House of Ghosts by FGiglia
Summary: Thirteen years after the Battle of Hogwarts Adam Cynon, a veteran of the battle, returns to the school for the first time, now as a professor, but he's about to find out that there are new secrets in the ancient castle, and there are forces on both sides that don't appreciate his contribution to Hogwarts' past, present and future.
Categories: Post-Hogwarts Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: Yes Word count: 19982 Read: 5821 Published: 06/19/13 Updated: 09/15/13
Detention by FGiglia
Thirteen Years Ago

Fang’s sharp bark indicated he had finally found Adam’s brother. It had only been five minutes since Hagrid had pulled him from the rubble, but Adam had spent the time, not resting from his ordeal, but rather straining his already sore throat to call out for his brother, who he was certain was still alive.

Hagrid responded instantly to his dog’s call, and began lifting and throwing pieces of rubble away from the area around which Fang was sniffing.

It was an agonizing few seconds before Adam’s brother’s face was revealed. His breathing was shallow, but he was definitely alive.

Adam was so relieved that he forgot about the pain in his side for a moment, forever grateful to Hagrid and Fang.

But after the gameskeeper had lifted a few more stones off his brother’s body, it became clear that not all was well.


The Flints, of course, never came to his office. He had given up waiting after an hour or so and went to check that, indeed, they were no longer out in the courtyard either.

Not that Adam wanted to talk to them again...ever, but he was concerned for Ambrosia.

After checking the Slytherin common room and finding them not there, he realized it was almost time for dinner anyway, so he made his way to the Main Hall, thinking that was the next most likely place for them to be.

And he was correct. The entire Flint family was seated at the Slytherin table. Marcus was deep in conversation with some of the seventh-year quidditch players, while Pansy and Ambrosia spoke to each other in hushed tones. He noticed that Ambrosia’s hair was back to that deep black she had arrived at the school with.

The Hall was already decorated for Halloween, though it was still a few days off, and he had to dodge a flying jack o’ lantern as he made his way to where they were sitting. He approached as coolly as he could, not wanting to come across as being slighted by their ignoring his request to come to his office. As he did so, he caught Ambrosia’s eye and the first-year gave him a little nod, indicating that all had gone over smoothly.

–Mrs. Flint, I see you are enjoying your visit to the school,” he offered to Pansy.

–Indeed, Professor, it has been a wonderful afternoon.” Her tone was more civil now that they were in public.

–I trust our little...issue has been sorted out?” He gestured with his head to indicate Ambrosia without making it obvious for the Slytherins beginning to gather around them for dinner.

–I’ve spoken to my daughter and she assures me there will be no further incidents.”

–Excellent. Do enjoy your dinner and if you ever have anything to discuss with me, please feel free to send me an owl. Happy Halloween.”

He started to the professor’s table at the front, but Pansy spoke again, making him turn back, –Actually, professor, I think we’ll be seeing each other again tomorrow.”

–Really?” he said incredulously.

Pansy smiled, pleased to have gotten something passed him. –Yes, we’ll be staying in Hogsmeade for a few days to be close to our daughter. We miss her terribly and we want to make sure things truly are, how did you put it? Sorted. Yes, we’ve discussed this matter with headmistress McGonagall and we all decided that was best for now.” Ambrosia stared at the table, obviously she had not been in on that conversation.

He smiled back feebly, wonderful. –Perhaps I will see you then,” he said as he turned his back on them once again.

–Oh, professor?” Pansy’s shrill voice stopped him short again. He grumbled to himself and wiped the frown from his face before turning to them once more. –Have you spoken to your brother lately?”

Now this was a surprise. –No, I have not,” he admitted.

Pansy nodded, have already known that. –He is doing quite well, you know.”

–Is that right?”

–Yes. He protested louder than any of us when you were named Head of Slytherin House.” She relished delivering that insult, like she had been waiting for the best time to drop it on him.

And she had hit the mark. There was no way he could cover up how upset it made him, but he tried. –Everyone is entitled to their opinion,” he said. –I was quite surprised myself, now if you’ll excuse me.”

He turned away for a third and final time, not daring to look back at what was assuredly a smug expression on her face. How dare she mention his brother and insult him like that in a such a public place?

As he sat at the professor’s table in his customary seat next to Neville, he was still scowling.

Neville leaned over. –Pansy and Marcus are her parents, huh?” he said. –Never thought I’d see those two again.”

–Me neither,” admitted Adam, –But it’s clear there’s more going on with them and their daughter than they’re letting on.”

–One thing I learned after Harry’s business with Sorcerer’s Stone first year, there’s always more going on at Hogwarts than anyone knows.”

Adam could do nothing but agree.

He watched them the entire meal, and twice saw Pansy go over to the rune on the floor and then begin to pace the room. She was looking for something, what, he did not know, but she was clearly intent on taking in this room as part of whatever agenda she and Marcus had.

So much he did not yet know.

–The Flints took the bait, Professor,” Adam informed Professor McGonagall.

His disappointment at the news of the Flints staying in Hogsmeade had been more of the act, as he had discussed this very thing with the Headmistress the day before, and asked her to encourage the Flints to stay. He reasoned that keeping them there might help him glean some new scraps of information by watching and speaking with them again, not that he actually thought they would go for the idea.

But they had, and now his plans could move forward. As he stood in the Headmistress’s office with Neville he swallowed hard, not sure how his next request to her would be received. He had studied Hogwarts history, and what he wanted was unprecedented, and at times in the past even frowned upon.

–Professor, we are planning to get rid of the ghost. As I understand it, we need your permission to even begin planning for such a thing.”

The Headmistress was flabbergasted, –You understand the rules correctly, Professor, but I don’t think you comprehend the enormity of the request. The Spirit Division at the Ministry is in charge of banishing ghosts.”

–You misunderstand Headmistress, we aren’t planning on banishing it to another castle or something, we are planning on removing it from this plane entirely.”

She was taken aback again. –It’s quite a feat to force a ghost to move on to the other side.”

–But it’s not unheard of.”

–No. But I’d still feel more comfortable leaving it to the Ministry, no offense.”

He shook his head, none taken. –With all due respect, ma’am, I have reason to believe that by the time they clear the red tape to get to it the ghost may do irreparable harm to the girl.”

She thought for a moment, –You agree with this,” she asked Neville.

Neville nodded, –I do, ma’am.”

That’s why he had brought the Gryffindor, figuring the Headmistress would be more apt to listen to him.

–There is no precise method for doing what you suppose, not to mention the danger you would be in!” She shook her said, but seemed to be relenting, –You do realize such a thing has never been accomplished by a professor at Hogwarts, let alone ones so young!” She looked back and forth between them.

Adam smiled. –The school’s never had the need,” he countered.

McGonagall smiled, –I admit, I am intrigued. Very well, develop your plan and have it on my desk by Halloween at the latest. After I review it, if I approve,” she pointed her finger at them to emphasize the point, –then you may proceed.”

In the greenhouses hours later, as Neville watered his venomous tentacula for the second time, Adam paced the floor, having long abandoned looking in the piles of books on the table. –If the Flints knew about the ghost, and don’t seem to disapprove, then we have to assume they and the ghost are proceeding according to some plan.”


–And as far as we know, they haven’t actually contacted the ghost themselves.”

–As far as we know.”

–So then, what’s the plan? What are they leading to? Why attack Ginny openly like that? They must have known it wouldn’t have worked, what good would it have done to have Ambrosia to get expelled, or worse?”

–I don’t know.”

Adam curtailed his urge to lash out, Neville was not being very helpful. –They were very fussy over her weight, her hair, her looks, but they’re willing to let her become a killer. Why? And what does that have to do with the ghost?”

Neville didn’t even bother to give a useless answer to that one.

–I refuse to believe eliminating a ghost has never been done,” Adam shifted topics.

–Dumbledore would have known what do,” Neville offered.

As if that would help, Dumbledore had been dead for....

Yes, he was dead, but not gone.

Adam was so excited that he entered the Headmistress’ office unannounced and went immediately not to her desk, but to look at the wall next to it.

When Neville finally caught up to him, the Gryffindor looked apologetic, but finding that Professor McGonagall was not there, his expression straightened.

–Headmaster, I need your help.”

Neville crept to where Adam was speaking to the wall, looking like he feared the Headmistress would show up at any time.

But the voice that returned Adam’s plea stopped him cold. –What is it you need, young Professor?”

–Professor Dumbledore!” Neville exclaimed.

–Hello, Professor Longbottom,” the portrait of the late Headmaster greeted his fellow Gryffindor.

–I can’t believe I didn’t think of this, that’s brilliant!” he told the other living professor.

Adam nodded in thanks, then turned back to the portrait. –Professor, we need to know how to trap a ghost, not banish one, but trap one or force it to move on. We figured you might have a few thoughts on the subject.”

The moving, thinking portrait sat back in his painted easy chair.

–That is a....difficult subject,” a different familiar voice behind them made them both jump.

Now it was Adam’s turn to be in disbelief. How could he not have thought of this, all those long hours agonizing over being head of House and he had had the greatest ones together in this room the whole time.

They stared at the portrait of Professor Snape, looking exactly as they had remembered him, his dark hair greasy and his nose hooked. –The veil is not something one should trifle with,” he said in his customary drawl.

Adam went to speak, but Snape cut him off, –Hello, Mr. Cynon. Are you enjoying being Head of Slytherin House?”

Again Adam went to speak and the incredibly lifelike portrait cut him off, –I had expected you to come see me sooner, but you seem to have forgotten your manners.”

–Oh please, Severus, give the young man a break,” that was Dumbledore again, and the two living Professors began to ping-pong their attention back and forth between the portraits of the deceased ones.

–One would think he would be grateful.”

–How was he to know you were the one who recommended him for the position? I’m sure Minerva didn’t tell him.”

–Wait, what,” Adam broke in, turning to Snape, –you were the one who recommended me for this?”

–I did remind Professor McGonagall of your qualifications, though I am beginning to regret doing so.”

Adam chalked the insult up to Snape being Snape, and chose not to believe that part, –Thank you very much sir, I appreciate you thinking of me.”

–And it only took you two months to think of me,” Snape said. –Although you weren’t here for me at all, were you?”

That reminded the young professors of their task, and they apologetically turned back to the portrait of Dumbledore, who seemed to be waiting for their attention before springing right into it.

–Severus is correct of course, dabbling in the secrets of what’s on the other side of the veil is a dangerous practice, but if you are truly serious about this course of action, I believe Professor Longbottom already has some experience with the veil.”

Neville thought for a moment, then the idea struck him, –The Department of Mysteries!”

The painted Dumbledore nodded, but Adam was completely lost, –I don’t understand.”

–Under the Department of Mysteries is a curtain in front of an ancient rocky archway,” Neville tried to explain from his memory. –Sirius Black died when Bellatrix Lestrange’s stun knocked him through the curtain in my fifth year!”

–The archway has been in that spot from a time before memory, the curtain is literally a veil covering an entrance to the other side,” Dumbledore informed. –It was no coincidence that the Ministry of Magic was built over this spot. It was to seclude and better study this archway.”

Adam found his mouth was agape, he couldn’t believe what he had just learned.

–No one has ever gone through the veil and come back,” Snape added, –and it is widely believed that any ghost who goes near the archway will be pulled through the veil, presumably to the realm beyond death.”

–But ghosts hold so closely to their semblance of life (which is why they became ghosts to begin with),” Dumbledore took over again, –that none have ever tested it.”

Adam finally found his voice, –But how can we get the ghost to the Ministry? From what I’ve read, the place they die is where their spirit is the most potent. It takes a great deal of effort to get them to travel if they don’t want to.”

At this all faces, both living and artificial fell, there was no solution for this.

–Ghosts are at the peak of their powers at this time of year because the veil is thinnest on all Hallow’s Eve,” the image of Dumbledore said. –Conveniently, this is what also makes it the best time of year to attempt what you wish. However, there is only one known veil, and it lies there under the Department of Mysteries. I’m afraid you don’t have what is required.”

As the deceased Headmaster’s portrait finished his statement he emphasized that last word and looked at Neville, so Adam did too, not sure what else he could do.

It took the living Gryffindor a few moments, but then he got that look like an idea had struck him again.

–I know what to do!” he exclaimed.

–Really? You do?” Adam was in genuine disbelief.

He couldn’t be sure, but he thought he saw the image of Dumbledore smile.

The Great Hall was lit only by faint glow of floating jack o’ lanterns. It made for the perfect atmosphere for Halloween dinner and, as the students gorged themselves on dessert candy, Adam made his way to the Slytherin table, where the Flints were once again dining, having been invited to do so by the Headmistress, at Adam’s request.

–Happy Halloween,” he greeted them, putting on the best artificial smile he knew how. –I hope you have enjoyed yourselves this evening.”

–We have, actually,” Marcus replied.

–I always did so love this castle at Halloween,” Pansy added. It may have been the first authentic thing he’d heard her say the last few days.

Adam looked around the Hall. –This place never ceases to amaze me,” he said. –So full of treasures and secrets, magic which no one but the founders has ever even conceived of. Why, just today I learned there was a secret passage from the basement of the Hog’s Head tavern that comes out right at that fireplace right there.” He pointed to the hearth behind the Slytherin table.

He made sure the Flints all took a good look, hoping he wasn’t making it too obvious that he was trying to plant an idea in their heads, before he continued. –Will you be staying much longer? Perhaps we can arrange a full tour with Mr. Filch. He can point out all the changes that have had to be implemented since the battle.”

But his attempt at being cordial drew Pansy’s ire, –We don’t need any favors from you. In any case, now that our dear daughter is feeling much better, we intend to leave for home tomorrow morning. As such, our daughter will be staying with us in Hogsmeade this evening.”

–Well, isn’t that a shame,” tired of pandering to Pansy, he made no attempt to hide his sarcastic tone. –I suppose I will bid you a good night then. I’m sure we’ll be meeting again as some point. I assure you, I’ll take a particular interest in your daughter’s education. After all, in a way I am a first-year myself, as Head of House.”

–Enjoy it while you can,” Marcus jabbed. He was quickly hushed by his wife.

But Adam noticed, –What was that?”

Pansy took the lead, putting a hand out to keep Marcus from responding, –Slytherins have been treated like second-class citizens for too long now. We are the wizarding elite and if our House is to be great again, it needs a strong leader. There are some of us that don’t feel like you have the right...temperament for the position. We’ve already begun searching for your replacement.”

Well, that was a ridiculous statement. He had been chosen by the Headmistress himself to teach here, by recommendation of the last Slytherin Headmaster. There was nothing they could do to oust him.

Still, there was something in the way she said it, like the wheels were already in motion behind the scenes, and he knew there was always a lot going on behind the scenes where Slytherins were concerned. It could explain why Ambrosia had tried to blame him for her actions, as a way of getting him in trouble.

He smiled, –I suppose we’ll have to wait and see what happens then, won’t we.”

–Yes we will,” Pansy smiled back.

The hearth slid aside, allowing a shadowy figure to climb out of the secret passage. The tip of his wand lit up with the Lumos spell, highlighting his large front teeth. He gave a quick glance around the darkened and empty Great Hall before gesturing back to the passage. Someone short crawled out of the hearth, wand drawn but not lit, and then a third figure arrived, lighting up her wand.

From his darkened hiding place, Adam could make out Pansy’s pug nose. The Flints were right on time: midnight on Halloween night was the perfect time for ghosts to come out.

From what he could see of Ambrosia’s face, she didn’t appear happy to be there. Marcus grabbed her by the hand and pulled her along as Pansy did a cursory check of the room.

–I didn’t know it got this dark in here,” she said, sending the light from the tip of her wand to hover as a ball over their heads.

–Never been in here this late,” Marcus added, setting his own ball of light into the air. –What now?”

–We call her, of course.”

–What, no,” Ambrosia strained against her father’s grip, but the brutish Marcus was too strong for his young daughter.

Adam, gritting his teeth, lifted his wand, but held back.

Ambrosia brought her wand around and pointed it at her father’s wrist. She muttered something Adam couldn’t hear and red sparks flew out.

Whatever spell she had conjured, it stung Marcus enough that he let go, yelping in pain.

Ambrosia took off at a run, but Pansy was quicker. Pointing her wand at her daughter she yelled, –Immobulus!” and the first-year stopped in her tracks, ceasing all momentum, completely frozen.

Adam, incensed, went to move forward, but Neville, standing next to him in their hiding place, grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back. –We have to wait until they call it,” he reminded the other professor.

Adam bit his lip.

–We’re here, mistress! Come to us!” Pansy called out.

Adam and Neville tensed, this was it.

The spirit rose up through the floor, its translucent form shimmered in the low light. Adam thought there was something familiar about the dark mess of hair, but he couldn’t place it. –Why have you called me here?”

Adam was overjoyed by the confused look on Pansy’s face, –This is where your mortal form died, this is where you’re the strongest.”

The ghost seemed to look around, assessing the area. –Something is wrong.”

–No this is perfect, we were worried we wouldn’t be able to get into the school, but now we can perform the ritual,” Pansy insisted.

Ritual? Adam didn’t like the sound of that.

–Yes the ritual,” the ghost seemed out of sorts. –The vessel has not been as corrupted as I had hoped.”

Pansy turned to her daughter, –From what I have read it should be enough. Her spirit is ready to be replaced.”

Adam couldn’t believe what he was hearing, the Flints were planning on replacing their daughter’s soul with the ghost’s. This was beyond the standard dark magic, theoretically impossible, as well as unthinkable.

But the ghost looked doubtful, –No, this isn’t right. I feel...weak.”

Adam turned to Neville and whispered, –It’s time. Are you ready?”

Neville nodded. Adam took a few deep breaths to steady his nerves before stepping out of their hiding place. –That’ll be enough, Pansy.”

The Flints and the ghost turned to him. Pansy snarled, –You! You won’t stop the ritual.”

–But we already have,” Adam said confidently, –your ritual won’t work here.”

–Something’s wrong,” the ghost repeated, –I can’t pass through the floor.”

–That’s right, you’re trapped here.”

–Impossible! This is where she died!” Pansy interjected.

–Not exactly. That passage from the Hog’s Head doesn’t go to the Great Hall, but this room was conjured to look just like it, with some ghost-trapping additions. I have my friend to thank for that,” Adam smiled slyly, –you could say he has a...connection to this room.”

Neville stepped out behind Adam, using his wand to light up a large curtain draped in an arc in the spot where the Headmaster’s podium normally stood in the real Great Hall.

–Longbottom!” the ghost shrieked. –I was so worried I wouldn’t see you again!”

Adam spared a look over his shoulder to see a horrified look on his friend’s face. –Neville?”

–Bellatrix LeStrange,” Neville choked on the name and Adam immediately realized he was right. He had never seen her in person, but he remembered seeing the same crazed look that was on the ghost’s face staring at him from wanted posters fifteen years ago, when Bellatrix LeStrange had escaped Azkaban.

–Neville, the curtain!” he yelled, but the professor of Herbology was rooted to the spot.

The ghost rushed the Gryffindor as Pansy suddenly hurled a curse in Adam’s direction. He dove to the ground, upending a table with a spell to provide him cover. A few more curses hit harmlessly off the table in a high enough frequency that he realized Marcus must have joined in. He wanted to return fire, but recognized that the immobile form of Ambrosia stood between him and her parents, so he needed to aim carefully.

As the Flints split up to get different angles they overturned tables for cover like he had done, securing their positions.

He looked over to where his friend was supposed to have pulled back the hanging curtain to find the normally brave Neville backing away from the ghost.

Adam knew Neville had a particular distaste for this particular dead Death Eater, but he never knew why. He wished he could help as she taunted his friend. –Did you like the nightmares I’ve been sending you all these years? I really tried to ratchet them up this time.”

Neville cringed, he hadn’t told Adam about any nightmares.

–How are your parents, Longbottom? Still potatoes?”

That was it. Neville opened his eyes. Adam had never seen him look so determined. He reached for the curtain and pulled it aside, revealing an exact replica of the stone archway from the Department of Mysteries, including the mysterious veil in the center.

The ghost was immediately drawn to it. –What is this?” she said. –I’ve seen this before, haven’t I?”

–Yes you have,” Neville reminded her, –When you murdered Sirius Black.”

–Look at it shimmer, it’s so beautiful...” She reached out her arm but, before she could touch it, her arm was pulled in through the veil. –What is this?” she sounded worried, –what’s happening?”

Her other translucent arm got pulled past the veil and she went into a full panic. –Noooo!” She struggled to get free, comically shaking in mid-air.

–Good bye, Bella,” Neville said, –You can’t send me nightmares where you’re going.”

She went to say something, but her words were swallowed as her face got pulled in. Then, the living beings could do nothing but watch as the ghost slowly disappeared forever to the place beyond the veil.

Adam smiled at Neville and the other professor smiled back. He had, literally defeated the ghosts of his past.

Then, suddenly there was an explosion of force from the archway. Adam was just thrown on his back but Neville, who was still standing in front of the veil, got thrown across the floor. When Adam recovered he tried to spy through the low light where Neville had landed and spotted a dark form still on the floor. –Neville!” he yelled, but the form didn’t move.

He was about to run to him, but a stunning curse whizzing past his head reminded him there were other things to think about.

–What have you done?” Pansy yelled at him and her and Marcus began hurling curses in his direction, forcing him back into cover.

The plan had been to dispose of the ghost and then duel the Flints two on two, but with Neville out of the fight it became time to change strategies. –What did you hope to gain from this Pansy?” he yelled over the sound of ricocheting spells.

His question was returned by a snarl, –I told you Slytherin needed a leader,” Pansy yelled across the room. –If the Dark Lord cannot be the one to lead us back to glory, who better than his greatest servant?”

–For this ‘glory’ you’d sacrifice your own daughter?”

–For the honor of being the next Dark Lord’s mother? Yes I would, but I guess a false Slytherin like you wouldn’t be able to understand that.”

He swallowed the insult, not allowing her to sway his focus, –Voldemort’s gone, Pansy, there’s not going to be another Dark Lord.”

That caused a new barrage of curses to be flung his way, –Don’t you dare say his name!”

Okay, that didn’t really work, time to try something new. He took a deep breath, hoping Ambrosia wouldn’t be too hurt by what he was about to say, –Tell me, Pansy, does Marcus know he’s not Ambrosia’s father?”

The curses stopped. He peered around the side of his protective table to see Marcus and Pansy looking at each other, basically confirming his accusation.

Time to turn the screws a little more, make sure even a Neanderthal like Marcus couldn’t miss the point. –I first suspected it when her hair’s usual ebony color started to fade. How long have you used darkening charms on her hair, Pansy? Since she was born? She’s a natural blond, isn’t she? That, combined with her pointed nose, so unlike yours and Marcus', and I wouldn’t be surprised if she actually turned out to be Draco’s daughter.”

He heard Marcus grunt, letting Adam know his anger was rising and he was on the right track. –Did you keep Marcus in the dark all these years, Pansy,” he taunted, –or did you the Confundus charm on him?”

–You lied to me!” Marcus yelled, –you said we would be the parents of the Dark Lord.”

Marcus rose up, wand pointed at Pansy now. As he started towards her he left his cover. –Focus, Marcus, he’s trying to divide us!” she tried to reason with him.

Marcus began to lower his wand and Adam seized the opportunity, firing a spell at the easy target Marcus presented. With great satisfaction, he watched as the former quidditch captain changed into a ferret.

Pansy gasped, –Marcus?”

The ferret that had been a man scurried away. –Like that one, Pansy? I learned that bit of Transfiguration from a –real Slytherin” in my third year!” Adam taunted. –Of course, he was posing as a Gryffindor at the time,” he said, referring to the time when Barty Crouch Jr. was posing as Mad Eye Moody.

One down, one to go. He checked for Neville again, but still no movement, he would have to finish this himself.

But he found Pansy’s will was strong, and she wouldn’t be broken so easily. –Your brother’s right about you. You’re a blood-traitor through and through.”

What was that? –My brother?”

–His body may be broken, but he turned out to be quite brilliant, you should be proud.”

–You speak to him?”

–Of course, silly, who do you think set all this up?”

It made some sense now. Even though Adam hadn’t returned to Hogwarts after the battle, his brother wanted to go back, and did so for another four years without him. He must have been contacted by Bellatrix’s ghost at that time. Had he been corrupted by her, just as she had tried to do to Ambrosia?

Pansy seemed to sense his thoughts and decided to sink the knife in even more, standing to be heard clearly. –Bellatrix didn’t want to use his body because of his...affliction,” she taunted. –You really should have let him go with us all those years ago. As a third year, he would have been forgiven for fighting with the Death Eaters, and maybe then he wouldn’t have gotten hurt.”

Adam was infuriated, –No! You did it!” He popped to his feet, aiming his wand. –We were buried for days because you left us! CRUCIO!”

The unforgivable curse hit Pansy square in the chest, driving her back into the ground. She gave out a shriek of pain Adam had no idea a human was capable of making. As he approached her she writhed on the floor in spasms, until he withdrew his wand. He scooped up Pansy and Marcus’ wands, his hands shaking.

He started back to Neville, but turned as he heard Pansy choking out a laugh. The fight was out of her, but her mouth wouldn’t stop. –Maybe there’s a Slytherin in you after all.”

He stopped, the full horror of what he’d done starting to sink in. The fight was over, but had he really won?

He pointed his wand at Ambrosia’s immobile form. –Finite Incantatum,” he said and the girl fell forward, finally able to move again. Teacher and student exchanged a look, and Ambrosia’s traumatized face let him know that she had seen and heard more than enough of what had transpired. She looked between him and her mother, as if not sure who to go to first.

Adam couldn’t look at her, instead he went to Neville, happy to find his fellow professor coming around.

–All right, Neville?”


This time he met the headmistress’ gaze when he was called to her office. –Neville has recovered quite nicely I see,” she said, brandishing that day’s Daily Prophet. When news broke of the Battle in the Room of Requirement, Neville became known as the first person to force a Hogwarts ghost to go to the other side (as far as anyone knew). He was interviewed by every major wizarding paper and magazine, and in every one he was sure to mention Adam’s involvement, but somehow the word –single-handedly” kept popping up in all the articles.

Adam knew it was because he was a Slytherin, and Pansy’s words about Slytherins being second-class citizens echoed in his brain

–Though I specifically told you I was to approve the plan first,” she gave him that stare.

–I apologize, Headmistress, but it was Halloween night, the timing needed to be precise.”

–How did you know a facsimile veil was going to work?”

–We didn’t. Like I said, the timing forced our hand.”

She nodded, seemingly accepting that answer. –And how are you holding up?” she asked.

–I’m doing well,” he lied, in fact he was more than a little disturbed by the events and the world’s reaction to them.

–Has anyone found Mr. Flint?”

–Not yet, Professor. Not that anyone’s looking very hard. I assume he’s still scurrying about the castle, but don’t worry, the enchantment should end any day now and then he’ll turn up.”

At that he could swear he actually saw McGonagall crack a smile, –Very good, Professor. And what about the girl?”

–I haven’t had the heart to speak to her, but I will soon.”

–You’ll be happy to know that Pansy Flint has been remanded to Azkaban, but the Ministry has elected not to subject her to the Dementor’s Kiss.”

That was good news, no one should have to go through that, but that wasn’t the problem. –This doesn’t stop with Pansy,” he shook his head, –there’s more of them out there, and they’re plotting something else. My brother....” he choked on the words before being able to continue, –my brother is planning something else.”

–If that is the case, I think they’ll find us more than capable of dealing with them,” came the reply, not from the Headmistress but from the portrait of Headmaster Snape on the wall.

Adam smiled at the image of his former teacher and nodded, –I won’t let them drag the Slytherin name through the mud again,” he said.

And he meant it.

As November moved into December, classes began winding down for the winter holidays as the castle got colder.

Adam huddled deeper into his desk chair in the Transfiguration Classroom as he finished grading a paper with a few flicks of his quill. He put it back in its inkwell, and was starting to wonder if he should shoot another fireball into the hearth when he heard the classroom door open.

Ambrosia Flint entered, carrying her knapsack on her back. Without the effects of her hair-lightening charm, her locks had become a dirty blond on the way to becoming fully tow-headed.

Adam braced himself, he had still not gotten around to speaking with her, accept professionally in classes, and they both seemed to be purposely avoiding each other the last month. He was sure that she hated him again.

He watched as she marched down the aisle to stand in front of his desk, avoiding eye contact the whole way.

–Miss Flint, how are you?”

–I’m well, Professor. I...I never got a chance to thank you.”

–Think nothing of it, it’s my duty to protect the students of this school.”

Silence fell, they didn’t know what to say to each other.

–You need to know that I didn’t say what I said to hurt you,” Adam started. –I was just trying to gain an edge against your enemies. I have no idea if what I said was true.”

She took a deep breath, maybe holding back tears. –I think I always knew my mother was lying. She loves me, but she loves the power she was promised so much more.”

–That’s a very mature way of thinking about it,” Adam pointed out, –Unfortunately, many from our house have fallen to that wrong type of love.”

Getting an idea, he scrambled for a piece of parchment on his desk. –I want to read to you a letter I’ve been composing for the Daily Prophet, I think it’s appropriate for you to hear it,” he said, diving right in.

–The general thinking is that the Slytherin way is power for ourselves at any cost, but I don’t think that’s what Salazar Slytherin intended for us. Over the last century its become traditional for Slytherins to be painted as bad and dark, and this opinion is justified, but many great wizards have come from Slytherin and done nothing but good. This is the true Slytherin tradition the one which I believe Salazar Slytherin meant for us to have. Yes, some of his opinions may have been elitist, but that is because he wanted to make sure he was doing all he could for the good of the wizarding world. I think we’ve forgotten this along the way and our house is suffering for it. We will regain our reputation and our greatness, but we have to earn it through hard work, with the good of the whole community as our goal.”

They were words he had been telling himself partially to justify his own beliefs, and he figured it probably went over the first-year’s head, even one who had grown up knowing about magical history.

He replaced the parchment on his desk, then bent to look her in the eye. –In the end, you chose the right path, and I’ve very proud of you.”

Ambrosia’s eyes moistened, but she refused to cry. She looked away as her voice cracked when she spoke, –Thank you sir.”

He gave her a pat on the shoulder to show his support. –Do you have any plans now?” he asked.

–My...father’s family have agreed to take me in,” her shoulders slunk as she said it, clearly disliking the idea. –I’ll be going there for the holidays.”

Adam nodded. –Are they good to you?”

She shrugged, –I’m not really sure if they want me there, and they’re Flints so...”

–Ah, say no more,” Adam knew what she was getting at. The more he thought about it, someone of Ambrosia’s intelligence and maturity would really be out of place on the Flint family tree. –Have you thought about remaining here for the holidays? I was going to stay myself to plan next term’s lessons.”

Ambrosia’s face lit up and suddenly her arms were around his neck. She buried her face in his shoulder and let the tears, and the relief, come freely.

After recovering from his surprise, he returned her hug, patting her lightly on the back before she broke up the embrace.

She cleared her throat, trying to regain her composure, –Thank you, Professor. I think I can convince them to let me do that.” She practically skipped to the door. –I’ll send them an owl right now!”

Adam smiled as he watched her go, he almost couldn’t believe it was the same girl that had challenged him so openly on the first day of school.

Maybe he should make sure she doesn’t have a stock of Polyjuice potion somewhere.

The cushioning charm served two purposes. One, it provided a comfortable thing for him to sit on and two, it kept his robes from touching the dirty tile floor of the lavatory.

Adam’s quill scratched across the parchment, trying to capture all his thoughts as they came pouring out of him.

–You’re going to need more ink,” the translucent form hovering in a sitting position next to him giggled.

–You’re right, I should have brought more.”

–Do you really think anyone’s going to read a story about Hogwarts’ ghosts?” Lavender asked.

–I don’t see why not, it’s a subject that fascinates me,” he said, hoping she wouldn’t be offended by being called a subject. He had chosen to do most of the writing in her and Myrtle’s bathroom because he seemed to be most inspired there, and also so he could visit with his friend. –The castle had so many changes after the battle, and many of them were never documented, even after all this time. I think the public’s ready to know the stories.”

Lavender continued to watch over his shoulder as he wrote. Her close proximity gave him a constant chill, but he didn’t care. –And what about your story?” she asked.

He stopped for a second, thinking back over all that had happened and ahead to all that Pansy implied would happen.

–I suspect the end isn’t written yet,” he told her.

Across the room he caught the snake-head faucets glistening in the sun.

Thirteen Years Ago

St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries could never be considered a cheerful place, but in the days following the Battle of Hogwarts the place had become a triage unit for those injured and jinxed in the course of the fighting, a place where wizards and witches from all walks of life converged to support their damaged family and friends.

Adam’s mum and dad had already been in London for days. They had been on the long queue of worried parents who had apparated to the Ministry with the hopes of finding out the fates of their children. Members of every house shared the same looks on their faces, fraught with the same tortured anxiety.

His father’s Ambassador status did him no good as the governing body had all but collapsed with the ousting of the Death Eaters, and no one outside of aurors and mediwizards were being allowed into the Hogwarts area.

When Adam and his brother were discovered, they were transported immediately to St. Mungo’s, but their parents weren’t informed for another day, due to an owl not knowing where it was supposed to deliver the message.

Adam was there to greet them as they stepped out of the fireplace, his wounded ribs and recovering arm wrapped in bandages so tight that he could barely breathe.

It didn’t matter, he hugged them harder than he ever had, and they returned the embrace. Their relief was immeasurable, but it was only half of what it should be.

They rushed down the hall to his brother’s room, not exchanging a word, but when they got to the doorway, they stopped.

Adam’s parents exchanged a look, steeling themselves, before turning the handle and entering the white room.

His brother lay silently staring at them from the bed, half his head bandaged on the right side where his eye had been damaged, the nubs of his arm and legs on that same side were similarly bandaged.

Similar to what happened to Adam, his brother’s wounds were unrecoverable due to the unknown magical nature of the curse that brought the castle down on them and the enchantments that had been put on the castle pieces under which they had been pinned. But, unlike Adam, they had been unable to save his eye, hand and foot.

It was a long moment of taking him in before his parents moved to the sides of his bed. Their mother put her hand on his shoulder to show her support, her tears freely flowing.

Adam stepped forward to join them, but his brother’s voice cut him off. –I don’t want him here,” he said. –If he hadn’t held me back, I wouldn’t be like this.”

The accusation stabbed like a dagger into Adam’s heart. His jaw dropped open, wanting to defend himself, but he had nothing to say. His parents looked at him, wanting an explanation, but he had none.

Instead, he turned and walked out.
End Notes:
This is the end of "Slytherin House: Part One - House of Ghosts."
This story archived at