Slytherin Boy by XxCourtneyxCeexX
Summary: Well, basically in the first and second chapter it is describing what happened in Voldemort’s downfall.. but obviously in a different version as Harry Potters parents live.. and that is another thing I need to explain, Harry Potter is not the chosen one in my story, Neville Longbottom is..
The title explains it all for Harry and I am sure as you carry on reading it will explain everything and I am sure you will understand it!
Categories: Alternate Universe Characters: None
Warnings: Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 872 Read: 1855 Published: 02/07/10 Updated: 02/08/10
Longbottom's Home by XxCourtneyxCeexX
Author's Notes:
This is the chapter of when Voldemort fell from power..
I need to put this and the second chapter up, even though I know it isn’t exactly to do with Harry being put in Slytherin, in another way it is..
Anyway here goes..
Oh yes, and also, thanks to my FANTASTIC beta and also co-writer, Emck.. If it wasn’t for her this story would not be the same ;)
Frank and Alice Longbottom were sitting in the living room with their son Neville. Frank was creating colourful wisps of smoke while Alice laughed at her son trying to catch them. Alice then went into the kitchen to fetch a bottle for her son so she could give him a quick feed before he went to bed as he was getting sleepy, Neville continued to try and catch the pretty colours for a while but also trying hard not to drift of to sleep as he knew his feed would be coming soon and he always loved a nice warm bottle of milk before bed, even though he was only 1 years old he still knew all of this stuff and understood his parents, he was even managing to speak a little now and could even walk a little bit and then stumble over which his parents always found very funny. Alice finally came back from the kitchen with his milk and Neville drank all of his milk down in hunger and greed, after he had finished his milk he drifted of to sleep in his mothers arms so both of his parents started to take him to his bed. They were in the hallway when their door burst open, Neville woke with a start and began crying. Standing in the doorway was a cloaked figure, holding a wand and looking down at the baby with disgust. There was no mistaking who it was.

‘Alice! It’s him! Take Neville upstairs and protect yourselves, I will try and hold him off,’ shouted Frank in panic

‘No, Frank! I’m not leaving you!’ Alice replied, her eyes filled with tears

‘GO!’ Alice knew it was pointless to argue. She ran upstairs with her son in her arms and Frank heard the door to the nursery slam shut.

‘W-what are you d-doing here!? L-leave my family ALONE!’ shouted Frank, in worry, his voice cracking with fear.

‘Stand aside you stupid idiot, and you won’t get hurt. All I want is your son., I do not intend of hurting you or your wife, I do not wish to spill blood as pure as yours,’ the cloaked man said.

‘You can’t have my son!’ Frank replied, his voice getting stronger.

‘Avada Kedavra!’ Frank heard him shout, and then send a beam of green heading towards him… Frank jumped out of the way just in time. He tried to return the curse, but the other wizard was faster and missed it easily.

‘If I must kill you, Frank Longbottom, I will.’

‘Never! I won’t let you touch my son.’ A jet of red light hit Frank square in the face and he fell down to the ground, unconscious. The man laughed in a horrible high cackle and continued up the stairs and headed straight to nursery.

He pointed his wand at the lock, and it clicked, the door flying open. Alice was standing in the room clutching her son close to her chest. When she saw the man, her eyes widened in horror. She screamed, putting her son in his crib and throwing herself in front of him.

‘WHERE’S MY HUSBAND?” Alice shouted at the top of her voice

‘He is fine. As will you be, if you stand aside.’

‘No! You can't have my son! FRANK! WHERE ARE YOU? F-FRANK!!’

‘He can't hear you, stupid woman. Move, now, or you will meet the same fate as your son,.’

Alice didn’t need to think “ she pulled out her wand and aimed it directly at the man’s heart. Before she could act, though, a red light hit her in the chest and she crumpled to the ground like her husband.

The cloaked man let out another high cackle, turning his want on the baby in the cot.

He raised his wand. There was a flash of green light, and the baby stopped crying. It was done. The threat was dealt with.

He turned and saw the older man staring, his face contorted in pain, at the dead child. Tears began to flow down the man’s face


Frank then ran to his wife and upon realising that she was still alive, woke her quickly.

They both stood, looking at the cloaked man in fury. The air filled with coloured lights and shouts as the heart-broken parents tried to take down the man that killed their son. At the exact same time, both Longbottoms sent killing curses at the other wizard. He missed the first, but the second somehow manage to slip through his defences and hit him in the chest.. The man never fell to the ground dead though, instead he turned into an odd little creature, definitely nothing like himself, he was a small, scabby and just very odd, like an ugly little baby, Frank and Alice were looking at him bewildered and just very shocked.

You could tell by the look on the odd blokes face that he too was exactly the same and had no idea what had just happened to himself, then all of a sudden he let out a scream of fury, put his wand to himself and all of a sudden vanished.
End Notes:
Well, I hope you enjoyed that..
If you did or did not though, just type what you thought of the story in the little box down below and something amazing will happen! =D
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