MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

The Tricks of Fate by Silversen

Summary: As the wizarding world is overrun by the Dark Lord’s power, Hermione is taken captive. Draco immerses himself more and more in the Dark Arts, desperately hoping no one will find out about a decision that changed his life forever. What happens when the most unlikely person discovers the truth? Who will she tell? What will Draco offer for her to keep it a secret?


Hermione reached up almost involuntarily and traced the silver band branded on Draco’s arm.

“That’s Dumbledore’s mark,” she said softly.

Ratings: [ - ]
Category: Hermione/Draco
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Serie: None
Chapters: 4 Completed?: No
Wordcount: 10462 Viewcount: 9167
Published on: 09/14/05 Updated On: 11/25/05

1. Symbols by Silversen [ - ] (3201 words)

2. The Auction by Silversen [ - ] (2658 words)

3. Sign of the Bells by Silversen [ - ] (2336 words)

4. Purpose by Silversen [ - ] (2267 words)