Seige by MidnightIndigo
Summary: There have been rumors of uprising led by several former Death Eaters who have been in hiding for over twenty years. Rumors become a reality when the Ministry receives threats on the lives of the youth of the Wizarding World. The minister sends his best to defend the school, but will even the renowned Head Auror himself be a match for these determined wizards blinded and crazed by hatred? And what exactly will transpire inside the walls during the seige on Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?
Categories: Next Generation Characters: None
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 651 Read: 1776 Published: 02/25/10 Updated: 03/07/10
Prologue by MidnightIndigo
Author's Notes:
Hey all! This story was originally all going to happen on one night, but I decided to turn it into a whole long story as opposed to a one-shot. All the Weasleys/Potters are canon, as is Scorpious Malfoy and Luna's twin sons. Hopefully you like it! This is just the prologue, so if you do like it, there will be more to come!
August 29, 2022
As Harry Potter, Ginny Potter, and their three children emerged from the fire in the Leaky Cauldron, they were greeted by whispers and scared eyes.
“Is it true, Mr. Potter?” a man in the back sipping on an entirely too large class of firewhiskey called.
Harry threw a glance at a booth against the wall.  “I’m not entirely sure what you’re referring to.”
“Death Eaters!”  a witch hissed.  “They say they’re back from whatever holes they’ve been hiding in.  They say they want revenge.”
“Whoever you heard that from is obviously much more informed than me,” Harry replied coolly.  He gestured for the rest of his family to go on without him, and then sat down across from the man in the booth.
“Hello, there, Potter,” Archibald Flay smiled.
Archie Flay had been the editor of the Daily Prophet for over eight years.  He had coarse curly black hair, a small goatee, and a wide toothy grin. He rarely wore robes; his clothes generally consisted of stuff like forest green skinny jeans and a leather jacket, not to mention the ring in his ear and his black fedora.  The only reasons he’d made it to editor was his extraordinary talent with a quill and his charming nature.  Sure, he was nice enough once you got to know him, but he could snoop better than Rita Skeeter.
“Hello, Archie,” Harry sighed.  “Anything new on this thing?”
“Not that I know of,” Archie shrugged.  “And I’m pretty sure if there was something, I’d know it.”
“I have no doubt about that,” Harry said dryly.  “Just don’t print anything on it until we know for sure.  You run the Daily Prophet, not the Wizard Inquirer.  And don’t say anything either.”
“Aye aye, Harry,” Archie shouted as the Head Auror left.  But if such a paper existed, I’d leave the Prophet for that one in a heartbeat!” 
“Good-bye, Archie,” Harry laughed, and walked out the back door.

“What was that about, Dad?” Albus Potter asked as Harry approached, finding them at the entrance to Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes.
“Nothing”James, don’t buy the entire store!” he hollered as his eldest, most mischievous son leapt into the large shop.
Lily, the youngest at fourteen, felt something tickle her back and squealed, jumping and spinning to throw her arms around her best friend and cousin, Hugo Weasley.
“OH EM GEE, don’t do that!” she screamed, hugging him as tightly as she was capable.
Hugo was tall and had rock-solid abs, so Lily’s hug didn’t do much to him.  She was tiny, but other than size difference they could’ve been twins, with red hair and hazel eyes.  However, if you looked close enough, you’d see that Lily’s hair was much thinner and that Hugo’s had some brown in it.  Also, Lily’s eyes were flecked with green, glinting dangerously, should she choose to turn her Evil-Eye on you.  She was notorious for being the craziest, bravest, fiercest girl at Hogwarts, with quite a temper and who would agree to just about anything that any sane wizard would call impossible.
“Come on, come on, come on!”  she shouted, and began to drag Hugo into the store.  “I’m totally out of everything!”
Albus and Rose, Hugo’s older sister, were still standing in the street of Diagon Alley, talking about the classes they would be taking in the fall.  Both being super geniuses and having gotten eleven OWLs each, neither needed help getting into said classes. 
“Aren’t you going in?” Rose’s mother, Hermione, asked.
“Yes, of course,” Rose said, and both traipsed up the steps after Ginny and the other children.  Harry, following behind Hermione, was the last to enter; he stood there for a second before grinning, shaking his head, and walking into the crowd.
End Notes:
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