I'm Not Sorry by slytherins_queen2
Summary: Remus Lupin writes a poem for his son Teddy.

DH Spoilers obviously
Categories: Poetry Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 260 Read: 1866 Published: 11/09/07 Updated: 11/13/07
I'm not sorry... by slytherins_queen2
Author's Notes:
Ahoy! Hello all- It's been a very long time since I've posted something, and I'm afraid to say this isn't my best works, but I felt like I had to post it. (That is if it gets validated hehe). Thank you for all those who reviewed my two other poems, I really appreciate your kind words, and suggestions. This poem is about Remus telling Teddy that his not sorry that he fought for a good cause, and ended up ultimately dead... Because in the end it made Teddy's future happier, and his world a better place..It's a bit long I know, and there are some cases were the lines don't make sense/are a bit rocky, but I'd really appreciate it if you'd read it and give me pointers etc!
As we all know I'm not J.K Rowling, and so I do not (sadly) own Harry Potter

I’m not sorry I went to fight,
I fought for what I believed in,
What I thought was right.
I’m not sorry that I died,
If I said I didn’t expect it,
To you I would’ve lied.
I’m not sorry for the things I said,
What I had done,
If I hadn’t have spied; Lied,
Fought; Hurt...
How else could we have won?
I’m not sorry for marrying your mother-
My one true love,
She and I are so proud…
We watch you from above.
I’m not sorry for a lot of things…
But I do have one regret,
Teddy, my son, my one child never forget…
That your mother and father love you,
That is why we did all we had to do…
To make the world a better place,
Just so a smile could be etched across your face.
To wipe out all the evil and all the sorrow,
Just so you could have a better tomorrow.
To wipe out all the anger and all the fear,
Just so you could have better years…
I’m not sorry for going,
It was the right thing to do…
But Teddy, my son, my dear boy,
My pride, my joy…
I am sorry for leaving a son like you.

Well there you have it, not the best (as per usual) but I wanted to show you anyway! Please review, I love to hear your thoughts!
This story archived at http://www.mugglenetfanfiction.com/viewstory.php?sid=74824