Enchanted by Willow Rosenberg
Summary: ~Complete~

The summer after the trio's sixth year, people gather at the Weasley's for the wedding of Bill and Fleur. Hermione goes in high hopes, expecting a relationship to heat up between her and Ron. However, her arrival at the Burrow is greeted with a rather nasty surprise...


2010: Ahaa, God, I just took another look at this story and, uh...the only defense I have is that I was a lot younger when I wrote it. Whew.
Categories: Ron/Hermione Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: Yes Word count: 10782 Read: 27603 Published: 12/20/06 Updated: 06/16/07

1. Anything but Ordinary by Willow Rosenberg

2. Dream of a Fire by Willow Rosenberg

3. Complications by Willow Rosenberg

4. Confrontation by Willow Rosenberg

5. The Steps That You Take by Willow Rosenberg

6. The Truth in Your Eyes by Willow Rosenberg

Anything but Ordinary by Willow Rosenberg
Author's Notes:
I'm not usually a huge endorser of Ron and Hermione, but this is part of a Christmas present for my friend. So here it is.
Also-while "Enchanted" mostly focuses on Ron and Hermione, there is a brief Ginny/Harry subplot-but it's not large enough that I'd add it in the categories.
There had been a time for mourning.

The land was shrouded in black, and fear and sorrow stood out on everyone’s face. But despite this, Hermione felt excitement bubbling through the lingering sadness. She had cried a little as she packed her old trunks and books, but in the end, she was left with only a quiet calm”the kind that Dumbledore’s presence had always instilled upon her”and she moved on.

Now she was eagerly shoving dress robes into her trunk, on top of her textbooks. She was arriving a few weeks early for Bill and Fleur’s wedding, a week and a half earlier then Harry. And as much as she enjoyed his company, she couldn’t stop the excited thrill that raced through her as she thought of the days alone with Ron.

After the disastrous occurrences of last year, Hermione had finally admitted it to herself. It’s not like I could help falling for him! She told the sensible part of her brain irritably.

She took the train out to the country, and then it was a short walk to the Burrow”a route she knew by heart. We have a chance now, me and Ron, she mused. I mean, we’ve stopped trying to make each other jealous. Besides, she thought, brightening, maybe with the wedding, he’ll be in the mood for love!

How unfortunately right she was.

Walking up the long footpath towards the Burrow, Hermione smiled as she heard shouting and laughing in the back. She quickened her pace. Suddenly, she heard the front door open, and she looked up as her heart threatened to lurch out of her chest. There was a flash of red hair”long read hair. Ginny Weasley ran toward her, and Hermione smiled, both disappointed and relieved.

“Hermione!” Ginny cried, throwing her arms around her. “I’m so glad you’re here! It’s been a nightmare, honestly…”

Hermione laughed, and hugged her back. Then, perceptibly, she pulled back to look at her friend. “How are you?” she asked softly.

“I’m ok,” Ginny said, shrugging. “I expect it will be worse when Harry’s here. I miss him, but I don’t know if I’m ready to see him.”

Impulsively, Hermione looped her arm through Ginny’s as they started back towards the house. “I’m sure it will all work out in the end,” she said.

Ginny shrugged, and then looked up in alarm. “Speaking of relationships,” she hissed fervently, “I think there’s something you should know…”

But then the door burst open again, and a girl burst out. She was exquisite”small and slender, with ivory skin and jet black hair that fell in ringlets down her back. Her face was impossibly lovely”deep blue eyes were set over high cheekbones and full, red lips. She was laughing as she ran barefoot onto the lawn, and in her blue summer dress, she looked more like a Muggle postcard then anything. Then she turned back to the house, and with her index finger, beckoned someone who was standing in the doorway.

Hermione’s mouth fell open. Ron, grinning widely, stepped from the porch towards the girl. He reached her in a few wide strides, and slid a hand around her tiny waist. He leaned forward, pressing his forehead to hers, and she ran her fingers down his upper arm (Hermione couldn’t help noticing that the white tank top he was wearing showed off his biceps quite nicely). They were in the middle of staring into each others eyes when Ginny coughed loudly.

Ron jumped, letting go of the girl, who pouted. “Ginny, what-oh. Um, hi, Hermione.”

Hermione looked at him a long moment before saying hello, and enjoyed his discomfort. “Made a new friend, I see,” she said coolly, startled at her own forwardness. “Are you going to introduce us?”

“Oh, um, right,” stammered Ron nervously. He put his arm around the girls waist, pulling her tight against his side. Hermione noticed with disgust that the girl arched and purred as he rubbed her spine with his thumb.

“Hermione, this is Elodie. Her family is here from the wedding”they’re friends with the Delacours. Elodie”” (Hermione wasn’t sure if she imagined the huskiness in his voice as he caressed her name) “this is my friend, Hermione.”

He stumbled a little over the word “friend”, and Hermione grinned wryly. Elodie noticed too, however, and scowled at Hermione before turning to wrap her delicate hand around Ron’s neck, standing on tiptoe to whisper something in his ear. He grabbed her hand and the two of them started back towards the hosue. Ron turned to grin
apologetically at his sister and best friend, but willingly let himself be pulled away. As they reached the door, Hermione had an urge to run and separate them, because walking through that door would mean the end of something. It was some line that he couldn’t cross, some point of no return.

The passed the threshold, the door snapping shut behind them.

Hermione sat down.

Ginny, looking worried, sank down in the grass next to her, reaching for her hand. Hermione looked down, noticing vaguely that her plain black robe was dusty, and that her mouse-brown hair hung lank in her face. She was miles away from the perfection of the ethereal girl lingering in Ron’s arms.

How could she compare?
Dream of a Fire by Willow Rosenberg
Author's Notes:
Okay, so kind of a short, transition-y section. It really gets going in the next chapter :P
She’d been having this dream for a while, but it was her favorite. Well, the beginning anyway. Not so much the end.

It started out in the morning, at breakfast, and she always thought that she had woken up. She usually figured out it was a dream when she realized no one else was at the breakfast table. Usually, the kitchen was crowded and noisy in the morning”especially now, with all the extra guests. But in this dream, there was just utter silence.

And then as she sat picking at her bacon, Ron appeared. He sat down next to her, grinning that sideways grin, and her heart leapt. In her sleep, she rolled over and sighed.
She smiled back at him, and then glanced downwards, her hair falling over her shoulder and making a curtain between them. But she could still feel the heat of him, knew he was moving closer even though she couldn’t see him, and she loved the sheer simplicity of their silent affection.

Slowly, he set his hand next to hers on the table, and slid it forward. Her heart sped up, beating frantically against her chest, and her breath caught. Slowly, his fingers brushed hers, and she turned her head to look into his eyes.

His hand covered hers, warm and strong, and suddenly burning. She shouted and pulled away, and a wall of fire sprang up between them. On the other side, she saw Ron look right through her before turning away slowly, his face expressionless.

And she opened her eyes to Ginny shaking her awake for breakfast.

Breakfast was her daily torture. She’d been at the Burrow for four days now, and breakfast was the only time of the day where she was guaranteed to be in close quarters with Ron…and Elodie. Everyone fended for themselves at lunch, and dinner was often outside, with everyone spread apart.

She slipped into the kitchen early today, before anyone else but Mrs. Weasley, ducking her head in hopes that she wouldn’t be noticed. But she had no luck today”she jerked to a stop as someone darted into the kitchen ahead of her. He had red hair, but this was the Weasley house; he could have been any of them. As he turned, she sighed, more in resignation then anger. Ron. Then his hand brushed hers accidentally, and an electric spark shot up her arm. “Ouch!” she hissed.

“Er, sorry Hermione,” Ron said, and hesitated as though he wanted to say something else. “Look,” he began, but Elodie appeared next to him at that moment, wrapping an arm around his waist, and melting into his side. Her mouth was arranged in a delicate pout, and he grinned down at her. She turned and bit his earlobe lightly. Ron laughed, and Hermione grimaced. Throwing an arm around Elodie’s shoulders, Ron bent his face down towards hers, kissing the end of her nose. Hermione tried to turn away, but she was transfixed by both jealousy and disgust.

“Ron, get a room. We’re planning on eating here.” Ginny had slipped into the kitchen unnoticed, and now stood by Hermione. She smacked Ron on the back of the head, and then grabbed Hermione’s elbow. “Come on, I’m starving.” She spoke casually, but Hermione saw an angry gleam in her eye, and smiled slightly. She glanced back at Ron and Elodie, and Elodie caught her eye. The lovely girl had an ugly look on her face, and narrowed her eyes. The force of her gaze sent Hermione staggering back a few steps, and she felt suddenly cold. And then Ginny was at her side. “Hermione? Are you okay?” When there was no response, Ginny frowned. “Let’s go eat outside. It’s nice out.” Hermione nodded mutely, and the two grabbed plates and headed out into the garden.

Outside, Ginny flopped onto the ground, tossed a garden gnome out of a nearby bush, and set her plate down. “Hermione,” she said firmly, “We need to talk.”

Hermione, who was wallowing and knew it, looked up. “No thanks,” she said apathetically.

Ginny continued as if Hermione hadn’t spoken. “What I mean by ‘talk’ is I talk, you listen. Here’s the deal. You, my dear, have entirely too much emotion invested in my pathetic, romantically-challenged brother. Ron is an-” She paused to grab the gnome, which was sneaking back towards her breakfast, throwing it across the hedge, before continuing, “immature, mediocre wart, and he doesn’t deserve you.” Hermione opened her mouth to protest, but Ginny held up her hand to silence her. “Ron goes for beauty with no brain. You, Hermione, have both. Ron’s intimidated by girls who are smarter then him”which, come to think of it, is probably why he can’t find any. But the fact of the matter is if you want him, (inadvisable as that is) you’re going to have to take your own advice.” Hermione looked up quizzically, and noticed the garden gnome creeping towards Ginny’s bacon. Ginny calmly reached out a hand, grabbed it by the ankles, stunned it, and continued. “You told me a few years ago that if I ever wanted Harry to notice me, I had to relax. Date some other guys”and not for revenge. Don’t try to make him jealous or anything. Just let yourself be free. He’ll come around. And if you really don’t want to date anyone else, then don’t. But at least act normal around him.”

Hermione raised an eyebrow, and finally spoke. “What about Elodie? She’s…perfect. And she doesn’t seem too dumb, either."

Ginny didn’t smile so much as show her teeth. “Oh, I don’t think a little competition will hurt her.”

Hermione said, confused, “I thought I’m not supposed to be competition.”

Ginny sighed, rolling her eyes. “Hermione,” she said slowly, “You’re not supposed to act like competition. But that doesn’t make you completely out of bounds.”
Complications by Willow Rosenberg
Author's Notes:
It would be so much easier to get Ron if it wasn't for Elodie...or those bloody soccer boys.
Sorry it's taken so long to get this up!
And apologies in advance for Ben. I know he seems like a Gary at first, but trust me...he won't stay that way ;-)
“Can’t I at least put at gnome in her bed or something?” Hermione threw down her fork disgustedly, a few days after their ‘talk.’ She and Ginny had just stumbled across Ron and Elodie entangled in a hedge as they had made their way outside for lunch. Hermione poked at her treacle tart, more angrily then apathetically, which Ginny noticed.

“Ooh, Hogwarts Prefect, playing pranks?” she asked teasingly, but then sighed. “But you can’t, Hermione. She hasn’t technically done anything to you, and pranking her just makes you seem petty.”

Hermione scowled. “I know,” she groaned. “But it’s just so tempting!”

Ginny shook her head and started off towards the house, muttering something that sounded suspiciously like “tell me about it” and “Cho Chang.” Hermione grinned lightly, and followed her.

Once they finished cleaning their plates, Ginny brightened. Turning to Hermione, she said “We should go down to the village today! I don’t know about you, but I could use a day away from the Burrow. If I have to see Ron and Elodie snog one more time”or, for that matter, Bill and Phlegm”I think I’m going to be sick.”

Hermione felt a quick pang in her chest when Ginny oh-so-casually mentioned Ron and Elodie, but she recovered. “Okay,” she nodded. “Plus,” she said, elbowing Ginny, “we can keep an eye out for cute Muggle boys.”

Ginny grinned wickedly. “That’s my girl.”

The walk down to the village was relaxing, Hermione admitted. The sun was warm on the nape of her neck, and the light that filtered through tree leaves was clear and bright. The village lay just over a hill and through a patch of trees, and the girls took the short walk in silence. Hermione had glanced over at Ginny, whose long red hair was dancing behind her in the light breeze. Ginny’s brow was furrowed, and Hermione guessed she was thinking about Harry. She was tempted to say something, but refrained. She had no place to be giving advice on relationships anymore.

When they reached the village, Ginny seemed to shake her head, clearing her mind of its turmoil. “We should go to the village magic shop!” she said gaily, bouncing on her feet. She looked younger, more like the girl of sixteen that she was. The Muggle village took the weight of the world off her shoulders. Everything”Dumbledore’s death, Sirius’s death, Harry’s rejection”it all seemed to fall away. She grabbed Hermione’s hand. “The Muggle magic tricks are funny! They’re not real magic, just sleight-of-hand, but I can’t figure out how they do half of them!”

Hermione laughed, really laughed, for the first time since her arrival at the Burrow. “Ginny, I’m Muggle-born! I’ve see Muggle magic tricks plenty of times. And I might be able to give you some of the secrets.” She winked.

Ginny bit her lip and grinned. “Oh yeah,” she said. “I forgot.”

They pushed open the door, and Hermione blinked. Leaning at the counter, talking to the Muggle salesgirl, was a lanky, red-haired young man. Ron? Hermione started to say his name, but he turned around and she changed mid-word. “R-ed.”

“Red?” said Fred Weasley. “That’s a new one.”

“Nonsense,” said an identical voice from behind. “People always call you Red, whenever they don’t know which ‘twin’ you are.”

“Right you are, George. They all think they’re quite intelligent-”
“-calling us by our hair color.”

“But this must mean that-”

“-dear Hermione can’t-”

“-tell us apart!”

Hermione rolled her eyes at them. “Of course I can tell you apart, Fred and George. It was just a slip of the tongue.”

Fred nodded, mock-sagely. “Innocent slip of the tongue. Of course. We understand.”

George grinned. “Just an innocent slip, Fred? No such thing. She must have had a different Weasley on the mind.”

“One whose name starts with an rrrrr sound, do you think?”

“Do we have such a brother?”

“Hmm, I don’t know. Is there a Rupert Weasley?”

“A Ralph?”

“A Richard?”

“A Ronald?”

“I think there might be one of those.”

They both turned to look expectantly at Hermione, who found it surprisingly easy to laugh at them. “Oh, bugger off, both of you,” she said, swatting at them. They bowed to her”making her laugh even more”and left the shop. The shopgirl looked slightly disappointed.

Hermione and Ginny browsed through Muggle card tricks for awhile, but then left the shop to walk out in the bright July day. On a nearby field, a group of Muggle boys were playing soccer. Ginny wrinkled her nose disapprovingly as she watched them, but Hermione poked her in the ribs. “Cocky Quidditch player,” she teased. Ginny stuck out her tongue. “I’ll have you know,” said Hermione severely, “Soccer players are very popular in the Muggle world. Before Hogwarts, I always thought the soccer players were the good-looking ones. And I still think they’re more attractive then Quidditch boys.”

Ginny rolled her eyes. “Quidditch boys don’t sweat so much,” she said disgustedly.

Hermione nodded, keeping a straight face. “Exactly.”

Ginny looked at her in alarm for a moment before Hermione rolled her eyes. “Ginny. I’m joking,” she said, smirking. Ginny shook her head, amused. And then Hermione saw a flash of dark hair out of the corner of her eye.

She looked up, hoping she was mistaken. After all, there were a lot of girls with black hair in the world.

But no, this raven-haired beauty was clinging to the arm of a red-headed boy, and Hermione recognized Ron even from this distance. She swore, and Ginny turned around. Her disgusted face returned, and she said, “I wasn’t kidding when I said I would throw up if I saw them snog again. Let’s go.”

That heavy feeling returned as they trudged back up the hill to the Burrow. The sunlight was dimmer now as it drew nearer to the horizon, and the shadows beneath the trees were longer and more pronounced. There were still several hours until sunset, but Hermione felt her mood darken the day around her.

They had almost reached the Burrow when a twig snapped behind them. Hermione and Ginny whirled around, and Hermione felt for the wand concealed in her sleeve. They heard a thud, and somebody swore loudly. “I don’t think wild animals know those words,” hissed Ginny, and they let out weak giggles.

Several tense seconds later, a boy fell out of the brambles at their feet. He blinked up at them, focused on Hermione, and smiled. “Hi,” he said breathlessly, offering a hand for her to shake, while still lying flat on his back.

Ginny and Hermione looked at each other dubiously. Hermione grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet. As in love with Ron as she was, she had to acknowledge that he was cute. Unruly brown hair flopped into his chocolate eyes and stuck up in tufts, where it had been caught by branches. He was well built; toned, but not excessively muscular, and a few inches taller then Hermione.

Hermione glanced sideways at Ginny, and from her wide-eyed look of surprise, knew that Ginny was thinking the same things.

He smiled down at Hermione. “Benji,” he said, offering his name. “Or Ben, if you’d like.”

She inclined her head. “Hermione,” she said, and couldn’t resist adding in a teasing tone, “Benji. That’s cute.”

She saw Ginny snort.

Benji shuffled his feet, embarrassed. “I saw you watching our soccer game,” he said. “I-I wanted to come say hi, but you left too soon.”

Half flattered and half suspicious, Hermione smiled at him. “Now you have,” she said, and started to turn away.

He grabbed her elbow and she turned, surprised. “AlsowasIwonderingifyouwannagetfood.”

“Er-sorry, what?”

Benji cleared his throat. “Um, I was also wondering if you’d, um, maybe want to get dinner sometime. In the village. With, um, me.”

Taken aback, Hermione said, “Oh, um, I don’t know. You see, I-”

Ginny interrupted. “We don’t come down to the village much. Why don’t you come up and have dinner with us?” she smiled sweetly.

Benji smiled, relaxing. “Yeah, that’d be nice.” He grinned at Hermione, who smiled quickly and reflexively, and then grabbed Ginny, pulling her out of earshot.

“What in Merlin’s name do you think you’re doing, Ginny? He’s a Muggle!”

Ginny looked nonplussed. “So?”

“So!” Hermione was almost apoplectic. “So you have a house where the food cooks itself, with spell books lying around, owls flying out the windows, and frogspawn in the sink.”

Ginny waved away her protests, and looked over at Benji, who seemed to be humming to himself. “He’ll just stay outside.”

“Oh, because that’s so much better,” Hermione snarled. “No, of course he won’t notice the motherwort with the tulips, the monkshood with the pansies, or the garden gnomes.”

“Oh, Hermione. We just de-gnomed yesterday. And I’m sure he doesn’t know plants well enough to see anything suspicious.”

“Ginny, you don’t need to know plants to know yours aren’t…Muggle safe! You have a rosebush that changes colors and sings love ballads!”

Ginny grinned like the Cheshire cat. “I expect you’ll be able to come up with a good story, Hermione. I have faith in you. Besides, he’s very attractive.”

Hermione frowned. “His eyes are too close together.” She glanced over at him again. He was standing with his hands at his sides, and his eyes glazed over as he started at the trees. “Besides,” she grumbled. “He doesn’t seem too bright.”

Ginny shrugged. “Whatever, that’s not important.”

Hermione’s jaw dropped, and she used the last bit of hope she had. “Your mother will be furious!”

“Of course she won’t be. Mum’s been dying to see you with a good guy for a long time. You walk back here”slowly!”with Benji, and I’ll run ahead and warn Mum.”

Hermione gaped at her, furious. Ginny turned to walk up the hill, and then stopped. “Oh, and you might want to get a little lost. It’ll buy us some time, and maybe he’ll get scared and want to hold your hand.”

It took Hermione several minutes to find her voice. Then she stomped angrily back to Benji.
Confrontation by Willow Rosenberg
Author's Notes:
Sorry it's taken me so long to update...I just finished the SAT :P
To make up for it, I gave you an extra long chapter :D
Ginny rushed home, eager to spread the news. She talked to her mother first. Molly was, as Ginny had predicted, completely thrilled. “Oh, it would be so nice to see Hermione with a young man. And really, you know, there’s a possibility for a future. Muggles and witches get married all the time, it’s nothing unheard of!”

“Mum,” Ginny said, alarmed, “She’s only just met him. They’re not engaged!”

“Well, no, I suppose not,” bustled her mother, “but it has to start somewhere! Quick, go warn the others. Muggle clothes, no wands, nothing! Oh, your father will be thrilled.”

Ginny rolled her eyes. There were definitely perks to being the only girl”if her brothers had tried to bring home someone from the village, Molly would have exploded in rage. But with Ginny”and with her, Hermione”she was indulgent.

Ginny dashed through the house, giving her family a brief synopsis. She smiled as robes were exchanged for t-shirts and Exploding Snap cards were hidden under rugs. An evilly bubbling potion was slid under a bed in Fred and George’s room, and Charlie stuffed a dragon scale in his pillow.

Bill and Fleur were snogging in Bill’s room, and Ginny had to clear her throat several times before they noticed her.

Ron and Elodie, she found, in the room that she and Hermione shared.

“What are you doing here?” she snarled.

Elodie pulled away from Ron and looked coolly at Ginny. “Isn’t that obvious?” she asked, a hand still curled possessively around Ron’s neck.

“Yeah, well, why do you have to snog in here?”

Elodie sashayed forward until she was face-to-face with Ginny. “We’re trying to get through every room in the house,” she said, raising an eyebrow. “And we’re not just ‘snogging’”.

“She’s joking,” Ron said hastily, speaking for the first time.

Elodie slinked back towards him. “I don’t have to be,” she murmured.

Ginny felt a sharp stab of anger. “Get. Out.” She snarled, sounding very much like her mother. “I don’t like coming in to find two strangers in my room, thank you very much.” She spat the words at Ron who, she was gratified to see, looked ashamed. Elodie, however, was scornful.

“Come on, Ron,” she purred, “We have better things to do.”

Ginny watched them go. Then, remembering, she called out after them, “Oh! And keep the magic to a minimum”we have a Muggle coming for dinner.” She hesitated, then added, “He’s taken a fancy to Hermione. And he is rather dashing, if I do-” She was cut off as Ron tripped. Whirling to look at her, he opened his mouth to talk, but Elodie grabbed his arm and pulled him downstairs. She looked strangely triumphant, and Ginny was unnerved.

She glanced out the window in her room, keeping an eye out for Benji and Hermione. Then she sighed. Despite what she had said to Hermione, Ginny was hoping Ron would get jealous. This was going way too slow.

She sighed again. She was no stranger to slow.

But thinking of Harry hurt. He would be here in a few days, and she would deal with it then. Right now, however, she had Hermione’s romance to save.

At that moment, Hermione was nearing the Burrow with her face set. Her fists were clenched and her arms were crossed”as Ginny had predicted, Benji had been trying to hold her hand.

Right now, he was talking about football. Incessantly. Apparently, he was a goalie, and took great pride informing Hermione of every single save he had ever made. And he left out no details.

“So I saw him coming, you know? And it was the last few seconds of the game, and he was their top scorer. But see, I was watching his eyes, and I knew where…”

Hermione bit her lip. First Cormac McLaggen, now this. She should write a book. Or maybe just stay away from athletes.

"I remember this one game, because the sky was this intense blue”but not as blue as your eyes.”

Wait”what? Hermione looked up at him, startled, thinking My eyes are brown.

“And if your hair was green, it would be perfect grass, Hermione. You are perfect football field conditions!” He beamed at her, apparently under the delusion that he had complimented her.

Warily, Hermione started to speak, but she was interrupted as Benji darted forward and kissed her cheek.

Angrily, she stepped back and opened her mouth, but Benji was already talking. “You taste like earth. I love that, so fresh. Once, one player hit the ball so hard that…”

Hermione caught sight of the Burrow, and nearly cried in relief.

Benji blinked up at it. “Wow, it looks like it’s held up by magic!”

Hermione forced a laugh. “Ha, magic, funny, you’re a riot!”

He gazed up at her adoringly, and she sighed.

The table, creaking under pounds of food, was surrounded by Weasleys as they approached. “Wow,” said Benji, gazing around, “Do they all have red hair?”

Someone spoke behind him. “I don’t.” A flick of her head sent black hair rippling down Elodie’s back. Hermione scowled. Elodie noticed. “Relax, dear,” she said, patronizingly. “I just thought I’d bring you two lovebirds something to drink.” She pouted prettily, fluttering her eyelashes alluringly towards Benji. Hermione was marginally gratified to see that Benji didn’t seem to care.

“Thank you,” he said graciously, taking the glasses from Elodie. Then he turned his back. Elodie sniffed and flounced off, but Hermione noticed a small smile curving on her lips. Angrily, she tipped her drink into the grass. Pity, she thought. It smelled nice. Like baking bread. And freshly mown grass… she inhaled deeply.

Benji, who had just drained his own glass, smiled at her. Before she could protest, he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the table. In spite of herself, Hermione grinned. Arthur Weasley had saved them seats, and his eyes were shining as he looked at Benji.

Hermione introduced Benji, and everyone at the table said hello. They were trying very hard to look Muggle, and Hermione admitted that they were doing very well. Fred’s wand was sticking out of his pocket, and a garden gnome was sneaking behind Bill’s chair, but otherwise, everything seemed normal.

Benji, who seemed uninterested in gardening, wasn’t noticing the uniquely-shaped plants. Instead, he was being thoroughly interrogated by Arthur Weasley. “What do you think the most invention of”uh”our time is? The television, or the toaster oven?”

Hermione grinned as she saw him surreptitiously pull out a quill under the table. She hadn’t the heart to tell him that he was scribbling his notes on the tablecloth.

Free from Benji’s attention, Hermione turned towards the rest of the table. But as soon as she opened her mouth to talk to Ginny, she felt a hand slide around her shoulder. Unbalanced, she toppled sideways, placing her in the uncomfortable position of leaning on Benji with his arm around her. It felt rather like being smashed.

Relax, she told herself, Any girl would be thrilled to have an attractive guy fawning over her.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Elodie feeding Ron pieces of fudge. Across from them, Bill and Fleur were doing the exact same thing.

Not me. Something must be wrong with me.

Hermione stood up, dislodging Benji’s arm. Glancing around the table, she announced “I think I’m abnormal!”

The stared at her. She backtracked. “Um…I meant to say sick. I don’t feel particularly well”I think I’ll go to bed early.”

Mrs. Weasley stood up and started fussing, but Benji wasn’t far behind. “I’ll take you up to your room. Which one is it?”

Hermione pointed at the window. “It’s that one right there”close enough that I can walk myself.” She turned and disappeared into the house. Ginny could take Benji home”it was her fault he was here.

“Once upstairs, Hermione was surprised to realize that she actually was exhausted. She changed quickly, eager to slide into bed, and a dreamless sleep.


Hours later, she awoke in the dark.

Ginny was stirring in the next bed, and a horrible warbling noise was coming from outside. Cautiously, Hermione slid to the ground and tiptoed to the window. Ginny was sitting up in bed now. “What is it?” she hissed at Hermione. Hermione turned towards her, sighing. “It’s Benji,” she said, “and he’s singing.” Ginny giggled. “It’s not funny,” grumbled Hermione.

“Lo-o-o-o-o-ove was maaaaaade…”

Ginny was laughing now. Hermione sighed. “Well…maybe it’s a little funny.”

“for me and youuuuu…”

Hermione groaned. “I guess I have to take him home,” she sighed.

The night was warm, and she slipped out of the house with only a light sweater over her pajamas. Stealthily, she crept towards Benji, but then drew back in surprise. Someone else was already there.

“Come on, it’s late. She’s probably asleep anyway. Like the rest of us want to be.”

Ron’s voice drifted over to Hermione, and she started. Ron and Benji?

She shook her head in irritation as Benji started to speak. “Oh no! Do you think she’s upset? What can I do now?”

Ron yawned. “Go home?” he suggested wryly. “You can come back in the morning.” He stopped. “Late morning.”

Benji bounced up and down. “Okay! Okay! Will she be awake then? I can’t wait!”

Hermione groaned softly. He looked her age, but he acted like he was five. He had seemed so normal at first…her mind began to race.

“Come on,” Ron said, “I’m taking you home.”

Hermione waited several moments before following them, slipping softly into the shadows.

“I think she’s amazing,” Benji was saying, “I mean, she’s so pretty and smart and…I think I love her. Have you seen the way her hair shines? And how she always has an answer for everything…and I love her eyes, they’re so blue!”

“Brown,” Ron corrected, looking guilty for some reason. Then he laughed.

“There is nothing funny about the trueness of my love for her!” said Benji, indignantly.

Ron shook his head. “No, it’s just…you sound like me.”

Hermione raised an eyebrow to herself. Ron had never talked about Lavender like that, at least not in her hearing.

“Was it about a girl like Hermione?” Benji asked, sounding dazed.

“No, no,” said Ro, reminiscently, still chuckling. “It was this other girl…her name was Romilda Vane…”

“That’s an interesting name. I like the name ‘Hermione’ better though.”

Ron rolled his eyes. “Uh-huh. Well, I didn’t really know Romilda. And you know, you don’t really know Hermione.”

“Yes, I do! I have seen into her very soul! I love her!”

Hermione tried not to laugh. But as she replayed the last five minutes in her mind, something clicked.

Romilda Vane…you don’t really know her…love…I love her…

She gasped. Benji had swallowed a love potion! It would explain his behavior. The only question was…how had he gotten a love potion?

Something tickled the back of her brain, and she remembered the luscious scent of the drinks that Elodie had given them. Hermione gasped, “That conniving little witch!”

Elodie must have slipped the love potions in before she had given them the drinks. Hermione ducked behind a tree, letting Ron and Benji trudge back to the village alone. She sank to the ground, head in hands. “But why?” she muttered to herself out loud. “Why would she give us both a love potion?”

“If you think really hard, I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”

Hermione jumped, looking up to see Elodie standing in front of her, hands on hips.

“You know,” Elodie continued, “I’m disappointed. I heard you were smart. But honestly, I don’t know how smart you are if it took you this long to figure out I slipped Loverboy a love potion.” She sneered, her beautiful face disfigured by the grimace. “Like any sane boy would be so crazy about you.”

Hermione got to her feet warily, her back against the tree. “How did you get it to work so well?” she asked with genuine curiosity.

Elodie laughed lightly. “Oh, I have experience with making love potions.”

Hermione gaped at her. “Why? You’re gorgeous already, and you could get any guy you wanted.”

Elodie shook her head. “Oh, I know,” she said confidently, “but it’s good practice, for situations like this.”

“Situations like what?” Hermione snarled.

Elodie waved a hand vaguely in the air. “Oh, like this whole thing with Ron.”

Hermione felt her mouth drop. “You got him to like you with a love potion?!”

“Oh, you make it sound so vulgar,” sighed Elodie. “Of course that’s not how it happened. He was already interested in me, but he had some…attachment issues. The potion just helped him forget about anyone else he could have been interested…temporarily, of course. I stopped using it a while back, once he was comfortable.”

Hermione felt tears spring to her eyes, and she fought to hold them back. “Then why’d you use it on Benji?” she asked.

“Oh, darling, that was for you,” purred Elodie, mocking laughter in her voice. “I felt so guilty for stealing your man, that I thought I’d just give you someone else to keep you occupied. But don’t worry, he won’t come back. The potion’s set to wear off at dawn. He probably won’t even remember you”you don’t have an exceptionally memorable face.” She laughed, and Hermione’s blood boiled.

“So why did you ‘steal my man?’” she asked, her heart pounding. She steadied herself against a tree. “There are plenty of other guys around. Why did you want him?”

Elodie twined a strand of black hair around her pale finger. “Well,” she said, ponderously. “He was the only one who wasn’t crazy with love for me from the beginning. I thought it would be a challenge. But now that I’ve seen my competition,” she looked skeptically at Hermione, “I suppose it wasn’t that much of a challenge to begin with.”

Hermione felt the blood rush to her cheeks. “Have you always been this conceited?” she growled.

Elodie gave another tinkling laugh. “Of course not,” she sang, “I just like to gloat a little when I’ve won.” And with that, she turned and glided back towards the house.

Hermione stood in shock for a few more moments, before slowly heading back to the Burrow. As she slid back into bed, one thought stood out in her mind. You haven’t won. Not yet.
The Steps That You Take by Willow Rosenberg
Author's Notes:

Hermione took a deep breath and asked, as casually as possible, “Are you in love with her? Elodie, I mean.”

Ron looked at her sharply, his brow furrowed. He shifted uncomfortably, and their shoulders brushed. “Well,” he said cautiously, “I always thought she was, you know, pretty. But for a while, I’d been…in love with someone.”

Okay, so sorry about the long time it took getting this up. Anyhoo, this is the second-to-last chapter, people! Almost done. Wow.
“A love potion!” Hermione raged around the bedroom, her voice several octaves higher than normal. “That filthy, conniving, attention-seeking witch! She didn’t even like him, she just wanted to prove that she could get him. I guess now she’s proved that she is Elodie-lady-of-lust, may mere mortal men worship the ground she walks on because she is the image of beauty and perfection”“ Hermione paused to take a breath. Ginny yawned and surreptitiously checked her watch.

“Hermio-” she started to say, but Hermione was off again.

“You know, it’s not like she’s anything that special. She just knows how to make a good love potion. And hey, I could make a good love potion. I just have the morality not to! But if she thinks she’s won with just a potion, then she has another think coming! He’s not even under the potion anymore. Any day now, he’ll realize what a terror she is.”

Ginny yawned again, and slid off the bed and onto her feet. “Hermione,” she said firmly, “Why don’t you just go talk to Ron? If he’s not under the spell anymore, then you can have an honest conversation.” She shook her head in irritation before adding, “for once in your lives,” under her breath.

Hermione frowned at her. “But Ginny,” she said, and her voice was softer, more fragile now. “What if, you know, he really loves her? What if I’ve only ever been his androgynous best friend, and that’s all I’ll ever be to him?”

She looked at Ginny, eyes wide, desperately seeking some kind of reassurance. But Ginny only gazed at her quietly for a moment before saying, “Then that’s something you’ll have to learn to deal with.” Then she turned and slipped out the door.

Hermione but her lip and stared out after Ginny for a moment. “Thanks,” she called after her, “That was really good for my self-esteem!” Sighing, she walked downstairs.

She hadn’t realized that it was so early until she entered the kitchen. It was empty, with only a few dust motes swirling around in the clear rays of early sunlight.

Hermione walked softly out the door into the garden, and stopped abruptly when she saw Ron sitting on a bench. Taking a deep breath, she strode out to sit next to him.

He turned towards her in surprise. “Hey,” he said, grinning crookedly at her, and she felt something melt. Her returning smile was tight.

“Haven’t seen you alone in a while,” she said caustically.

He sighed. “Yeah, I know,” he said. (Did he sound regretful? She wasn’t sure.) “Elodie’s still asleep,” he continued.

Hermione nodded. “Late night?” she asked innocently.

He shrugged. “Not that I know of.”

Hermione turned away, looking towards the house. A long, pale string was hanging from Fred and George’s window, and she wondered vaguely what they were inventing now. A moment later, she took a deep breath and asked, as casually as possible, “Are you in love with her? Elodie, I mean.”

Ron looked at her sharply, his brow furrowed. He shifted uncomfortably, and their shoulders brushed. “Well,” he said cautiously, “I always thought she was, you know, pretty. But for a while, I’d been…in love with someone.”

Hermione raised an eyebrow. “Please tell me you’re not talking about Lavender, Won-won.”

He laughed, and Hermione struggled to keep from throwing her arms around his neck. “No,” he said, “No, I was never in love with Lavender. There’s always been someone else.”

This was news. Hermione straightened, surprised, and looked at him. “Really?” she asked, “Who?”

He shrugged. “It’s not important,” he muttered. “Anyway, when she showed up, everyone went wild for her”boys in the village, other relatives who visited, even Charlie”they were all raving over how beautiful and clever she was. They would have done anything for her.”

Hermione gazed at him, thinking “I wish I had that kind of power.” The thought surprised her, and then disturbed her. She shook her head to clear it as Ron continued to speak.

“It’s funny, but I didn’t even notice her at first.” His frown deepened. “Things are a little fuzzy. I don’t remember exactly how it happened, but one day I woke up and I just couldn’t get her off of my mind. I didn’t realize it could happen like that”that you could wake up and just be so in love.”

Hermione snorted. Ron looked at her curiously. “What?” he asked.

Hermione sniffed haughtily, trying to sound detached. “Personally, I think a good relationship takes time and energy to grow. I don’t believe in these whirlwind romances based on potions. Er”passions.”

He just laughed and elbowed her. “I suppose you’d know,” he said, “You and Krum are going on, what, almost three years now?”

Indignant, Hermione snapped, “I’m not in love with Viktor! We’re just pen-pals.”

Ron laughed harder. “Sure. He only ever wanted to be friends.”

Two years ago, she would have given anything for him to stop getting angry over the correspondence she had with Viktor Krum. But now, his casual teasing scared her, and she missed his outrage.

“Do you still love her?” she asked suddenly, “Elodie, I mean?”

He blinked, and looked away, hesitating a long moment before saying, “The exciting, passionate newness of it faded after a couple of days. But it’s been nice, having someone here for me all the time. And Elodie proved to me that the person I’d been holding out for was never going to like me,” he sighed. “She was probably too good for me. But anyway, I owe Elodie a lot. She showed me that there are plenty of people out there.” He grinned foolishly, and then looked softly at her. “I’ve missed talking to you,” he said unexpectedly. “I’ve even missed you yelling at me for screwing everything up.”

She’d almost smiled. And then he said, “So how’s your love life going”besides Krum, I mean? How’s stuff going with Benji?” He winked, and she was suddenly livid.

“Just perfect,” she snarled. “We’re sending out wedding invitations next week. He wants them to be blue so they match my eyes.” She gave a hoarse, barking laugh. Ron looked startled, then concerned.

“Hermione, wha-” he started to ask, but she barreled over him.

“Benji,” she hissed, “is not my type. Actually, I think being in a relationship is the farthest thing I want. Seeing you and Elodie together is enough to make me want to vomit, thanks, and I don’t think I could handle any personal displays of affection. That whole Romance thing, Ron? Yeah, it’s so over. Your relationship with Elodie is going to end, in breakup, divorce, or death, and somebody’s going to get their heart broken. It isn’t even worth it, you know? Stealing kisses in the shrubbery, maybe procreating, getting older and tired and unhappy”what’s the point? You’re going to stop loving each other eventually, because that’s what happens. Nobody gets a happily ever after for long. I’ll bet you that after they rode off into the sunset, Cinderella got old and wrinkled, and Prince Charming stopped loving her after five or six years anyway and was off flirting with the maid. Nothing’s perfect, pr permanent, and being alone is better because it’s one less thing to worry about!” She stopped abruptly, heaving, her breath erratic. I didn’t even know all that was in me, she thought heavily.

Ron was frowning in concern. His red hair ruffled in the slight breeze, and she turned away.

“Hermione,” he said, and then his voice broke. “I-wha-did something happen? Are you alright? And uh”who’s Cinderella?”

His voice was soft and lulling, and she hated it. A year ago, his temper would have risen as soon as she had begun shouting. They should have been standing ten feet apart, bellowing by now. His obstinacy had always driven her insane. But it was better then this new sensitivity, this open concern, better then the way he reached out to brush a tear she hadn’t realize she’d shed from her cheek.

As his hand touched her face, she twisted away, running a few short steps. Her back turned to him, she said, “Please, don’t touch me,” in a voice no more then a ragged whisper. She stood trembling for a few seconds, then turned and ran, leaving him bewildered in her wake.


In Fred and George’s room, three figures heaved a collective sigh. Fred rolled the extendible ear cautiously in through the window. George said wryly, “We didn’t even need the extendible ear for that last bit. They probably heard her in Romania.”

Ginny, sitting nearby, put her head in her hands. “I thought for sure they had it there…”she said morosely.

“At least they had a chance to talk. It was a good idea to give them that time, Ginny”it’s their fault it didn’t work,” said George, uncharacteristically comforting.

Fred sighed again. “I should probably go take that sleeping charm off Elodie,” he said regretfully. “I reckon they’re done talking.” He glanced out the window and shook his head, saying something that sounded suspiciously like “Stupid blighter, just kiss her already.”

Ginny looked pained. “Can’t you just keep that spell on her a little longer?”

Fred winced. “Don’t we wish,” he said.

Ginny turned to George. “They’re both miserable,” she said hotly. “Hermione’s more or less told me that she is, and look at Ron! He’s not so happy, either, despite Elodie.” She gestured out the window to Ron, who was now sitting dejectedly in the grass, staring off the way Hermione had gone. She looked at George desperately. “Isn’t there something we can do? Another kind of love potion”just to give them a push?”

George shook his head. “No,” he said, “That would be cheating. This is important. They have to do it on their own.”

Fred stumbled back into the room. “All right,” he said. “She’ll be up within the next ten minutes. The spell’s off.”

George shook his head. “Little terror,” he said.

Ginny laughed at them. Oh, you’re just upset that she picked Ron to enchant instead of you.”

Fred and George shot her dirty looks simultaneously, and then George’s expression changed. “Fred,” he said slowly, “Ginny just asked me about a love potion for Ron and Hermione, which would be extremely unethical. However””

Fred smirked. “Perfect,” he said.

Ginny looked from one to the other, scowling. Stupid twins and their hive minds. “What?” she asked “What are you thinking?”

Their faces burst into identical wicked grins. Fred turned and started rifling through the trunk at the end of his bed. George looked at Ginny. “Go get Hermione,” he said, almost cackling. “We have something to ask her.”
The Truth in Your Eyes by Willow Rosenberg
Author's Notes:
Well, here it is. The last chapter. Thanks for sticking with me this long, people! Hope you enjoy it.
PS even though it's done, reviews still make me happy. and photoshop. coughcough.
Chapter Six
Hermione kept to herself for the rest of the day, shaken by her outburst. “When did I get so cynical?” she muttered angrily to herself, kicking the stone steps she sat on.

Someone coughed behind her, and she leapt around. Ron was leaning against the frame of the open doorway. As soon as she looked at him, he opened his mouth as if to speak, but she stood and disappeared around the side of the house before she had even realized she was moving.

Once out of his sight, Hermione peered back around the corner of the house. Ron was still standing in the doorway. Hermione watched as Elodie came up and ran her hands up Ron’s spine. Hermione turned away in disgust, not seeing him pull away from her. But when she glanced back, she saw him sitting alone once more.

Sighing heavily, she turned on her heel, intending to stride off into the house, but she didn’t get much farther than a few steps before she slammed bodily into Fred, who had just Apparated in front of her. He grabbed her shoulders to keep her from falling over. “Finally!” he was saying, “We’ve been looking all over for you!” George Apparated behind him as he was speaking and Ginny padded over from behind the house.

Hermione looked at them warily. “What do you want?” she asked.

Fred craned his neck to peer into the garden. “Ginny,” he said, “Go hang out with Ron”make sure he doesn’t come over here.”

Ginny sighed angrily. “Why don’t I get to hear this brilliant plan of yours?” she sniffed.

George winked at her. “We don’t want to spoil the surprise,” he said roguishly.

“Fine,” Ginny huffed, “I’ll go babysit him. But this had better be good.”

Fred pantomimed being stabbed in the heart. “Dear sister,” he intoned, “What do you take us for?”

“Mere amateurs?” George asked morosely.

“Of course it will be superb.”

“Bloody brilliant.”

“A historical mark-”

“-in the annals of history.”

Ginny shook her head and started off towards Ron. Hermione watched her go for a moment before turning towards Fred and George.

“Okay,” she said, “I’ll bite. What is this plan, exactly?”


A few hours later, Ginny found Hermione sitting near the shed where the Weasley’s kept their brooms. “Hey,” Ginny said, nudging Hermione with her foot, “It’s almost time for dinner.”

Hermione sighed and got to her feet. “So,” Ginny asked nonchalantly, “What was their great plan?”

Hermione shook her head, irritated. “Nothing,” she said darkly. “Nothing helpful.”

Ginny reached out to pat her sympathetically on the arm. “Well, you know,” she said consolingly, “Magic can’t be used to solve this kind of thing. That just makes it less real and””

“I know, Ginny,” snapped Hermione, shrugging violently away. “Merlin, I’m not stupid.”

She stormed into the house, leaving a bewildered Ginny in her wake.

Dinner that night was an awkward affair. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley made forced conversation with Charlie, all the while sneaking furtive glances at the rest. Hermione poked angrily at her plate, while Ron stared forlornly into his. Ginny twisted her fork in her potatoes, while Fred and George glanced repeatedly at Hermione. Elodie sat haughtily by Ron, not touching him or looking at him. Down at the other end of the table, Bill and Fleur fed each other pieces of steak and giggled.

Still unspeaking, Hermione stood slightly and reached across Elodie for the jug of pumpkin juice. Her sleeve trailed through Elodie’s untouched meal.

“Watch it!” Elodie snarled, smacking Hermione on the arm. For a moment, Hermione stood completely still, holding the half-full jug. Then, in one fluid motion, she upended it over Elodie’s head.

In the moment of deathly silence that followed, a ghost of a smile flitted across Hermione’s face. “Don’t touch me again,” she said softly.

Elodie leapt to her feet, her voice crescendoing into a shriek. “You bi-” she cried, but her words were covered by the cacophony of sound that spilled from the table. Fred and George choked simultaneously as they fought to cover their laughter. Both gave Hermione covert thumbs-up. Ginny giggled helplessly and the breath Ron had been holding whooshed out. Mr. Weasley bit his lip and tried not to smile, Charlie grinned openly, and Mrs. Weasley stammered. Even Fleur and Bill”who were now sharing a chair”detangled themselves long enough to see what was going on.

“Vy, Elodie,” said Fleur, sounding astonished, “Vat ‘as ‘apeened to you? You are all vet!”

Elodie shrieked again, threw down her napkin, and stormed away.

Hermione lingered at the table for a moment. She caught Fred’s eye and winked. He nudged George, and the two of them grinned broadly.

Hermione shifted her gaze to the rest of the table. “Night all,” she said breezily, before turning to glide up the stairs, leaving the table silent and openmouthed behind her.

Hermione slept fitfully that night. Just before dawn, she woke with the bedclothes twisted around her ankles, and she couldn’t get back to sleep. Sighing softly, careful not to wake Ginny, she slipped to the floor and tiptoed down the stairs.

She walked into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes blearily and yawning. She stopped mid-yawn as she noticed who was sitting at the table. Her mouth snapped shut and her eyes hardened as Ron looked at her solemnly.

“Couldn’t sleep?” he asked.

She pursed her lips and hesitated for a moment before deciding his question was harmless.


“Me neither,” Ron sighed, “I’ve been thinking a lot and-”

“Really,” said Hermione caustically. “I didn’t know you knew how.”

Ron sighed again. “Hermione,” he said, “don’t be like that.”

But she had already turned and marched outside. The sky was glowing golden as the sun began to stretch over the horizon. She watched for a moment, but then a hand on her shoulder made her jump and turn around. Ron was standing behind her, a look of concern on his face.

She wanted to slap him.

“Ron just…leave me alone, okay? Haven’t I made it obvious enough that I don’t want to talk to you?”

“Yeah,” he said quietly, and turned away. Then he whirled around to face her, his pleasant, understanding mask slipping away. “And why the hell don’t you?” he growled.

Hermione was taken aback. “She’s got you pretty well trained, doesn’t she?” she goaded. “You’re Elodie’s little pet”her perfect, sensitive gentleman. I don’t know you anymore!”

Ron stepped back like she really had slapped him. His ears were starting to turn red, which she hadn’t seen happen since the last time they fought. “I came out here,” he said, not quite shouting, but not speaking softly either, “to tell you that I missed you. You’re my best friend, Hermione, and I didn’t want anyone to get in the way of that!”

“Don’t you think it’s a little late for that?” she shouted shrilly, her voice rising. “Scabbers. Quidditch. Harry’s Firebolt. Lavender. Elodie. You’ve pretty much let the world come between us, Ron. What’re you saying has changed?”

“Oh, like you were such a saint yourself,” snarled Ron, his face now as red as his ears. “Krum. McLaggen.” He stopped, sneering. “Benji.”

Hermione threw her hands in the air.

“Oh, grow up, Ron!” she cried. “Do you honestly think I’d have any interest in Cormac McLaggen? And Viktor is just a friend! I had absolutely no-” she paused “-very little romantic interest in him. And the only reason Benji liked me was because your girlfriend slipped him a love potion because she thought I was competition!” she sniffed, not giving him time to recover. “As if. Anyway,” her voice rose in volume, and she could feel her face flushing, “I don’t see why you’re trying to be my overprotective brother now. People were bound to notice I was a girl eventually. All you ever cared about was how much of your homework I could do for you.” She spat the words at him, trembling.

Ron took one giant step towards her and grabbed her by the upper arms, yanking her forward. She stumbled and her hands flattened against his chest as she tried to keep from falling.

“You don’t get it, do you?” he shouted into her face, “For someone so smart, I can’t believe you haven’t seen this. You’re not just a…commodity. You’re important to me because you’re the one who’s stayed awake with me night after night while we worried about Harry and You-Know-Who and the whole damn world! Because you’re the one who’s always known exactly what’s wrong with me and how to fix it! Because you care so much. Because you’re brilliant, logical, you can always get me out of trouble, because I feel safe with you. Because-” he stopped, his chest heaving. Hermione could feel his heart pounding against her hand. She looked up at him, and suddenly he pulled her forward, closing the remaining inches between them, and pressed his lips to hers.


Ginny woke roughly, batting away Fred as he shook her urgently. “What do you want?” she groaned into her pillow. “And what time is it?”

“Hermione and Ron,” said Fred grimly. “They’re having a bloody huge row in the yard.”

Ginny say up instantly. “Oh, no,” she breathed. They hurried down to Fred and George’s room. Ginny strained her ears, and she could hear faint sounds of shouting. Suddenly, as the flung open the door to Fred and George’s room, the yelling stopped.

Ginny and Fred exchanged glances. “Oh, lord,” muttered Ginny, “What if they murdered each other?”

George, who had been standing by the window, turned to face his siblings, a broad grin spreading across his face. “Ginny,” he said, “if this is your idea of murder then hire me up a serial killer!”

Ginny dashed to the window, closely followed by Fred. “Yes!” she cried, throwing her arms around Fred’s neck and smiling.

Fred, whose wicked grin matched his twin’s, turned to look at George.

“George,” he said, “I think it’s time to wake up Elodie.”


Hermione was more than startled as Ron kissed her. In a heartbeat, a thousand thoughts raced through her mind, and she tensed. The hands she rested on his chest flexed, and she pushed him back. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she asked him, her voice dangerously low.

“I’m sorry,” he said, but his eyes smoldered, and she knew he was lying.

Her knees weakened as she looked at him. “What about Elodie?” she asked, her voice raw and barely above a whisper.

He shook his head. “I found out about the love potions,” he said, “Ginny told me last night. But,” he paused, looking at her earnestly, “Even with all her spells, I never loved Elodie. I know…I know I said I did. I lied. I had to lie, because I was too scared to tell you that, somewhere in the past six years, I fell in love with you.”

Hermione felt the last of her resolve leave her. With her legs threatening to give out underneath her, she flung herself forward into his arms and kissed him back. He slid an arm around her waist, pulling her tightly against him, and she wove her fingers through his hair.

A sudden, shrill shriek caused them to break apart. Elodie had just come outside and was standing by the open door of the house, staring out at them, her mouth open.

Ron swallowed visibly as she stepped towards them, her eyes blazing. And then she was running forwards, her black hair streaming behind her, and even with recent events, Hermione felt a pang of jealously as she looked at the achingly lovely girl before her.

Ron backed away as Elodie approached, but to his surprise, she ran right past him, down towards the Muggle village where two people were walking towards the house. George strolled casually up the hill, towing a bewildered Benji behind him.

Elodie ran past George, straight at an open-mouthed Benji, and threw herself into his arms. He picked her up and twirled her around as she laughed and ran a hand over his face.

“Okay,” said Ron from next to Hermione. “Anyone want to explain what just happened?”

Hermione smirked. “Well,” she said, “It was Fred and George’s idea, really.”

“Oh, Hermione, you give us too much credit,” said George from behind her.

“Yes, you carried it out excellently,” called Fred, who was emerging from the house with Ginny.

“Thanks,” said Hermione dryly. “But anyway, they gave me a potion that they’d invented. It’s not a love potion, exactly; both people have to have it, and then nothing happens until they see each other. When they do, they don’t fall in love. They potion just magnifies all their good qualities and then makes them a little bolder. It’s better then a love potion because it’s natural: they attraction they feel isn’t simulated, just enhanced. It should wear off in a few days, but by then, they should be so crazy about each other that it doesn’t matter. I mean, it will work well for them, because they’re both shallow and attractive.”

Ron nodded slowly. “Wow,” he said.

Ginny was interested. “So how’d you get it to Benji? Or to Elodie, for that matter?”

Hermione’s grin was as wicked as the twins’. “The potion didn’t need to be ingested”it only needs skin-to-skin contact. I put it in the pumpkin juice before I dumped it on Elodie. Then this morning, George Apparated down to the village to get Benji and put the potion on him. And, well, here we are.”

They looked over at Benji and Elodie. “Whoah,” said Hermione.

Fred covered Ginny’s eyes. “Oh please, Fred,” she groaned, shrugging him off. Then “Oh. Um, ew.”

“Well,” said Ron briskly, “I think we should leave them alone.” The others nodded fervently.

Hermione looked up at Ron and grinned. “Come here,” she said, grabbing the neck of his shirt and pulling him towards her.

Ginny stepped in between them, her arms crossed. “Excuse me,” she said, mock-haughtily. “Just because I’ve given you my permission doesn’t mean-”

“Very funny, Ginny,” said Ron, stepping around her and pulling Hermione into his arms.

Ginny laughed. “Oh, get a room,” she said, and winked.

A smile tugged at the corners of Ron’s mouth, and Hermione could feel an answering smile spread across her face. “You know,” she whispered, “I love you, too.”

He didn’t speak, just kissed her again.


A few days later, Hermione and Ron sat in the front yard beneath an oak tree. Ron’s arms were around Hermione, her head resting on his shoulder.

Elodie wasn’t around much”she spent most of her time with Benji. And with the wedding approaching quickly, she was often busy preening and prancing around in her bridesmaid dress, as Fleur had added her last-minute to the wedding party. Ginny was less than thrilled, but Elodie had lost some of her venom since her break-up with Ron.

Ron and Hermione were inseparable as well. Fred and George often wondered aloud what they had been thinking when they conspired to get Ron and Hermione together. “We’ve turned them into complete drones!” George frequently grumbled.

Now, Hermione and Ron were too absorbed in each other’s company to notice the skinny, black-haired boy walking up to the house.

Harry looked at the two of them, laughing silently to himself. It’s about time, he thought as he knocked on the door.

Inside, Ginny heard the knock and ran to the door. Exuberantly, she swung it open. When she saw who it was, she skidded to a stop, her long red hair pooling around her shoulders.

“Oh,” she said, “Um, hi, Harry.”

“Hi,” he said, looking awkwardly at the ground, wishing longingly that he could hold her. “So,” he said as casually as possible, gesturing to Ron and Hermione, “It took them long enough. I guess they’ve been insanely in love for the past few weeks?”

Ginny laughed. Stepping outside, she looped her arm through his and said “I have a story to tell you.”
This story archived at http://www.mugglenetfanfiction.com/viewstory.php?sid=61688