The Marauder's Map's Secret Power! by Bookwormy

Moony, the Academics Specialist

Padfoot, the Relationship Consultant

Prongs, the Sports Guide


Wormtail, the Hobbies Consultant

Join Ron, Hermione and Harry as they are advised by the Marauders. Wondering how? Read on, then.

Categories: Humor Fics Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: No Word count: 3162 Read: 7043 Published: 12/22/06 Updated: 04/21/07

1. Hermione Granger by Bookwormy

2. Ronald Weasley by Bookwormy

Hermione Granger by Bookwormy
Author's Notes:
Very sadly enough, I don't own any of the characters about which you are going to read. They belong to Miss J.K. Genius Rowling.
:It’s a beautiful morning, Hermione thought, humming to herself, as she entered the common room. She looked around, trying to find her two best chums.

She was amazed, however, when she saw the red and ebony heads bending over what seemed like a book. She marched over to them. Something was definitely wrong. How could they could concentrate on a book and that too on a Sunday morning?

“What’re you two up to?” she asked, intrigued, pulling a chair and the book to herself.

“It’s something very interesting I found while I was looking for a book in the library” Harry said, smiling. He was obviously excited. “I was looking for some Quidditch book, but this one grabbed my attention. See what the cover says.”

Hermione, careful not to lose the page they had been reading, closed the book to see what the cover said. Mysteries of Magical Maps. was written in golden letters on a black background.

“Do you mean the Marauder’s Map?” asked Hermione, after a moment. “Did you find anything written about it?”

“Not exactly about the Marauder’s Map, but the procedure to make one,” spoke Ron for the first time, “which means, probably, that the same Marauder’s Map which we use now was created by Harry’s father and his friends using this book, while they were in this school!”

Hermione opened the page they had been reading. It said Modus operandi to prepare a map showing people in a dwelling as dots: A very useful tool for mischief makers!

Under it was written the procedure, and then its advantages.

Skipping the procedure, Hermione looked at the advantages.

Advantages of the map

You can know where your friends, teachers and enemies are and stay near, away and away from them respectively. Besides this, a spell, namely ‘Revlon’, will enable the user to get advices from the manufacturers of the map whenever they wish. This spell will also facilitate the user to read what the manufacturers advise each other. Also, the map will insult the enemies of the manufacturers if they happen to hold it.

The chapter on the map ended there, and another ‘Creating a highly advantageous map for intellectual persons’ began (which Hermione secretly swore to read later on).

“So what?” she asked the boys, feeling a little cheated. “We know all that.”
“Oh no, we don’t Hermione. Remember that ‘Revlon’ spell?” Ron asked, adding
“You’re going to do that now, and see what the map says.”

“Why's it always me?” Hermione retorted, but agreed to do it anyway. It was going to be fun, but she was nervous, too.

The trio went to the boys’ dormitory, which was empty, and Harry pulled out the map from his trunk.

“Here you are, Hermione. All the best!” Harry wished her while handing over the map.

Hermione took the map, startled to find how it shook in her hands. She sure was nervous. Taking out her wand, she pointed it to the map, muttering ‘Revlon’.

Words appeared on the map…

Kindly spell your name, miss.

“Hermione Granger” said the bearer of the name.

Nothing happened.

“Gosh, Hermione, spell it, don’t pronounce!” Ron corrected, as Hermione blushed. I don’t want Ron to correct me she thought bitterly.

“H-E-R-M-I-O-N-E G-R-A-N-G-E-R,” Hermione said each letter clearly.

The effect was immediate. The trio noticed the following sentences being written by an invisible hand.

Mr. Moony would like to wish Miss Granger a very good morning, a fine morning as it is. Being an insufferable know-it-all himself, Moony would love to encourage Miss. Granger to carry on the hard work that she puts in her studies. After all, one should move with the belief in life that studies are everything. Moony would also like to appreciate Miss Granger for not including his name in the remarkably well written essay about Wolfsbane Potion that she had written yesterday. Slimeball’s given you a ten, I know because I can. Also, I…,

But before he could say anything else, the map became blank. Almost immediately, new words appeared…

Mr. Padfoot would like to request Mr. Moony, most humbly, to shut his mouth up now, and advise him not to go all hyper when he sees know-it-alls like himself. It’s my turn now.
Good morning, Miss Granger. Pleased though I am in the company of two extremely sharp people, I would like to advise you to take studies a bit lightly. There are other things in life, too, such as friends. Why don’t you take your bushy head out of those boring books and try to be a little social? As a matter of fact, that Ronald Weasley fancies you, did you know that?

Hermione flushed scarlet, and so did Ron. Harry wolf-whistled and got smacked in the face with a pillow thrown by a very embarrassed Ron.

These words too, disappeared, as new ones came into view…

Mr. Prongs agrees with Mr. Padfoot, and advises Moony not to become too frenzied when he meets extra-intelligent people. Good morning, Miss Granger. Like Padfoot, I would advise you to take part in some social activities. You can join the Quidditch team of your house. It’s a wonderful game, Miss Granger. The feeling you get when you mount on the broomstick is almost indescribable…the way the wind ruffles your hair…the exotic feeling of holding the Snitch…that cool sensation…you can see for miles and miles...and miles and miles…and miles and miles… Ah well. Sorry about that. (Note to myself: Don’t get too frenzied when it comes to Quidditch). You can play any other game too, though I don’t know if there is anything else in the Wizarding Community except Quidditch.

Smiling, Hermione waited for the last paragraph to emerge…She waited…waited…waited…Just when Harry was about to voice out his fear that Wormtail would not speak in front of Ron…something appeared, evidently, from the last marauder.

Hey mates… um … which of us is Wormtail?

The map then became blank.

The trio looked at each other, evidently unable to say anything.

“Bloody hell,” said Ron, fascinated.

“Yeah...I never knew I had such an amazing map with me...” said Harry, but as Hermione raised her eyebrows, quickly added “I mean this power, of course.”

For the first time, Hermione appreciated the Marauder's Map. “This sure is the work of geniuses.”

But then, she thought about what the things she had heard from the marauders.

“Am I insufferable?” she asked, folding the map to give it to Harry.

“No.” said Ron and Harry together.

“Look, Moony said he himself was an insufferable-know-it-all. All like him, so they can’t not like you.” Harry said, keeping the map back in its place marching towards the door, the other two following.

“Besides, everybody knows that everybody likes you except Malfoy,” Ron chimed in, adding, “and Snape, but he doesn’t count as he hates every one.”

Then she thought what Padfoot had said…she must have friends. “That I have” she said, thinking about Harry and Ron.

And Prongs had told her to play Quidditch, or some other sport. “Nah…Quidditch isn’t for me”. She thought about the muggle sports that she played”Badminton and Tennis.

“Wormtail’s so stupid,” Ron said. “I can’t believe he was Scabbers.”

“Well. Tomorrow, it’ll be your turn, Ron,” said Hermione, as Harry nodded excitedly.

“Sure,” Ron said boldly, though inside he was feeling very much like a cat on a hot tin roof…


A/N: That's it. Future chapters are loads better because I've grown up a lot since I wrote this :P

Thanks for reading and please review =)
Ronald Weasley by Bookwormy
Author's Notes:
The 2nd chapter is here...Ron facing the marauders! This chapter is FULL of surprises...

Thanks awfully to my friend and beta reader, boycrazy94 for doing the fantastic job on my punctuation errors! U rock, boycrazy94, and so does randomness and hyperactiveness and all the blah blah we consider rocking! lol

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters you're going to read about (bless you). They all belong to J.K. Rowling. So read on, and review!
It was evening time. Harry, Ron and Hermione were all gathered in the Gryffindor Common Room, after finishing with their day's lessons. Harry had run immediately to fetch the Marauder's Map from his trunk, and handed it to Ron with an excited, "Let's see what they say about you!"

The red-head had the Marauder's Map in his hands now. On either side of him, Harry and Hermione were towering, or so he felt. Harry had the ghost of a smirk on his face, while Hermione looked anxiously at Ron.

"C'mon Ron!" she encouraged, slapping him on his back. Ron, in spite of his anxiety as to what lay ahead, felt goose bumps erupt where Hermione had slapped him.

Things between the two of them had not been the same since Padfoot had pointed out that Ron fancied Hermione. Indeed, the two had lesser fights these days, and Hermione even let Ron copy her Potions essay, though reluctantly at first, which she had refused to do point blank to Harry two days earlier.

Ron gulped and muttered, "Revlon," even as he touched the map's surface with his wand's tip.

Words emerged on the map.

Good evening and welcome! You have entered that realm of this map which gives you advices on your personality. We are the marauders, and this time we are going to give you advices specific to the fields we deal with. We are, therefore, proud to present before you… ourselves.

"Wait a minute!" said Harry, his eyebrows up in surprise. "This is completely different from last time!"

"Looks like they have perfected themselves, now that this--advice area--of the map is being activated by someone," suggested Hermione.

Again, black words appeared.

I am Moony, the academic specialist, who will give you my opinion on your current grades, as well as advice to improve them, if the need may arise.

Hermione smirked. Good to see academics preceding every other field.

The previous words disappeared as new ones came into view.

I am Padfoot, your relationship consultant. I will review your current relationship status with other people, your place in society, rank among friends and other such important things, and hence advise you to strive for a better social life.

"This is fantastic," thought Ron, who seriously considered himself in need of such advice.

I am Prongs, your sports guide. Confused which sport you should choose? Don't think you are comfortable with the current sport you are into? I am the person you should turn to.

"This is seriously unbelievable," thought Harry, seeing that his father was going to talk to them, and that it would be about sports.


"Take your time to be sure, you git," muttered Harry.

Wormtail continued.

I will tell you which kind of hobbies to pursue. What kind of groups you should turn to. What kind of people to make friends with.

"I think he needs advice on that himself," said Ron darkly.

Okay! So if you are ready, we shall proceed. Kindly spell your name, mister.

"R-O-N-A-L-D W-E-A-S-L-E-Y." said Ron.

Moony would like to wish Ronald a very good evening. Well Ron, your grades, I think, are quite acceptable, even pretty brilliant in some subjects. Though you are pathetic in a few subjects like History of Magic and Divination, it is quite okay as we all have our points of weaknesses. You can always strive to be perfect, though. Practice. It makes a wizard perfect. Do your homework regularly and devotedly, and study extra hard like Miss Granger does, instead of snogging Miss Brown's face off like you are busy doing these days...

Ron blushed scarlet. Hermione smirked. Moony continued.

...The library is a region where you can work with all your concentration. Neither does Madame Pince allow friends to titter tatter there, nor does she think it is acceptable to snog someone in such a place. I'm sure you will find it easy to work there. Though I don't say that it is wrong to snog your girlfriend, but don't you think that all that time can ,instead, be utilized in something studying, for example?

These words disappeared as new ones came into view.

Oh, Moony, shut up for Nymphadora's sake! Fancy her, don't you? *smirk* This is Padfoot, by the way. Hi, Ron! How are you? Pointless though the question may seem, as I will not be able to hear of your health, it is still a mark of courtesy, which is a major, very major thing you have to learn if you want to win a girl's heart. I know, I know, you're thinking "I've already won Hermione's heart, what's the need for this lecture?"

Hermione's eyes were as wide as saucers, and Ron's mouth was so wide open that a baby Hippogriff could have fitted in there.

"Ha-ha," laughed Harry. "Trust Sirius to know what you're thinking."

He turned his face to the map. "Brilliant, Sirius!"

Padfoot continued.

But these are the basic things, which every man ought to know. Do you think I was termed "the hottie of the year" five times in my Hogwarts years just like that? Well, okay, that might have been because I was devilishly handsome and gorgeously charming, but still, your attitude matters a lot. This is kind of good for you, as you...forgive me for the lacks of manners here...lack looks. I'm sorry. But never give up; you're not completely Wormtail look-alike, are you? *smirk again* Sorry, Peter, couldn't help it. On a "sirius" note, you are fanciable, Ron. Though your hair is abnormally red, nose abnormally long, face abnormally freckled; they all add up to a normal, nice looking guy named Ron. And by the way, how's your relationship with Hermione going on?

Hermione shook her head helplessly. This was embarrassing, and yet cute and sweet.

I wish you all the best for the relationship with Miss Granger. Prongs here is getting quite impatient for his turn, so I will leave with a note that it's perfectly normal for you to snog your girl around, but let's hope that next time it's Hermione for you, Ron, instead of Miss Brown, whom, as is quite evident, you do not have any soft spot for.

Hermione was positively floating, Harry thought. She had a wide, smug grin on her face that she barely wanted to conceal.

"Wow! Girl problems sorted out just like that, huh, Ron?" asked Harry, punching Ron on his arm.

Ron smiled, "I guess so."

He turned slowly to look at Hermione. Harry thought he looked like Neville asking Snape whether he had passed Potions or not.

"Oh, Ron!" squealed Hermione, and to Ron's biggest surprise in his entire life, moved toward to him and gave him a tight hug, kissing his cheek.

To say Ron was dreadfully surprised would be an understatement. However, recovering quickly, he, too, embraced Hermione and sheepishly returned the kiss on her cheek.

"And the two lived happily ever after," mocked Harry, placing his hands on the couple's heads, as if giving his blessings.

A few people in the room smirked on seeing Ron and Hermione's latest happening, a few glanced away with an expression that said, "Well, all knew this was bound to happen", while a few others shrieked like they had seen a, ghosts are common in Hogwarts, so let's say they had seen Voldemort. In a bikini. Bright pink. Posing like a supermodel. Oh well. Actually, the latter group included just one girl, and that was Lavender Brown.

Hermione hurriedly let go of Ron. Lavender stared at Ron with a look that said "You meet me. Just meet me after this."

The trio then remembered what they had been doing, and quickly returned to the map.

"This really is a brilliant piece of work," exclaimed Hermione, because the last lines of Padfoot were still etched across the map, waiting to be replaced by Prongs's words as soon as the reader turned his attention towards the map, so the trio hadn't missed anything during the little episode between Ron and Hermione.

Harry held his breath as they waited for words to appear from Prongs. His father. He wanted to carefully read between lines, to see his father's choice of words, his general way of talking, things he would never be able to notice now.

Hello, Ron! This is Prongs. It is a pleasure to see that you are such a devoted Quidditch player. I'm happy to be asked for advice from you. You are a Quidditch player, and therefore I am going to advise you on that. And also because I love to talk about it! As you must know, Ron, Quidditch is a game that demands long hours of practice, concentration, and guts. I think you fulfill all these requirements, except the last one. By that, I do not mean that you are afraid of heights, but as you very well know yourself, you get really nervous before games. That, my dear, should be the cause of concern for you. Imagine that you are the finest player on the whole team, believe in yourself. I am sure they didn't choose you just like that. You have talent. Be self confident. It is a proven fact, Ron, that nervousness is the root of failure. I'm sure you can overcome it, come on, being a Gryffindor you should be able to! Be a true Gryffindor--be brave. That is to say, don't not fear anything, but overcome it. Hope you understood the last line, I can act a bit barmy when it comes to Quidditch. So, all the very best for your tries of overcoming nervousness, and your next match against Slytherin. Flatten Slimeball's stinking servants! apologies, but I’m sure you know what I mean. *wink*

All of them were smiling by the time Prongs's stanza ended.

"Your father is great, Harry, I mean...," Ron stopped at his ignorant usage of the word "is", "I mean was great," he blurted out and blushed furiously at his tactlessness.

"It's okay, Ron," said Harry, relieving his friend of his embarrassment.

Hermione looked on, feeling close to tears.

"Git's turn now," said Harry, trying to lighten up the atmosphere, which had suddenly gone painfully silent. "C'mon guys, it's okay."

They turned to the map, on which words starting emerging as soon as Ron turned his gaze on it.

Hello, I mean Ron. How're you? I'm Wormtail.

"Oh yeah? We thought you were a particularly foul blast-ended skrewt," said Harry that caused both Hermione and Ron to giggle.

I am to advise you about which hobbies to pursue. What kind of groups to join. I would suggest Wizard Chess to you, Ron, as you seem to be excellent in it.

No more words appeared.

"What a loser!" said Ron, "Everybody knows I'm good in Wizard's Chess. How come he was counted as a Marauder, I dunno."

"Sooo...,” Hermione said dramatically, "whose chance is it going to be tomorrow?"

She and Ron smirked and turned to Harry.

"Of course, I'll be glad to get advices from the marauders," said Harry, and quietly thought, "and talk to my dad."


A/N: That's all! I hope you liked it. Plzz review and tell me your thoughts.

This story archived at