Within by allura mystique
Summary: This is a collection of poems about Remus Lupin's thoughts about transforming and being a werewolf. Written prior to Deathly Hallows.
Categories: Poetry Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes Word count: 595 Read: 7313 Published: 01/17/07 Updated: 01/25/07
Within Me by allura mystique
Author's Notes:
I do not own anything from the Harry Potter series; J.K. Rowling owns it all. I just enjoy writing fan fictions. This is a poem about Remus Lupin's thoughts after a transformation, and into the rest of the month as the full moon draws closer yet again. Please R&R!

So this is how
I defeat the beast.
This is now,
When I am free.
You are erased
Along with my pain;
How hidden your face,
How loose your reign.

So this is the way
My soul reacts
Without you astray–
My heart’s true pact
With peace and calm;
Soft-spoken, controlled,
Quiet around all,
As I do as I’m told.

So this is the beast
That I feel still–
Growling for feast
Beneath quiet will.
You may be beaten,
Crushed inside;
But I hear you waiting
For our worlds to collide.

So this is where you hide
Away from all,
Waiting, deep inside
For when night falls;
When the full moon
Rises high,
Calling you to roam
From where you lie.

So this I hear
From below my soul;
This I fear
With moonlight’s toll.
You tear my mask,
As I fall to the ground,
Beaten at last.

So this is how
I try to quell.
This is how
I never tell
Of the beast living
Within my skin.
Of the beast giving
To the world more sin.
No matter how
I try to win
You’re always oh-
So deep within.

This story archived at http://www.mugglenetfanfiction.com/viewstory.php?sid=62815