A Day in the Life by Ginger Hair
Summary: A Potions assignment gone wrong sends Harry and Ginny into the past while Lily and James are sent into the future. How will Ginny and Harry cope with the Marauders? Better yet, how will Lily and James cope with Ron and Hermione? Will they ever get back to their rightful eras? Read on to find out. Please read and review. From what my fans say, its funny. You decide for yourself.
Categories: Humor Fics Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Completed: Yes Word count: 15704 Read: 33912 Published: 01/02/05 Updated: 02/01/05
Who's Who? by Ginger Hair
James stared at Ron with a blank expression on his face as Lily looked at Hermione. She seemed to be taking in all of her features so she would remember her.

“Who’s Harry?” James asked suddenly. Lily gave him a death stare but Hermione cut her off from completing it.

“It can’t be,” Hermione muttered.

“What?” asked Ron looking startled. “What’s wrong? Ginny, what’s she talking about?” At the moment Lily was too absorbed with listening to Hermione to pay attention to Ron. “Ginny!”

James nudged Lily and her neck snapped back to Ron. “Ginny? I’m not Ginny.” She shook her head sadly.

Ron looked back and noticed something. “Since when did your eyes become green?” Hermione made a loud huffing noise to signal everyone to be quiet.

“Ron, that’s not Harry and that’s not Ginny,” Hermione gestured to each James and Lily in turn. “Look. Harry has green eyes and this boy has brown ones. And Ginny”

Ron cut her off. “Yeah she has brown eyes. Look those are Harry’s eyes in her head!” He pointed to Lily’s eyes.

“That’s because they aren’t Harry and Ginny, they’re” she was cut off again this time by James.

“I’m James Potter.” He held out his hand for them to shake. “And that’s Lily Evans.” Lily held out her hand but they did not shake. Ron looked shocked beyond belief and Hermione was thinking, hard.

“We already know who you are,” Hermione said. “Listen, how did you get here?”

James stopped Lily before she could answer by asking, “Wait who, are you two? I mean your names.”

“I’m Ron Weasley and that’s Hermione Granger. Oh, and by the way Ginny’s my sister,” Ron explained.

Lily glared at James before answering. “James here set me up to go on a date with him in the Potions classroom and some green light surrounded us and we ended up here.”

James was trying to retaliate by saying the Marauders set them both up but Ron put his hand over his mouth.
“So, you traveled through time.” Ron muttered blankly. James broke free of his grasp.

“What do you mean traveled through time?” he yelled as he waved his arms wildly. “We’re still in Hogwarts!”

Hermione nodded. “Yes, but this is about twenty-five years after you’ve left Hogwarts and,” she paused before going on. Lily looked at her as if she had gone mad.

Ron took over from there. “Your son, Harry, is our best friend.” James beamed at him.

“My boy is at Hogwarts?”

Ron nodded. “Actually he’s both of you guys’ sons.” Lily put on a look of fake disgust, but James’ face immediately went scarlet again. Hermione gave Ron a death stare before turning to the other two.

“So, Harry and Ginny are in the past. It must be Snape’s Switching Solution!” she moaned. Ron’s eyes grew wide.

“Snivelous is here too?” James asked. Ron nodded.

“He’s the Potions Master.” The four of them exchanged looks of complete disgust before moving on.

“So, now that we all understand each other, what are we going to do about this?” Lily asked.

Hermione shook her head slowly. “There’s a cure,” Ron said. “But it takes a month to complete.” Hermione beamed at him for a moment without looking anywhere else until James started coughing loudly. Lily sighed heavily.

“Leave them alone, Jamie,” she shot at him. Ron started snickering uncontrollably. “So, we have to pretend to be this Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley for a month?”

“We’ll have to look up this cure, and in the meantime make a few changes,” Hermione said as she slowly surveyed the two in front of her. “You’re taller then Harry. What year are you in?”

“Seventh,” James stated proudly as he flashed his Head Boy badge making it glitter in the light.

“Take that off! We’re only in sixth year,” Ron moaned as he snatched it off of his robes. “Actually, Ginny’s only in fifth, but that’s okay. You should know all of the answers.” Lily took off her own Head Girl badge and handed it over to him before she was attacked.

James grinned. “This should be a breeze.” Lily nodded slowly.

“This better work because I’m not planning on taking the O.W.L.s again!”

Ron shifted nervously from foot to foot hoping that he was right about the cure. Hermione whipped out her wand and pointed it at James who backed away quickly.
“Hey, Granger, I didn’t mean anything by it,” he muttered quietly.

Hermione sighed deeply. “Look, if you’re going to be Harry you need to look like Harry.” Ron nodded.

“I’m sure people would notice if the-Boy-Who-Lived suddenly lost his scar.” Hermione stepped on his foot. She didn’t want them to know about them dying before it actually happened. It could change everything. Ron howled in pain and his eyes started to water profusely.

Hermione muttered some nonsense words and suddenly, behind his black rimmed spectacles, his chocolate brown eyes disappeared and emerald green ones were in their place. Lily stared at him and gasped. “Those are my eyes.”

“Told you,” Ron murmured. Hermione now pointed her wand at his forehead and a scar almost identical, if not truly identical, to Harry’s appeared there.

“How’d he get the scar?” Lily asked curiously.

Before Ron could answer Hermione blurted out “Car crash.” and left it at that.She made a swift movement of her wand towards Lily and her eyes changed from emerald green to chocolate brown in an instant.

“There. Hopefully no one will notice the height difference, because I don’t know a height charm,” Hermione replied dully.

“Nobody will notice. I didn’t even notice, Ron replied laughing.

“That’s true,” Lily pointed out yawning.

“Aw, poor Evans is tired. Maybe we should retreat to the good old Gryffindor Common Room,” James suggested. Ron and Hermione nodded as the four made their way to the Gryffindor common room, the same one as when the Marauders used it.
((Let’s check in on Ginny and Harry shall we? ))

“What’s the matter with you two had a little too much fun?” Sirius chuckled at the sight of the two of them fighting with each other.

“Er” Harry started to say, but Ginny slammed a desk top on his fingers. He yelled in pain and jumped up and down frantically.

“Jeez, Evans, what’d Jamie do to you?” he looked a bit concerned now. Ginny rolled her brown eyes to the ceiling and the light hit them, making them glimmer slightly.

“It’s just kind of the fact that he exists makes me sick,” she said smirking.

Harry glared back at her with his face full of jet black hair. He blew it off irritably revealing his lightning-bolt shaped scar. Sirius looked at him with a concerned look on his face before saying,

“What happened to your forehead, Prongs?”

He looked around wildly for anything he could use to make up a good excuse and his eyes landed on the Quidditch Cup in the corner of the room. His first thoughts were “Slytherin won the cup this year I guess,” to what he said aloud.

“It was a Quidditch accident. I ran into the Whomping Willow and it sort of attacked me.” In reality, neither James nor Harry would run into a giant tree on their broomstick. They were both extremely skilled at Quidditch. However, he did not want his parents’ friends to know the truth about their future.

Sirius gave a bark-like laugh before replying, “Thinking about Evan while you were flying again?” Harry rolled his emerald orbs to the ceiling as Remus Lupin strolled into the room glancing first at Sirius then to the other two. He had heard what Harry had said about his scar and believed it although he didn’t think it was the entire truth. His eyes were now locked with Ginny’s and she quickly looked away at the floor. Remus then looked at Harry and was slightly confused to why James had Lily’s eyes. They both seemed shorter as well.

“Who are you two?” Lupin asked pointing at Harry and Ginny.

Harry and Ginny exchanged looks of terror as Sirius looked at Lupin as if he was “barking” mad. “Moony, it’s James and Lily. Remember we locked them in here earlier.”

“No it’s not. Look this boy has green eyes and the girl has brown ones.” Remus studied the two again before pointing out, “They’re shorter then our friends too.”

Sirius looked again. “Bloody Hell! You’re right! He ran over to Harry and started shaking him violently. “Who are you and what have you done with James and Lily?” Harry couldn’t help but start laughing. His Godfather was even worse as a teen.

Ginny stepped forward into the dim lighting of the room and began to set a civilized conversation with Remus. “I’m Ginny Weasley and that’s Harry Potter.” She pointed to Harry as she spoke.

“Potter?” Sirius exclaimed as he dropped Harry’s shoulders and he fell to the floor with a thud. He picked him up and brushed off his robes for him. “So how are you related to James?”

Harry glanced at Ginny momentarily before answering. “We came from the future. I’m his son. And Lily’s. The Potion I was working on backfired and sent us here and I’m guessing my mum and dad are in our time.” He straightened his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Ginny looked livid that he had actually told the truth. With her experience with Fred and George, it seemed like the wrong thing to do in this situation.

“That explains it.” Remus nodded. “Sounds like something James would do.”

Sirius laughed. “So, James and Lily end up together.” Ginny nodded before Harry could answer. She didn’t want to reveal anything unnecessary so they could change the future.

“Well, we need to fix you two up,” Lupin whipped out his wand and headed towards Ginny who backed away slightly.

“Fix us up to make us look like Harry’s parents?” Sirius nodded.

“While you’re here, you’ll need to pretend to be them. They can’t have just disappeared into thin air.” Padfoot replied.

“Okay,” Ginny winced slightly as Remus muttered something inaudible and her eyes changed from chocolate brown to emerald green in an instant. Then he moved on to Harry and muttered the same thing as Harry’s emerald green eyes disappeared and chocolate brown ones took their place behind his black framed glasses.

“Nobody will notice the height thing,” Sirius muttered. “I didn’t even notice.” Ginny laughed, but Harry looked put out about something.

“What’s a matter, Harry?” she asked moving over to him and patting him on the back.

“This is seventh year. I’m only in sixth.”

Ginny laughed. “I’m only in fifth, so what? We’ll know the answers ahead of time.” Sirius and Remus exchanged amused looks as they watched the two talk.

“You are a lot like your parents are now,” Remus said thoughtfully. Ginny pulled away from Harry and moved away quickly. “Exactly like they are now.”

Harry laughed. “What GINERVA, don’t like the idea of getting married to me?”

Ginny out her hand on her nose and pinched it shut. “No thank-you.” Her ears turned slightly red at the mention of her full name but she shrugged it off.

“You two look tired.” Sirius commented noticing the purple bags under their eyes. “Why don’t we head to the Gryffindor Common Room to test out Moony’s spellwork?” Ginny and Harry snickered quietly as they followed Sirius and Remus down the hall to the room they had been in so many times.
This story archived at http://www.mugglenetfanfiction.com/viewstory.php?sid=8564