Fatally Yours by Cabalistic Love
Summary: Two people who have hated each other since they met, have suddenly begun to take interest in eac other. Was it meant to be? Or is there some foul play? In the end, there is one fatality, but is it of the heart or of the body of someone who once loved another?
Categories: Hermione/Draco Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: Yes Word count: 14522 Read: 60626 Published: 11/24/04 Updated: 12/02/04
Hating Love by Cabalistic Love
Hating Love

After falling asleep while thinking about the kiss, Hermione awoke with a start. Her alarm clock had gone of because she forgot to set the timer of since today was a Saturday and she had no classes.

“Damnit! I was having a good dream!” Hermione said, cursing the fact she had an alarm clock.

In her dream, Hermione had been walking through Hogsmeade alone, when all of a sudden someone with a mask took her hand and lead her to the woods. When the got there he pushed her, as well as himself into a snowy bank and then he kissed, the same way that Draco had the night before. Just as she was going to lift up the mask, her alarm clock went off.

“Why the hell did I bring that stupid thing?” she though, furious with herself. “Because you wanted to get up on time for classes.” Her conscience quietly said.

“Oh well, I mind as well go take a shower and then head down to breakfast. I have some things to think about anyway.” She thought before combing her hair and grabbing a towel.

When she got into the shower she thought to herself, “Wait a minute, I don’t want to love Draco, therefore it doesn’t matter if I have dreams about him or not!” she said to herself, worrying about how far she was going to get herself in love to crush him.

“Who the hell would be taking a shower at this time on a Saturday?” Draco thought after be awoken from a dreamless sleep. “Damn Hermione, always has to do everything on schedule. Well, I can’t say anything bad about her right now because what happened last nigh was amazing. I had no idea that she could kiss like that! Soft lips like a baby’s bottom, not that I have ever kissed a baby’s bottom but that’s beside the point.” Draco muttered to himself.

Getting up form his bed, again only dressed in boxers, he casually walked from his room into the bathroom. But as soon as he walked in, a loud piercing scream echoed off the walls.

“Calm down, Hermione! It’s only me, Draco, remember?” Draco said, still holding his hands over his ears.

“Calm down? How can I calm down when a BOY walked into the bathroom while I am naked and taking a shower?! There is no way I can calm down right now until you remove yourself from here this instant!” Hermione screamed, while hastily covering herself with whatever was available.

“I thought it would be ok after what happened last night and besides, I was in her yesterday morning while you were in here too.” Draco said, as if this was just a simple misunderstanding.

“You walking in on me is not allowed, even if we did kiss last night! And yesterday you were only in her when I had my towel on so at least I was covered up!” Hermione said, still shouting.

“What makes you think I was only in here when you had a towel on?” He said, quietly, and under his breath.

“What was that I didn’t hear you.” She said, winding down slowly.

“Nothing, I didn’t say anything.” Draco said, slightly chuckling to himself.

“I heard you laugh. There is no way in hell that you didn’t say something. You better tell me now or I will tell everyone that you kissed me! Not only will your friends be disgusted, but Harry and Ron will most likely try to kill you and together, they could!” Hermione shouted, angry at him.

“Fine, I will tell you what I said but you have to promise me you won’t do anything first.” Draco said, slightly scared.

“What would I do I am in a bathroom almost fully naked!” Hermione shouted, the anger boiling faster now.

“I said, what makes you think I was only in here when you had a towel on.” Draco said, and upon saying his last word her ran out of the room and put a charm on the door so that no one but himself could open it.

“I’ll get him for this! I know I will! It will be added to the list of things that I will talk to him about when I crush him like the worm he is!” Hermione said trying to keep her voice down so that no one but herself could hear.

Then when she was done in the bathroom, she walked back to her won room, still fuming from her last encounter with Draco.

“How can I let him get to me?” she thought for the millionth time. “He’s something else. Something about him makes me come back. Maybe it was that kiss last night. I felt something, because no one has ever kissed me like that before. It was passionate and mysterious at the same time. Maybe this is why I dreamt about him. His lips left me wanting more. I wonder if her fells the same way?”

“How can I stand her?” Draco thought to himself. “She is like time bomb with a short fuse, waiting to set off at any moment, but maybe that is why her lips were full of passion last night. There is no way I can do that again now, after I shot my chances since I told her I saw her. But hey, I liked what I saw.” Draco thought, reminiscing about what he saw the other day.
“Shit, now I have to take a shower! Oh well, at least the bathroom smells like her, so I will feel like she’s with me, though she never really will.” He thought, while walking to the bathroom to take a shower.

Meanwhile, Hermione was in her room, still hating love. She had been brushing her hair so furiously that she had accidentally pulled out a small clump.

“Thank god for magic!” she thought to herself after repairing her hair. “I have got to stop thinking about what he said. I should just let it go because soon it will be my time to cause him and anger. Soon enough, he will be mine but I will not be his. It will be his turn to feel the pain of someone hurting him from deep inside and not being able to stop the hurt. It will be his turn.” She said, her eyes flashing with anger, and evil grin appearing on her face.

When she finished with that last thought she made her way over to her dresser and got dressed. She applied a bit of eyeliner and mascara and of course, lipgloss. When she was done getting ready, she left for breakfast, thinking about her plans the whole way there.

A/N- Please take a little time to leave me a review! I really do appreaciate it!
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