Within by allura mystique
Summary: This is a collection of poems about Remus Lupin's thoughts about transforming and being a werewolf. Written prior to Deathly Hallows.
Categories: Poetry Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes Word count: 595 Read: 7313 Published: 01/17/07 Updated: 01/25/07
Within Him by allura mystique
Author's Notes:
Okay...I don't own Remus (pity) or anything else from Harry Potter...it all belongs to J.K. Rowling. All righty then, this is a poem in which Remus is angry at Fenrir Greyback (for obvious reasons) and he is telling about how Greyback ruined his life. A little bit angsty; please R&R!

So this is how
I am a pawn.
Yes, this is how
I was horribly wronged.
You stole everything
My hopes, my dreams.
In but one night
My life ripped at the seams.

So this is the way
You carelessly throw
Other lives away;
This is how you know
To make mothers cry
And fathers grow shamed;
You smile when they die
And laugh when they’re maimed.

So this is the beast
That you truly are.
This is the beast
That you use to mar
Children of innocence,
The young, the carefree;
You maul without pretense,
As you did me.

So this is where you hide,
Away from all,
Waiting, with your kind
For moonlight’s call,
And then you kill,
Destroying lives
With your pathetic will,
The way you did mine.

So this I hear
With daily news.
This I fear
With my own rouse.
Your bite infected
Me and now, I am but
A werewolf, detested
By those all around.

So this is how
The wolf is passed.
This is how
I am at last.
The curse spread
From tooth to skin,
The curse you shed
From deep within.
It was in you,
But now, it seems
The wolf from you
Is now in me.
This story archived at http://www.mugglenetfanfiction.com/viewstory.php?sid=62815