Memoirs of a Kelpie by the nutty imp
Summary: They were creatures that sow fear upon Muggles and Wizards alike. They thrive in this fear and keep to their own. One kelpie stood apart due to his curious nature. Seidon believed that there is more to human beings than what their kind perceived.

An Entry to the OC Challenge #1 - Autobiography - 2nd Place!

Seidon is an OC featured in: "Black Chronicles-An Ancient Legacy"
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes Word count: 8174 Read: 6762 Published: 06/19/06 Updated: 07/22/06

Life and Death by the nutty imp
Author's Notes:
The Final chapter of this series. Seidon the kelpie encounters an official sent by the Ministry and also Gilderoy Lockhart.

A banshee's cry gave the evening a darker and bleaker atmosphere. A young girl had come calling for help, desperate were her pleas. Unfortunately most of the town folks feared to thread near the river. Few brave souls finally stepped forward to offer their assistance; these men were met with a mixture of horror and relief upon reaching the scene. Relief, on the fact that they failed to come earlier, and thus not met the same horrific end as these poor souls. The rock and grass where splattered with blood and atop a stone were two livers, they were still warm to the touch.

The creature who resides by that river had obviously gotten to the boys first; the men turned back and hurried away.

Sean McHiggins

“Mc Higgins!”

A lanky man with graying red hair jumped at hearing his name. “Good day to you too, Newt!”

“Get in here right now.”

Sean McHiggins frowned. Newt Scamander, the Head of the 'Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures' rarely called for anyone to enter his office. This had to be serious.

The office was neat and orderly as it has always been; the Ministry officer took a step back at the sight of two bloody livers on the Division Head’s desk.

Newt Scamander gestured towards the livers, “Two dead boys and another one missing; Macnair wanted to handle this, but given that you’re the kelpie expert, I had decided that you would be better equipped to take care of this problem.”

Sean McHiggins wrinkled his nose, Walden Macnair’s solution would be to execute the creature involved.

“I had thought we had the situation under control,” Newt Scamander rubbed his forehead. “On the same day each year, we would transfigure a cow to look like a human being for the kelpie to attack. He had always left the villagers be after that-”

Sean’s brow furrowed upon hearing this, “Acheron would not had attacked unless he was threatened; especially given the fact that he had already left his annual message of warning.”

His superior gave a helpless shrug. “What do we know of how those dark creatures think?" He bowed his head to searched for a document on his desk, "By the way, Minister Fudge took the liberty of inviting a civilian expert to help you out.”

“A civilian?” Sean stared at his superior in horror.

The Division Head nodded as he unrolled a parchment. “The man comes highly recommended. A best selling author with an Order of Merlin under his belt. This certain civilian has had plenty of experience in dealing with dangerous magical creatures.”

Sean’s sharp eyes took in the name of his soon-to-be partner from the parchment Newt currently held. He stifled a sigh, dreaded what was to come.

“Gilderoy Lockhart, could certainly handle himself against that kelpie.” Newt gave his employee a comforting smile.


I tossed my head and reared back, I could smell the fear from both boys as they stared upon my true form. They had turned around to run, but another much like myself blocked their path. Acheron, my father had come and there was malice in his eyes…

I watched as he tore those boys apart. I knew Elisabeth may face the same fate should my father have seen her. I vowed that I would stay away from her; I would not wish for a fate similar to what these boys suffered, come to her. We kelpies, value strength, but we do try to protect our weak “ although who would have believed that I would try to protect a weak human? Do I perceive them to be equal thus worthy of my protection? That would be ridiculous, for humans are far inferior...


Sean walked out of the Scamander’s office as he headed towards his cubicle, he noticed a crowd around it “ a crowd composed mostly of his female colleagues. At the center of it all was a man in turquoise robe; golden hair shining under a perfectly positioned turquoise hat with gold trimmings.

“Mr. McNohara! The Minister had called upon me to assist you with the kelpie problem,” Gilderoy Lockhart took a step towards Sean and offered his hand - the ladies who watched, started to swoon.

Sean gave a sheepish smile and shook the man’s hand. “It’s McHiggins, and I’m sure I can handle Acheron on my own.”

Lockhart continued on as if he hadn’t heard a word, “Kelpies are such treacherous and dangerous creatures, but I had handled far worse. In my travels, I had single-handedly handled trolls, yetis, vampires …”

Sean McHiggins sighed. Yes this would be a long assignment; at this very moment, he could not make up his mind on who’s harder to deal with: Acheron the Kelpie or Gilderoy Lockhart. He had a feeling that Lockhart would be the more infuriating of the two. Biting his lower lip, he turn towards the other man - given Lockhart's infuriating nature, he really ought to keep Lockhart away from Acheron “ after all the kelpie was not known for his patience.

Then again, Sean had a feeling that he would be sorely tempted into to feed Lockhart to Acheron given time...


Sean stopped himself from rolling his eyes as the crowd converged towards Gilderoy Lockhart. This certainly puts a damper on his original plan to enter the village quietly, and sort everything quickly.

"That Gilderoy Lockhart's something, isn't he?" said the man to his right, "Awfully brave chap. Have you read his books? I would have died of fear if a werewolf had cornered me in a telephone booth, but he stayed cool and - zap - just fantastic!”

Sean merely nodded and tapped his foot impatiently.

“Yes ladies and gentlemen, I heard of the great tragedy that befell two of your local boys. Rest assure that I’m on top of this problem, I have already sent the aggrieved family my condolences as well as a sign photograph. A kelpie is minor compared to the other creatures that I had dealt with in the past. You can all read about all my explots through my books, available at the local bookshop and I would be willing to autograph them during my stay here. Just come visit me at the Ure Inn…”

Sean stifled a sigh for he would not likely get a bit of peace and quiet at the inn now. He was suddenly stuck with a thought: Whilst everyone had their eyes glued upon Lockhart, he could easily slip away and have a chat with Acheron. The kelpie would not be happy to see him, but he’d rather deal with a displeased kelpie than spend another minute more with the infuriating and cocky Gilderoy Lockhart.


The sound of the water flowing by was soothing, so unlike the stillness and soft waves of my mother’s lake. A river offers freshness and constant motion, each day these waters felt different and fresh. What a river lacks in familiarity and depth is made-up with this constant flow of life and energy. Should I move on to be on my own: Would I prefer the fresh free flow of a river? Or would it be the depth and familiarity of lake? Which one would I choose?

My thoughts were interrupted as I saw a man walk towards my father’s river. This man had to be mad to venture here, especially so soon after those boys' deaths. Humans are foolish creatures indeed, I believe it’s time for more us, more intelligent being to try and lead them towards the right direction.


Sean spotted the strange stone structures just beyond the river. Those ancient stones gave this river an even more mysterious countenance. A rustle from the bushes made him turn around and spot a black stallion, it reared back on its hind legs and gave an eerie cry, a strange high pitched wail that would have most men run in fear. Yet Sean knew better; he stayed his ground and stared straight at the creature. To show fear is a sign of weakness for a kelpie, if he was to negotiate with this creature, he should not show an iota of fear.

The kelpie bared its teeth and started toward him, warm mist formed as he exaled through his nostrils, he approached in a slow and deliberate manner.

Sean was surprised, upon closer inspection. he realised that this was not Acheron, this kelpie bore some strong resemblance to the powerful river kelpie, but this one was far too young. The water behind the young kelpie started to swell, but it failed to create a high watery wall.

Sean took note of this; the slight error in judgement would indicate that this particular kelpie was obviously inexperienced. The river’s waters was too free flowing for him to adequately control its movements. Lake kelpies are often succesful at employing this sort of trick due to the depth and stillness of their waters. The knowledge that he was currently facing a more docile lake kelpie, and not a full-fledged river kelpie, like Acheron, made Sean relax. Lake kelpies were a tricky lot - more adept with magical control and shape-shifting abilities, but they were not as physically strong and aggressive as river kelpies.

Suddenly, Sean realized that he’s currently standing in front of the River Ure, so the kelpie in front of him was no lake kelpie. The kelpie suddenly changed its form into a werewolf and jumped atop of Sean and growled. From his place on the ground, the Ministry Intelligence Officer continued to stare calmly upon the creature, “I wish to speak to Acheron. According to kelpie laws, you are obligated to bring me to the one I sought, and that he would have no choice, but to listen to my proposal.”

The kelpie took the form of a dark-haired boy. “I know of those laws, and the fact that you know his name would mean that he could not harm you - unless you attacked him first. However, you do not know my name, thus I can cause you harm. I am not obligated to bring you to him alive - just as long as you reach him ...”

Sean muttered a low curse; he had hoped that this younger kelpie was not too familiar with the ground rules to would miss that little detail. He did not want to resort to this, but the young one offered him no other choice. “Then I call upon the life-debt that Hippolitas owed me. I believe that there’s a rule among your kind that anyone who saved the life of a kelpie, would be ensured protection from all of your kind. I have not voided that contract as well, for I had neither fought nor harmed you in any way during the course of your assault.”

“McHiggins.” Another black stallion stood by the riverbanks, droplets of water glistened on his coat, “forgive my son, he does not know of your status.” Acheron walked up to the pair and he did not look pleased, “Why do you seek my audience?”

Sean smiled for it would seem that Acheron hasn’t changed a bit. He eyed the younger kelpie who remained in human form. The young one sulked by the rocks; he could have sworn he heard the lad mutter ‘Stupid werewolf trick doesn’t work either.’ Although slightly amused by the child, Sean decided to focus on the task at hand, “May I know your son’s name?”

Acheron glared at the man, “I will not be tricked into giving you his name. Hippolitas gave you my name so you could demand my audience, I will not allow you the right to speak to him and to pollute the mind of someone so young and impressionable. I have enough problems undoing his mother’s teachings as it is.”

Sean eyed the younger kelpie carefully, his mother was obviously a lake kelpie given his little failed trick earlier on. The boy’s ability to quickly change from one form to another and the fact that he chose to remain in human form - had not reverted back to the natural stallion form of a kelpie ... All these are immediate traits associated with lake kelpies. However, given the way this young one aggressively approached him earlier, this would also indicate that Acheron’s river kelpie ways was starting to grow on the boy too.

“Well?” Acheron tapped a hoof upon the ground impatiently. “Hurry up and get to the point, that way I need not waste any more time with your kind.”

“There was a report about two local boys …”

“Our agreement was that I will not attack more than one for each cycle, but that was under the condition that they will not seek to harm me,” Acheron tossed back his head indignantly, “I kept my word.”

Sean’s eyes flashed angrily towards the kelpie. “I sincerely doubt that those boys would be foolish enough to attack you. Reports stated that they followed two younger kids - just to scare them. The little girl called for help and when the men from the village arrived, there were only two bloodied liver left.”

“Those boys were about to attack my son. The child is under my care, therefore in seeking to harm him, they also sought to harm me. I am not the one to allow perpetrators to escape, although that foolish child would had allowed them to escape,” he gave the younger kelpie a disapproving look and snorted.

Sean also turned towards the younger kelpie who stared upon the ground; he then realized that the missing boy could had been the kelpie. Sean frowned, some kelpies were known to lure hapless humans in order to drown them. Was this young kelpie attempting to do that with the young girl?

Acheron started to turn away, “I would assume that we have nothing further to discuss. If those humans attempt to seek revenge for those trespassers, or if they plan on attacking either myself or my son in the near future; I will not hesitate to put them in their place.”

“Wait!” Sean called upon the kelpie. “The aggrieved family and the whole village are clamouring for action for this. I will need for you to maintain a low profile while we sort this out.”

The kelpie tossed his head arrogantly, “I do not need to do anything. Should those humans cross me, they will pay the price. I can easily call upon fellow kelpies to help me should the human numbers be overwhelming. Unlike you humans, we kelpies give full support to one another despite geographic distance. We live with autonomy from one another, yet we are one with our kind.”


I watched as the human tried to reason with my father. I knew that it was a futile task. I could tell that this man, Sean McHiggins also knew the futility of his task, yet he still tried. I contemplated on why humans attempt things even if they knew that it would be a wasted effort. Humans are strange, they built things and forgot the purpose for building such things; they would try though they knew the futility of the task; and finally there’s not one simple standardised way to scare them.

Sean McHiggins was a human who understood our kind better than most of those ignorant humans. He knew our ways and although we are solitary creatures, we have guidelines and rules among our kind. We, kelpies enjoy our autonomy from one another, yet we are one in a sense - for we all follow the same principles. Humans on the other hand clump together and impose their rules upon each individual, moreover these rules are different for every group “ it was no wonder that they have had so many wars amongst themselves.


Sean returned to the village dejected, he had tried, but disaster seemed inevitable. He sat down on a nearby bench and began to muse.

“Mr. McHiggins?”

He looked up to see a nervous young girl in front of him, he gave a distracted nod as continued to stare towards the horizon.

“My name is Elisabeth, I noticed that you just came from the river,” she bit her lower lip nervously. “Was there any sign of Seidon? Any indication that he’s still alive out there?”

The Intelligence Officer suddenly perked up, “Seidon?” his mind started to churn as he figured that this particular name would had been derived from Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea. The sort of name a kelpie could have...

The girl nodded. “Yes, he’s not from around here. I just met him yesterday, he’s silly sometimes and seems to enjoy scaring people. He’s a Metamorphmagus “ he scared Mark and John with a stupid vampire joke, so they got mad and jumped us by the lake. I heard there were only two livers, I’m hoping that maybe Seidon got away…”

Sean smiled brightly; he finally got the young kelpie’s name. Acheron, obviously would not go along with his plan, yet the young one probably would.

“Yes, Elisabeth. Seidon’s fine, the kelpie did not attack him.”

The young girl looked relieved. “Where is he?”

“He went home. You need not concern yourself “ what happened to those boys were neither your fault nor his. Those two boys shouldn’t had tried to attack anyone near that river and provoke the kelpie’s wrath.” Sean stood up and took a step forward.

“Where are you going?”

“Thank you, Elisabeth. You’ve cleared up a few details.”

The girl stare at the Ministry Official in confusion, “What do mean?”

“Contrary to popular belief, kelpies are not savages. They are only as malicious as we humans being could be,” he explained. “Most kelpies will not attack unless provoked.”

“So are you saying that Mark and John provoked the kelpie?”

He gave her a sad smile, “In a sense, yes.”


The night breeze ruffled his hair, Sean wonder how he would find the young kelpie in this vast river. He suddenly felt a cold hand touch his neck, he whirled around to find a man, tall and pale, blood-shot red eyes with sharp fang-like teeth.

“Good evening to you too, Seidon.”

The vampire frowned and reverted to the form of a familiar young boy he had seen earlier. “What did I do wrong this time around? It’s night time and I made sure that my hands were cold.”

Sean chuckled at this; the young kelpie was definitely nothing like his father. “I met Elisabeth, and she mentioned a vampire trick. Anything would be a lot less scary if one expects it.”

The young kelpie grumbled about having to come up with new tricks due to talkative humans. Sean chucked at this, he definitely like this particular kelpie; Seidon has the fearlessness of river kelpies and the cunning gentle nature of lake kelpies. “Seidon. I wish for an audience...”


Sean’s plan was simple. There were old legends that kelpies wore golden bridles; humans would climb on our backs and we would eventually drown these humans. However, modern wizards knew that kelpies wore no golden bridle, although they also knew that kelpies are highly capable of drowning and tearing them apart. Some kelpie takes the direct method like my father, others are more subtle and likes to employ various tricks. Sean McHiggins planned on using the golden bridle myth to explain the method he was about to employ.

He would convince the people in the village that placing a golden bridle upon a kelpie would make it docile. That gold has some alchemic properties to subdue a kelpie’s will. For those old legends, where the Wizards failed in their attempts to control a kelpie - The gold used must be of poor quality, thus those ancient kelpies took advantage of the bridle to lure and drown hapless individuals.

I did not exactly like his plan, yet it would at least ensure that the humans would let my father be; thus avoid a war between the village and kelpies.


As Sean explained to Gilderoy Lockhart the method he planned to employ with the kelpie. All that Gilderoy was suppose to do was to assess that the kelpie was docile; he would then make a statement to the crowd and everyone could go on home.

The cocky blond smiled at the potential of this, “I believe I ought to be the one to ride on the kelpie as we lead him around the village. It would give a more convincing picture that the creature is under control.”

Sean stared at the man in disbelief, all this man seemed to care about was the photo opportunity that he could garner from this. “I would think a plain statement from you, stating that everything is in control would be enough.”

“But we need to show this. It would give a clearer message, don’t you think?”

Sean sighed. “I don’t see why not.”


Whilst I carried the human on my back, I was very much tempted to run towards the river and drown him. It was only due to Sean’s constant look of warning that I did not do so.

The humans cheered on noisily. I would assume it’s because they enjoyed the majestic sight of a kelpie. My father did say that humans would sometimes worship the rivers and kelpies. This human riding on top of me must the one chosen to be the sacrifice. Humans are a barbaric race indeed - they wanted to subdue me, so to sacrifice this idiot. Although I do not blame them for wanting to do this, but I’m sure they need not subdue my father for this task. Acheron would had gladly drowned this infuriating human. Then again, maybe this was the reason as to why Sean asked for me, he wanted to spare the idiot’s life.

I was relieved when we have reached the river, the man in those ostentatious lilac robes could finally get off me. I ran towards the river to wash myself and be rid that nose twitching lilac scent.


Sean smiled at the job well done. He turned towards Lockhart and was surprised to find the man’s wand pointed straight at him. “Lockhart, what’s the meaning of this?”

“I can’t let you take credit for this can I? I’m terribly sorry, but I'll have to put a Memory Charm on you now.”

Sean stared at the man in disbelief, “But I’m willing to share the credit for this.”

“Do use your common sense. My books wouldn't have sold half as well if people didn't think I had done all those things myself. No one wants to read about some soggy old Ministry Officer, who helped save a village from a kelpie. You'd look dreadful on the front cover; no dress sense at all." Lockhart gave the man a sinister smile. “Everything ends here, sir. We would go back to London and I would tell how the kelpie overwhelmed you and how I had to take care of this kelpie on my own.”

Sean opened his mouth to protest, but everything went blank.


I never heard from Sean again after that day. I would admit that I was a bit disappointed, but I ought to know better “ humans are not dependable creatures, much unlike us kelpies. After my father’s training, I moved on to a place where there’s not much humans around. I knew that my curiosity towards humans would get me into trouble. My father was not pleased with my escapades, and I followed his advice to claim a territory within the forbidden forest, a place where there were no humans.

A single dying unicorn was all it took to destroy my lake. The silvery blood infected the waters; such that I could no longer draw strength upon it - without the water I was cut-offed. I ventured to find another water source, unfortunately in my weakened state I could do nothing now … hairy leg and reddish eyes came towards me. I cried for help, though I knew it to be futile, I started to realized that humans do this not because they expect their cries to change anything. It was for hope and maybe it was this tendency to constantly hope that made humans such interesting creatures… I closed my eyes and futilely hoped for life.

-The End-

A/N: If we follow the canon “ Seidon dies in the forbidden forest thus he’s not around. The my AU entitled Black Chronicles, he lived to learn more about humans with somewhat hilarious results.
This story archived at