MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

The Salem Witch Trials by FullofLife

Summary: Harry, Ron and Hermione are spending a day in the small wizarding village of Hogsmeade when they happen to come upon a strange amulet lying in the snow. This amulet has amazing powers and transports the three friends to Salem, Massachusetts in the year 1692 when Muggles lived in fear of witches and wizards and the penalty for being able to perform magic was death.
Ratings: 3rd-5th Years [ - ]
Category: Dark/Angsty Fics
Characters: None
Warnings: Character Death, Violence
Serie: None
Chapters: 24 Completed?: Yes
Wordcount: 61269 Viewcount: 86933
Published on: 07/30/05 Updated On: 05/07/07

1. Prologue- February 1st, 1998 by FullofLife [ - ] (676 words)

2. February 1st, 1692 by FullofLife [ - ] (3504 words)

3. February 2nd, 1692 by FullofLife [ - ] (2911 words)

4. February 3rd, 1692 by FullofLife [ - ] (1362 words)

5. February 5th, 1692 by FullofLife [ - ] (1471 words)

6. February 6th, 1692 by FullofLife [ - ] (1291 words)

7. February 6th, 1692 - Later by FullofLife [ - ] (1778 words)

8. February 7th, 1692 by FullofLife [ - ] (1841 words)

9. February 8th, 1692 by FullofLife [ - ] (1273 words)
This chapter is basically a filler. Expect a bit more action later...
10. February 9th, 1692 by FullofLife [ - ] (2219 words)

11. February 10th, 1692 by FullofLife [ - ] (2080 words)

12. February 10th, 1692 - Later by FullofLife [ - ] (2434 words)
Thank you everyone for all your wonderful and helpful reviews! I don't know how much criticism I'll get for this chapter, but I have a feeling there will be some. :)

I have a favor to ask all my reviewers. Because this story would be much to short if I allowed it to continue the way it is, I'm asking all of you, what you would like to happen to Harry and Ron, next. The best ideas will be integrated into the story. I have the ending sort out but the middle definitely needs work. Thank you! Happy reading!

13. February 11th, 1692 by FullofLife [ - ] (2544 words)
Okay, I still need those helpful reviews. What should happen to Harry and Ron next? What should happen to them in Lynn? Should they meet Naima again? How? Anything you want to see in this story! Thanks! The next update will be sent in only after I get a few good ideas (thanks to all those who have already given me awesome ideas) and oh, 20 reviews? No doubles! So all you readers who aren’t reviewing, please do! Muwahaha! Yes, I’m evil!

14. February 14th, 1692 by FullofLife [ - ] (1455 words)
Not a spectacular chapter, I know. My muse for this story has run away and won’t come back. But the last review got to me. ^_^ Three months without a chapter is a long time…
15. February 14th, 1692 - Later by FullofLife [ - ] (2068 words)

16. February 14th - February 15th 1692 by FullofLife [ - ] (2479 words)

17. February 15th, 1692 by FullofLife [ - ] (1066 words)
A short chapter, yes, but it had to be. Ron's much to important to only be given half a chapter.
18. February 15th, 1692 - Later by FullofLife [ - ] (2151 words)
Not a very long chapter, in reference to how much the plot has progressed but a necessary one all in all. Enjoy!
19. February 16th, 1692 by FullofLife [ - ] (1055 words)
Another short chapter, and I apologize to my wonderful readers and reviewers, I know you like 'em longer. But you'll be glad to know that things are moving faster now. :) Enjoy this!
20. February 16th, 1692 - Later - Midnight by FullofLife [ - ] (4117 words)
This has been one of the hardest chapters I've ever written. Also the longest. :) I still don't think it is up to par, but I didn't want to keep you guys hanging any longer. Enjoy!

21. February 17th, 1692 by FullofLife [ - ] (5091 words)
Mild Language. Just a warning.

Definitely not my best chapter but I really wanted to post.

22. February 17th, 1692 - Later by FullofLife [ - ] (5900 words)

23. March 1st, 1998 by FullofLife [ - ] (9156 words)
24. Epilogue by FullofLife [ - ] (1347 words)