An Unsuccessfully Clandestine Relationship by Cinderella Angelina
Summary: Andon Krum, son of one of Bulgaria's most prominent pureblood businessmen (well, as big as business gets in Bulgaria), has a problem: he doesn't understand his homework. But the only person who will tutor him is Mariya Mitkova, a . . . Mudblood. What will happen when his father finds out? (I've noticed I simply can't resist ending summaries with a question, and this is a big one, too). Finalist entry in the 2006 Valentine Challenge.
Categories: Other Pairing Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes Word count: 3680 Read: 6256 Published: 02/19/06 Updated: 03/04/06

1. The Transformation Tutor by Cinderella Angelina

2. Invitation by Cinderella Angelina

3. Christmas Time by Cinderella Angelina

The Transformation Tutor by Cinderella Angelina
Note: All conversation here is in Bulgarian. I don’t speak Bulgarian, and I don’t expect you to either. So it has been translated for our benefit. Thank you.

Seventeen-year-old Andon Krum looked despairingly at his Transformation homework, then glanced hopefully at his dormmate Emil.

“Tough luck, mate,” Emil said unsympathetically. “I’ve got better things to do than explain what a Switching Spell is. Maybe someone else will help you.”

Twenty minutes later Andon was still staring morosely at his blank piece of parchment. He’d moved to the library to increase his chances of being pitied and helped, but so far everyone was too busy doing their own homework or taking advantage of the librarian’s absence and talking and giggling.

“Can I help you?”

Andon looked up, enraptured at his rescue, but his face quickly fell as he recognized Mariya Mitkova, the class outcast. But . . . as far as he could tell she got good marks, and he was desperate.

“Er . . . Transformation homework,” he replied gruffly, looking at his textbook“it might have been in French for all he understood of it.

“So . . . you would like me to help you?”

He glanced back up at her face, trying to tell if she was deliberately being difficult, but she just looked shy“and eager.

“If you please,” he said stiffly.

“Excellent, I know all about Transformation,” Mariya said brightly, sitting down beside him and drawing the book toward her. “A lot of the homework this time is just review, so if you’re really struggling this is a good place to start.”

Andon looked around, hoping no one had noticed that he was actually allowing Mariya the Mudblood to talk to him, but just like before everyone was busy with their own activities. Reluctantly, he bent his head toward hers so he could hear what she was saying.


Gavril, Andon’s little brother, bounded down the stairs and came over to where Andon was reading. “Hey, Andon, Papa wants to talk to you now.”

“Imagine that,” Andon replied, rolling his eyes. “Do you realize, Gavril, that we’re the only students whose parent demands a fortnightly chat?” He rubbed his hooked nose in mock frustration. “Everything go okay for you?”

“Yeah,” Gavril said, shifting his eyes a little.

Andon climbed up the stairs to the room the Headmaster had set up for the Krums’ chats with their father“the only things the room contained was a giant fireplace and a rug. Right now the fireplace was occupied by Father’s head.

“Andon,” he said, inclining his head gravely.

“Hello, Father,” Andon replied, sitting on the rug that served as a semi-comfortable seat“unless the chats went too long.

“Gavril tells me disturbing news.”

Andon raised his eyebrows. “What would that be, Father?”

“Is he mistaken in telling me that you have recently been associating with a Mudblood?”

The sneak! How could he have known? Andon allowed no emotion to escape as he replied, “He may have been mistaken in telling you, but it is true that I have been seeking the advice of Mariya Mitkova“I assume that who you’re talking about“in Transformation. Did you notice the sudden improvement in my grades?”

“I’d rather you fail than associate with someone like her!” Father spat, turning red. “By even touching her you run the risk of contamination!”

“Of what!” Andon shouted suddenly. He’d listened to rubbish like this for most of his life, and he was sick of it. “Of being less pure? Less of a magician? Father, she’s better at magic than I am!”

“You lie! My own studies have shown that these Muggleborns have much less magic than we do. They are inferior!”

Who did you test it on, Mrs. Bacheva the half-blood Squib? Andon thought, rubbing his nose in real frustration. “I’ve believed that for too long, Father. And whether it’s true or not, Mariya is still a human being, and a smart one at that. Please, can’t I just keep studying with her? My grades really have shown improvement.”

Father simply glared.

Andon sighed. “Look, Papa, I have Quidditch practice soon. She’s just a study partner. We’re not even friends. I need to go get ready for Quidditch.”

“I suppose. Got to catch the Snitch in record time, eh?”

Andon smiled, glad to have appeased his father a bit. “I’m not a Seeker this year, Father, but you can be sure I won’t be letting in any goals. Next year I’ll go back to Seeker, I think“they will have scouts, and I’d like to play semi-professionally.”

“Oh, that’s right,” Father said, nodding wisely. Then he sighed. “It goes against everything I believe in to let you associate with that girl, you know. But, since you really seem to need the homework help, you can keep studying with her. But only studying! No son of mine will be the friend of a Mudblood!”

Andon tilted his head. His father seemed to take that as an obedient nod and bade him farewell. His son sat there for a moment or two, brow furrowed. Then with amazing speed he leapt down the stairs and corned Gavril, who appeared to have been waiting for something like this to happen.

“Don’t . . . go . . . spying . . . on . . . me . . . ever . . . again!” Andon warned his brother sternly. “Who I study with is none of your business, and it’s definitely not your business to tell Father!”

“O-okay!” Gavril squeaked, apparently contrite.

“Okay. Speaking of which, I need to go to my study group. Have fun,” Andon said lightly, giving Gavril a friendly knock on the head before heading to his room to pick up his books.


“So do you understand the concept now?”

Andon tilted his head. Unlike his father, Mariya wasn’t fooled.

“Andon, what is wrong? You’re awfully quiet today. Well, I suppose it’s not that different from other days“you’ve always seemed scared to talk to me“but today you’re just exuding . . . not-talkingness.” She impulsively put her hand on his. “Tell me.”

He jumped at the sudden contact and tried not to jerk away, but Mariya recognized her error almost immediately and removed her hand. She shot him a swift look of apology that he just looked up in time to catch.

“I see,” she said softly. “It’s because I’m not pure like the rest of you, isn’t it? It always comes down to that. I’d hoped that, since you actually let me talk to you, it would be different with you, but--” she sighed“ “I guess not.”

“Oh!” Andon was startled into speaking by her wistful tone. “Well, Mariya, it’s true that it is a little difficult trying to associate with you. It’s just . . . well, today my father found out about our little study sessions.”

Mariya closed her eyes. “I’d forgotten about your father.”

Andon snorted. “Would that I could. But he gave me permission to keep studying with you. As long as . . .” he stopped, not wanting to be rude.

“As long as what?” Mariya’s dark eyes flashed, wistfulness forgotten for the moment in indignation. “As long as you don’t become my friend?”

He nodded before he could stop himself. “I mean . . . well . . . actually I tried to defend you, and not just because of how my grades are improving. You’re a good person, Mariya. I wouldn’t . . . I wouldn’t mind being your friend, as long as no one found out. I don’t have so many, myself“my father chases them all away. But it would have to be a secret.” It was out. The feeling he’d had ever since speaking out in favor of Mariya had finally put itself into words. He looked down, blushing.


Mariya was blushing just as much as Andon, if not more.

“Thank you. I’m okay with a secret friendship. I’m just so excited to have a friend, finally, after six and a half long years at Durmstrang.”

She put her hand on top of his again, and this time he didn’t jerk away. He just looked into her dark, smiling, grateful eyes. Everything would be fine“as long as no one found out.
Invitation by Cinderella Angelina
Andon carefully looked both ways before sprinting silently down the corridor to the empty classroom he and Mariya used to study. When he poked his head in, he found she was already waiting there with her books out.

“Hi there,” he said casually, brushing her shoulder as he sat down next to her. “What should we start with, Potions or Transformation?”

“Hello yourself,” Mariya replied, smiling. “I’m fine thanks, how are you?”

Andon rolled his eyes. “Okay, fine: how are you today, Mariya? You look very nice by the way and I’m glad that I could finagle this secret meeting so we could talk. Now that all the niceties are finally out of the way, Potions or Transformation?”

“Let’s focus on Transformation today“that exam’s a lot harder than Potions and you’re still having a bit of trouble with the concepts.”

“I suppose that’s true. You know what else is true? You really do look nice today.”

Mariya, who’d been bent over her Transformation textbook, looked up quickly, brushing her dark hair out of her face. “Thank you,” she said, blushing. “No one’s ever said something so nice to me.”

Andon was starting to feel uncomfortable; the intensity of Mariya’s happy eyes on his face was making him flush. “Um, you’re welcome. So are we going to start at the front and move toward the back or vice versa?”

“Vice versa,” Mariya said, suddenly no longer willing to make eye contact. “So last week we learned about . . . um . . .”

“We learned about size and function difference Transformation, like turning a handkerchief into a grandfather clock,” Andon prompted, confused at why Mariya was suddenly so forgetful and distracted.

“Oh. Of course. Hey, Andon?”


“I was wondering . . . well, you know, after exams it’s the Christmas break and . . . well, at home we always have a big celebration and it’s really fun, my brothers and sisters invite all their friends and things, and . . . well, I was wondering if“if you would like to come home with me over Christmas.”

She concluded quite quickly and ducked her head so that all Andon could see was her hair and the tip of a very red ear.

“It sounds nice,” Andon began, dreading what would come next. “But I don’t know if my father would allow it.”

“The Muggleborn thing again?” Mariya spat bitterly, still hiding her face. “People like your father have ruined my life, you know. Every time I try and bring myself a little happiness, your father gets in the way.”

Her voice was becoming thick with what Andon suspected were suppressed tears. His eyes began to prick in sympathy and he tentatively put his arm around her.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry; I’ll talk to him, I’ll see if I can make him see sense. Mariya“” he parted her hair so he could look into her eyes “ “nothing would make me happier than to spend the break with you. I’ll do what I can to get permission.”

“And if you don’t get permission?”

He sighed. “We’ll see. But let me try and talk to Father first, okay?”



“Papa, please, just hear me out, just this once.”


I TOLD YOU! SHE’S NOT A MUDBLOOD! SHE’S A HUMAN BEING! SHE’S . . . she’s my only friend, Papa.”

Andon’s emotions had been too great for him to shout at his father for very long. He hardly noticed when his father’ head disappeared, but he couldn’t help but notice when the soot shot out into his face as his father came to yell at him some more“in person.

“Andon . . .” his father began dangerously.

“Father, no. You can’t control me anymore. I’ve been seventeen for almost two months and you still try to manipulate my life. Well, I’m finally going to act my age.”

“Son, I’m only trying to do what’s best for you. You’re jeopardizing your future and tainting your family by associating with this girl. If I were you, I’d terminate the relationship immediately.”

Andon looked incredulously at his father, who was now using “nice-guy” tactics to try and win him. “Papa, if you were me, you’d never have given Mariya a chance.” He stood up, noting that he was half an inch or so taller than his father. “I see how it is now. You’re worried about the Krum reputation if your oldest son associates with a Muggleborn. Well, Father, if your reputation means more to you than my happiness, so be it.”

“Andon!” Father reached out and grabbed his arm. “No, can’t you see? Our purity is one of the biggest reasons we have so much business. If you’re going to jeopardize that, you’re jeopardizing your entire inheritance. I really am just looking out for your happiness. I wish you could see that.”

Rubbing his nose and jerking his arm away, Andon replied, “I don’t see it, Father. If you want to make Gavril the heir instead, I won’t complain. I’ll make my own way.” He laughed ruefully. “I still think you’re taking this too seriously. It’s not as if I’m going to marry her.”

“Yet,” Father replied brusquely, brushing past Andon and going down the stairs. “What a pleasant surprise for Gavril, a chance to see his father in person.”

“So am I going to be disowned?” Andon said so quietly that his retreating father couldn’t hear him. “I never thought it would come to this. Why”why can’t he just accept her?” The sounds of his father greeting Gavril wound up the stairway. “The conflict is just tearing me in two. Why is it that I have to choose which half to pursue and which to discard?”
Christmas Time by Cinderella Angelina
The sounds of the laughing young men began to diminish as Mrs. Mitkova closed the door.

“Do they always do that?” Andon asked wonderingly.

Mariya looked indulgently at her friend before replying, “Well, yes, it’s a Christmas tradition. My little brothers are so excited that soon they will be able to go around for food like that. Ivan used to, before he got married.”

“Oh.” Andon pondered for a moment. “Everyone seems to have so much fun for Christmas.”

The Mitkovas in earshot began to laugh, and Mariya pulled him away before he could embarrass himself further. “That’s the point, silly!” she gasped as they sat down in the parlor, away from everyone else.

“What about you, are you having fun?” she asked, suddenly serious.

“Yes!” Andon replied enthusiastically. “I’ve never had such an enjoyable time! Your family is wonderful, and you “ ” he stopped suddenly in embarrassment, looking away from Mariya’s dark, inquisitive eyes.

“What? What, Andon?” Mariya touched his hand to get him to respond, and she was shocked when it turned palm-up and grabbed hers tightly.

“Mariya, I . . .” he cleared his throat, “I’ve never seen you so happy and radiant as you are here at home. It’s made me wonder . . . why did you come to Durmstrang in the first place, where you knew that you wouldn’t be welcomed?”

She raised her eyebrows at him. “For the magic. What else? Besides, I always have time at home to make me happy, and . . . well, since you became my friend, things have been better. Infinitely better. In fact . . .” It was her turn to trail to a diffident stop as she looked appraisingly at a spot somewhere above Andon’s head.

“Come with me!” she commanded suddenly, pulling him to a doorway where hung a peculiar-looking ball of ribbons, evergreen, and strange white berries. “This,” she said, pointing, “is mistletoe. My grandmother brought it over from England. Have you ever heard of it?”

Andon shook his head, bewildered at the sudden change of topic. Mariya’s eyes lit up even more as she regarded the peculiar mass.

“Do you know what else?” she whispered conspiratorially, pulling him slightly closer and moving back herself so that she was directly underneath the mistletoe. “I was looking through her papers this morning, and she mentioned a school she used to go to. It was Hogwarts.”

Andon looked down at her radiant, smiling face, stunned. Mariya wasn’t a Muggleborn after all! Magic apparently ran in the family, at least a little bit. She looked so beautiful right then, all aglow like that, that before Andon knew it he had kissed her.

She pulled away softly, looking if possible even more beautiful and radiant. “You know, Andon, I was afraid I was going to have to tell you straight out what the mistletoe was for.”

Andon couldn’t help but laugh at the strange custom“kissing under a ball of berries? Only the English would fabricate a notion so outrageous. However, he noticed that Mariya was still conveniently under the mistletoe, so he moved in for another mandatory token of affection, and she gladly complied.


All too soon Christmas break was over and Mariya and Andon headed back to Durmstrang. Andon still couldn’t believe the turn his life had taken “ his friend Mariya had become more than a friend, and on top of that, she wasn’t purely Muggleborn, so there was a chance that his father would welcome him “ welcome them “ back into the family.

“Hey, Emil,” Andon said jovially as his dormmate walked in with his luggage. “How was your break?”

“All right,” he replied casually. “Yours? Stay at the school like usual?”

Andon laughed happily. “No, I stayed with a friend.”

Emil’s eyes narrowed. “Not that Mudblood Mariya?”

“Well, yes, but turns out she’s not a Mudblood after all. She had some magical blood in her all along.”

Emil shrugged, obviously not finding the revelation as wonderful as Andon did. “Well, that’s nice for her, I suppose.”

Andon grinned at his nonchalance and went to go find his brother Gavril. If he would talk to him, maybe he had a chance to reconcile with his father.

“Hey! Gavril!”

But his brother recognized his voice and quickly bolted out of sight. Andon sighed in frustration before bounding after him. Just like always, he was able to catch Gavril and corner him. This time, though, instead of one brother departing with still-bruised feelings and another with a bruised skull, both emerged with smiles on their faces and arms around each other.

Unfortunately, Andon’s father was not so easily won back. In fact, he refused to speak to Andon at all, but consented to using Gavril as a go-between while he yelled and ranted at the ruination of his reputation and his nonexistent oldest son. Gavril, Andon could tell, felt rather useless because anything Andon relayed to him to tell Father was cut short on the delivery by more yelling.

“I’m sorry, Gavril,” Andon said after their father had finally lost patience and gone. “You didn’t deserve to be subjected to such treatment.”

Gavril’s eyes were tearful as he replied, “No, I’m sorry for you, Andon. Your future is no longer certain “ if Father doesn’t let you take over the business, which at this point I’m sure he won’t, what will you do?”

“I suppose you mean other than Quidditch. I’m not worried, Gavril. As long as I have Mariya, everything is fine. You’ve always been such a crybaby, little bro!”

“Hey!” A brief tussling match ensued, after which Gavril said in a more subdued tone, “Do you love her?”

“Mariya?” Andon thought for a brief moment about her shining eyes, her dark hair, her bright laughter, and then replied, “Yes.”

“I can tell. I hope that someday I can find someone like her. Well, not exactly like her “ Father doesn’t deserve to lose both of us.”

“No. Hey, I’ve got a study group to get to, gotta run.”

“Study group. Uh-huh.”

Andon grinned as he raced away to the unused classroom he’d learned so well last term. Mariya was uncharacteristically late, so Andon sat down to wait. Bored, he conjured a bunch of red roses one at a time until she finally showed up.

“Andon.” She raced over to him and put her arms around him. “How did it go?”

“Not well. But you’re not going to thank me for the flowers?”

“Flowers?” Mariya looked down at the desk where approximately fifteen roses lay, unconcernedly losing petals. “Oh, Andon, they’re lovely. I’m glad to see you’re finally picking up on Conjuring.”

“I had excellent help,” he replied, standing up and kissing her tenderly. “Father’s still upset, but Gavril believes in me. And I have you. That’s worth taking over for my father in business.”

She blushed “ Andon was amazed at her capabilities to turn red at almost any time. He told her so, just to make her blush some more, and he wasn’t disappointed “ she even laughed, which had been his secondary objective.

“Oh, I do love you,” he smiled, chucking her under the chin.

“I know,” she replied matter-of-factly. “I love you too.”

And as she gave him one last kiss before they turned to their studies, and as that last kiss turned into several, Andon couldn’t help but think that his Transformation homework had been the best thing that had ever happened to him “ that, and finding a good tutor.
This story archived at