MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

A New Opportunity by lunafish

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A/N: The characters of this story are borrowed from JK Rowling, and I do not pretent to own anything related to the world she created.

A New Opportunity

Remus Lupin had once again fallen on hard times. This was not an unusual state of affairs for the slight, sickly looking man, but he found it depressing all the same. For most of his life, Remus had barely managed to scrape by; only a keen mind had allowed him to survive as long as he had. After this last setback, however, he felt defeated, both emotionally and intellectually. He’d about exhausted his options as far as he could see.

The most recent blow had come a mere week ago, and his mind still played over the memory several times a day.

“Mr. Lupin?”

“Yes, Sylvia?”

“Mr. Cauldronblack would like to see you in his office immediately.”

A sinking feeling grasped Remus’ insides at those words. This was how it generally began. Still, he thought it best not to jump to any conclusions. It never hurt to hope for the best.

However, Remus doubted anything good was coming his way as he quickly straightened the scrolls on his desk and then hurried to answer the summons of his supervisor, a supervisor he’d served under for less than four months”not a record, anyway, if things went as he expected; he’d lasted in cauldron distribution longer than many other careers he’d attempted: from that at least he could take comfort.

When he reached his destination, he knocked softly on the heavy door before him. He waited a full minute and then (thinking he’d been too gentle) grudgingly raised his hand to knock again. No use putting this off, he decided. However, before his knuckles could hit the great mahogany door, he heard Mr. Cauldronblack’s voice: “Come in, Lupin!”

Upon entering, Remus knew that this was the moment he’d been dreading and expecting. The boss was standing behind his desk, holding the back of his chair before him as if for protection. Sylvia stood beside him open-mouthed and wide-eyed. He’s just told her, Remus thought without much feeling. Now she’ll want to get as far away and as fast as possible. The fragile looking man almost smiled as Mr. Cauldronblack’s secretary confirmed his suspicions: As he walked to the chair in front of his supervisor’s desk, Sylvia stuttered, “I, uh, will get out of…your way. Uh, if you need me…sir, I’ll be right outside. Would you like me to summon…?”

Striving to string her words together, the young woman edged around the room toward the door, almost plastered against the wall.

When she exited, she left the door wide open behind her. Glancing over his shoulder, Remus could see her looking back fearfully as she rushed down the hall, presumably, Remus thought wryly, to fetch some muscle to see me out.

Turning away, he met the eyes of his supervisor, who quickly lowered them to the scroll in front of him.

“Mr.Lupin…,” he croaked and then stopped to clear his throat. Gathering his wits, he began again: “Mr. Lupin, I’ve just received some…well…disturbing information.” The old man looked at Remus with pleading eyes, as if he hoped Remus would ”what?”willingly resign and save him this apparently frightening task? Remus merely waited, an innocent, inquiring expression masking his disappointment.

“Well, the thing is…in view of this…uh…information, I find that your services here are…uh…no longer…well…needed.” The man cringing behind his chair stopped and for a brief moment met Remus’ eyes.

Remus quietly asked, “Are you firing me, sir?”

“Under the circumstances, I….” His voice trailed off. Then he seemed to pull himself together. “You will receive a fair severance package, of course.”

The younger man’s gentle nature took over, as Remus decide to put this tense moment behind him. He nodded at his supervisor and stood.

“Thank you, Mr. Cauldronblack. I appreciate your generosity. If I may gather my things…?”

“Yes, yes, of course.” Remus saw the other man shake his head at someone behind him. Turning, he saw the warehouse guards at the door. They backed away as he approached and followed him to his office after he passed, obviously clutching wands in the folds of their long, dusty robes.

Remus closed his eyes and pushed the memory away. “No point dwelling on it,” he sighed. “There has to be something I can do, somewhere I can work that won’t care about having a werewolf on the payroll!” But, the thing was, Remus couldn’t imagine what and where that would be. It was all he could do to suppress the resentment he suddenly felt, but his normal resignation returned after a moment. He’d just have to find something to help him get by; what choice did he have?

Three days later, Remus Lupin had an unexpected visitor.

“Professor Dumbledore,” he exclaimed, “how good it is to see you!”

“I think ‘Albus’ will do now just fine, Remus,” Dumbledore replied. “I’m sure you’ve heard the most disturbing news that’s been plaguing our community for the last several days?”

“No, I’ve been cooped up for the last week or so,” Remus said, “but do come in! Have a seat. Would you like a drink while we talk? Tea?”

“That would be nice.”

As Remus went to retrieve a plate of biscuits and a pot of tea, his old headmaster looked around the shabby little sitting room. The furniture was clean and obviously cared for, but also very old and worn. Clearly, nothing had been replaced in years, and only the frugal, thoughtful care of the man who lived here kept it all from collapsing under years of use.

When he returned, Remus placed the biscuits on the end table beside Dumbledore and pulled a chair up to the other side so that the two men sat at a right angle to one another.

Remus watched the old man sip his tea and waited for him to speak.

“Remus, Sirius has escaped from Azkaban.”



“No, I’m sorry: I heard you.” Remus stopped and stared at Dumbledore for several minutes. His guest waited for him to come to grips with the news. Finally, he spoke:

“Sir,” he said, because old habits die hard, “I’m afraid I have never been able truly to accept the official version of the events of that night….”


“But I will help in whatever way I can to recapture him…hopefully before he has the opportunity to hurt anyone else.” Then a thought struck him: “Harry? Is he someplace safe?”

“As safe as I can make him until he returns to Hogwarts.”

“Not still with those dreadful muggles, I hope?”

“They are his family,” came the quiet observation.

Just as quietly, Remus replied, “Yes, you’re right. I just wish he could be with m…well, someone who would appreciate him.”

“He’ll be returning to school soon,” said Dumbledore, who then added, “and I’m hoping that you will join him.”

Remus once again simply stared at the man next to him.

“Remus,” Dumbledore continued, “I’ve come to offer you a position at Hogwarts. More precisely, the Defense Against the Dark Arts position.”

Remus gazed at him for another moment before saying, “I am, without question, honored by the offer, but surely the school governors”not to mention the parents”will object to that.”

“I don’t plan to consult them in this matter. Considering the circumstances, however, I believe my offer appropriate. You are an interested party, after all, are you not?”

Remus’ lips turned up slightly, and Dumbledore returned his smile.


“I’m at your service, sir,” Remus replied.

After Dumbledore left, Remus sat alone in his sitting room, sipping lukewarm tea. His mind raced between the happy thought of finally getting to meet James and Lily’s son again after these many years and worry over Sirius’ escape. Even all these years later, after having mulled over it a million times, Remus could not come to grips with the fact that Sirius was responsible for the death of James and Lily. He did not doubt that it was true, but he could not understand how or why. And then there was poor Peter, hunted down and obliterated….

Oh, but to see Harry again! That would be a treat. Of course he mustn’t force himself on the boy, but he so looked forward to spending time with him, advising him, helping him realize his potential as a wizard, and, perhaps most importantly, protecting him from the man responsible for his parents’ death. Remus smiled at his own enthusiasm. I am getting ahead of myself now, aren’t I, he thought. Time enough for all this euphoria later…. I do hope he likes me, though.

And, again, darker thoughts intruded: You haven’t been invited to a reunion, Remus. Harry may be in grave danger. My own best friend may at this very moment be plotting an attack. What had happened, Remus wondered not for the first time, to drive Sirius to betray”and even murder, in Peter’s case”his friends, to sink to such madness? How long had he plotted against them all? Had he been a victim of the Imperius curse? And, now, how could he have possibly escaped from Azkaban? Remus’ head ached at these questions, all of which (except for the last) he’d asked himself so many, many times before.

Finally, pushing them away as three days earlier he’d pushed away the memory of his most recent termination, Remus suddenly realized, Why, I’ve got a new job! An entire school year with room and board paid! As the idea of this new opportunity grew in his mind, Hogwarts’ newest Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor felt, under the worry and elation, something he hadn’t experienced in ages: hope.