alone in the backyard from behind the bushes in which he was hiding .

The man was tall, with red hair and blue eyes. He and a bushy-haired girl had come back to privet Drive with Dudley’s cousin Harry this summer. They were to stay here until Harry turned seventeen, which was in only twenty-four hours.

So far, Dudley had succeeded in ignoring these unwanted visitors, or in other words, had run away whenever he saw them. You see, they were wizards; freaks; weirdoes. His parents hated them and so did he. He wasn’t afraid of them. No, Dudley Dursley isn’t afraid of anything, thought Dudley, I would just rather be safe than sorry. Yes that’s it.

Dudley was brought back to reality by the sound of a voice.
“Er, Ron?”

Dudley looked at the figure in the doorway. She was slim and had a pretty face surrounded by frizzy brown hair. She spoke to the young man in a sweet voice.

The two stared at each other for quite awhile before the girl spoke quietly, “Er, you wanted to talk?”
“Yeah,” he said gruffly, looking at the ground.

Hmm, a secret meeting, thought Dudley, They usually don’t do anything without Harry.
“Well?” The girl walked towards him and gave him an encouraging smile. “You know you can tell me anything.”

Ron looked into her big brown eyes and sighed. “Hermione,” he said slowly, “Er, I’ve been thinking a lot lately. Er, I know we’re leaving tomorrow, and the second Harry turns seventeen our lives will be changed forever,” Dudley wondered why Harry’s coming of age would be so special, “and this may be our last and only time to talk.”
“Oh, Ron, don’t think that way!” Hermione whispered.

“But you know it’s true!” Ron said this with enough force to make Hermione gasp. Tears welled up in her eyes. “Ron, please don’t do this, not now.”

Ron looked horrified at himself. He had his arms around her in a second as she quietly wept into his shoulder. “I do know it’s true,” Hermione muttered. She looked up into his face. “I know it’s true and I try to make the best of it but the more I try, the more I start to realize that you’re right. We have so much to talk about; we have to set things straight before we leave.” Dudley pondered this. Why wouldn’t they be able to talk later? What are they doing that’s so special?

Ron let go of Hermione, and she pulled her sweater closer around herself.
“So, what do you think we should talk about?” she said. Ron was silent for a moment. He seemed to be struggling with himself not to say something. “I dunno, you first.”
“Oh,” Hermione said, “Well, there was…er…this past year…with Lavender Brown…er…” she paused to think before spatting out “What happened?”
“Oh…well…er,” Ron looked sheepish. He was rubbing the back of his neck and his ears were turning slightly pinker. “Well, I thought everyone sort of knew,” he said quietly, staring at his feet. But Hermione looked confused.
“Knew what? Oh Ronald, please don’t make this difficult!”

Ron’s head snapped up. “Hey! I-”

“Ron, I need to know the truth. And you have to know how hurt I was when I first saw you two kissing. But, after a while, I realized how much you hated her, so I got a bit suspicious, but I had to hear the truth from you and… oh, Ron, if you’re so daft as to keep secrets from me, maybe I should just go!”

Ron looked like he had just been smacked in the face. “Me, daft? What about you, caravanning all over the place with Viktor Krum, writing him nice little novels on how much you love him?”

This time Hermione did slap him. Ow, that had to hurt, thought Dudley. “How dare you!” Hermione fumed, “How dare you bring Viktor into this-”

“Oh, I’m sorry, did I hurt Vicky’s feelings?”
“No Ron, you hurt mine! You are the most insensitive, immature person I’ve ever met! And you know, you’re the one who asked me to come out here tonight! And to think, I actually thought that we were finally getting along! But you never tell me anything, do you? Is it that you don’t trust me?”
“No Hermione! Ughhh!” Ron was yelling now. “Do you really want to know why I went out with Lavender?”

“Yes Ron, I’d like to-”

Hermione’s words were cut off by the sudden presence of another pair of lips on hers: Ron’s. Hermione’s eyes were wide with amazement. It looked as if this was hardly what she had been expecting.

Ron pulled away quickly. “So, now you know. I did it to make you jealous. Not like you would care or anything.” Ron shuffled past her and walked into the house, hands in his pockets, Hermione gawking after him and, for the first time she had come to Privet Drive, speechless.

Boy, wizards are weird, thought Dudley.

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