MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Melt the Ice of my Heart by a_muggle_mystery

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warning: enjoy!!

Hogwarts is scenic with its snow coated grounds, its frozen lake, its melting towers. A calm, elfin blizzard plays across the forest. I catch your eye. We sigh.

This place comes straight out of a fairy-tale. It is frozen in time, and ice: a fairy-tale, in the midst of a war-savaged country.

It is one week before Christmas. The halls are deserted, the sun still asleep. When it wakes, I doubt it’ll come to thaw the ice in my heart. I look at you, and we sink into each others’ eyes. I see your thoughts pulsing through your heart.

Your thoughts. Those are of things far away. They fly with those three heroes, our three friends. Where are they now? you think. I wish I knew, I wish I knew.

I walk away, dozing in my worries. My heart drums loudly. I walk faster. What has this world come to?

It is a week before Christmas, and frozen tears fall to the ground. I quit, I can’t go on. The iced window reflects my icy figure. I am cold and frigid: my ghost hair, and my ogling frog eyes that resemble those of a crazed witch.

My world is falling down. I can no longer recoil into my imagination, into my fantasies. Mother, I think, mother where are you?

I start running faster. The stars, hidden by the icy day, pull at my hair. I know those stars, each and every one of those ghostly powers. I see them in my heart, strategizing ruthlessly. I know their names, and I curse each under my frosty breath.

I wish those stars would freeze and fall dead, wish their icy forms would melt my Dementors and all those Dark Lords. The world is no longer safe, and frigid ice prevails. At least my ice is not bloody yet.

I snatch at my Butterbeer cork necklace and fling it across the hall. Its rattling clatter echoes frigidly on bitter walls. My eyes shut, I imprison tears I know could not fall. No Crumple-Horned Snorkacks to save the day, a bitter thought which resonates through my rigid mind.

Suddenly, you’re standing there. I did not hear you coming, yet here you stand with my necklace in your hand. Your walk must be as soft as that of a downed cloud.

One hand on my shoulder, your other clips my necklace back where it belongs.

“You must have lost it on the way,” you whisper”but you know better.

“You did not have to run away,” your murmur melts my tears, and as rivulets they flow.

I start to turn away, but your strong hands pull me back. Your formed tears, illumined by white ice, are still imprisoned, but speak for both of us. As eye melts eye, tears and fear dissolve. The fairy-tale book is closed, the war shut out, and the two of us are in a separate world.

And then you- YOU!- of all people, leaned over and kissed me....

[Minutes felt like hours, and those seconds felt like timeless moments: another fairy-tale had begun.]

Surprised, we take a step back. “Luna,” you start, but I break you off”and this time our kiss melts even the ice at the core of my heart.

[You!-of all people, had leaned over and kissed me…]

You smile: a captivating innocent smile, yet so full of boundless joy and thrill. My grin”I know for I read the stars reflected by your eyes”my grin is even wider.

[…leaned over and kissed me…]

Ice melts when lips join, when hearts love and eyes laugh. That’s textbook material, but all we learn is goblin war this and flatworm that…

[…and kissed me…]

“When this bloody war’s won, we’ll go looking for Crumpled-Horned Snorkacks, and Nargles,” you jest. I giggle.

[My heart”once frosty, now so fiery]

“Don’t forget about Blibbering Humdingers,” I reply. But I think: do you know how long I’ve waited for this moment? Do you know for how long I’ve loved you? With, of course, that snide inner voice countering: Do even I?

Later, hand in hand, we re-entered the ‘real’ world and

"I ran up the door, closed the stairs, said my pajamas and put on my prayers, turned off the bed and hopped in the light, all because you kissed me goodnight."- Anonymous

a/n: please review! All sorts of insights are welcome: constructive criticism, anything!