MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

When It Seems Like All Is Lost by KateH

Summary: After everything that has happened to Harry Potter, after everything that he has gone through and endured, he has learned things about himself that he never knew before. At a time in his life when he needs it most, Harry finds a friend that truly understands him and shares some of his experiences and feelings. The world around Harry is shifting and he soon realizes that changes are occurring that he has no control over. Some changes are good while others will bring Harry further from happiness than he has ever been before. He will learn that his friends are the most important aspect of his life and nothing can change that.
Ratings: 3rd-5th Years [ - ]
Category: Post-Hogwarts
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Serie: None
Chapters: 19 Completed?: Yes
Wordcount: 59790 Viewcount: 63135
Published on: 10/07/05 Updated On: 07/23/07

1. Loss of Hope by KateH [ - ] (973 words)
This is my first fic. Hope you like it. Please leave a review. I would like to know what you think of it (I don't mind constructive criticism). Thanks...
2. Darkness by KateH [ - ] (1295 words)

3. Trapped by KateH [ - ] (1711 words)

4. Fate by KateH [ - ] (2030 words)
Thanks so much for everyone who has reviewed! I especially want to thank my beta, Snufflesismyidol, without her, there wouldn't be a chapter 4! Thank you so much! Remember, I always love to hear from my readers!
5. Truth by KateH [ - ] (2002 words)

6. Unsafe by KateH [ - ] (2178 words)

7. Beginning by KateH [ - ] (2476 words)

8. Departure by KateH [ - ] (3056 words)

9. Home by KateH [ - ] (3054 words)
I'm so sorry for the extremely long wait. I was having some difficulties with this chapter. I hope you like it!
10. Trust by KateH [ - ] (3267 words)

11. Revelation by KateH [ - ] (3718 words)
Sorry it took so long! Chapter 12 shouldn't take as long as this one; it's already half written! Hope you like this one!
12. Dancing by KateH [ - ] (3906 words)
Sorry it took so long! Thank you to my amazing beta AurorGirl101! Hope you all enjoy!
13. Kryptonite by KateH [ - ] (3522 words)
Sorry for the long wait!
14. Vows by KateH [ - ] (4095 words)

15. Perils by KateH [ - ] (5429 words)

16. Chris by KateH [ - ] (5282 words)

17. Love by KateH [ - ] (4460 words)

18. Sacrifice by KateH [ - ] (3975 words)
Here's Chapter Eighteen! A quick update this time. A huge thanks to my friend Sean for betaing for me. I'm currently hard at work on the final chapter of this story *wipes away tear.* I hope you all will enjoy this chapter and the last one. As always, thanks for reading and please leave a review to let me know what you think!
19. Epilogue by KateH [ - ] (3361 words)