MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

The End of All Ends by hp_fanfic_chick

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Sybill took a deep breath before continuing. She hated Potter's fate and realized that it was time to share what he really had in store for him.

"They are connected, Harry and 'You-Know-Who'. They are bound together as one," Trelawney told them nervously.

They both stared at each other. McGonagall was still confused. She was lost by everything that Trelawney was telling her. She could hardly believe that the Prophecy had lied, let alone what the truth really was.

"What?" Remus asked for the two of them.

Bill took the others to go see Charlie in the bed across the hall while Molly Weasley said her good-byes to her husband. The healers were telling her that they could clean him up before she did that. She nodded her head in silent agreement. Parents in the room watched as the bloody bed was rolled out of the room. They watched in horror as someone died in their room. They watched in a stunned position that that same fate could be the fate of the one they so dearly clasped onto.

Molly walked across the hall, her face as red as her hair as she pulled tissues out of her wand. Now the financial responsibilities were lying on her shoulders. Now the care of her children was her soul responsibility. She was thankful, however, to have grown up children, who could help support her, who could help her get through her life. They would all have to become used to the strange absense of their red-haired father who would get them out of trouble and go easy on them. That was all over for them.

Lavender looked up at the children. Her eyes were full of tears. "I am sure that even Salazar Slytherin would be appalled by the outcome of some of his wizards. That is the truth. That downstairs, friends, family, boyfriends, girlfriends, and everyone who is of a proper age is down there. Whether they are dead, alive or wounded is up for grabs still. You don't understand the pressures of life until you have understood the power of life and death. You just can't figure it out," Lavander paused. A tear dripping from her eyes.

"Until you have witnessed the secret of the thestrals, until you have seen one, you have no bearing to talk about bravery. Killing a spider, or watching life pass you up is not bravery. Fighting, helping, and caring is a bravery beyond recognition," Lavender cried out loud.

"Those who think they hold such an accountability, feel free to follow me to the Great Hall to actually help those who possess such an outstanding courage," Lavander said again as she walked to the portrait hole, not once looking behind her to see who followed.

"If one should die, the other does too," Sybill gasped in a fearful manner.

Remus and Minerva's eyes grew wide; they looked at each other and back at Sybill trying to put everything in context and the situation.

"That is why he didn't die when you meant to kill him. Potter survived, and that was all that he needed," Trelawney told them.

"And you're sure about this?" Remus asked again, hoping that this was another lie. Trelawney nodded her head in silence confirming that this was the awful truth.

McGonagall became red with fury and left the storage room. She marched straight to Potter's room again, and saw his breath was still recovering from the awful gasps that he had to take. Remus and Sybill who had followed her watched as she sat down, and cried.

She dropped several tears, before getting up rapidly and apparating out of the room. Remus and Sybill were helpless of trying to stop her.

McGonagall arrived at the Ministry of Magic and organized the Minister of Magic and the Order of Merlin first class members. A tear formed in her eyes as they were missing their beloved member, Dumbledore.

As everyone settled down she began to talk at a rapid, and furious pace. "You can’t kill Voldemort," she told them. They all looked at the old witch rather confused. "It can’t be done" she told them again.

The new Minister of Magic spoke up at this, "And just why not?"

"If you kill Voldemort, you kill Harry Potter. There seems to be a greater connection than we thought, and if Voldemort dies, than it would mean that Harry dies," McGonagall told them calmly. They all looked stunned at the relevation.

"Well, Minerva, it may be a comfort for you to know that 'You-Know-Who' can’t be killed anyways. Minerva, you must think about this though. We have no way of detaining such a powerful wizard. We prefer that he and Harry get killed before he gets loose and kills more innocent people," said one member.

Most of the witches and wizard nodded in agreement.

“How were they connected?” the Minister asked Minerva as he sat up and looked straight into the wet eyes of McGonagall.

“I think there is a more divine connection between the two than the scar. He sees things that the Dark Lord sees and he feels his emotions. He finds himself working as him in his sleep. Is that not a greater connection than just giving Potter a scar? Albus Dumbledore even said that he transferred some of his power to him. This would explain why Potter is a parseltongue! Now imagine this, what if he transferred part of himself into Potter?” McGonagall explained. Her eyes seemingly inheriting the same twinkle that Dumbledore once had in his day. His days were done, now and McGonagall would have to tend to the school, if she wasn’t replaced first by the Ministry.

"We don’t know how we are going to kill him. The unicorn blood has had a greater affect on him than what all the wizards and witches in this room thought. He can regain strength and wipe out this entire Ministry," the Minister told her.

"Perry, I know," McGonagall told the Minister.

There was silence in the room, as Minerva paced back and forth trying to find some way to persuade way them from their attempts on killing Voldemort, knowing that if Voldemort was hurt, Harry was as well.

"What if we tried the opposite way?" a wizard smirked from the back.

Lupin and Trelawney stared at one another, curious as to what McGonagall was doing. Neither of them wanted to leave Harry, or stray off to far. They felt they were bound to protect him till Minerva got back.

A/N: I can be really evil with some of these cliff hangers, eh? I think there will only be one more chapter after this one - so it will be the GRAND FINALE!! I am still creating it though, so *eek* Don't pounce on me when you see that it wasn't updated sooner. I finally finished this chapter today and was very pleased with the outcome. I don't think you liked the cliff hanger though. I am only trying to pull you back into the story :)