Finally by The Marauder
Summary: It had taken a troll to bring Ron and Hermione together as friends in their first year…now as sixth years, what was it going to take to bring them together as lovers?!
CH 3 IS 'FINALLY' UP (get it? finally...sry couldnt resist...)

Categories: Ron/Hermione Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes Word count: 2192 Read: 8220 Published: 12/28/04 Updated: 01/02/05

1. Grawp by The Marauder

2. Hiding by The Marauder

3. Discovered by The Marauder

Grawp by The Marauder
“Honestly Ron its not as if I enjoy going into the Forbidden Forest, but we promised Hagrid we’d check up on him.”

“Well we can’t bloody well check up on him if we’re pulverized by a stampede of centaurs or eaten by a colony of spiders the size of small buildings, now can we?” Hermione rolled her eyes and Ron glared in return. They had always fought incessantly but lately it was getting ridiculous; by the time they settled one fight they seemed to be halfway into the next. “You know if you hadn’t had to make that ‘quick stop’ last night to see how he was doing, we wouldn’t have had to make any blimey promises in the first place!”

“So now it’s my fault? Well I’m sorry that my being considerate to a friend has been such an inconvenience to your life Ronald! Did you even read that note Hagrid sent us? He was miserable! He needed us! Maybe if you would pay more attention to what the people around you were trying to say you wouldn’t be such a clueless git!” and she huffed off angrily wiping a tear from her cheek. Ron moaned…he couldn’t stand to see her cry. As much as they fought he was never really upset with her for the little things, it was the only outlet he had for all the feelings he had been holding inside for so many years now. But when she cried….oh…it turned his stomach in knots realizing that he had caused pain to someone he loved so dearly, the only person he’d ever felt like this for. He closed his eyes and dropped his head in defeat.

“Hermione!” Most of the time he really was clueless…often when she turned a fight over something small like the toast at breakfast this morning, or the fact that he hadn’t studied for the quiz in Transfiguration after breakfast, “Hermione?!” or the stupid note they’d gotten from Hagrid the night before about another task he had to handle for the Order…he usually didn’t have any idea what she was really talking about. Something particular kept coming up, he understood that, but what?! “HERMIONE! Where are you?” He turned his head to look for her and ended up running straight into a Hermione frozen, looking at something in absolute terror, “What are you….”and then he saw it.

There before them lay the lifeless body of Grawp, Hagrid’s “little” brother. Hermione gasped…

“Oh Ron, but how? Who could have…How could this have happened? Oh poor Hagrid!” She turned and he hugged her protectively, trying to ignore the sweet smell of vanilla in her hair, while she tried to hold back even more tears threatening to break loose.

“I don’t know Hermione…I don’t…”


“Shh…” He looked at her quizzically and she mouthed back, “someone is out there…” and then with a panicked look, “Whoever did this” pointing at Grawp, “they’re coming back!”

Ron was breathing quickly and looking around hopelessly, then with an idea he grabbed her hand and motioned for her to come. They tiptoed as quietly as they could avoiding twigs and leaves and headed for a very small cave he remembered, they were close…so close…

A/N Thanks for reading...if you could just take like 5 seconds i would really really appreciate it if you would review...any feedback, good and bad alike would be awesome! k, ch 2 will be up soon!
Hiding by The Marauder
Disclaimer: I’m not JKR, these are her characters, forgive me for not doing them justice.

…He looked at her quizzically and she mouthed back …“they’re coming back!”… Ron was looking around hopelessly, then with an idea…

“There,” mouthed Ron pointing to a just visible black in mountain of rocks. “Hurry!” He helped Hermione in and then checking that the coast was clear, climbed in himself. The cave was small, just high enough that they could crawl. Hermione reached for Ron’s hand and closed her eyes praying or willing for whoever or whatever that killed Grawp to leave quickly. Ron’s heart beat a bit harder as he looked at Hermione, terrified. She may have been the cleverest witch of their age but he was going to protect her; instinct kicked in, his love for her took over, and he was determined she would survive this. He could let nothing hurt her, ever.

The war had been closing in on Hogwarts for months. Since the battle in the Department of Mysteries, Death Eaters and members of the Order were fighting for their lives daily. Hogwarts was still safe, for Dumbledore was still Dumbledore, but the forest was a different situation. It was dangerous even for Hagrid, especially since the year before when the centaurs had turned on all witches and wizards alike, good or evil. Once you got past the man-hating centaurs, there was Aragog and his colony of ravenous man-eating spiders, which were still thriving. After the man-eating spiders was Grawp, a giant physically capable of breaking you in half with one hand. Hagrid had discovered he was less dangerous with constant attention -- talking, it seemed, was the only cure for his restlessness and tantrums. During the ‘quick stop’ Hermione and Ron made to Hagrid, that was the cause of such bickering only moments before, Hagrid told them how worried he was about Grawp, and they promised him to keep an eye peeled for anything unusual. Of course when they saw trees being uprooted in the distance and could faintly hear Grawps cries, they, Hermione in particular, decided it was their duty to Hagrid to calm him down before he hurt himself.

Through the small opening of the cave, Ron was watching unblinkingly for the murderer. Hermione opened her eyes and tightened her grip on Ron’s hand. They had no idea what to expect, but neither were prepared for what was coming. Slowly but surely they could hear voices.

“I think that spot will do fine. The Dark Lord will be pleased.”

“Have we done everything now?” asked a second voice.

“Stop being such a coward. There is nothing in this forest that could touch servants of the Dark Lord.” Bellatrix Lestrange strode into the clearing and Hermione clutched Ron’s hand so hard her knuckles were white (not that he minded), “Yes, pleased, the Dark Lord will be very pleased.”

Death Eaters?!

They were not prepared for death eaters. Vengeful centaurs could be expected. Even some horror they had not encountered would have worried them less than Death Eaters. They knew the battle was close to Hogwarts, but neither had even dreamt of seeing Bellatrix Lestrange’s sneering face within the grounds.

“Good. Let’s go.”

“For the last time, all we have to do is find any evidence we were here,” she glanced toward the castle, “Dumbledore…so close…he would never dream of looking for us here, in his own forest,” she cackled. The second man gave another imploring look and she rolled her eyes, “Alright check everywhere. Find your bloody hat and we can go.” The two Death Eaters began to search carefully through bushes and limbs of trees…a giant has a large range and the hat, small as it was, could have been thrown anywhere, and could bring the Death Eaters face to face with two Gryffindors instead.

As the Death Eaters moved closer, then farther, then closer still to their hiding spot, Hermione and Ron locked eyes. This was it. There was no way out. Suddenly it didn’t matter if she didn’t feel the same, all that mattered was that she knew, that she knew how loved she truly was; if it could bring her any happiness, he had to tell her.

“Hermione,” he whispered, “I have always loved you.” He leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips. She opened her eyes, completely shocked; his heart begged her to answer, to love him back, and when all she could do was blink, it shattered. He let go of her hand and looked down, but she smiled, a surprised smile at first, and then beamed at him; cupping his face with both hands she kissed him passionately.

“I love you too.” In a moment of bliss both forgot they were in a cave in the Forbidden Forest about to be discovered by two very deadly Death Eaters. Of course, turning and finding one face to face with you can quickly bring you back to reality.

A/N: hey guys, i havent had any reviews for nearly 100 readers!!! c'mon 5 seconds u can do it, review! It encourages me to write and post...thank you!
Discovered by The Marauder
Disclaimer: Jo’s characters not mine…of course…

… In a moment of bliss both forgot they were in a cave in the Forbidden Forest about to be discovered by two very deadly Death Eaters. Of course, turning and finding one face to face with you can quickly bring you back to reality…

Hermione and Ron slowly turned their heads and found the head of the second death eater staring at them, in utter astonishment.

“Bellatrix!” he yelled. Ron reached for his wand but Hermione was faster,

“Obliviate!” she whispered.

“What? What is it? Did you find your hat?”

“Huh? Oh um…nothing…nevermind.” She glared at him and then turned around muttering obscenities under her breath. The second Death Eater was still looking around confused, as if something was not quite right, but shrugged it off and turned to look somewhere else. Ron was looking at Hermione admiringly,

“Bloody Brilliant!” he whispered, she turned and smiled, kissing him on the cheek, but froze as something caught her eye. A small black hat was stuck in a bush only a few feet away.

“Merlin’s beard Ron, look! There it is! There’s his hat! What do we do?” The hat was well hidden and it presented an unfortunate dilemma. It was unlikely the two would find it, especially as it was getting dark, and if they couldn’t find it, how were Ron and Hermione ever going to escape? On the other hand, if they did somehow find it there was no chance they would not spot two terrified Gryffindors, and Obliviate wouldn’t work forever. Ron thought for a moment and then smiled,

“Remember the day we became friends?”

“What the troll? How could I forget?” she smiled questioningly and rolled her eyes, “Why? Where did that come from?”

He smiled back and winked, “Wingardium Leviosa!”

“I don’t know where it is Bellatrix. It’s getting dark and we’re never gonna find it.”

“Oh, we will find it, do you really think looking in the dark is the worst I could do to you? Maybe you need a reminder who you’re working for…”

“No, no! You’re right of course!” He was kneeling before her feet, head plastered against the ground, dirt sticking to his sweaty forehead...she smirked evilly, then tilting her head squinted her eyes… something was there.

She made a beeline in the direction of the cave and then screamed, “You moron! The brute had your hat in his hand and we’ve been searching for hours?” He stared confused, trying to understand… “Get out of my sight you piece of filth. NOW!” He practically tripped on his cloak getting up so fast, knowing what she was capable of in a temper. She sighed disdainfully, glaring his retreating form, and then looked at the hat, “Well master, I have succeeded…now they can never get it from him…”, she glanced back at Grawp’s massive body one more time and then smiled maliciously and followed the second Death Eater.

Ron and Hermione gazed into each other’s eyes. Somehow, they had survived, somehow, it was over. Neither dared move for nearly half an hour, but when they decided the coast was clear, they ran hand in hand, Ron leading the way, and burst into Hagrid’s cabin for shelter. Hermione leaned against the table panting, and looked up at him and smiled. Ron was staring at her oddly, a small smirk playing across his lips…

“You know…that’s a hard charm, some people can’t do it because they can’t say it properly.”

“Oh really?” she grinned walking towards him.

“Oh yes, it’s not ‘Levio-sar’, it’s ‘Levi-o-sa’.” She wrapped her arms around his neck head craned back to look him in the eyes,

“Dreadful mistake,” she breathed. He smiled and firmly pulled her body against his, finally giving her the passionate kiss he had been waiting to give her for so many years.

There are some things you just can’t share without falling in love…

A/N Thanks for reading! I just ask that you please be kind enough to review as I know you would wish me to do for you...
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