You-and-Me Nuggets by lucilla_pauie
Summary: PRE-DHWhat ultimately brought Lily and James away from their snapping and snarling matches? And what about Hagrid during his romantic trip to the mountains with his Olympe?

And Fred--is he always that confident? No Weasley nerves at all? And what happened during Harry and Ginny's lake stroll? What came next after Ron and Hermione's sweet cuddle during the funeral? Laughs and fluff!
Categories: Ron/Hermione AND Harry/Ginny Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 2061 Read: 3624 Published: 11/08/06 Updated: 11/22/06

1. Chapter 1 by lucilla_pauie

Chapter 1 by lucilla_pauie
You-And-Me Nuggets

~Why She Started Going Out with Him in Seventh Year and
Why He Had Deflated His Head A Bit

Moonlight silvered the corridors and Lily couldn't help feel all warm and Christmasy about it. Almost. Potter kept stalking her like an irksome fly. She took a deep breath of the chill air and let it out in a rush, praying for patience. "For the last time, Potter, leave me alone."

She didn't turn to look, but she could amost see his insolent shrug. "I'm not bothering you, I'm patrolling."

"I'm already doing that! Patrol the other wing, why don't you?"

"Sure. When we finish here."

Lily whirled around. But of course, one look into those hazel eyes and she had to turn away so that she could maintain her...well, herself. Potter was already big-headed as it is. If he suspected in the least what she actually felt for him despite her snappishness, he might well go on and defy gravity, something she was surprised he and Black hadn't done yet.

"I don't know who Confounded the Headmaster to make you Head Boy!" she hissed. She lengthened her strides but he still kept up. "You weren't even a prefect. What you were, and still are, is a pain in the--" She huffed and didn't finish.

"And you're a pain in the chest, Evans."

Lily spared him a look of disdain. "I haven't done anything to you."

She didn't see it coming. He grabbed her wrist, whirled her to face him and backed her against the wall. Lily squirmed, but that only made him decrease the space between them further, until their faces were only a breath apart.

"Get off me, you brute! What do you think you're doing?"

Hazel eyes bore into emerald ones.

"I haven't done anything yet. But since you're not stopping me..."

Lily's eyes widened at what happened next. Their lips met, and made a thorough acquaintance. Because both parties were enthusiastic. Yes, her, too. Well, she'd been fearing that. But the why of it completely flew from her brain at his next words.

"You're my weakness, Lily. I never thought I'd love a weakness."

She caught her breath. Then she smiled. She didn't try to stop it, because it would have been like trying to stop a rose from opening. That's what she felt like. A rose teased into blooming. Only tenderness could do that, she'd read in a book. "James, that's what you never do. You never think. You just act. Often stupidly."

The smile that appeared on his face when she uttered his name diminished a little, and she laughed. "You never think. But it's funny, I feel no urge to yell at you right now."

He beamed at that and tucked her under his chin. She let him. She felt all warm and Christmasy indeed now.

~Simile Sweet

Great white winged horses swept through the skies of June. At first sight, one couldn't see what their harness pulled, but against the white fluff of clouds, the great elegant powder-blue carriage could be discerned, and as the flight descended, it contrasted with the towering green pillars that were the trees of the Forbidden Forest. By this Forest, Hagrid stood waiting, waving and trying hard not to palpitate.

"Olympe! Bon jour!"

She was majestic as ever, this half-giantess. She alighted with as much of the grace she had in her, also trying hard not to palpitate. "'Agrid, how nice to see you again."

"You look fetching. C'est ravissante!"

Olympe smiled at his syntax, but nodded and smiled at the compliment behind it.

After this exchange in which the both of them tried hard not to palpitate, they climbed the carriage and the Abraxans immediately took wing and before long left behind the Hogwarts Grounds.

"I wish we are really going to my school, 'Agrid, it is most byootiful in the summer."

"Well, I'm more than content with the Headmistress." He didn't palpitate when he said that.

Olympe, on the other hand, spilt the tea. Was she palpitating? Hagrid did then, flushing in the skin between all his hair. She magicked away the wet, and he picked up his tea, trying to hide in it.

"Are you nervous, 'Agrid?"

Hagrid choked behind the fine bone china and flushed a darker shade. "Oh, yeah, yeah, nervous as a salamander out of fire."

Now, Olympe flushed as much. "I--I was talking about the g--our people."

"Oh! Well-- Yeah, I am. But I'm nervous right now right enough, so I answered correctly."

"Why?" This was coquettish of the half-giantess.

"I'm liking this trip, that's all. 'Coz you're with me."

"I am quite pleased as an unanswered sphinx, too, 'Agrid, because you're with me."

Her teaspoon clattered to the carriage floor. Perhaps she is palpitating.

Hagrid picked it up with a chuckle. "You're as shaky as a baby bowtruckle though."

"And you're being as observant as a kneazle."

"That's 'coz I'm staring at you, I reckon."

"I don't mind."

Ignoring palpitations now, he scooted closer to her. The tea table overturned. Only the carriage would have taken notice.

"Well, would you mind if I--er--kiss you like a--a-- Blast-ended Skrewt?"

~He Wasn't Quite Cocky the Whole Time

The Charms classroom is perhaps the most beloved classroom in Hogwarts. The teacher is affable, the lessons were almost always graspable and if it wasn't, well, again, the teacher is affable.

"Oh, very good! How splendid you all got it so easily--Mr. Fred Weasley! Mr. Weasley!"

George grinned and elbowed his twin.

Fred seemed to focus his eyes first before responding. "Oh, sorry, sorry, Professor--"

"Well, go on and make your crow sing. Let's see, then."

"Oh, right, Professor." Fred pointed his wand at his cawing crow. "Cantare!"

The crow stopped cawing. When it opened its beak next, it sang. "Angie! Angie! Angie! Angie!"

The class roared with laughter. This is another reason why Charms is beloved, see?

Fred grabbed his crow's neck. George and Angelina grabbed Fred.

Not stopped by the strangling, though muffled now, the crow still sang. "Angie, oh Angie!"


The Great Hall glittered with icicles and the glamour of gowns and jewelry. In the middle of the dance floor, there they were, Angelina Johnson and Fred Weasley, just stopped from being the liveliest couple.

"Fred, I'm knackered. It's lovely outside. How about a rest in the fresh air?"

"Oh, sure, if you like. Wait here, I'll get your wrap from our table."

Angelina edged away from amid the whirling bodies and doubled over with laughter when Fred came back for her. She stopped immediately though when he draped her wrap around her and offered her his arm. They walked to the grounds, Angelina smiling but quiet. Fred sure is silent.

They came upon a bench not long after entering the nest of rose bushes. Fred sat down and spread his robes over the seat for Angelina. She lowered herself gratefully and stretched her legs. "Did you see the look on Ron's face as he watched Hermione? They're really clueless, those two."

"I didn't see my git of a brother. I was looking at my partner."

Angelina smiled. "Fred, can I ask you something?"

His brilliant hair glinted as it caught the fairy lights when he nodded.

"A fortnight ago at Charms, who was Angie?"

"You don't know her? She's not five inches away from me right now."

Angelina laughed. "Oh, me? You never called me Angie before."

"I like using up a lot of breath for your beautiful name. The crow was lazy and stupid."

Angelina laughed some more and snuggled into his arm when he laid it around her. "Alright, can I ask you something again?"

"Anything, Angelina."

"Please take off that stupid hat. How can we kiss when you're headless?"

~Expression at Last at the Hogwarts Express

Even the train sounded melancholy as it whistled and puffed and rattled on its way. Inside their compartment, Harry, Ron and Hermione were silent, looking anywhere but at each other, afraid to catch each other's eyes and be forced to talk about what they didn't want to talk about anymore, not right this moment anyway.

They all jumped when the compartment door slid open. The twins entered.

"What've you done to Ginny, Harry?" Fred demanded.

Ron gasped. Harry looked away. Hermione glared. This glare answered Fred. "Oh, fine, we'll leave it till I can check tomorrow if she's been crying."

"Why are you two here anyway?" asked Ron (who also received a glare in turn a second before to change the subject). Already tired of Appa--"

"We missed the train, that's all--"

They all paused when Harry jumped up and left.

"What have I said?" George muttered.

Hermione shook her head. "Just leave him and Ginny alone for now."

"Sure. What about you and Ronnikins here?"

"Leave us alone, too," Ron snapped.

"Did you hear that, George?"

"He said 'us'."

"What's with that?" Hermione said, blushing. "It's only proper Eng--"

"Yes, proper English, but not proper speed."

"Ronnikins needs pampering and help."

"Shoving and help."

"Get out, gits."

Since Hermione was glaring again, the twins obeyed. At the door, Fred spoke. "Get a move on, Ron. I can't believe I'm telling you again."

"If you get off this train and we find out you didn't follow our advice, we'll be forced to commence the shoving."

With identical wicked grins, they left the two stupefied to their seats. Well, Ron was stupefied. Hermione was thinking, looking out the window at the landscape flashing past.

"Ron," she called after several moments. She smiled and ignored Ron's jump. "I've been meaning to ask you...Did you like Lavender?"

"No, Hermione!" He rolled his eyes.

"I figured as much."

"Then why did you ask?"

Hermione locked her eyes with his. "I want to hear it from you."

Ron looked away, not a little panic in his face. "Oh--well---I--fancied another girl entirely, but she never caught up, though she's really smart."

Hermione sighed exasperatedly. "She did! It crossed her mind whenever you slandered Viktor. But that's all it did, cross her mind, because you never said it."

"I'm not so good at the saying part."

"But you've been friends for years, how couldn't you?"

"Maybe if I felt for her less, it would be easier."

Ron had been talking to window pane. He sneaked a sideglance at Hermione, only to look completely gormless at the misting pleasure in her eyes. Hermione giggled then launched herself at him in a great hug...and their first snog.

"Not that I'm complaining, Hermione, but--to echo George, what have I said?"

Hermione laughed. "Oh, Ron, you are so stupid." And with that, she brought her face up to his for another kiss.

~After the Kiss

The portrait door closed after them and they stood there grinning at each other.

"Oh Harry, that was--"

"--mind-blowing." Harry took her hand and they walked down the corridor.

Ginny giggled nervously. She wasn't nervous, but her throat wasn't steady. When you've just kissed the love of your life before Merlin and Gryffindor House, not one part of your body would be steady. She was even amazed her legs were functioning. "Yes, well, did you see the look on Dean's face? I thought for a moment he'd rush you."

"I suppose that's how I looked like and what I felt like doing when it was him who was snogging you."

Ginny stopped and looked at him, startled. Harry nodded and she blushed redder than ever and stared down at the flags as they resumed walking. But she was smiling. Harry squeezed her hand in his. They remained in this position until they reached the lake, just holding hands, quiet. Together.

"But I wasn't looking at Dean, you know, but at Ron. If he rushed me--"

Ginny laughed. "Let him try! I'll--"

Ginny lost her mirth and suddenly talked--mumbled--to Harry's chest.

"Harry, don't look at me so hard, I just turn to water inside. I'm a ninny to say that--but I've cared for you for so long. I thought you'd never notice me."

Harry stared at her lovely head for several seconds, then smiled and put his arms around her so that she was molded to him. This was the first time he had hugged someone this way, and Ginny felt like she was made for him. They fit perfectly.

"Ginny, I'll never notice anyone else. Ever."
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