MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

'Yes' by nat089

Summary: James Potter usually accepts dares without batting an eyelash. However, this time, while he’s on a dare, he's also on a personal mission. But first, he’s anxiously waiting for Lily to turn up. What does Lily have to do with this dare? And what will she say when she finds out?

(One shot)

[Author's Note]
Before you start commenting that the dare was unromantic, please please read the 2nd sentence of the 4th paragraph. I clearly state that "James was steeling himself to do SOMETHING HE WANTED TO DO VERY MUCH EVEN WITHOUT BEING DARED TO". In other words, the dare was the catalyst, not the cause. It only served to spur him into action; it didn't give him the intention of doing what he did (I'm trying not to give out spoilers here, so read to find out what - though you can probably guess ;)).
Ratings: 1st-2nd Years [ - ]
Category: James/Lily
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Serie: None
Chapters: 1 Completed?: Yes
Wordcount: 1608 Viewcount: 3290
Published on: 10/01/05 Updated On: 10/01/05

1. 'Yes' by nat089 [ - ] (1608 words)