In Each Other by fiskehandler
Summary: A body-swap between Ron and Hermione might bring them closer together, than they think. A humorous story for all of you who like movies such as Freaky Friday and Vice Versa.
Categories: Ron/Hermione Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: Yes Word count: 4589 Read: 17453 Published: 11/11/04 Updated: 11/28/04
You Think, You Can Be Me? by fiskehandler
A/N: Thanks for all the positive reviews, here's the second chapter, and the third is half-way there, so next update we'll be sooner!

Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are not mine, they're JKR's.

"Oh, Ron, before you go, I think we should switch our wands."


"Well, even though you're in my body, you'll still do magic better with your own wand!"

"Well, all right then. Here, take it!"

The Great Hall was full of children, waiting for the breakfast to start. Hermione and Ron were sitting on the Gryffindor table, opposite each other, not speaking. Hermione saw Harry entering the Great Hall. "Look, it's Harry!" she told Ron.

"Should we tell him?" he asked.

"Of course not! Wasn't you who said that people will think we're crazy?"

"Yes, but he's our friend!"

"I don't think it's a good idea!"


"Ron, I just spoke to Katie. She said that there would be Quidditch tryouts today, and that she was not very convinced of your performance as a keeper, so she'd like to test your skills. She wants to see whether she wants you back on the team, or not." Harry said sitting down next to Ron (or what he thought was Ron, but was actually Hermione).

Hermione looked at Ron with an "I can't play Quidditch, what am I going to do?" expression on her face. Ron looked at Hermione with a "You can't play Quidditch, what am I going to do?" expression on his face.

"So, you'll play, won't you?" Harry broke the silence.

"Er.. Sure! I'll play!" Hermione answered.

The first lesson for the day was Double Transfigurations. Harry was sitting with Ron (Hermione in fact), and the real Ron, just behind them, with Parvati, who was still looking at him suspiciously. She was now thinking that Hermione might have decided to give up on boys. If Ron knew her suspicions, he wouldn’t have wondered why she was trying to stand as far away from him as she could.

"So, who here can tell me the differences between being transfigured by another wizard into an animal and being an animagus?" asked Professor McGonagall. Instantly Hermione's hand shot up in the air. "Yes, Mr. Weasley?"

"Another witch or wizard could transfigure you into an animal of his own choice, the animagus however turns into an animal which reflects his or hers personality. Furthermore an animagus can change back into his or her human form whenever he wants. However, if you are turned into an animal by another wizard, you cannot break the spell by yourself!" Hermione explained as the class was staring at her in amazement. It was possible for Ron to know the answer of the question asked, but to answer it in such a way, now that was extraordinary!

"Very good, Mr. Weasley," McGonagall said "five points for Gryffindor!"

"Ron are you alright?" Harry whispered. "You don't talk normally like that!"

"What are you doing?" Ron whispered.

"Answering the question? Making you look good? Pick a favourite!"

"Well, next time, try more casual. We don't want anybody to understand we're in each other remember?"


"Granger, Weasley, this is very serious material, please do pay attention!" ordered McGonagall.

The rest of the lesson went very well. If you exclude McGonagall's amazement at the fact that Hermione couldn't turn Parvati in a porcupine, but Ron managed to turn Harry into a cat with the first wave of his wand, that is.

"I would like to make an announcement before you leave." Professor McGonagall said at the end of the lesson. "Professor Flitwick is ill today, and since no one could replace him for the next two lessons, you won't have Double Charms today."

"Excellent, Hermione, this will give me time to teach you how to play Quidditch!" Ron whispered to Hermione.

"Oh, Great!" she said, rolling her eyes. "Actually I think we should go to the library--"

"Why would you want to go to the library, Ron?" Harry asked. "I think we should use the free time to practice Quidditch!"

"Well I... OK. Fine. Let's play Quidditch!"

"Excellent!" exclaimed Ron.

"Hermione, are you all right?" Harry asked.

"Yes, I'm fine." Ron answered, and to convince him, he added Hermione's trademark, "Honestly, Harry, I'm fine!"

Harry and Ron spent the following hour and a half tossing quaffles at Hermione. She probably saved three or four, but overall it went bad.

"Ron, what's the matter with you, I know you can play much better than that!" encouraged her Harry.

"Well I'm... I'm not feeling very good!"

"Come on, we'll be late for Divination." Ron said.

"Hermione, you quit Divination three years ago, remember?" Harry asked.

"Oh. Yeah that's right."

"You meant that we'll be late for Divination, but you’ll be late for Ancient Runes, right R-Hermione?" said Hermione.

"Yeah, yeah that's what I meant"

As they entered the castle, Ron pulled Hermione aside, "I have a problem!"

"Just write everything important and try not to answer any questions." she explained.

"No, not about Ancient Runes, it's something about you!"

"Ron, are you coming?" asked Harry, who was now several feet ahead of them.

"You go, I'll catch you up." said Hermione, and when Harry continued, she whispered to Ron, "What?"

"I have a problem."

"What kind of problem?"

"I think it's the kind of problem you have every month!"



"OK, come with me, and hurry!"

She led him into the girls' bathroom turned to him, and said, "Now, muggle women usually use--"

"Just cut the introduction, and tell me what to do!"

"OK, then!" she sighed. Couldn't he for once share the pain with her? Hermione reached into her bag, the one on Ron's back, and pulled out something cloth-like, then she put some spell on it, and gave it to Ron. "Here, take this, get in this cubicle, and I'll go get you some new clothes." she told him and got out of the bathroom. Then, she made her way to the Gryffindor common room, and started climbing the staircase, leading to the girls' dormitory. But of course she didn't arrive at her destination, because boys are not allowed in the girls' dormitory.

"So where are the clothes?" Ron asked her, when she came back.

"Well, I can't go in my own dormitory anymore, so you'll have to get them yourself. My bed is the nearest to the door. There are extra robes in the wardrobe next to it." she explained.
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