Water Dens by Gin_PotterGirl
Summary: This is for a poetry submission for Poetry anyone? December challenge. The person I chose was T.S. Eliot. My poem is based off of The Waste Land.

Name: Gin_PotterGirl, on the boards GinnyPotter

House: Hufflepuff.
Categories: Poetry Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 160 Read: 1941 Published: 11/19/06 Updated: 11/22/06
Water Dens by Gin_PotterGirl
Author's Notes:
I hope you like my poetry! Also, if you can, please leave reviews!
AFTER the birds fly across the garden
After the gnomes get thrown around
After they run and scream and cry
They go back to their water dens.
They love to get to the top.
And everyone's footsteps sound like a earthquake.
Some who go to the top to look.
They are now going down, and down.
And they are only very interested in the water up there.

There is now only water, not even dirt.
Water splashing everywhere, but no rocks are seen.
The water going all over the place.
Water is even going over the vegetables.
If there were water we should stop to look.
One gnome like us can't resist.

If only the water would stop.
They could see the trees, up top.
No one can even go up top.
There is always noise up there.
But they are dry without the water.
There is not even a sound.
As they listen and crawl.
From there water dens.
This story archived at http://www.mugglenetfanfiction.com/viewstory.php?sid=60369