A Push in the Right Direction by Weasley Mom
Summary: It's the summer between Harry's 5th and 6th year and he is not dealing with the loss of Sirius. Perhaps all he needs is a little push from beyond the veil.
Categories: Harry/Ginny Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: Yes Word count: 4826 Read: 12530 Published: 11/16/04 Updated: 12/04/04

1. A Push in the Right Direction by Weasley Mom

2. The Morning After by Weasley Mom

3. Ron's Reaction by Weasley Mom

4. Epilogue by Weasley Mom

A Push in the Right Direction by Weasley Mom

The three translucent figures looked down upon the dark haired young man as he stirred and murmured restlessly in his sleep. "I'm worried about him James." "I know love. Me too. He's keeping too much inside." "Wouldn't know where he gets that from." the third figure said dryly. "There's no need to bring up ancient history Sirius" said Lily. "Well it true," Sirius persisted. "If Moony and I hadn't locked you two in that broom closet..." "I'll never understand how you knew she liked me. I had no idea." James smiled, remembering. "We didn't," Sirius laughed. "We thought two hours in there with Evans and you'd be over your crush. Imagine our suprise when we came to let you out and found you two..." "All right," Lily interrupted, blushing slightly. "We're not here to malign my character. We're here to help Harry." "We've got to do something to help him." Sirius agreed. "He'll never be able to do what he needs to if he's like this. Maybe I could talk to him... he'd probably think he was dreaming." "Sirius... you know we're not supposed to interfere," Lily said. "We can watch, we can guide, but we cannot interfere. We're not ghosts you know... we're his guardian spirits. No direct contact." "She's right Padfoot. He's got to work this out on his own." agreed James reluctantly. "Bah," Sirius gave a short bark of laughter. "Of course you wait until you're dead to start following the rules Prongs." "Who said he always followed the rules?" said Lily mischeviously, remembering Harry's third year. "Now Lily...he never knew it was me. He thinks he saw himself so it all worked out in the end really." "A-ha! Knew you had lost your nerve." Sirius grinned triumphantly at his friend. James merely rolled his eyes. "I just wish he'd talk to someone about the guilt he's feeling... about the prophecy. Bottling it up is not good for him." Lily turned worried green eyes back to her sleeping son and sighed. "Maybe we can give him a push to do that. Ron and Hermione would be there for him," said James. "No," Sirius said. "They'd listen, and do what they could, but they could never truly understand what he's going through," Sirius flashed a wicked grin suddenly. "Although... I have a good idea who might."

Harry sat bolt upright in bed. He'd had the nightmare again. Night after night, he watched helplessly as Sirius fell through the veil. Night after night, his guilt grew. During the day he wandered the halls of Grimauld Place, remembering and missing Sirius even more. Harry got up and strolled over to the window, looking sightlessly down on the small courtyard below. He knew his friends were worried about him. He wanted to forget, to go back to the person he was before, but he couldn't. If only he had some reason to continue fighting, something to fight for. He was distracted from his thoughts by a movement on the ground below. He saw the pale figure glide across the courtyard. Her barefeet seeming to skim the ground, her long hair blowing gently in the breeze. At first he thought he was seeing some faerie spirit from long ago, and then she raised her face to look up at the stars. "Ginny?" he breathed. "Good lord when did that happened?" Ginny had always been "Ron's little sister" to him and now... Now she was this gorgeous creature of pale moonlight and silken hair. How the hell had he missed that? "Well what are you waiting for Harry? You wanted a sign there she is. Go to her." Almost of their own volition his feet carried him through the sleeping halls and out into the courtyard to Ginny. "Uh...Hi." said Harry. Ginny looked up, startled. "Harry! What're you doing out here?" "I... um...couldn't sleep so I thought I'd take a walk. What about you?" "The damn shutter in my room kept coming unlatched and banging. Woke me up. I fixed it 3 times but... I finally gave it up." she said grinning. "Oh well... I guess I'll go back in. Night Ginny." Harry turned to go mentally berating himself for his fabulous conversational skills. "Stop him Ginny! He needs you! He needs to quit blaming himself!" "Harry! Wait!" Ginny stood up and grabbed his arm. "It's not your fault you know." Harry was suddenly angry. "How was it not my fault? Sirius was there because of me. He died because of me Ginny!" "No Harry... he died because you were tricked. He died because Voldemort used you... just like he used me." Harry had almost forgotten the part Ginny had played in opening the Chamber of Secrets in his second year. "That was different. No one died because of you. You didn't lead the people who you cared most about into a trap... you didn't lead anyone to their death." "No... you're right. I didn't. I merely released a basilisk upon the entire school, caused several people, including Hermione, to be petrified, damn near allowed Voldemort to return to power, and almost got you killed in the process. It took me a long time to come to grips with that Harry. Was all of that my fault?" Ginny's brown eyes flashed angrily in the darkness. "No...of course not...but this is different" he said again. "How Harry? How is this different? Voldemort tricked both of us. He used both of us. Sirius would understand that. Sirius would want you to forgive yourself." "Ginny... I just miss him so much. Especially now that I..." his voice trailed off. He had not meant to say that. "Now that you what Harry?" "Nothing." "Harry James Potter! Don't you dare shut down on me now. What is going on?" Her warm brown eyes stared into his tortured green ones. "Tell her Harry. Let it go." Suddenly Harry found himself pouring out all of his fears. How Dumbledore had told him about the prophecy and how he, Harry, would literally have to kill or be killed. He told her about his fears that he'd again be tricked by Voldemort, and how he didn't think he could stand to lose anyone else. The words seemed to pour out of him, taking with them the anger, guilt, and fear he'd been holding in. Tears streamed down his face as he talked and Ginny did her best to be strong for the one who'd always been strong for everyone else. In the end, Harry slept the first dreamless sleep he'd had in almost a year, his head craddled in Ginny's lap.

"He's going to be all right now isn't he James?" said Lily her eyes glistening with unshed tears, as she watched her son come to grips with his destiny. "Yes love... i think he is at that" said James. "What is it with you Potters and red-heads?" teased Sirius. "Hey!" said Lily indignantly. "Only kidding Evans." "Harry just happens to have his father's excellent taste." Lily replied somewhat smugly. The three exchanged a grin and looked once more out the window. "Well Prongs old man... What do you think? Mischief managed?" "Most definately Padfoot my friend. Most definately."

The Morning After by Weasley Mom
Author's Note: The characters contained in this story are not mine, but belong solely to JK Rowling... Sorry it took me so long to post this chapter. I promise the next one won't take so long.

Harry swam slowly towards consciousness as the faint dawn light shone on his face. He could not remember ever waking up this calm, this content, this at peace. He smiled sleepily and snuggled closer to Ginny.

His eyes snapped suddenly open as reality came crashing in.

"Omigosh!" he choked out. He had spent the night under the stars in the comforting arms of Ginny Weasley.... with a veritable houseful of her brothers feet away.

"Omigosh!" Harry said again. He scooted gently away from Ginny, somehow managing not to wake her, and began to pace around the courtyard.

"What the hell was I thinking? " he said to himself as glanced down at Ginny's still sleeping form. "Oh yeah... that's what I was thinking...Merlin's beard she's beautiful. But she's Ron's sister... my best friend Ron... my best friend Ron who is going to kill me because I just spent the night with his sister! Of course, nothing REALLY happened, but then again Ron probably won't stop to find that out before he kills me. And to think last night I was only worried about Voldemort."

Harry sat down putting his head in his hand and nervously rubbing his scar.

"Oh dear," said Lily, a look of motherly concern on her face. "He's talking to himself again James.

"Does he do that often?"Sirius asked in a tone of mingled fascination and amusement as he watched his godson's meltdown.

"Not so much anymore, unless he's exceptionally nervous or under alot of stress. Before he came to Hogwarts he did it all the time. Who else did he have to talk to after all?" James murmured.

"James, I really think we may have to step in again." Lily said as she continued to watch Harry's semi-incoherent ramblings. He'd now moved on to contemplating the various sharp pointy objects that Fred and George had at their disposal.

"Mmmmph" mumbled Ginny, slapping at whatever was tickling her ear. She too woke slowly, smiling and stretching as she remembered the events of the night before. Harry had finally opened up and let go of his guilt and his fear. He hadn't opened up to Ron, or Hermione, or anyone of the dozens of adults he could have gone to. No, he had spilled his heart and soul to her...Ginny Weasley. About damn time. She opened her eyes squinting into the early morning sun.

"Morning" said Ginny sitting up and looking around. She immediately spotted Harry sitting a few feet away mumbling something about how Charlie would probably sic a dragon on him.

"Harry?" she said tentatively.

Harry looked up and saw Ginny sitting there, her hair a fiery mass around her shoulders, her brown eyes filled with concern for him. Suddenly Harry was not terribly worried about her brothers.

"Wow! You're beautiful."

"Wh-what?" said Ginny certain that she must have heard wrong.

"I-uh-said Wow! It's a beautiful morning." Harry said hoping she bought it.

"Oh... Harry we should probably go in before anyone realizes that we've been out here all night."

"Yeah, you're probably right." Harry murmured somewhat awkwardly. "Look, Gin, I...well...I wanted to thank you for...you know...listening and just being there when I needed you."

Ginny smiled a shy, sweet smile. " No problem Harry. I'm really glad I could be there for you." She stepped closer and put a comforting hand on his arm.

Harry looked up, his green eyes met her brown and he was lost. Before he knew what he was doing, without even thinking, he leaned in and did what he'd wanted to since the night before. He softly and gently kissed Ginny.

Somewhere in the back of his mind it registered that this was not like the kisses he had shared with Cho. He realized now that he'd kissed her mainly because he felt like he should, this was something much, much more.

He slowly wrapped his arms around Ginny's waist and pulled her closer, as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Both were completely lost in the each other and the magic of this moment.

A soft cough from the courtyard door caused them to spring apart guiltily. Harry shoved Ginny behind him in a vain attempt to protect her from prying eyes.

"Harry? Ginny? " came the voice of Remus Lupin from the doorway.

"Damn" mumbled Harry. In a loder voice he said "Morning Professor."

"Morning" said Ginny peeping out from behind Harry's back, her face scarlet.

"So...what are you two doing up this early?" Lupin inquired.

"Umm...I..my room was stuffy so I came out here to sleep because it was cooler." said Harry hoping he sounded convincing.

"I see. Why didn't you just open your window?"

Harry's brain scrambled frantically for a reasonable explanation. "Ron" he almost croaked. "Ron gets cold at night and I get hot so I came out here so we'd both be comfortable."

"Ahhh" said Lupin in understanding. "What about you Ginny?"

"Hermione" said Ginny the tips of her ears turning scarlet. " She snores really badly and she woke me up, so I came out here and found Harry and we were...um talking."

"Oh...talking...I see." said Lupin smiling slightly. "Oh by the way Ginny, I saw your Mum heading to the kitchen a little while ago. She'll probably be looking for you soon."

"Thanks Professor" said Ginny, blushing brightly, darting through the courtyard door, and dashing up the stairs.

Harry watched her go somewhat apprehensively and decided to make a break for it himself.

"Well...I'd better go in too. I don't want to worry Mrs. Weasley." said Harry heading for the door.

Lupin watched him go, trying hard not to smile. He knew exactly what Harry had been up to. He'd stumbled upon them still sleeping, when he had returned from patrol this morning and found the courtyard door slightly ajar. He'd spent the rest of the morning both keeping a watchful eye on them and carefully steering people away from the courtyard. Not exactly teacherly, but Harry deserved all the happiness he could grab. Come to that, so did Ginny. Besides, when Lupin had first stumbled on them he'd thought, for just a moment, that he was seeing James and Lily, and he just could not bring himself to distrub them. Whistling quietly to himself, the lone Marauder headed to the kitchen to grab himself some tea.

"Nicely done Moony" murmured Sirius.

"Heh..He'd better cover for the next generation,after all the times WE nearly got caught sneaking in or out from meeting one girl or another." James said with a grin.

"Oh really? Do tell." Lily said, her eyes glinting dangerously.

"Now Lils, you know Prongs has never had eyes for anyone but you."

"I know" she said smiling. "I just like to remind him of that periodically. It's good for his overly large ego."

"Surrounded by traitors!" James sighed dramatically placing one hand over his heart at the cruelty of it all.

Sirius grinned evilly. "Prongs, your hair is mussed."

"What?" said James his hands immediately going to his hair before he saw Sirius and Lily giggling. "Very funny Padfoot."

"So..think our boy is ok Prongs?"

"For now Padfoot. Of course, he still needs to tell Ginny he loves her, assuming he's figured that out yet. And then there's Ron, Hermione, and the prophecy to be dealt with. But for right now, I think he's going to be ok."

"Good. In that case let's go relabel all of Snivellus' potions" said Sirius mischieviously.

Lily rolled her eyes. "Will you two ever grow up?"

"Probably not, but you know you love us anyway." said James as he wrapped his arms around his wife and the three faded quietly away.
Ron's Reaction by Weasley Mom
A/N The characters contained herein are not mine (darn it). Enjoy!

That night again found Harry awake and looking out the window, thinking this time not of Sirius, but of the events of the day. He had finally told Ron and Hermione about the Prophecy, and while it was one of the hardest things he had to do, telling his friends that it was his destiny to kill or be killed, he felt better for having shared it with them. Hermione had hugged Harry and cried, aching for her friend, for what he had already faced and what lay before him. Ron had gone quiet for a while. Then solemnly hugged Harry and promised to help and support him however he could. Ginny had sat next to Harry the entire time, her prescence a comfort, her warm brown eyes filled with compassion and unshed tears.

Harry was distracted from his thoughts by a movement in the courtyard below. Ginny walking in the moonlight. He smiled and hurried quietly out the door and down to her.

"Why Miss Weasley... We really need to quit meeting like this." Harry said with a mischevious grin.

Ginny giggled. "Well Mr. Potter, I do believe you are getting fresh with me!" She grinned laying a hand across her chest dramatically.

"Well, I'm certainly trying." said Harry wrapping his arms around her and resting his chin on the top of her head.

"Ginny... I wanted to thank you for being there with me today, helping me to tell them. I don't think I could've done it without you there."

"I'm glad I could help Harry. I mean, Merlin knows you've always been there for me. That's what friends are for after all." Ginny looked up at Harry from under her lashes to gauge his reaction. Despite all that had happened she still wasn't sure exactly where they stood. He'd yet to tell her how he felt about her, and she didn't want to ruin what was happening between them by assuming too much.

"Friends?" said Harry pulling away from Ginny. Was that how Ginny thought of him, as just a friend? Was she trying to tell him that now? And he had kissed her like a prat. "Gin...look" said Harry stepping back. "I'm uh...sorry about that ya know... kiss this morning. I mean... you just said it. We're friends and I shouldn't have."

Despite the fact that she was the one who'd brought up the ‘F’ word to begin with, Ginny was suddenly, fiercely angry. How dare he apologize for kissing her?

"Harry James Potter stop right there. If you think that I let my 'friends' kiss me like that then you have another thing coming. And if you kiss Hermione like that...." Ginny's ears had turned bright red and her eyes glinted dangerously. Growling low in her throat, Ginny turned her back on a speechless and thoroughly confused Harry, and flounced over to the ivy covered wall and began to climb.

"Ginny wait! Where are you going? That's really dangerous Gin. Get back down here!"
"Sod off Harry!" said Ginny angrily.

"Prongs... I didn't think it possible, but he is even worse at this than you were."
"Hey! I was very suave I'll have you know. I got the best looking girl in our year after all."
"Yeah, and it only took you seven years."
"When you two boys are done playing, Harry needs us." said Lily with a hint of exasperation.

"C'mon Ginny come back down. That ivy doesn't look very strong."

"Leave me alone Harry. I don't want to talk to you and the ivy is fine. How do you think I got down here in the first place?"

No sooner had the words left her mouth, however, when the ivy began to pull from the wall, and, with a startled screech, Ginny began to fall. Not for nothing though was Harry the youngest seeker Gryffindor had seen in a century. He practically flew across the courtyard, diving and catching Ginny in his arms.

" Omigosh Gin! Are you ok? You're not hurt are you?" said Harry as he gently laid her down and checked her arms and legs for injuries.
"I'm fine Harry. Thanks to you."
"Good. Don't you dare EVER do that to me again Ginny Weasley. You scared the HELL out of me. I've lost too many people already and I will not lose you too. And another thing..."

Ginny did the only thing she could do under the circumstances. Pulled Harry over into the bushes with her and kissed him senseless. Harry had just decided that this had to be what heaven was like and maybe getting killed by Voldemort wouldn't be that bad after all when he felt himself being yanked off Ginny and forcefully slammed against the wall.

"You're my best mate Harry, so I'm gonna give you about three seconds to tell me what the bloody hell you were doing in the bushes with my sister." Ron growled out menacingly.

"I think that'd be obvious you great prat!" Ginny shouted trying to pull Ron off of Harry.

"I heard her scream. Why did she scream?" Ron had his wand out now, pointed at Harry's throat, completely oblivious to both Ginny and Hermione's efforts to calm him down.

"She fell, Ron. She was trying to climb up the ivy and she fell and I caught her" Harry shoved Ron away getting angry himself now. "And as for what we were doing in the bushes, it's none of your damn business."

"She's my sister so it bloody well is my business!" Ron shouted back.

"Yeah? Well I love her and I'm gonna kiss her wherever and whenever I want as often as she'll let me!"
"Wait..." said Ginny totally forgetting Ron and Hermione were there. "You love me?"

Harry looked down at her and smiled as Hermione and Ron exchanged a conspiratorial grin and backed slowly away.
"How can I not Gin? You're sweet and you're beautiful and stubborn enough to deal with even my blackest moods. Of course I love you."
At that Ginny threw herself at Harry who held her tenderly and gently kissed her.

"Hello...we're still here." said Ron loudly.
"Hush Ronald" said Hermione, her eyes misting with tears of happiness for two of her best friends.

Harry pulled away from Ginny and put a protective arm around her shoulders. "I meant what I said Ron. I love Ginny and you're just going to have to get used to that."
Ron smiled. "About damn time you noticed her."

"Wait... I thought you...but...Why did you slam me up against the wall if you don't care about us being together?" Harry said baffled.
"Well" Ron said grinning. "You were making such a muck of it, Hermione and I thought you could use a hand."

"You were spying on us?" said Ginny indignantly.
"No" said Ron hastily. "See we were up in Hermione's room and..."
"Wait a second" Harry interrupted. "What were you doing in Hermione's room in the middle of the night?

Hermione started blushing and mumbled something about homework. Ron, meanwhile, raised his chin defiantly and put his arm around Hermione as if daring anyone to say anything.

"About damn time you noticed her" said Harry as he and Ron exchanged identical smug grins.
"They're going to be impossible now, you know that?" Ginny said to Hermione.
"Oh I think we'll manage." said Hermione, smiling.

"Mate you should have seen the look on your face when I had you against the wall. All I could do not to laugh."
"Shut up Ron." said Harry grinning sheepishly.
Laughing and joking, the four walked together back into the house not knowing what the future held, but secure in the knowledge that they'd face it together.

"Oh James, our baby. He's all grown up and in-love." Lily sniffed as James handed her a hankie.
"There, there love. He's not completely grown up yet and as long as he needs us, we'll be here."
"Yeah, cheer up Lils. Ginny is a great girl and she'll keep Harry in line and give him the love and support he needs to face Voldemort, which means less work for us and more time to give Wormtail a few well deserved nightmares."
Lily laughed in spite of herself. "You really are terrible Sirius."
"I know." Sirius grinned.
"Last one to make Wormtail wet the bed is a rotten egg" James said impishly.
Laughing, the three faded quietly into the night.

A/N Please Review
Epilogue by Weasley Mom
A/N All characters contained herein are, unfortunately, not mine and are from the fantastic mind of Ms. Rowling

Harry and Ginny's wedding day dawned bright and clear. The war had been over for almost seven years, since Harry had defeated Voldemort in the ruins of his parent's home in Godric's Hollow.

Harry was still a hero in the wizard community, not just for his defeat of the Dark Lord, but for his tireless efforts after the war to reunite the magical peoples and rebuild all that the war had destroyed. He and Ginny could have held their wedding anywhere with the most elite of the wizarding world in attendance. They chose, instead, to hold it in the courtyard at Grimmauld Place, where Harry had lived since leaving the Dursleys when he came of age. All of their closest family and friends were with them to celebrate their joy.

Hermione, VERY pregnant with her and Ron's first child, was Ginny's matron of honor and Ron was Harry's best man. Neville and Luna's tiny daughter Alice was their flower girl.

The wedding itself was a very sweet, simple affair. Dumbledore himself performed the ceremony, and everything was capped off by a huge display of Fred and George's latest fireworks, which made even Mrs. Weasley admit that perhaps the twins had not done too badly after all.

While Harry and Ginny's hearts were bursting with joy, they couldn't help but miss those that they had lost. Hagrid, Percy, Charlie, Mad-Eye, Remus, and of course Sirius, James and Lily. They were all thought of and all remembered on this day.

Finally after all of the guests had left or gone to bed, Harry and Ginny headed hand in hand up to their bedroom talking quietly to each other as the ascended the stairs.

"Well Mr. Potter, took you long enough to get here," said Ginny grinning impishly up at her husband.
"Me? You're the one who kept dating all those other men. Dean Thomas...Michael What-his name... How was I supposed to know you were interested?"
Ginny giggled. "I'm not sure who was more clueless; you, or my prat of an older brother."
"Ron" said Harry. "Most definitely Ron."
Harry and Ginny exchanged a private smile as the walked into their room.

There, sitting in the center of the large feather bed was a folded and well worn piece of parchment. Ginny looked up at Harry in shock.

"Harry that looks like.."
"The Marauder's Map" finished Harry. "But it can't be. I mean, Gin, it was destroyed during the battle at Hogwarts."

And yet... Harry couldn't help himself he walked over to the bed and picked up the parchment. Pulling out his wand he tapped it lightly and uttered, "I solemnly swear I am up to no good."

Hardly daring to breathe, he and Ginny watched as words slowly appeared on the paper.

Mr Moony extends his congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Potter and sincerely hopes that their lives will be filled with joy.

Mr Padfoot wishes to express his hope that now that Mr. Potter has finally managed to drag his bride to the altar, his days will be filled with laughter and his nights will be filled with love.

Mr. Prongs would like to add that he is extremely proud of all that his son has accomplished and congratulates him on his excellent taste.

Mrs. Prongs sends her love to both of the Potters and expresses a sincere desire for lots of messy-haired, green-eyed grandchildren to watch over in the very near future.

"Harry...How? I mean...well..." Ginny looked up, wonder in her eyes.

Harry smiled gently at her through his tears, "A great man once told me that to the organized mind death is just the next great adventure. Besides, you didn't really expect my family to miss our wedding day did you?"

And with that Harry tapped the map again and quietly said, "Mischief Managed" as he turned smiling to his bride to begin their new life together.

The End
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