MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

The Secret thoughts of Hermione Granger by Hermiones_Revenge

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***Author’s note – I got many reviews begging me to update. Unfortunately, I am very much like Hermione and have tons of homework (darn AP classes!), so I don’t have a lot of time.

*An excerpt from Hermione’s journal*
Saturday, at breakfast


1.) Ron is sneaking off with Parvati

2.) I just found out that Professor McGonnagall assigned an essay…on the dangers of incorrectly vanishing a moose. If you go back to one of my previous entries, you’ll notice that I was writing another one of these dumb lists while she was telling the class about said dangers. Vanishing a moose…why don’t they teach us something useful for a change?

3.) I have NO IDEA how I’m going to help Ron find Mrs. Norris, the duck

4.) I have NO IDEA why I AGREED to help Ron find Mrs. Norris, the duck

5.) I have an unusual red blotch on my cheek and cannot seem to cover it up

6.) My Potions essay is done, but when I re-read it, I realized that it makes no sense. I wrote a bunch of long sentences that sound intelligent, but when you stop and think about them, you realize that they’re not really saying anything. Oh well. Maybe Snape won’t notice. He never has before.

7.) My foot itches

8.) Ron is trying to read what I’m writing, and quite frankly, I DO NOT want him to see any of this

10:00 – A Recent Conversation

Hermione: I overheard Parvati talking to Lavender about you this morning

Ron: Yeah, I talked to her yesterday

Hermione: About what?

Ron: Stuff

Hermione: What kind of stuff?

Ron: Why do you care?

Hermione: She was saying some interesting things about you – I’m curious!

Ron: She asked me about Divination homework

Hermione: Oh?

Ron: Are you going to look up the information for that charms worksheet? I need it!

Hermione: Do your own work for once!

Ron: I don’t know how!

Hermione: Well learn! IT WON’T KILL YOU!

*Hermione’s Journal*
I have no luck.

Harry, Ron, and I were having lunch at Hagrid’s – I was arguing with Ron over one of Flitwick’s assignments. I had already finished half of it, but Ron hadn’t even started. It wasn’t this that bothered me, it was the fact that he had NO INTENTIONS OF DOING IT that made me mad.

“Why should I waste my time writing out this assignment,” he said, “when I can just get the answers from you?”

For once, I actually gave him an answer that I don’t regret now: “Open a book for once! It won’t kill you!”

We continued arguing – I hate arguing – until Harry finally told us he was sick of it and was leaving. I was sick of it too, so I followed him out of Hagrid’s hut with all intentions of heading back up to the castle. However, my plans changed when I spotted a fat duck waddling out of the forest.

“Ron! It’s Mrs. Norris!” I exclaimed. This was a dumb idea, as it scared the duck away.

This was when the fun began. After Mrs. Norris the duck had calmed down, I slowly followed behind her, waiting for the right moment to strike. I was concentrating so hard that it was frightening. I was almost directly over her when I heard Ron come up behind me. To put this nicely, he’s not exactly the most inconspicuous person, so naturally he scared Mrs. Norris away.

I don’t know what exactly I intended to accomplish by this, but I began to chase after her, screaming like a madwoman (I haven’t a clue why I was screaming. It seemed like a good idea at the time). Luckily she didn’t head too far into the forest but instead, swerved around back towards the school, so I didn’t have to run around in there. However, I still must’ve looked pretty ridiculous chasing around an angry duck, screaming like I was getting my arm cut off.

Unbelievably enough, I caught the duck. However, she was not happy about this. She squawked and squirmed in my arms, getting a large amount of feathers in my mouth (and they do NOT taste good, let me tell you.) I knew I couldn’t hold on for much longer, so I threw her in Hagrid’s hut.

Ron, I thought, would be so happy. At that moment, I felt so proud.

Until about thirty seconds later.

Ron approached me. Our conversation went as follows:

Me- I caught Mrs. Norris!

Ron- No you didn’t.

Me- ………..what do you mean………….

Ron- That wasn’t Mrs. Norris.

Me- …………..

Ron- That was just some random duck.

I just walked away.

4:08, The common Room
I borrowed Ron’s book for a minute and found this note inside of it. I give up on life. I quit. I wrote a copy of it in here:

Meet me tomorrow in the transfiguration classroom during lunch. Come alone.

Well, there’s obviously one solution for this. I, of course, will find some reason to be in the transfiguration room at lunch…unless I chicken out…or unless I think of another solution…Parvati must die…no, that’s a horrible thing to write, she’s not that bad…I NEED TO DO MY HOMEWORK!

I’m doing my homework, I swear. I’m just taking another break.

I have been sitting here staring at my charms worksheet, yet it refuses to let me finish it.

Harry just told me we have a Herbology test on Monday. I did not know this. So now, I have this stupid charms worksheet to finish AND a test to study for. The teachers are trying to kill us.

Maybe I shouldn’t go to the transfiguration room tomorrow. I mean, I already embarrassed myself enough by chasing some random duck around today (why didn’t I just use MAGIC to catch it?) Still…I could make it look like an accident…though by the way things are going now, I might have to do some of this homework at lunch tomorrow. (sigh) Honestly, I think that sometimes, the teachers all get together and conspire against us.


1.) My charms worksheet

2.) Ron Weasley

3.) The fact that no matter how much I eat at breakfast, I am always hungry twenty minutes later.

4.) The fact that no matter how much homework I do, it never ends

5.) Ron turned Mrs. Norris into a duck. Think about that for a minute

6.) The fact that I spent forever doing my potions essay, yet it makes no sense.

7.) The vanilla pudding that they served at lunch earlier

8.) Ron Weasley ( he deserves to be on here twice)

I’ve decided. Tomorrow at lunch, I’ll be in that transfiguration classroom. There is no way Parvati is making a move on Ron. I will be at that little meeting, and nothing, NOTHING, is going to stop me!

(famous last words…)