Evans Vs. Potter by TheGoldPhoenix
Summary: James Potter and Lily Evans have hated each other since the day they entered Hogwarts. Not even their friends can push them together, but in their final years at Hogwarts, something else might. A disturbing and mysterious wizard is leaving his mark on the wizarding world...and on his victims. During their O.W.L. year, James begins to feel differently about Evans, but can Lily give him a chance? And will they stop fighting when their world begins to crumple around them? A romantic and lighthearted storyline that foreshadows Voldemort's reign of terror. Definitely worth a read!
Categories: James/Lily Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: No Word count: 3123 Read: 4370 Published: 10/18/05 Updated: 01/23/06

1. A Fond Farewell? by TheGoldPhoenix

2. The Marauder Express by TheGoldPhoenix

A Fond Farewell? by TheGoldPhoenix
A flowering cloud of sweet perfume washed over a handsome boy with hazel eyes and unruly black hair. He turned to the scent and happiness flooded through him.

"Lily!" his heart fluttered at the sight of her.

"James? Oh, James!"

She collapsed in his arms, and he caressed her lovingly.

"I'm the luckiest girl in the world, Jamesie. You're so handsome and smart. I just don't deserve the popular and funny Quidditch Captain! I'm only Lily and you? You're SO much more. I love you James."

James modestly replied "Oh no, Lily. I may be amazing and witty but you are too!"

He leaned in swiftly and softly kissed her. James smirked as he felt her melt in his arms and sigh with happiness. Their kiss continued, becoming increasingly passionate.

"James? James!” He looked up to see what was wrong.


"Lily?" he murmured.

A barking laugh settled into a giggle and interrupted the lovely dream. "Oh yes, my love and the way you rumple your hair is just TOO cute."

"Sirius," James groaned, chucking a pillow at his best friend’s head.

"C'mon Jamesie old boy. We're going to miss the train!"
The Hogwarts Express whistled and began to pull away from Platform Nine and Three Quarters. As they looked forward to a new year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, students reunited with friends and began to fall into their old routines. One pupil in particular stood out from the masses. With her fiery red waves and startlingly green eyes, Lily Evans waved goodbye to her Muggle parents and reentered the world she loved.

"Bye Mum! Dad! Goodbye Petunia!"

Her parents waved merrily and blew kisses, but her older sister crossed her arms and looked around, embarrassed. As the figures grew smaller in the distance, Petunia began to pull Mr. and Mrs. Evans back toward the gate. Lily sighed as she thought of her cold sister. Petunia feverishly disliked the magical world, and Lily's acceptance to Hogwarts had put a damper on their relationship. Until Lily’s eleventh birthday, they were best friends. She sighed shakily as the memories of that hateful day resurfaced, as they often did.
“Liiiiily! Hurry UP!” the young Petunia whined. Her newly eleven year old sister laughed merrily “I’m COMING Petunia!”

They raced into the kitchen and nearly collided with their mother who stood stock still, staring at a letter and seemingly oblivious to the barn owl flying around their home in Surrey.

“Lily honey…you have a letter,” she shakily handed the parchment to her daughter and the first thing Lily noticed was the emerald crest and peculiar address

Ms. Lily Evans
Outside in the Yard
Eighty Five Carriage Stone Drive
Little Whinging

Slicing the envelope, the explanation for the mysterious events appeared in eleven words on her eleventh birthday. "You Have Been Accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

Puzzled, Lily looked up to see her mother beaming. "Isn't it wonderful darling? Your grandmother was accepted as well but it's SO rare in the Evans family. Congratulations! Where would you like to celebrate?"

A huge sob cut through the excitement like a knife. Petunia glared at her little sister and spat "You're a freak and a monster! Don't touch me! Ugh, you're disgusting!" With that, Petunia thundered upstairs to her room, leaving no explanation as to her awful reaction.
The teenage Lily shivered once more in the autumn wind as she thought about the awful four years since then. Shaking her head to rid herself of these doubts and worries, she approached her usual compartment. Her best friend, Charlie, was already there, muttering at tiny figures zooming around a field. Quidditch, Lily thought with amusement, was Charlie's obsession, besides her contempt for Sirius Black. The wizarding pastime barely took priority for it seemed destiny that Black and Vollaro would despise each other for life.

"Speak of the devil," Lily arched an eyebrow as James Potter and Sirius Black tore around the corner, laughing from their latest prank.

"Well, if it isn't the beea-utiful Evans!" James let out a low whistle.

"What do we have here?" Sirius answered with a whistle or two of his own. "Prefect are we? Going to try to keep us in line this year, eh Evans?"

Both boys sniggered at the conspicuous badge as the door to compartment 13 slid open to reveal a livid teenage girl.

"Crawl back into whatever hole you came from Black." Charlie stated flatly, pulling Lily into the compartment.

"And the lovely Charlotte!" Black bowed deeply in mock fear.

Pausing only to hug Lily, "Charlotte" jammed the door closed, almost smashing Potter's fingers.

"What, no hug for me?" James pouted through the glass. With a loud sigh, he added, "I guess I'll have to turn to Sirius!"

"No way mate." Sirius jabbed him in the ribs, looking slightly alarmed. Upon spotting the food trolley, they continued gallivanting around the hallways.

Inside the car, the luminous female continued her tirade while Lily cringed at the assorted crashes coming from the main hallway.

"I might have known! Ugh, Black makes me sick! The cocky, pig-headed, arrogant, ugly, self-centered..." Charlie continued.

"Couldn't be talking about me, Charlie dear?" Alice Eisenberg completed the trio and was instantly engulfed in a hug. Charlie's tirade was forgotten as the girls began to catch up with each other and discuss the possibilities of their fifth year. Lily was enthusiastic about new classes and a new course, divination. Charlie blabbered about Quidditich and the lovesick Alice rambled on about her long-term boyfriend, Frank Longbottom.

When a comfortable silence settled, Alice changed the subject from boys in general to one particular boy.

"Has anyone seen James Potter yet? Sirius just may have some competition this year!" She cleared her throat significantly and added "Um, Lily? Have YOU seen James this year?"

Lily jumped, startled. "I'm sorry Alice, what did you say? It sounded like James Potter."

Charlie elbowed the giggling Alice and the chuckles subsided. "Yes, uh Alice here was just talking about Potter's good qualities."

Lily snorted. "What good qualities? I'm surprised he can even see the snitch with his big head! And the way he rumples his hair every minute! Ugh, he never studies and gets into trouble about as often as he slacks off. No, James Potter’s only good quality is that he has the sense to stay away from me!"

Charlie laughed, and her raven tresses shook with her. "Stay away from you? As if! James has only been obsessed with you since second year!"

Alice agreed with a strong nod and Lily groaned, exasperated with her best friends and the obnoxious boy himself.

"He'll back off this year. I spent the summer learning some new hexes. I am completely and totally prepared for anything Potter can throw at me."

So she thought....
Meanwhile, Sirius and James finally settled down into the plush seats of their own compartment. Through the windows, the English countryside was evident. Every first year was consistently warned upon boarding the train. THIS was the Marauder's compartment and heaven help the unfortunate student who claimed the area for himself.

Two boys, one small and pudgy and the other with soft brown hair, were already there. The quiet brown-haired boy was reading; while the nervous boy hopped up and down on his seat.

"Oooh, Remus! Look, they're here!" the stuttering boy bounced up and began chattering to James.

"Don't wet yourself Pettigrew," James finally shut him up and slapped Remus on the back.

"My fellow, Marauder!" he continued.

"James!" The book vanished as various blows were exchanged by way of greeting.


"Sirius, Peter!" Sirius finished off the mock formalities and they all fell over laughing and talking about their start-of-term prank.

When her stomach began growling, Lily decided to look around for the witch and trolley, and left Charlie discussing strategies with Alice. Sadly, Alice was quickly nodding off.

Lily smiled as Alice fell into her blonde hair and blinked her blue eyes twice "Hmmm? Oh, yes, I think that will be wonderful."

Charlie paused. "Oh? You think so? Hmmm....I hadn't considered that move. But if Slytherin takes the Quaffle..."

Lily shook her head ruefully and turned, nearly knocking James over.

"Watch where you're going Evans! I know I'm hott, but a guy can only take so much." He smirked and batted his eyes.

"Ha, as if Potter," Lily replied sarcastically and strode off to the conductor.

"Hmm...I made Evans laugh! Finally, oh wait, she was laughing at me..."

"Not that I care Evans but where's the fire?" James caught up and began taking long strides to match the fiery Lily.

"I'm hungry."

"Oh, why didn't you say so? We've got Chocolate Frogs, Fizzing Wheezies, Drobble's Best Blowing Gum and your Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans." He gestured at their compartment and Lily realized they had the entire trolley.

Lily was speechless from the way James had winked at her and suspicious of his intentions. The handsome and popular Quidditch player was known as a ladies man, second only to Sirius Black.

Remus stood to acknowledge Lily's entrance, but Black stayed where he was, hair in his face, and a wide grin to match his attitude.

"Evans again? Couldn't keep off you, eh Potter? Well, I know how it is, chicks running around you like..."

"Sirius." Remus threw a look in his direction that shut him up fast. "How was your summer Lily?"

Lily gave him a thankful glance and replied "Good, but with all these attacks, kind of tense."

"My summer was ok." Black invited himself into the conversation quickly. "Naturally, my folks were awful, didn't expect that to change. So, I spent most of my time at Potter's house."

James laughed. "Yeah, I think my parents like you better than me."

Sirius sighed casually. "Well, you know how it is. I turned on the Black charm and his mother fell in love with me. Now James is like the next-door neighbor, but you can't really blame her."

James hit him over the head and turned to talk to Evans. Unfortunately, the girl was nowhere to be found and he sighed. She wouldn't even give him a chance...

In a final turn, Hogwarts came into view and there was a visible change in everyone's expression. This was a second home to many, and the only home for some. Lily sat back in her seat and looked forward to an eventful year. If only she knew how right she was...
The Marauder Express by TheGoldPhoenix
The three girls crunched into the fall leaves hesitantly, as if afraid to break the spell of the school. Every time Lily saw the castle, a warm and familiar shiver went up her spine.

Rather like the feeling I get around James…ugh what is Potter doing in my head?

The redhead shook herself and boarded a horseless carriage with Alice and Charlie. Both chattered amicably for the remainder of the ride, but Lily just nodded, trying to clear her head. They came to an abrupt halt, leaving Lily wondering for the hundredth time who drove the coaches.

Shaking herself from such deep thoughts, she realized she was the only one remaining in the carriage. Lily sighed and stepped down only to have two strong arms entwined around her slim waist.

“Careful Evans, wouldn’t want you to get hurt on your way to the feast!”

With that, James lifted Lily as if carrying a doll and reverently began carrying her to the school.

“POTTER! PUT ME DOWN! NOW!!!” She struggled futilely against him, using his shoulders to try and push him away.

“Ladies? Allow me?” Sirius, always James’s right-hand man, slung both arms around Alice and Charlie.

Remus looked fairly amused, but shook his head in mock disapproval. Poor Peter just looked longingly at the girls and Sirius’s good luck. Surprisingly, Alice politely removed the cocky arm attacked to Mr. Black and joined Frank Longbottom, who had been watching the entire scene and now looked visibly relieved.

Sirius made as if to imitate James in carrying Charlie, but her steely glare fazed even the infamous Sirius Black.

“Touch me and die buddy boy.”

“Aw c’mon Vollaro, you know you want to go out with me.” Sirius gave her his best puppy dog look.

She scornfully raised an eyebrow but Remus noticed her lip twitching rebelliously. “When pigs fly, Black.” With that, she sauntered after the shrieking Lily.

Remus noticed Sirius thoughtfully fingering his wand and warned him, “Noooo…Sirius. I wouldn’t take her word on that.”

Getting back to Lily and James, her screaming had reached the highest level as of yet. James doubted the hysteria could climax any further and rebelliously threw her over his shoulder. They paraded past gaping first years and amused older students with a proud Sirius and Charlie bringing up the rear. Most girls were looking at Lily with a mixture of jealousy and mirth.

The fifth year prefect attempted to grab her wand and curse James into the stratosphere, but he craftily shifted his grip and dangled the wand out of her reach. She then struggled to cling to her last strands of dignity by pounding her hands on his back and yelling several unintelligible things. Upon reaching the castle steps, a huge cheer resounded as if they had finished running the gauntlet.

“Mr. Potter. Perhaps you should allow Ms. Evans to return to the ground?’ A wise Professor Dumbledore was watching them over his spectacles, but James could have sworn he saw his eyes twinkling.

“O-of course, sir.” He sheepishly set Lily down, and she stormed angrily away, looking back only once for her friends.

As she slammed the entranceway door, a loud wet raspberry was blown in her ear.

"Aww...does Lily wee Evans love Jamesie boy Potter?"

Peeves, a poltergeist and the resident source of annoyance at Hogwarts, zoomed above Lily's head. He cackled maniacally to himself and then disappeared with a loud *pop*!

"Lily! WAIT UP!" Charlie and Alice stopped short of a furious Lily, who was alternately cursing using Muggle terms and fumbling for her wand to literally curse Peeves with her best bat bogey hex.

"That swollen, insufferable, pompous GIT!" I'll..." but before Charlie, who was already recoiling with apprehension, could discover what Lily would do, Lily closed and opened her mouth rapidly several times.

Alice giggled at the image of a goldfish the redhead provided but managed to ask "Lily dear? What's wrong?"

Lily turned several shades of red, her emerald eyes grew dark and she finally sighed. "Potter still has my wand."

The Great Hall was crowded with students and teachers for the opening feast. Dumbledore was just finishing his opening speech, and Sirius was staring hungrily at his empty plate.

“…I believe a full list can be found outside of Mr. Filch’s office.”

Sirius began tapping his fingers urgently on the table with a gaunt expression on his jokester's face.

“Furthermore, I would expect all students to treat others fairly and with respect. This includes leaving possessions with their original owners, including dragon eggs…”

“I can SMELL the food!” Several students in the immediate area turned at this but, realizing it was Sirius’s drama, they returned to listening to the headmaster.

“…not venturing into other house’s common rooms or vandalizing the aforementioned room…”

“Damn house elves, I bet they're stalling and the feast isn’t even ready yet!” Sirius muttered to the other Marauders.

“…and leaving other’s hair their natural color…this is especially important should the spell be irreversible”

James smiled at the various mentions of Marauder pranks.

"There IS no feast! We’re going to STARVE!”

“So, in closing, I have only four words to say.”


"MR. BLACK! Would you KINDLY restrain yourself?" Professor McGonagall glared pointedly in the direction of the growing hysteria.

“Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!”

With that, an immense feast appeared on all four tables. The first years gasped in wonder, but Sirius was too hungry to appreciate anything. Peter stared as the boy in front of him proceeded to shovel anything within reach into his mouth.

“O? owh deeh digns og bidh wviy?”

“Sorry, didn’t catch that mate.” James was looking warily at his best friend, or rather, the remains of the table.

Sirius swallowed and tried again, “So? How did things go with Lily?”

James sighed, and Sirius nodded wisely “Ah. So she slapped you again, did she? Saw that but...Jamesie boy let me give you some free advice."

Remus rolled his eyes and sighed, but Peter leaned so far forward, he was nearly in Sirius's lap at the prospect of girl advice from Sirius himself.

"Girls are like this pudding here." At this, Sirius gestured to the steak and kidney pudding he had just emptied. "Once you finish with one, there are millions of eager house elves with hundreds of more puddings, all whacking each other over to be the first one served. Take that particular dessert..." Sirius made eyes at a particularly well-rounded blonde. "Delicious and just begging to be tasted. There are dozens of girls as pretty as Evans. Find one and replace her when the week is up."

After this deep breath and bigger belch, Sirius tucked in again and now resembled a ravenous chipmunk. After counting to ten, James still had to resist whacking his friend on the back, which would likely result in the regurgation of half the Great Hall.

Instead, he busied himself with staring at Lily. She was laughing with her friends and looked absolutely beautiful in the candlelight. God, he liked her a lot. Why did he have to make such a prat of himself whenever he was around her?

Contemplating this thought, he trudged off to his dormitory, still twirling Lily's ten and a quarter inch, willow wand. A gaggle of giggling girls followed closely behind him but James’s thoughts were only on one person.

I have to prove to her how much I care! But how? I’ll ask Remus, he’s always been the smart one anyway.

Content with solving at least part of the problem, he fell asleep quickly, already dreaming of Lily. Curiously enough, she was also thinking of him.
This story archived at http://www.mugglenetfanfiction.com/viewstory.php?sid=34618